By Karl Priest November 3, 2014
(revised 2-15-21)
I have a buggy blog called “Things That Bug Me” where I use street smarts, country common sense, and a biblical basis to say what Hannity, Limbaugh et al. won’t say. For example:
We can win everything and lose it all! If we do not win the hearts and minds of the next generation—it is all a waste!! We must rescue our children!!!
Please see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRGZLSVph3A, http://insectman.us/exodus-mandate-wv/index.htm and http://www.youtube.com/user/IndoctriNationMovie.
That makes some people mad, but it is not just liberals. I have been banned from both the (sick) loony left Huffington Post and the (self-) righteous right Tea Party Nation and Teabook.
Since my posts were clean and reasonably respectful (but tough with loon-lefty liberals), it had to be because the points stung the HuffPost censors.
The Tea Party Nation dictator banned me for proclaiming that today’s conservatives seriously need to see what happened in 1974 when this culture war was launched. That single censor caused lots of conservatives to miss important information. Liberal censors are loathsome, but conservative censors stink.
The liberal Charleston Gazette led the charge accusing the Courageous Corps of 74 as censors. Since then, the supposed conservation Charleston Daily Mail has joined the Gazette in censoring many of my articles and censoring most all information favorable to the Courageous Corps of 74.
Censorship by any name is still censorship!
Also see Why Protester Voices —the 1974 Textbook Tea Party Qualifies as a Banned Book
The following report was originally posted in 2014 Articles, Letters and Op-Eds Urging Folks to Rescue Their Children.
I submitted an article to the Charleston Gazette and the Charleston Daily Mail. It was censored. Following is the exchange between the editors and me.
Items dated in red are from the editors (censor). Items dated in blue are from me.
April 3, 2014
(I sent the above article to the Gazette editor.)
June 24, 2014
Is my article in queue?
July 3, 2014
No, we do not have a submission from you currently pending.
July 3, 2014
Was my submission of The Problem is NOT Politicians "declined"?
Thank you.
July 16, 2014
Hi, Karl,
Your submission was declined. Thank you.
July 16, 2014
Please tell me the reason.
Thank you.
July 28, 2014
On July 16 I wrote:
Please tell me the reason.
Thank you.
I know you are busy, so I will assist you.
My article was censored (oops >declined<) because:
a. It was grammatically below Gazette standards.
b. It would offend the many preacher subscribers.
c. It would have brought the word ratio of me and local liberal contributors to more than 5 to 1000.
July 28, 2014
Hi, Karl,
I no longer have your article to remind myself why I declined it. I'm sure it wasn't A., so let's go with B.
Dawn Miller
July 29, 2014
Knowing the liberal mind, I think it was C.
June 26, 2014
Hello Mr. McElhinny: (Note: Somehow, probably due to the website, I got the name wrong.)
May I submit a guest column?
Thank you.
Karl Priest
June 26, 2014
Mr. Priest.
I am Mr. Kelly Merritt, editorial page editor of the Charleston Daily Mail.
We will happily consider an opinion column for consideration. Please keep it to about 600 words or less. No promises that we will run it, but we will consider.
Send it to editor@dailymailwv.com.
Thank you.
Kelly Merritt
June 26, 2014
Hello Kelly:
Thank you for considering this column. The Gazette used to run my articles on occasion as a token conservative. They seem to have stopped.
I'd like to make my new home at the Daily mail which I used to deleiver as a boy.
June 30, 2012
Thanks Karl.
We try to keep letters to about 250 words. This is 500. Can you reduce it by about half?
June 30, 2012
From your 6-26 email: (I quoted his email.)
July 1, 2014
I did say that, didn't I? :-)
I'm sorry, I was thinking of a letter to the editor instead of a column. I will pass this along for consideration.
July 28, 2014
Hello Kelly:
Will my article be published?
Thank you.
July 29, 2014
Thanks for sending. I don't plan to publish this piece. I'm sorry, but as a reader, I find it difficult to follow and stay interested in.
If you want to work on it and resend, you may. The steady repetition of P words is one of the things that makes it difficult, I believe.
Or, if you want to shorten it as a letter (250 words max) you may, which may make it an easier read. But as a column (and I know I offered you that) I'm afraid it doesn't hold the reader's interest as written.
Thanks again.
Kelly Merritt
July 29, 2014
Here you go. This IS NOT a letter. It is a short column which I can add to if you want. Thanks.
Praying for the Creator God to touch the hearts of politicians is not enough!
The best politician will not waste taxpayer’s money. But, it is obvious that politicians will not fulfil a primary duty of government which is the protection of human rights of the pre-born. If politicians will not stop the mass murder, then it must be done by preachers.
America’s problems (particularly the carnage of children) are mainly due to preachers.
First, the false shepherds as described in 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15. A news report disclosed there are atheists filling Christian church pulpits. The baby butchering Planned Parenthood has a “Clergy Advisory Board”. There is a “Clergy for Choice Network.”
Next are televangelists suckering folks into thinking God will bless them if they send money. They have done more harm than all atheists. Not far behind those shysters are mega-church “no hell” preachers.
Last, too many “my ministry” local preachers only want membership and money.
After I exposed blasphemy of Jesus Christ in local schools not one preacher called for Christians to rescue their children from those pagan seminaries. Failure to do so produces mindless voters for Republicrite and Demoncrat baby-killers.
A pro-life message alone is inadequate. A place to start is the “40-40 Face the Facts” plan. Piety must be mixed with courageous action to stop the annihilation of the precious babies!
I pity America without pastors like those who have preceded them.
July 31, 2014
Will the piece be published as an article?
Thank you.
August 4, 2014
I hope you are well.
What is your decision?
August 5, 2014
Thank you for the reminder. I didn't mean to ignore your previous note.
My editor and I have reviewed your letter and elect not to publish it in the Daily Mail.
Thanks for submitting, however.
Kelly Merritt
August 5, 2014
Censorship, even the way you phrase it, is censorship.
The blatantly liberal Gazette has published a few of my articles over the years. I almost considered myself their token conservative. The pseudo Daily Mail, to my recollection, has never printed a word of mine other than in the letters column. Curing the Great Textbook War we always had more respect for the Gazette’s integrity.
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." A.J. Liebling
I cannot locate the email, but previously I informed Ms. Miller that the Gazette is guilty of censorship. She told me that newspapers cannot censor. That contradicts the definition of censorship:
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other such entities. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship)
Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups.
“What Liberal or Right Wing Media? It's Just Corporate Media.”
In 2013 I began to get irritated with the Gazette. Hereis an email I send to the Editorial Page Editor, Dawn Miller.
3-11-13 (After she refused my request to respond to an attack she published.)
Your decision is disappointing, but not surprising.
Since you allowed a personal attack (not on the merits of the content of) on me after my last article, without allowing me a response, it became apparent that the Gazette has a limited amount of a sense of fair play and the values of TRUE liberalism.
Coincidentally, I recently read something related to the subject of the "duties" of a local newspaper. See
I would love to see a comparison word-count of conservative guest op-eds to liberals.
Also see Karl Censures the Censors.