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Say “NO” to Tax Credits

(snips from various sources/posted 2-9-2019)

In this economy, who wouldn’t favor a tax break from a government that seeks to support and control virtually every aspect of modern life?  Besides, the argument goes, we all pay taxes and we should be in line to be the beneficiaries of the unfunded largess of the lawmakers.  Everyone else is doing it ….From a larger perspective, it is a common ploy of the Federal government to dangle a carrot in front of states for funding.

But, you say, this isn’t really funding – it’s a return on taxes we have already paid.

True, just like every other deduction you take on your Income Taxes, such expenditures would have to be documented.  In our view, this leaves the door open for inspection and approval.  It is a foothold that we cannot allow the Federal government to establish.

What the state allows, it can also regulate.

Funding (whether outright or in the form of tax credits) comes with expectations.  Is it too far to imagine the accountability that might be required for such a tax credit?  Common standards and standardized testing are two burdens which come directly to mind.

A tax credit would require documentation. Documentation leads to scrutiny and the authority to deny or dismiss unless certain conditions are met, such as requiring only secular materials.


Many homeschoolers feel that we are double jeopardized for our choice to home school. Not only do we have to pay taxes to something to teach society’s children values that we find morally repugnant, but we have to supply our own curriculum. This is absolutely true. But we’re not the only ones paying for a system that we don’t use.

Parents who choose private school pay the same school taxes we do. Childless couples pay the same taxes we do. In essence, if you own a home, you pay taxes to support your public schools regardless of whether or not you have children who go there. If you rent, your landlord pays taxes from your rent….and so indirectly you still pay taxes to support public schools. No one gets out of it. If we start giving tax credits to homeschoolers we also need to give them to parents who choose to send their children to private schools. Then we need to give them to childless essence everyone who doesn’t send their children to public school must get a tax credit.

The first problem with accepting tax credits is that it necessarily means that the government must define who is a home educator and who is not. Do you really want that? It would likely mean federalized paper work, specific type of record keeping, and a set course of instruction.

Having the government define what my qualified expenses are for home schooling makes me squeamish to be honest. I don’t want the government involved in my home schooling–period. While I’m sure I could prove I’m a home educator I’m less sure that my curriculum would be approved as it’s decidedly Christian. And people who use Bob Jones or Abeka…they could forget about being approved as that curriculum is all from one view point. Do you want government approved curriculum?

Accepting the tax credit means that the federal government will have to define who is a home educator and what is a qualified expense. It might not seem that complicated on the outset. But remember that it’s the state government, and not the federal government that currently decides on state education laws. Shifting the power to define who we are and what we teach will not only increase government control in home schools, but it could easily infringe on the rights of parents to teach their own children at home. I know personally, I cannot support increased government involvement in home schooling and so I’m happy to forgo a tax credit.

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