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Letter about Liberal Attacks on Confederate History

By Karl C. Priest August 19, 2017

My 8-14-17 letter to the Charleston Daily Mail was beefed (with my permission) by the editor and published on 8-19-17. It was in the bottom inside corner, but above it was an editorial "Short Takes" that led down to it with this one above my letter.

Is it ‘1984’ all over again?

“Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished?”

So wrote English author George Orwell in the dystopian novel “1984,” published in 1949.

Orwell continued: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.

Letter: If removing Stonewall’s statue, do others

Fanatical liberals want to remove the statue of Stonewall Jackson from the state Capitol grounds.

They need to move beyond their public school educations and learn that Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson himself would not have been considered racist by his contemporaries.

In fact, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Va. still contains a stained glass window installed in the church in 1906 as a memorial to Jackson. That window was installed by the son of a slave who Jackson had taught in Sunday school at a black church.

If they are going to remove Jackson’s statute, the fanatical liberals should rally to remove the statue of Abraham Lincoln , who, like his contemporaries, used the N word, told racist jokes, believed that blacks were inferior to whites, and wanted to transport former slaves to Liberia.

Maybe we should all unite with the fanatical liberals to rid West Virginia of all memorials to a former Klan leader who once said he “would never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side” and that he would rather “die a thousand times ... than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.”

That person is none other than our state’s own late senator and political leader, Robert C. Byrd.

Karl Priest

Original letter:

Fanatical liberals want to remove the statue of Stonewall Jackson from the capitol grounds.

The fanatical liberals need to move beyond their public school educations and learn that Stonewall Jackson was not a racist. In fact, a son of slaves made sure a memorial window dedicated to Jackson was placed in a black church. See

The fanatical liberals should rally to remove the statue of Abraham Lincoln who used the N word, told racist jokes, and believed that blacks were inferior to whites. Got that from

But, we can all unite with the fanatical liberals and work to rid West Virginia of ALL memorials to a former Klan leader who once said he “would never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side” and that he would rather “die a thousand times…than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.” That is none other than Senator Robert Byrd.