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The Lie: Evolution


YEC-Yes or No ?

By Karl Priest January 4, 1998 (link below added 1-22-14)

I wrote to several national ministries and inquired about their position on a young earth and a worldwide flood. This research resulted from a concern for the heretical teachings of Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) and how much Ross appeals to many Christians.

I do not question the Christian experience, or dedication, of any of these men or organizations. However, I believe that belief in an old earth and local flood is an attack upon the foundations of major Bible doctrines and is a prelude to the slide into theistic evolution and on to materialistic evolution. I believe that the average Christian has a limited amount of funds to invest in

Christian ministries and good stewards will want to direct their support to those who hold sound doctrine in Genesis.

First, those who unequivocally state they believe in a young earth and worldwide flood are: Ravi Zacharias—RZIM (Norcross, GA) John MacArthur--Grace to You (Panorama City, CA), Ron Hutchcraft Ministries (Wayne, NJ), D, James Kennedy--Coral Ridge Ministries (Fort Lauderdale, FL), Spiros Zodhiates--Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel (Chattanooga, TN), Moody (Chicago, IL), Nature's Friend Magazine (Goshen, IN), John and Eileen Pandleton--Missionaries (Zacatecas, MX), Lonnie Melashenko--Voice of Prophecy (Los Angeles, CA), Caleb Campaign (West Frankfort, IL), and Eden Communications (Gilbert, AZ).

The following ministries waffled on the issue and would not make a clear statement as to what they believed: Pat Robertson--CBN (Virginia Beach, VA), Ben Hadin--Changed Lives (Chattanooga, TN), Billy Graham Evangelistic Association--(Minneapolis, MN), Charles Stanley--In Touch (Atlanta, GA), David Noebel--Summit Ministries (Manitou Springs, CO), Hank Hanegraaff--Christian Research Institute (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA), Chuck Swindol--Insight for Living (Anaheim, CA), Chuck Colson--Prison Fellowship (Washington, DC), Craig Branch--Watchman Fellowship (Birmingham, AL), Thru The Bible (Pasadena, CA), Mart DeHaan--RBC (Grand Rapids, MI), Jesus People (Sacramento, CA)„ and Promise Keepers (Denver, CO).

These groups would not reply to the questions (or, replied that they would not take a position): Campus Crusade for Christ (Orlando, FL), Full Gospel Christian Business Men's International ( Costa Mesa CA), Jerry Falwell (Lynchburg, VA), Kenneth Copeland (Ft. Worth, TX), Jonathan Cahn--Hope of Glory (Lodi, NJ), Fred Price--Crenshaw Christian Center (Los Angeles, CA), John Hagee (San Antonio, TX), Rod Parsley--World Harvest (Columbus, OH), Benny Hinn (Orlando, CA), Carmen (Tulsa, OK), Morris Cerullo (San Diego, CA), Navigators (Colorado Springs, CO), Charisma Magazine (Palm Coast, FL), Christian Book Warehouse (Longwood, FL), Religion Analysis Service (Robbinsdale, MN), and Inter-Varsity (Downer's Grove, IL).

The groups that support Hugh Ross or believe in at least one of the doctrines of an old earth/local flood are: Robert Schuller--Crystal Cathedral (Garden Grove, CA), Viewpoint--Church of God (Anderson, IN), James Dobson--Focus on the Family (Colorado Springs, CO), TBN (Santa Ana, CA), Spiritual Counterfeits Project (Berkeley, CA), Guidelines (Laguna Hills, CO), Reed Jepson-Definitions (La Hadra, CA), and Christian Book Distributors (Peabody, MA).

None of these groups has a strictly creationist ministry and would probably deny any acceptance of evolution. If anyone has proof that any of the groups mentioned in this article has changed its position I would like to be contacted. Also, please send copies of letters from these, or other, groups.

Ravi Zacharias made a very clear statement about his position. He said, "I personally have always held to the literal six day creation...I am firmly committed to a young earth." Billy Graham referred me to the Institute for Creation Science. Charles Stanley sent an ambiguous anti-evolution tape but Stanley ignored repeated calls and letters requesting him to be specific.

Chuck Swindol's mail screener said Swindol holds to a six day creation, but hasn't made a stand in his messages. The screener's personal comments were not pro-young earth. Chuck Colson believes in the worldwide flood. He does not know about the age of the earth. Craig Branch, of Watchman Fellowship, has the correct doctrine, but is open to Hugh Ross dogma. Thru the Bible claims correct doctrine, but its printed literature refers to possibility of millions of years. The Jesus People organization claims belief in a literal Genesis 1-11 and a worldwide flood, but says it does not matter if the days were 24 hours or not. The Religion Analysis Service catalogue lists no Ross material.


There is no excuse, theologically or scenically, for accepting the claim that the earth is older than ten thousand years. The question How Old is the Earth? has been answered.