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You can read a compilation of articles, Op-Eds, and letters-to-the-editor by Karl Priest.
ATTENTION: Please see my article, about the abortion issue, They Roar, We Ignore.
The message I present to churches is “WE MUST GET OUR CHILDREN OUT!”.
If you feel that God wants you to do something more active for Him please read "Start Swarming".
When I retired, I was inspired to write "Thirty Years and Three Boxes" based upon my teaching career. This article is in my “Legacy” folder which was named thusly after a Little House on the Prairie episode by that name.
(You also may be interested in my Insect, Textbook War, Legacy, and Creation articles.)
*I advise you not to spend time reading what I say if you do not have time to read God’s Word.
"The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. To liken our thoughts to the great thoughts of God would be a gross absurdity. Would you bring your candle to show the sun (or) your nothingness to replenish the eternal all? It is better to be silent before the Lord, than to dream of supplementing what He has written." The Greatest Fight in the World: C.H. Spurgeon's "Final Manifesto," 12-13

The cartoon is from the 1930’s.
Since then the evil seeds have reached middle and elementary schools.