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 Now Hear This! Now Hear This!

By Karl Priest (revised 5-16-14)

The title of this page is taken from a phrase used aboard a Navy ship prior to an announcement over the speaker system (1MC for Main Circuit). Lots of trouble comes to those who do not pay attention.

So, now hear this!

"America has spawned a liberal/left generation raised in godless state controlled schools…A student becomes like his teacher... Is it any wonder the younger generation is almost completely pagan when public schools are totally heathen? Atheist school systems can’t produce Christian students. Jer. 10:2 says, “Learn not the way of the heathen.” What part of ‘learn not the way of the heathen’ do the 90% of Christians, who put their kids in heathen schools, not understand?"
Bob and Gerri Boyd Issues in Education (

Please listen to three programs from Bob and Gerri and you will understand why we must RESCUE OUR CHILDREN!

(MS Windows users can save the MP3 file to a location of their choice (suggestion: desk top) by right-clicking the "Listen" link for this program, located on the right side of the webpage. Then select the "Save Target As" option in order to select a location for the MP3 (or other such as m3u) file.  It will be titled number, (such as "1106.m3u") which you can rename later.) 

Changing Our Destiny (Program 1108) 6/27/2009

Fox News reported the only religion increasing in numbers is atheism. Many top Christian leaders say we have lost the culture war. What role are public schools playing in the degeneracy of our culture? An anonymous Christian public high school teacher says parents think their child is being “salt and light,” but he sees them lose their faith at his school.

A Good Exit Strategy (Program 1106) 6/13/2009

No one is trying to silence evolutionists, homosexuals and humanists, who have their beliefs openly taught in public schools…yet Christian beliefs are singled out for elimination... The good news is there are lots of options. Pastor Ron Gleason is the California Director of Exodus Mandate and says parents are given by God the responsibility to educate their children. Churches can help by providing affordable Christian education, even using churches as schools.

Dewey’s Revolution (Program 1119) 9/12/2009

We are in a cultural revolution brought about by an educational revolution .

How did America go from knowing right from wrong to a nation where evil is good and good is evil? How has atheism taken over public schools? We have had a revolution in America that has overthrown traditional, Christian, values and is leading us into a brave new age . President Obama hosted a reception for homosexual activists at the White House and he told them, “I will fight with you and for you.” He also castigated Americans still clinging to worn out arguments and old attitudes about family. What old attitudes is he referring to? The idea that marriage means one man and one woman ? That children deserve mothers and fathers ? Sadly, that’s exactly what he was referring to. Where did he get his ideas and beliefs? The one man who has had greater influence over American education is John Dewey.

John Dewey changed our culture by changing the education of children. Dewey wanted to bring a social revolution to America, and we are seeing its fulfillment. Ted Byfield, author of Why History Matters and a series of history books, The Christians, said, “Dewey, called the father of American education, was an atheist and co-founder of the ACLU, who wanted to liberate people from Christianity. He believed there was no such thing as right or wrong in spelling, grammar or behavior.” Dewey wanted to move education away from traditional ‘authoritarian accumulation of facts’ toward a student’s experience. Morality is whatever each student decides for themselves without rigid rules. But more than that, he wanted to change America by undermining traditional Christianity. He saw churches as a delusion which erected obstacles to a student’s intellectual growth. To Dewey,Christianity was a dying myth. Dewey has had great success in destroying our Christian culture, but in doing that, he is about to destroy our whole society .

Another good program is Freedom to Learn (Program 1128) 11/14/2009 which is an interview with David and Kim d’Escoto authors of The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool.

Also, PLEASE hear what is said by a former teacher interview a former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education.