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Dumb Dozen Diversion

By Karl C. Priest 12-1-20

I sent the following guest op-ed to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. Not surprisingly, it was not published. (i.e. It was censored.)

After reading “Trumpian delusions will linger once he's gone” (Charleston Gazette-Mail, November 27) by Marshall University emeritus Professor of Psychology Joseph Wyatt I had to respond. Dr. Wyatt thinks that people like me (conservatives) suffer from “Trumpian-induced reality myopia” and are “Mr. Trump’s worshipers.”

Rather than attack his article as ignorant and narrow-minded, I am going to offer Dr. Wyatt and other liberals a generous gift.

In keeping with the season, I hereby submit an activity to the public domain for liberals to freely use for family and friend interactions. The activity would also work well for liberal psych counseling sessions by Dr. Wyatt. It can be done anywhere (subject to social distance mandates) or via technological means such as Zoom or Facebook video chat.

It consists of a dozen dumb things that conservatives believe. The rules and scoring are flexible, but one option follows.

Everyone gets a copy of the “Dumb* Dozen” list (below) and ranks them from 1-12 on a dumb scale with 1 being the dumbest and 12 (while still dumb) is the least dumb belief on the list.

Once everyone has their rankings marked, someone (probably in alphabetical order by first name) begins the discussion. The first person reads what he/she/it thinks is the #1 dumb belief of conservatives. Let’s say it is Albert who says, for example, “I ranked ‘legalization of marijuana will be a disaster’ as the number 1 dumbest belief.” Albert gets 10 points for each person who also ranked that dumb belief as #1 and 5 points for everyone who ranked it as #2. Next, Beth says, “I ranked ‘immigration laws should not be enforced’ as the 2nd dumbest belief. Beth would get 10 points for all #2 matches and 5 points for all who ranked that dumb belief as #3. This continues from dumb belief rankings 3 through 12. The one with the most points wins.

Discussions can ensue that will lead to lots of laughs at dumb* ideas of conservatives.

I can think of other conservative beliefs that can be added to the list. It can still be called the Dumb* Dozen because all a liberal has to do is truly believe that 13, 14, 15… really equal 12. That should be easy for liberals. So, to help liberals keep track, the ranking would be 12a, 12b, 12c, etc.

Following, in no particular order, are the Dumb* Dozen beliefs held by conservatives.

>legalization of marijuana will be a disaster
>immigration laws should be enforced
>abortion is the murder of pre-born humans
>there are only two genders
>women on warships is a bad idea
>most cops are good guys
>Democrats cheated on the 2020 presidential election
>humans cannot control the climate
>Antifa is a terrorist organization
>the mainstream media supports the Democratic Party
>all “races” can be racist
>America is the greatest nation ever

So, Dr. Wyatt and other liberals can have even more fun mocking conservatives.

Merry CHRISTmas to all liberals.

*As believed by liberals.

See Debate with a Doc for insight into the thinking of Dr. Wyatt.

I did the following for conservatives. It was not submitted to the paper.

Dumb Dozen Diversion

By Karl C. Priest 12-1-20

As a diversion from appearance that liberalism is winning the world, I hereby submit an activity to the public domain for people to use for family and friend interactions. It can be done or via technological means such as Zoom and Facebook video chat.

It consists of a dozen things that liberals believe. The rules and scoring are flexible, but one option follows.

Everyone gets a copy of the “Dumb Dozen” (below) and ranks them from 1-12 on a dumb scale with 1 being the dumbest and 12 (while still dumb) is the least dumb on the list.

Once everyone has their rankings marked, someone (probably in alphabetical order by first name) begins the discussion. The first person reads what he or she thinks if the #1 dumb belief of liberals. Let’s say it is Albert who says, for example, “I ranked ‘the use of marijuana should be legal’ as the number 1 dumb belief.” Albert gets 10 points for each person who also ranked that dumb belief as #1 and 5 points for everyone who ranked it as #2. Next, Beth says, “I ranked ‘immigration laws should be enforced’ as the 2 nd dumbest belief. Beth would get 10 points for all #2 matches and 5 points for all who ranked that dumb belief as #3. This continues from dumb belief rankings 3 through 12. The one with the most points wins.

Discussions can ensue that will lead to lots of laughs at dumb ideas of liberals.

I can think of other dumb beliefs that can be added to the list. Just change the name such as Thick-headed Thirteen, Funny Fourteen, Foolish Fifteen, Stupid Sixteen, Senseless Seventeen, and so on.

Following, in no particular order, are the Dumb Dozen beliefs held by liberals.

>the use of marijuana should be legal
>immigration laws should not be enforced
>pre-born humans can be slaughtered
>there are more than two genders
>many paths lead to heaven
>evolutionism is scientific
>Democrats did not cheat on the 2020 presidential election
>humans can control the climate
>Antifa is not a terrorist organization
>the mainstream media not biased against conservatives
>only the white race be racist
>America is not the greatest nation ever



>Covid-19 did not come from China
>anal intercourse is healthy
>most cops are bad guys
>women on warships is a good idea
>all religions lead to heaven
>public schools are not pagan indoctrination centers
>liberals are not hypocrites