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This article and those on abortion, homosexuality, evolutionism, racism, and Islam fit what Dr. Martin Luther King said: “Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but because conscience tells one it is right.”

“If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.” (Winston Churchill) When this article was written I was unaware of this quote. It is so very appropriate because, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” (Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.)

“Apply every pressure. Take every measure. Challenge every equivocation. Set up every confrontation. Shout it from the housetops. Hammer while the iron is hot!” Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo

"A wiseman's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left."  (Ecc. 10:2 KJB) (Emphasis mine)

Liberalism IS Evil!
(Compromised Conservatism is too

By Karl Priest January 6, 2015


NOTE: There are lots of links on this page. Over time, many are lost for various reasons. I appreciate being notified of broken links. For reference purposes, in most cases, I will leave the broken link so the reader can see where the original quote was obtained.

If liberalism is compared to roach infestation, then it must be eradicated. Liberals are vindictive, vicious and vile. “The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.” Psalms 37:12-13

This page is intended to be a resource page on the evil (wickedness) of liberalism and will be updated as items and ideas arrive. Most updates will be additions to the Addendum. Footnotes within the body of the article may not be in consecutive order.) I have used many verbatim quotes from various veracity expounders and have designated such with quotation marks, some italics, and always hot-linked to the source.

Addendum/Footnotes: 1=Background 2=Liberalism Explained 3=Liberalism Rejected 4=Laughing at Liberalism 5=Environmentalism & Climate Change 6=Bible 7=Christianity/Pastors & leaders 8=Tolerance 9=Guns 10=Homosexuality & ETC. 11=Politics & Government 12=Military 13=Miscellaneous 14=Racism 15=Education16=Abortion (baby murder)17=Capital Punishment 18=Evolutionism 19=Sexism/Feminism 20=Conservative Compromise 21=Religion & Humanism/Atheism /New Age 22=Islam 23= Immigration 24=Burt's Bombs

“How can anyone successfully diagnose dementia in an aging liberal? I mean, what’s the tipoff? Do they suddenly wake up one day in their seventies or eighties and start making sense?” Burt Preluksy (See last footnote.)


This article (1) is not intended to be a study of the history of liberalism. Neither is it an attempt to distinguish between progressivism and liberalism. Each has become so inter-twined that, for all practical purposes, there is no difference. Actually, liberalism is so lousy that it has blended with socialism, communism, and fascism. If America is the human body, then progressives are pathogens, leftists are lesions, socialists are STDs, fascists are fatal fractures, communists are cancers, and liberals are lupus. All conditions are lethal and life-threatening. Another synonym is secularism. “Secularism and communism are the same thing. They’re godless. They’re anti-Christ." If you want to study the political subject deeper, besides the dictionary and Wikipedia, I have listed some sources (with different points-of-view) in the addendum (2).

A true liberal is someone who is open to all ways of thinking. Such a person is rare and maybe already extinct. Actually, conservatives are more tolerant of others than professing liberals. There are some likeable liberals. It is their ideology that is insidious. Liberalism has morphed into leftism which is synonymous to Cultural Marxism. “The left's (liberalism’s) vision is not only a vision of the world, but also a vision of themselves, as superior beings pursuing superior ends.” says Thomas Sowell.

Lots of kind-hearted folks have been taken in by the Democrat Party which should be called the Liberal Party. Liberals, as individuals, must be prayerfully encouraged to reach out to reality and, actually, REPENT. Some can be lovingly led to the light. (3) The ones who refuse subject themselves to the consequences (exposure as frauds and fools) of clinging to their dogma of liberalism. Liberalism must undergo a full frontal attack of facts and farce until only the most fanatical adherents continue to confess that woeful worldview. (4)

Everyone needs to have a Popeye Moment regarding evolutionism.

Compromising Christians are like leprosy, but liberals are the most dangerous threat to America. Communists are like poisonous snakes. Muslims are like rabid dogs. Liberals are like lethal cancer. Liberals are our enemies. We don't shoot them, or shout them down, but they must be shut down by scoffing them into silence.  

Since I have a keen interest in insects, another analogy of liberalism to America comes to mind. A beautiful, healthy caterpillar can be attacked by a parasitic wasp who places her eggs inside the caterpillar. The insertion is hardly noticed and the caterpillar goes on about its business. The eggs hatch and the larvae (baby wasps) begin to drink the caterpillar’s blood, but avoid damaging the vital organs. The larvae “soon become masters of their unwillingly accommodating slave.” The caterpillar’s immune system is disabled by a virus that came with the wasp eggs. The caterpillar has to eat 1½ times as much food as it normally would and soon becomes bloated with the growing larvae weighing nearly a third of its weight. After a period of time the larvae secrete a chemical that paralyzes the caterpillar and they begin cutting their way to the outside. Next they spin cocoons and the zombie caterpillar uses its own cocoon silk to cover the wasps at this stage of their lives. The caterpillar “stays near the cocoons like some kind of brainwashed guardian” fighting off attacks from enemies of the wasps until the caterpillar starves to death. The caterpillar is America and the wasps are liberals!

An unsaved Jew expresses why hatred is sometimes necessary. “Hating evil is just as important as loving the good. Because if you don’t, you’re likely to give evil a pass… To be truly righteous, it’s not enough to love good people. You have to hate—and fight—bad people… But, on the political left (11), hatred has gone out of vogue… Many of the mainline Protestant denominations speak of loving one’s enemies. They quote Jesus as to the need to “turn the other cheek.” But Jesus never said to love God’s enemies, those whose entire existence is dedicated to mayhem and murderer. And he never exhorted his followers to turn the other cheek to those who behead hostages or use children to blow up American soldiers… Those who do not hate the wicked harbor an insufficient love of the innocent. Our responsibility is to protect the vulnerable from the ravenous claws of the terrorists rather than finding excuses for their slaughter… Exhortations to hate all manner of evil abound in the Bible… Martin Luther King, Jr., famously said, ‘We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.’”

Christians and conservatives can no longer be silent or slushy. We must firmly proclaim that liberalism is evil!


“Controlling our own agenda is a learned skill that the enemies of freedom will not respectfully recognize or honor. We must learn to be on the offensive and not expect the enemies of freedom to like it. Being on the offensive often means growing a thicker skin and being purposely offensive when necessary. Trying to always be “nice” is rarely conducive to initiating meaningful reform and political change. Inviting the devil to dinner will get us nowhere.” Timothy D. Manning. Article in the Copperhead Chronicle (Vol. 14, No. 4, 4 th Quarter 2012)

In many years of dealing with liberals who preach the lie of evolutionism, I have concluded that there is no one more narrow-minded than a self-proclaimed “open-minded” liberal.

Liberals are a crying, whiny, unhappy authoritarian lot, but they have been so since I was nine years old. Liberals lost their soul the day JFK died; they have hated and blamed America ever since. They have also impressed that hate and blame upon four subsequent generations. They are utterly out of legitimate complaints. This fact makes them even more whiny and authoritarian as they go after smaller and smaller game armed with the power of regulation and mental suffocation. The left got rid of religion in America so they could become God.”

Liberals viscously verbally attacked Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin. So much for the liberal lie of caring about blacks and women! Liberals are vicious in vilifying Christians and conservatives, but shriek like little girls if they get criticized. Joshua T. Caldwell correctly calls “ Political Correctness ” c ensorship .” “ To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” (attributed to Voltaire)

A national example of how liberals “play” is the way the IRS targeted the Tea Party and the liberal court ruling that resulted. Liberals jump on any criminal act committed by anyone they can remotely relate to a conservative position.

Just watch liberal commentators on conservative news sites and it is readily apparent that liberals do not want to communicate with conservatives. They do not want to “live and let live”. They want to censor and silence conservatives. It is as if they are on a mission to fervently preach their dogma. Couple that with the evil things promoted by liberalism and liberals become the Devil’s disciples.

Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America by Ben Shapiro was written because “the left was completely uninterested in political discussion, and instead was interested in resorting to bully tactics to slime their opposition’s character… the left were more interested in demonization than they were in debate… The media are the greatest of all the leftist bullies, because they play at objectivity while sliding the knife in as deep as humanly possible… How can we fight back?... If they lie about us, we will tell the truth about them… We cannot win unless we see this as a war.”

Let’s sic our satirist on liberals. Let’s sink liberalism with sarcasm.


Liberalism/leftism is a loathsome view of life for lunatics.

Liberalism is a form of insanity according to Michael Savage in Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions.

Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., a forensic psychiatrist, explained liberalism in The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. He said, “The modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities.” And “Despite all the evidence against it, the modern liberal mind believes his agenda is good social science. It is, in fact, bad science fiction. He persists in this agenda despite its madness.” Dr. Rossiter also said, liberalism is a “product of psychopathology: a massive transference neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating effects on the institutions of liberty.”

I think liberals are merely in state of sensibility stupor. Some of their political and social (immigration, national defense, the environment, gun control, and globalism) range from naïve to nutty. On certain issues, liberal looniness is lethal. They look at a cosmos which has been observed for thousands of years by billions of people as devolving and imagine they see evolution--thereby siding with anti-science. They ignore the overwhelming medical evidence that homosexual behavior is physically and mentally devastating but they promote it (sodomy) as normal. There is nothing “gay" about homosexuality. (10) Liberals look at images of preborn children and say it is acceptable to kill the kids. People either leave liberalism, by taking a ride on the reality road, or slide into senseless stupidly.

Progressive (liberal) icon and the founder of baby-killing Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger was proud to have spoken to a KKK group. She was an advocate of the progressive cause called eugenics. Eugenics is the ultimate evolution. Long loved liberal and KKK leader, the late Robert Byrd, who “refused to join the military because he might have to serve alongside ‘race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.’”

“Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.” (anonymous) If it was a sports contest it would be one side (conservatives) playing under the rules with honor and the other side (liberals) cheating at every opportunity. When conservatives score a point, liberals have a temper tantrum. An abiding axiom: LIBERALS LIE. Liberals will cheat, connive, and censor without contrition. If a liberal’s lips are moving he/she is likely speaking lies or spewing lunacy.

Accurate Axioms:
1. Liberals are liars
2. Don't trust anything they say--always verify.
3. Presume verification is not final.

About all liberals do is lie and cry. When they get criticized liberals squeal like stuck piglets forced to take a bath. The males, especially, cry like little girls when they don’t get what they want.

A perpetual postulate: LIBERALS LACK LOGIC. Liberal Logic is lucus a non lucendo (or a misnomer at best). Liberal logic is also an oxymoron. They hate cigarette smoke, but love dope smoke. They see the havoc and heartache caused by alcohol and drug abuse, yet they push (pun intended) illicit drug legalization and are hunky-dory with glorification of booze use. Liberals look at logic like a leech looks at logarithms. It does not compute. Liberals literally live in La La Land.

Speaking of liberal thinking, reminds me of a discussion I had with a religious liberal Charleston Gazette editor. After we exchanged some emails I was struck with the thought that liberals are full of faith, fantasy, and faulty logic.

Liberals love labor unions along with many conservatives, but labor unions are not biblical. Some of my ancestors needed union help during the Coal Mine Wars. Now unions are useless except for helping liberals bring down America. I formerly was an aggressive member (picket captain during West Virginia's major teacher strike) of the NEA/AFT for over 20 years during which I gained firsthand insight that the teacher unions are contributing to the ruination of the United States of America. I left the Union for my last ten, or so, years of my career.

Mother Jones magazine claimed that "more Americans have been killed by conservative terrorists than by Islamic terrorists since September 11, 2001.” When Gabrielle Giffords and others were shot (2011) liberals tried to blame Tea Party rhetoric. In 2013 leading liberals were quick to blame the Boston Marathon attack on conservatives.

Liberals blame guns for murders which is as logical as blaming forks for fat people. More deaths and heartache have occurred due to automobiles than by bullets fired by civilians.

Feminism is a subset of liberalism. So called feminists are not feminine in a wonderful Biblical sense--they are merely liberal females. That, by the way, is not a compliment. The War on Women is waged by loathsome liberals. Allowing women in combat units or on United States warships is an abomination. I know, personally, that going to sea is tough for a man. No woman should have to endure the experience. I can only imagine how that would be compounded in a combat situation. Insect societies such as wasps and ants let the females do the fighting—that is what God designed —that is what God designed for those creatures. Something sadder than a maimed man is a limbless lady. Any healthy male who allows a woman to fight for him is a sissy-boy disgrace. Women are not equal with men physically or emotionally. Women are special, and a happy woman understands God’s design for humans. The Factual Feminist sets the leftist “ladies” straight.

“The disdain liberals have for Western virility is not surprising. America’s traditional male virtues are not compatible with a culture of dependency… Clearly, in order for traditional masculinity to oppress the world as liberals envisioned it, an alternative reality must be created. In the egalitarian paradise imagined by the left, government and laws — not self-reliance or the Second Amendment — protect innocent victims from criminals. This fantasy is similar to imaging that people can choose to be the opposite gender from which they were born, or that America’s masculinity, not liberal ideology, is what plagues the world… In fact, compelling the rest of us to pretend that fantasy (feminine or otherwise) is reality and that lies are truth seems like a diabolical madness in and of itself. Most disturbingly, liberals aim to impose their effeminate affliction on the rest of us as the remedy to all the world’s injustices, as they actually believe that America’s masculinity is the supreme culprit… For a metrosexual narcissist, eunuchs and effeminate men are surely the least threatening types of males. The exotic fantasy to fundamentally transform America into some collectivist Sodom and Gomorrah might be linked to the  purging of masculine men from America’s military… Undermining masculinity also weakens our society in general." 

A second subset of liberalism is environmentalism. (5) God instructed us to be stewards of his creation and specifically to “ replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over” the created creatures (Genesis 1:28), but His Great Commission was to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations” about Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19). Liberals are want to save seals rather than souls. Liberals cry over a tree and kill babies with glee. Environmentalism is closely aligned with evolutionism which is part of Earth Worship and a key to the One World Government to come. In this context, it should be noted that “ Nobel Physics laureate Ivar Giaever has called global warming a ‘new religion.’” Biological anthropologist and medical Doctor, Michael Crichton said, “ Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism.” Also, Liberal conservationism has proven to do more harm than good.

Another subset of liberalism is “diversity” or “multiculturalism”. Walter Williams called “multiculturalism a ‘cancer on Western society.’ As is typically the case, Professor William is right on target. In fact, I go even further in my assessment of this malignant tenet of secular humanism… (M)ulticulturalism is leftist code for a worldview that seeks the destruction of Christianity and traditional American values… American students are subjected to 12 years of multicultural propaganda in the public schools.”

Allowing an influx of illegal (mostly Mexican) and dangerous (mostly Muslim) immigrants not only flaunts the law, but it sets America up to be taken down. It is like a human drinking a slow acting poison. Allowing our borders to be inundated with illegals is liberal insanity at its best. Not only is it flaunting the law, it is like a human drinking poison. “(It) it is evident in scripture that borders are vital to the stability and order of a civil society…Liberal Churches stand up for illegal immigrants and encourage law breaking...We may fairly conclude that it displays questionable judgment to rigidly construct an immigration policy for 21st century America based on a handful of Scripture passages taken out of context or from particular instances of migration spanning centuries, vastly different nations and kingdoms, wholly different circumstances, etc. found in Scripture…Rather, carefully discerning applicable principles better fits the situation…Americans find immigration policy causing their nation to suffer unnecessary consequences." Also, using a liberal worldview for American foreign policy is asinine. Liberal leadership would have lost the Cold War (Of which I had a very small part.). “Liberals can keep putting out their silly little movies about the BNOFUM (Black Night of Fascism Under McCarthy), but it's over. The truth is out, for all to see. Documents proving McCarthy's case, as well as the left's campaign of lies about him, will always be just an Amazon click away.”

Only a fool or someone who is intentionally ignorant or someone who is brain-washed or someone who is a liberal—wait, the word “liberal” is a synonym for each of the first three categories—does not realize that Islam is at war with America. Actually, they are at war with the world. They know that if America falls, the rest will too. Any Muslim who is not a strong believer in Jihad is the same as a lukewarm (or fake) Christian. He is not following what his Book says. Whenever liberals cram the Crusades down your throats point them to Four Myths about the Crusades.

Liberals allowed Muslims to have a Muslim service in the National Cathedral claiming Muslims might reciprocate. “But Christian convert and former Muslim Dr. Mark Christian said the gesture will never be reciprocated by Muslims. They would never allow Christians into a mosque sanctuary to hold a Christian-led prayer service. 'No, not ever. They can let Christians and Jews only in the U.S. and West sometimes into their mosques, because they have an agenda, but they will let them in the basement or another room, not in the main sanctuary and certainly not to say a Christian prayer.'” We should "Laugh at Angry Muslims Demanding We take Their Homicidal "Religion" Seriously."

Here is how to lambast liberalism using another one of its pathetic projects: “MSNBC has tanked not only because they have no interest in pretending to be anything other than a Democratic mouthpiece; but because they have nothing substantive to say. Their hosts are ardently Leftist, and their guests are often loons. When I watch MSNBC—more often than not for comic relief–the more I feel like I’ve been drugged, and transported to Russia, circa 1980. It’s Pravda. They will accept anything a guest says, so long as it fits within the architecture the Left has built for them.”

The religion of most liberals is Atheism which is an absurd belief. Atheists must face up to fallacies in their logic. Either an atheist claims to know, without a doubt, that there is no God thereby making himself omniscient or, the atheist makes a faith statement that he does not believe in God. The foundation of atheism is non-existent evolution. "John Lennox, professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford, writes that according to atheism, 'the mind that does science ... is the end product of a mindless unguided process. Now, if you knew your computer was the product of a mindless unguided process, you wouldn't trust it. So, to me atheism undermines the rationality I need to do science.'"

Wazooloo has hilarious videos exposing evolutionism—the basis of liberal religion. When I hear/read True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) present “proof” of evolution I hear Twilight Zone music (Do di do do, do di do do Do di do do, do di do do Do di do do, do di do do ) playing.

There is another dimension beyond that which is known to humanity. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and dark, between sanity and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fear of God and the summit of his understanding. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call Evolutionism. (apology to Rod Sterling)

Beam me up Scotty!

A bigger danger than atheist True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) is BioLogos. World magazine reports, “The brainchild of Francis Collins [bluffing True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE) #100], who now heads the National Institutes of Health, BioLogos has taken in nearly $9 million from the Templeton Foundation and millions more from other donors. BioLogos in turn offers grants to church, parachurch, and academic leaders and organizations that promote 'evolutionary creation'…BioLogos president Deb Haarsma, former chair of Calvin’s physics and astronomy department, says churches that support evolution will be more effective witnesses in a culture that reveres science, and will help college students avoid a crisis of faith when biology professors argue for evolution. The BioLogos website states, ‘Genetic evidence shows that humans descended from a group of several thousand individuals who lived about 150,000 years ago.’” (

It must be confusing being a liberal. They look at a pre-born baby via a sonogram and still say it is not a baby. They grieve over a battered animal and have no sympathy at all for a butchered preborn baby. They see life complicated beyond comprehension and they do not see absolutely anything evolving, yet they deny the Creator. They accuse conservatives of racism yet liberals vote for a man strictly for the color of his skin. Racism is not a simple “black and white” matter.  Contradictions consume liberals. They are “willingly ignorant”. (2 Peter 3:5a)

Watching censorship of the Pro-Life message reveals that liberals are dishonest and irrational. An example of how baby killers operate is exemplified be an account of pro-lifers trying to address students on a college campus. “Pro-abortion students, led by the university-funded “Women’s Center” director, became more angry and attempted to drown out Miss (Devorah) Gilman ( Community Liaison for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform) by shouting. That didn’t work as we turned up the volume on the amplifiers. The pro-aborts became increasingly desperate as they threw coffee at Miss Gilman and tried to pull the plug on our power. At the end of the day, the pro-aborts prevailed on the university president to come out and direct the police to stop our use of our microphone.”

Vaccinations are troubling in potentially more ways than one, but it is ironic that liberals want to force children to have a potentially dangerous substance injected into the children’s bodies while claiming that the bodies of pregnant women are solely that of the women.

Liberals (mainly Hollywood highbrows) who exercise, energize, and surgically excise to look good and the shallow people who admire them. What makes a make-up covered talented human being have a more valued opinion than that of natural hard-working country folk? They both need deodorant. Folks who listen to Hollywood do not perceive the great common denominator—the grave.

Al Gore is a great example of goofy liberals. Gore gets on common guys for gas guzzling while his own lifestyle goes far away from green.

Liberals have no objective basis for morality. They don’t have a leg on which to stand.

Liberals think that mankind is basically good. They do not understand the true nature of man.

Liberals believe anything goes (except for biblical values) and that is just what is happening as America goes down the drain.


Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy exposes liberals for what they really are—hypocrites. When asked about conservative hypocrisy, the author answered, “Yes, we are all hypocrites and I talk about that in the book. But liberal hypocrisy and conservative hypocrisy are quite different on two accounts. First, you hear about conservative hypocrisy all the time. A pro-family congressman caught in an extramarital affair, a minister caught in the same. This stuff is exposed by the mudslinging media all the time. The leaders of the liberal-Left get a complete pass on their hypocrisy. Second, and this is even more important, the consequences of liberal hypocrisy are different than for the conservative variety. When conservatives abandon their principles and become hypocrites, they end up hurting themselves and their families. Conservative principles are like guard rails on a winding road. They are irritating but fundamentally good for you. Liberal hypocrisy is the opposite. When the liberal-left abandon their principles and become hypocrites, they actually improve their lives. Their kids end up in better schools, they have more money, and their families are more content. Their ideas are truly that bad.”

Talking to liberals about morals and logic is like trying to tell a toddler about academics and aesthetics. A liberal, who is also a devout Free Mason, told me he does not go to church because he didn’t want to be around all of the hypocrites yet he faithfully ran a booth at a popular Flea Market every weekend and happily peddled his product to those hypocrites that arrive after they leave church

Liberals have the opinion that they are open-minded, but in reality they are closed-minded bigots. Examples of Intolerant Liberalism are easy to find. Liberals like to make up false slurs, like Islamophobia and homophobia, to mask their Christophobia. Christianophobia is real and Christianphobes “do not tend to think that they are intolerant. Usually those who do not like blacks or Muslims admit that they are intolerant but simply try to justify their intolerance. Those with Christianophobia tend to deny that they are intolerant but rather that they are fairly interpreting social reality. Envisioning themselves as fair and free of intolerance allows them to blame those they detest rather than recognize how their emotions have distorted their intellectual judgments,” report sociologists David Williamson and George Yancey in their book So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States?. A brilliant conservative lady says that rather than Christianaphobia, the “phenomenon emerging among the educated left-wing classes is better dubbed theomisia, or the hatred of God, and by extension God-lovers.” Both terms describe the hate in the hearts of liberals. (8)

Liberal hearts are evil. Here are some things they say they'd like to do to conservative Christians: >“I want them all to die in a fire,” said one man with a doctorate. “I would be in favor of establishing a state for them. . . . If not then sterilize them so they can’t breed more,” said a middle aged man with a master’s degree. “The only good Christian is a dead Christian,” said another under-45-year-old man with a doctorate. “I abhor them and I wish we could do away with them,” said a middle-aged woman with a master’s degree. “A tortuous death would be too good for them,” said a college-educated man between the ages of 36 and 45. “They should be eradicated without hesitation or remorse,” said an elderly woman with a master’s degree… (Many) could think of many laws they wished to pass, from stripping churches of tax exemptions, to banning homeschooling. “Restrict their ability to become judges, senators, representatives, member of Cabinet, military chief of staff and other powerful members of government,” said a man over 75 with a bachelor’s degree… “Churches should not be allowed to provide orphanages and adoption programs,” said one elderly man with a doctorate. “I think we should restrict the indoctrination of children in religious dogma and ritual” said a middle-aged man with a master’s degree. Conservative Christians should “not be allowed to hold political office, be police etc… (J)udges and powerful politicians from San Francisco to D.C. are now acting on these ugly impulses.< Supposedly this is only a little over a third of them. However, it is likely the same as Muslims where most do not do the killing, but approve of it.

I found out just how open-minded liberals are when I teamed with some other military veterans (That’s me on the right with the “Once we have a war…” sign.) to oppose the 2004 presidential candidacy of the traitor John Kerry. It was personal, not political, with us--the group was formed by me, a life-long Independent, and a friend, a life-long Democrat. The first time we appeared, on a public sidewalk, outside of a John Edwards event, we were cursed and even nearly run over by a swerving SUV. Several times, union thugs hassled us by attempting to block our signs from view. Our group was (although quite unique and newsworthy) ignored by nearly all of the news media (actually all of the print media).

The Huffington Post should be renamed Hypocrisy Post. It claims to operate from an open-minded foundation, but my comments have been censored. Huffington, huffed and puffed and couldn’t stand the heat of a different worldview--mine.

Liberals are always griping about “censorship”. It’s funny they want to censor my book Protester Voices—the 1974 Textbook Tea Party.

The liberal Charleston Gazette has published several (not all I submitted) of my articles. The Gazette editors are in a dilemma. If they refuse my pieces it is obvious censorship. Therefore, they likely pray that my opinions will generate little support and much criticism. I have to be a little cynical about the Gazette motives when I am limited to 500 words yet a liberal, who gets as much (if not more) opportunities to opine, had an anti-Christian/conservative piece that had over one thousand words. That is logical to me only if I try to think like a liberal. The Gazette typically places my essay below the fold and on the inside edge. Then the Gazette allows a rebuttal that attacks me personally and will not allow me to respond. That is typical liberal “balance”.

It should be noted that the Gazette has never hesitated to mock Christians, but will not do the same with Muslims.

The atheist Gazette editor (as of 2015) has steadfast faith that life will arise from non-life. He fantasizes that living things are evolving when all he sees (and anyone has ever seen) is that all things are devolving. In his fairy-tale world, he imagines that Bible-believing Christians (i.e. fundamentalists) should become perfect (even sprout wings and wear a halo). He thinks it is atrocious that American military killed thousands of mostly combatants in Afghanistan, yet he has no qualms about the millions of innocent babies that are slaughtered in America. If thinking like that is called logical it must have a prefix. How about loony-logic?

Liberals love certain religions. In 2011 I contacted the Kanawha County Public Library regarding its avid promotion of “Yoga for Kids.” I pointed out the religious foundation of yoga and closed with “I see no problem with an adult lecture format about yoga or any religion. To entice children into a stealth religion is wrong. The St. Albans branch has a program titled “Healthy Camp Challenge” which seems to be a non-religious program that would be beneficial to the well-being of children. I suggest that program replace the religion of yoga program.”

I got the usual liberal righteous rationalization to which I replied: "You indicate that this has been a practice of the KCPL since 2007 'because there is interest in it.' Also, you stated that the program is 'completely voluntary, and parents must give permission and be present.' I wonder if permission would be granted if the library disclosed that yoga is a religious aspect of Hinduism. I urge you to make that clear on the form. On KCPL shelves there is ample documentation that yoga is closely connected to Hinduism. Of course, some parents don’t care, but there are likely many who are unaware."

“Now, since I assume that the KCPL does not want to be guilty of establishment of a particular religion, I will provide information about programs that would be widely popular with patrons of every branch. These programs are connected to the Christian religion, but the presenters would make sure that their program is not like a church service. Of course, unlike the yoga evangelists, these men would not use subterfuge.” To my knowledge the KCPL has never allowed a token appearance from those men.

Liberal religion is rampant in “public” schools including the buckle of the Bible Belt.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,The Many Faces of Science Censorship”, and Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth about Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters are great examples of liberal censorship.

Liberals are not about the free flow of ideas.


The ace of liberalism, the ACLU, is frighteningly fiendish. The power that evil organization wields is sickening. I can think of some accurate labels for the “L”. "Liars" would be a good one. In 2006 I wrote to the ACLU-WV asking for assistance in seeking appropriate legal remedy regarding the promotion of New Age/Eastern mysticism religion of Yoga in Kanawha County schools. I offered to provide references which disclose the religious nature of Yoga.

The ACLU was informed that the argument that Yoga is used only for "relaxation, exercise, and self-confidence" is without merit. If the ACLU allows that argument to prevail then the ACLU should allow creationism to be taught as long as it's for scientific purposes (no Bible or God references) and because it broadens the horizons and increases the cognitive processes of students. I asked, “Although I think there is no such thing--would the ACLU allow the so-called "Christian Yoga" to be used?” Of course, the ACLU rejected my request.

The ACLU website lies when it says “public schools themselves should not be in the business of promoting particular religious beliefs or religious activities.”

In 2008 the problem was worse and I tried again. After another rejection, via a form letter, I wrote: “Since your form letter did not provide a date of my request, nor a restatement of my request, I shall not bother you with restating it here…I must conclude that the ACLU actually approves of the objectionable activity I brought to your attention. Shame, shame on the ACLU." The ACLU knows no such thing as shame. (See my research on yoga.)

The ACLU website brags about its crusade against (the Christian) religion in West Virginia schools. Here are some things the local ACLU brags about on its website: In 20006 they forced the removal of a “portrait” of Jesus from a high. In 2002 they forced a school district to end its graduation prayer policy. In 1999 they caused a county school system to remove the Ten Commandments from being posted. Someone correctly coined the term “Anti Christian Liberty Union”.

REAL hate groups are liberal.


Are Liberals more generous than Conservatives? Not according to the 2004 "Generosity Index" published by the Catalogue for Philanthropy. Conservatives are the most compassionate.

"It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth… Religious people are more likely to give to charity, and when they give, they give more money: four times as much.” The article is devastating to liberals. Conservatives even donate more blood!

A couple of years later another report disclosed that “Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household.”


I have always said that liberals are more dangerous to America than are terrorists. Now, I say that a serious concern of Americans should be compromising conservatives—especially members of the clergy. Compromising conservatives in leadership positions are leading citizen lemmings to a loss in the political battles they place above rescuing their children! (See below.) The most debilitating danger to America is pathetic pantywaist pastors.

Compromising conservatives (the “muddled middle”) are more lethal to traditional American values than loony liberals. Once they are recognized liberals do their damage swiftly and you can see it coming. Compromising conservatives cause societal decay slowly and with (perhaps unintentional—but just as deadly) stealth. They deserve a prominent place of disgrace. FOX News is the “fox in the hen house.” Besides supporting evolutionism, FOX has prominent personalities that pull their punches—or worse. I heard Sean Hannity arguing with a caller who wanted to call liberals "enemies." The caller was correct.

BObama and the Demoncrats drew a line and the Gutless Old Party would not cross it. In 2015 the GOP again mooned its conservative base. Conservatives had to choose whether to kiss it or kick it. History shows how many times they chose the former. The Contract with America was really a CON-tract that continued the slide (a little slower) to ruin for America.

Conservatives, to the Republican Party, are like battered women who keep coming back for a beating thinking it was an accident and the brute really loves them. Democrats and Republicans are two wings of a bird flying the WRONG way! Another way of describing the two political parties is that they are opposite sides of a two-headed (better yet “two-tailed) coin. “Bipartisan” is only used by Demoncrats when they don’t have power and Republicrites when they do have power. The Gutless Old Party needs to be allowed to become a 2nd or 3rd level party, or more accurately admit it is a wing of the Demoncrats.  Conservatives keep grabbing GOP crumbs when we should be growing our own wheat and baking our own bread.

Conservatives must learn from the folks that fired the first shot in the Culture War.  See Today's Tea Partiers need to learn from and be inspired by the Courageous Corps of '74!  See

Although, to simplify communication, I call myself a conservative, I am no longer a conservative. I am a CHRISTIAN.  Where conservative and Constitutional concepts match with that--they are OK.  I am NOT a conservative or a Constitutionalist. I am a CHRISTIAN as in BORN AGAIN.

A biblical worldview is defined as "believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today...A worldview serves as a person’s decision-making filter, enabling them to make sense of the complex and huge amount of information, experiences, relationships and opportunities they face in life. By helping to clarify what a person believes to be important, true and desirable, a worldview has a dramatic influence on a person’s choices in any given situation.”

That worldview collides with the worldview of liberalism and conflicts with some of conservatism.


Like any garbage, there can be found some useful items. We should keep that in mind when we listen to conservative talk radio.

Rush Limbaugh said that to “recapture the country” conservatives “are going to have to recapture the public education of this country.” Notice he said "recapture", not "abandon". The system will never be recaptured because we never really owned it. It was built upon sewer sand and only had a token and temporary Tidy Bowl. Limbaugh will never call for the obvious need to have a mass exodus from government indoctrination centers.

The conservative Heritage Foundation is ashamed of its roots in the Great Textbook War. Other groups, including the Tea Party, just do not get it. Contemporary conservatives are likely going to lose because they will make mistakes that the Courageous Corps of ‘74 experience could prevent. More importantly, they continue to let the enemy educate their children! That is beyond foolish!! It is one reason I quit being a conservative.

Many Christians think the multiple-married misled-Methodist Rush Limbaugh is near sainthood. The guy is a talented conservative, but (from what I can see) he is ashamed of the Gospel. He is just another Bug in my Ear. Speaking of Talk Show hosts, Neal Boortz (no longer on the air), the epitome of an Episcopalian, is a baby killing evolutionist (due to his libertarian leanings). Sean Hannity is a confused Catholic. Glenn Beck is a lost Later Day Saint. Michael Savage has ravaged his Jewish heritage. Lovely Laura Ingram, is another compromised Catholic who seeks to salvage the Republicrite Party. She is a good old GOP gal. All of them counsel conservatives, but may God have mercy if we put too much stock in the leadership of those misled men. (Boycott Boortz, Flush Rush, Suspect Beck, Bandage Savage, Handle Hannity Carefully, and leave Laura.) Mark Levin, a lawyer, is likely the most laudable and may lead the lost league, along with Phil Valentine, toward victory if they choose to claim Christ. (Beck is the most dangerous of all. He mixes god talk, kumbaya, and New Age doctrine with his conservative politics.)

The Tom Roten Show is the best talk radio anywhere.


Conservatives have dealt with liberalism as ladies and gentlemen even though liberals are viscous thugs. We have turned the other cheek so many times that both cheeks are bloodied. If the analogy of conservatives as parents and America as their child, then liberals are child rapists and child murderers. Liberals are close to destroying America educationally, morally, spiritually, religiously, racially, economically, and militarily. Liberals have lessened domestic tranquility and peace by their put-downs of the police. Because of liberalism America is weakening and Islam is waiting. We need to call liberals what they are—the ENEMY!

Liberals are more dangerous to America than are terrorists or communists because liberals rot the fabric of society. Liberals have poured their ludicrous lies upon the soil of history and made a muddy mess. We should gleefully grab handfuls of the mud and sling it upon the liberals’ robs of self-righteousness. Those in touch with reality must belittle the beliefs of liberals.

Liberals support social positions that are harmful to human dignity such as welfare without work (excluding those few who really are incapable of doing something--even picking up trash in their neighborhood).

I have seen the devastation caused by alcohol. I doubt if it is much less, if any, than drugs. Wikipedia reports, that appeal of the 18th amendment was based upon "Prohibition became increasingly unpopular during the Great Depression, as the repeal movement, led by conservative Democrats and Catholics, emphasized that repeal would generate enormous sums of much needed tax revenue, and weaken the base of organized crime." Call that " COMPROMISE ." Now we see a repeat with recreation marijuana. Medicine, general science, and even the government know marijuana use is dangerous.

America’s first modern Tea Party sounded the alarm. In 1974 a group of West Virginians sounded the alarm, "THE LIBERALS ARE COMING!" The Courageous Corps of ’74 will echo for evermore! The first modern Tea Partiers proved that conservatives cannot compromise with liberals because liberals are liars. Compromise leads to confusion which ends in collapse.

There is no negotiating with liberals! Any so-called compromise they agree to will only be a delaying tactic (actually a small liberal battle victory) until they can find a way to win the war. Compromise for conservatives puts them into the liberal pot (like the proverbial frog) where they are slowly cooked.

John D. Morris pointed out that Christian living is more than just turning the other cheek for continued smacks. “Scripture frequently refers to the Christian life and work in athletic or combative terms. When all things are considered, reason compels the Christian to enter into the race and fight. 'Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.' (1 Timothy 6:12)… (W)e are well-armed and protected. The 'whole armour of God' includes the girdle of 'truth,' the 'breastplate of righteousness,' shoes of 'the preparation of the gospel of peace,' 'the shield of faith,' 'the helmet of salvation,' and 'the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God' (Ephesians 6:13-17). The warrior’s mouth is filled with prayers and bold speech (vv.18-20); his sword has no scabbard, and his back has no armor, for retreat is unthinkable.”

We win by Bible based ballots, not bullets; by brains, not brawn; by humor, not hate; and by Spirit-led sanity, not swords.

Liberals and their God hating allies understand where the battle rages. If we keep our children in public schools we are going to produce more liberals. We are in a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the precious children of America.  No sane military force sends raw recruits to be trained (and mentally maimed) in the boot-camp of the bad guys.  "Call to Dunkirk" reveals the situation we are in. The first step to victory (if the Lord delays) is to Rescue the Children!

We should never try to “take back” public (government) schools. They were never Christian and only appeared neutral until society sank so low that the true school foundation was revealed. Trying to remove Common Core is a waste of valuable time and effort. Common Core, at best, will only be renamed.  For the sake of discussion, if it could be removed, our children should not be in pagan schools.  Fighting sex-ed or whatever demonic activity arises is also futile. Whatever victories gained will need to be monitored beyond the capacity of hundreds of volunteers. Conservatives will cloud the matter by pushing Charter Schools/School Choice which are NOT the solution. Those conservative cons are simply a government education variation, or as someone said, “The same dog on a longer leash.” The teacher unions and their allies, such as the ACLU, own government schools. They will quickly take back any lost ground and they will not hesitate to do it in an under-handed manner while your group operates honestly and ethically. 

I proved that government schools are irredeemable. No matter how many political gains or wins are made it will all be for naught if we leave our children in government schools.

With technology we already have the means for any willing family to educate their children through the highest levels of math and science.  There are a small minority of people who are in serious need of help. Biblically obedient churches can carry the load. If the parents who were able would be obedient to God (and give up their government "ed" welfare) we could end government schools.

In 2015 Noreen O’Brien pointed out that “(T)he Youth Misery Index (yes, there really is such a thing) is the worst it’s ever been… But the kids of today need not worry because the left is on the case ready to right the world’s wrongs…Liberals will use any means to control children... If the school board can’t scare parents into putting their children back into state run insane asylums, have the state do it for you. Find out something about the parents, anything, and use it as a pretense to steal their kids.”  

As Christians advance in removing children from government schools, liberals will do what they did to the 1974 Textbook Protesters.  There are three levels of attack.

1. Deceive:  The opposition will have infiltrators unite with us in order to gather information.
2. Distract:  The opposition will attempt to cause confusion and even commit acts to discredit us.
3. Destroy:  The opposition will not hesitate to hurt us in whatever way they can.  A great leader opposing the liberal agenda, Great Textbook War leader Marvin Horan, is a prime example.

The United States is being destroyed from within. (7) It is like a huge oak tree that is infested with insects.  For years it looks healthy and then signs of decay start.  Eventually the little pests destroy the oak. It is imperative that we apply a treatment to counteract the infestation!


We must obey the Bible. Jesus said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) However, Jesus never hesitated to offend people with the truth. He was especially harsh with high-brow religionists, saying to some, “ Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33) Jesus despised their sin and was angered at how they caused others to stumble. He called them hypocrites, blind leaders of the blind, fools, liars, whited sepulchers (whitewashed tombs), and said they were of their father the devil. (6) Jesus still loved them so much that He died for their sin. As we lampoon liberalism, we must do so with respect for the liberal, but not masking our ridicule of liberalism. It is similar to “love the sinner, but hate the sin”. We have concern for the liberal, but contempt for liberalism. Even for close friends “The truth is, love and acceptance are not the same thing. The even bigger truth is that love is messy and hard, while acceptance is clean and easy. Love says, ‘Your actions are hurting you. And because I love you, I am going to hold you accountable.’" It is like intervening with a family member who is a drug addict. Tough love is true love.

One way of praying for evil people is provided in scripture. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men… For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all… (I Timothy 2:1, 5-6a) To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God… (Acts 26:18a) And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” (II Timothy 2:26)

Another way to pray for evil people is also provided in scripture. “Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee. (Psalms 5:10) Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.” (Psalms 28:4)

Revenge and punishment belongs to God. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19b) Although “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed…” (Psalms 2:2) Ultimately “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision [a state of being laughed at or ridiculed: a state of being derided-- to say that (someone or something) is ridiculous or has no value]”. (Psalms 2:4)

Knowing we will win is good. Winning souls is great.


I do not support the hate of any individuals or groups. Telling the truth about individuals or groups is an act of love. Hating their teaching is a separate issue. As Christ commands, we are to love liberals as individuals--but He does not expect us to love what they do and teach, especially when they ruin the lives of innocent children. We must not tolerate liberalism. We must strive to eliminate the influence of that damnable doctrine. Christ said it would be better for those that offend children to have a millstone around their neck and they be cast into the sea. (Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2) That is a pretty strong statement.

Getting saved is the solution for liberals. If they reject that free choice then they commit themselves to serving the god of this world. As Christians, we are called to resist that god and his servants. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Liberals, as Satan’s servants, may appear to be wise and wonderful people for their master, "The Devil, Satan", was created as “the most beautiful and most intelligent being in all the universe… the most beautiful and most intelligent being that God ever created… the arch-deceiver, the arch-liar. (As) the most intelligent being of God’s entire creation... (Satan) has been so subtle in his lies and deception that he has fooled the entire population of earth, the actors in this theater of the universe. (Satan) is the perfect example of pride, greed, arrogance, and self-seeking ambition...'And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.'” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

I cannot say what awaits liberals any better than what God put in the Bible. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,  And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”  (Romans 1:17-32)

America MUST turn from her wicked liberal ways!

Christian fundamentalist Bible believers know that “A review of the messages of the Old Testament prophets to a wayward nation of Israel finds a striking parallel between this 'post Christian' America and paganized Israel. Remember: without ighteousness, America is doomed. Do not think that a political move can free us from the need for a revival. Righteousness is what exalts a nation, not any political position. Legalizing sins such as abortion, adultery, and sodomy brings God’s reproach, lifted only by repentance. (Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs. 14:34)… America’s slide into paganism is not limited to any election period, but began many decades ago when godless humanists were allowed into our schools, colleges and even some churches. God told Israel in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if His people humbled themselves, prayed and turned from their wicked ways, He would heal their land. For too long, God’s people have slept through the paganizing of America. Now, it is up to us to obey this verse and hope that He will bring the promised healing.”

Out of love, let’s share the Gospel with liberals and then demolish the demonic worldview of liberalism because liberalism is EVIL.


Also see:

Lounging in Liberal Land
Liberals Don’t Have a Leg to Stand On
Liberals Lambasted
Liberal Propaganda Exposed




Pieces of this article popped into my head over several years and finally the impetus to git ‘er done came after reading Doug Giles’ “Resolve for 2015: Get More Aggressive Making Fun of Progressives” article.


See Liberals Don’t Have a Leg to Stand On.

Democrats are the party of make believe…When investigations and fact checks (reveal their) claims to be false, they just kept on repeating them. Tell a lie long and loud enough and many accept it as truth…(They use) social media to silence dissent from their views while creating blacklists to make it difficult for their opponents to find gainful employment. In a sign of how far gone they are, many journalists at influential outfits are now questioning the wisdom of the First Amendment and calling for government regulation of speech…As cancel culture spreads, they gaslight the public by denying that it is happening…To conservative ears, the national discourse often boils down to this: Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?...History reveals two main reasons why factions seek to limit speech: first, because it is an effective means to quash dissent and second because they won’t or can’t defend their own ideas. Today’s Democrats and their allies are driven by both rationales…Their argument boils down to this: Let us do what we want because otherwise those Neanderthals will be in charge. This strategy is increasingly essential for Democrats as they advance leftist ideas that are hard to support through fact-based metrics – i.e. reality instead of ideology…Unable to change the facts, they work to alter the definition of reality.”
I heard someone call a talk show and say that “progressive” is too nice of a term because they are actually “regressives.” Regress (Merriam Webster): "movement backward to a previous and especially worse or more primitive state or condition."
“(A) liberal is here defined as one who believes in utilizing the full force of government for the advancement of social, political, and economic justice at the municipal, state, national, and international levels.… A liberal believes government is a proper tool to use in the development of a society which attempts to carry Christian principles of conduct into practical effect … Emerson held a fairly accurate memory of the Christian roots of true liberalism, though he represents the beginning of its secularization and the seed of its destruction. In representing the old classical liberalism—love of liberty—he distorts its Christian roots. Its essence does not lie in “infinitude of the private man,” but in the Lord of heaven, Who by grace enables the best in man. Time has not been kind to true Biblical liberalism—due largely to mainstreaming of the Christian Pietistic movement where Christians increasingly withdrew into an essentially isolated personal faith.

“Let’s be clear. By early 1900, liberalism in many colleges had begun to distort Christian principles, such as compassion and charity, into an anti-Christian form. As a false substitute for true liberalism, all collectivist regimes—whether fascism, Fabianism, or communism—regulate, compel, prohibit, dictate, and confiscate. Hitler defined true idealism as “nothing but subjecting the individual’s interests and life to the community.”9 Rather than a godly balance between the individual and the community, the materialist always denies the individual in favor of the collectivist state. The collectivist state must eventually become authoritarian and tyrannical, as the seed of godly liberty runs deep in the soul of man created in God’s image. Man cannot tolerate subjection into essential slavery without destroying his soul. We bear witness to the zeal of community organizers over the past decades of American political life, carrying out the postmodern philosophy of contemporary classrooms. This worldview is not new, but as old as sinful man himself, sometimes called “man’s second-oldest faith.”

“The Democrat Party, if you’re an average leftist or liberal walking down the street, the first thing you notice about somebody is their skin color. Then you try to determine what their sexual orientation is. The next thing you try to determine, are they tranny? The next thing you try to figure out is something else related to their identity. The last thing you’re interested in is who they are. Because who they are is irrelevant to you. What they are is what matters.”

The left has been at war with America as founded for decades, and it has made great progress in transforming our culture and institutions. Leftists are activism-oriented and relentless. They pursue their goals 24/7, exhausting their less activist and less calculating opponents, and advance their agenda by sheer attrition.”

“Essential to the Left’s success in fundamentally changing America, and they have been disturbingly successful to date, has been their code of pseudo-morality. (‘Pseudo’ because it is a morality designed to serve political ends, rather than vice versa.)…In other words, too many of us benighted souls do not yet share the Left’s affinity for ‘care, empathy and collaboration.’…It is this solicitude for those in need that affords the Left their overweening sense of moral superiority, and which makes their message so seductive to the naïve and the uncritical among us. It is this which provides them a patina of benevolence, and which entitles them to stigmatize anyone as a ‘hater’ who does not share their self-abnegating brand of compassion. And it is this which entitles them to impose their pseudo-morality on the rest of us, and they do mean to impose it, by force when necessary and with ruthless consistency.”
“Democrats and fake news media are tag-team partners in transforming America into a socialist/communist nation…(The Democrat) party had been hijacked by 1960s hippies. Hippies (Democrats) also took over Hollywood, mainstream media, and public education decades ago. Consequently, they created a generation of young adults who hate America, hate the God of Christianity, and believe their parents are stupid, racist, sexist, and homophobic…Democrats are not our friends. Everything they desire to do is harmful to Americans. The Democratic party has been taken over by a spirit of anti-Christ. Every policy they seek to implement is rooted in their belief that they are smarter than God, their desire to overrule God's original intent, and their mission to ban God from our culture…Christians still do not realize that Democrats are obsessed with overruling God's original intentions…Democrats and fake news media will gang attack anyone who dares to criticize the immoral show. They will say, “love is love.” Sadly, Christians will say, “Suzy Loves Daddy is so funny!” Then, they will say, “Jesus loves everyone,” which means good Christians should embrace every perversion.”

Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood


“(S)mearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist and/or a hater.”

“The whole point behind left wing outrage mobs and coordinated campaigns targeting people who don’t toe the liberal line is to either get them to conform or shut up.”
“The left-wingers regularly lecture us, mock us and, of course, lie to us. Their behavior, however, rarely ever stings, because long ago, we saw through their hysteria. Another reason is that they never listen to us anyway. This has been true for many years, ever since liberalism died and progressivism replaced it. There was a day when leading liberals and leading conservatives got together to exchange views.”
"I went to Yale, and I worked for the New York Times…The people on the left hold themselves out as being science-driven, as being smarter; they think they're smarter, but they won't look at facts that won't meet their narratives."
An Online Database of the Left and its Agendas

“Liberals are uniformly glum, both in their grim demeanors and bleak outlooks. This is because their worldview is invariably negative. When things are good, they see only the bad…Liberals are emotional children––no matter their educational pedigrees, fancy credentials, lofty titles, prestigious positions, or economic well-being…Liberals, like the children they are, live in a world of utopian dreaminess, clinging to an imagined reality…And so they do what children do when they’re angry at grownups. They have temper tantrums and call names…

“To understand the left’s treasonous rage, it is important to understand that the most cherished value in the life of children (read liberals) is to be “liked” by their peers…According to the evangelical religion of leftism, if America were not so strong, so powerful, so rich, so successful––so enviable to the rest of the world––things would be better. This is because liberals hate strength and power and wealth and success, except, that is, when they are the beneficiaries!... But even in the flush of electoral victories, liberals are unable to conceal their endemic rage and inevitably reveal themselves as sore winners!...

“The Cancel Culture that liberals created is really about not being able to win arguments about political policy and philosophy with objective, empirical evidence and being so envious of their rivals that they resort to eliminating, annihilating, guillotining every vestige of opposition they face…

“Liberals entertain the conceit that they are quite evolved and superior, both morally and intellectually. In their childlike minds, they are “good” and the people who set limits, demand accountability, expect empirical results, fight their enemies, and also make judgments about what is good and bad and right and wrong are ‘bad’...(T)hese snooty children in adult clothing continue to harbor the conceit that––in between their temper tantrums––they are the embodiment of integrity and righteousness…Not only do liberals call names, spew insults, and stamp their feet at any dissent, they also line up allies in the leftist media, left-wing think tanks, and Big Tech to crush any challenge of their fantastical lies.” 
“Liberals do not use language the way everyone else does. Normal people use it to communicate, to convey thoughts and feelings to other people. Liberals use it as a weapon, a means of control – stray from their accepted terminology and word usage and prepare for hell. To the left, words mean whatever they need them to mean and can, at any given moment, be redefined on a whim. The left is no longer burning books, they’re now only burning the dictionary, one word at a time.”

“(C)ognitive dissonance — the technical term for what Orwell called  doublethink — the form of mental illness that defines and afflicts the modern Left. Which calls for tolerance of everything  except disagreement. In which case it becomes vitriolically  intolerant. It champions "diversity" . . . of  uniformity. You can be any color you like — and hold any opinion you like — so long as it's the  proper opinion. It militantly defends “democracy” . . . so long as the election results are  right (or rather,  left). If they’re not, then they’re not only wrong, they’re racist, patriarchal, and probably homophobic, too. And for those reasons, they’re illegitimate and must be undermined by any means necessary.”

Either Liberals just don’t get it, or they are sick in the head. Probably both.
Think about it: They want to have all of the blessings that come with living in a capitalist society such as modern medicine and technology. But they believe in socialism, which stifles innovation and progress. They want to be protected by the police and the military, but they attack and criticize the men and women who protect us. They call conservatives “racists,” but it’s their own identity politics that have created race problems in the first place. After all, Democrats were the party of slavery!

“(T)he phrase that best depict(s) the true aim of the tolerance mob: ‘You will be made to care’… (T)he radical left in America has no plans to accommodate those with views that dare to differ from theirs …(T)he radical left that is now assuming full control of a major American political party doesn't view you as a mere political opponent. They see you as an enemy. You are not to be accommodated; you are to be defeated. Every time you turn onto Tolerance Boulevard, it will be a one-way street…This is a worldview steel cage match for the soul of a nation. Two worldviews will enter, and only one will leave.”

“Christian principles were foundational to the American Republic. Yet what matters to the Left is silencing the Christian influence of this nation. The battle to destroy Christianity is really the battle to destroy America. The intolerant Left is replacing the structure of an orderly and benevolent norm with falsehoods, distortions, intimidation, and violence… The Judeo-Christian morals upon which the United States was founded are unacceptable to the Left because they are an obstacle to a government takeover…The Left's goal is to replace religious faith with the progressive socialist agenda as the ruling norm in the Left's new world order.”

“When the workers of the world failed to unite and trigger economic upheaval in the 20th century, the left adopted a different strategy. Communist theorists Antonio Gramsci, Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School saw that a cultural revolution, including educational indoctrination and media propaganda, could weaken society and lead to political revolution. That’s why the left embraces pornography, abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage and now transgenderism. It all works against a family-based culture.”

“The left is driven by a subversive ideology. Having failed to persuade the general public by strength of argument, they now see the crisis as a means to impose radical changes implemented by globalists, ‘experts’ and technocrats who claim to act in the name of public safety. Thus, it uses any means, even when contradictory, to effect this change. Sometimes, the left clamors for unrestrained freedom so that the destructive power of disordered human passions can be used to tear down traditional order and morality. At other times, like the present, the left extols totalitarian brutality and advocates its implementation to impose equality, reducing everyone to serfdom, the victims of a single and leveling rule. The left’s Jacobin and brutal side is now easy to see. They no longer hide behind their old masks and structures, pretending to uphold democracy. America’s coronavirus-face-masked Jacobin left is fully unmasked.”
“From the French Revolution to this day, the two great aims of the left have been promising utopia to the malcontented and accumulating as much power as possible. All moral values are subservient to these goals. After all, what could be more important than “social justice” (the left’s term for everything it advocates); “equality” (of result); women’s liberation from the “sexist oppression” of the “patriarchy”; combating “white privilege”; fighting the “rape culture” that pervades campuses; saving life on planet Earth from the “existential threat” to it; “resistance” to the “authoritarian,” “fascist,” “white supremacist,” “racist” Trump administration; supplanting national identities and institutions with a “world citizen” identity and international institutions; and undoing the most fundamental built-in identity of the human race, that of male and female, in the name of transgender rights?”
Contemporary Leftism is an evil system, for it prides itself in transcending natural human limitations by force of will. Human nature is denied, and human nature is considered by Leftists to be infinitely malleable. Over time, this ideology pushes Leftism into more and more absurd positions, to the point that the only proper response is mockery.”
“You sometimes hear modern progressives described as the new puritans. That’s a slur on colonial Americans. Whatever their flaws, the puritans cared about the fate of the human soul and the moral regeneration of their society. Those aren’t topics that interest progressives. They’re too busy pushing late term abortion and cross dressing on fifth graders. These are the people who write our movies and sitcoms. They’re not shocked by naughty words. They just pretend to be when it’s useful… The left’s main goal, in case you haven’t noticed, is controlling what you think.”
“Individuals on both the left and right lie. Individuals on both the left and right tell the truth. And liberalism, unlike leftism, does value truth. But the further left one goes, the more one enters the world of the lie . Why does the left lie? There are two main reasons. One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth… The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth.”
“Liberal ideology is rife with inconsistencies, but none is greater than how its supposedly animating motivation -- human compassion — is contradicted by its devaluation of human life. Liberals have long claimed superior compassion and demonized conservatives as being uncaring. This has always been untrue while superficially appearing to be true, and liberals have evangelized countless young minds with this seductive canard. It's difficult to convince embryonic liberal activists that individual liberals may be compassionate but their governing ideology and the inevitable consequences of their policies are not. It's also difficult to make them see that conservatives are compassionate and tolerant when we stand for unchanging moral standards and openly disagree with policies that liberals successfully peddle as compassionate.”

“With the increasing secularization of society, less and less wisdom has been conveyed to young people. One particularly obvious example is most secular people, especially on the left, believe human beings are basically good. It is difficult to overstate the foolishness of this belief. And a belief it is: There is no evidence to support it, and there is overwhelming evidence — like virtually all of human history — to refute it.”

“Excuse me, but, with exceptions, liberals are among the worst enemies American freedom has. It’s true that the words “liberal” and “liberty” emerge from the same root word, namely “liber,” meaning free. In fact, when liberalism began in the 18th century Enlightenment era, its foremost plank was liberty. We had inalienable rights, you see, and this philosophy was at the heart of America’s beginnings just as the current, refashioned version could propel our ending. What happened was “the Great Switch,” a phrase used by the historian Jacques Barzun in his book “From Dawn to Decadence.” In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, he wrote, socialist enthusiasms began to creep into liberalism, causing ideals to bend in coercive directions.”
“Today, we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans, and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives’ tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them. Conservatives don’t do these things. They don’t close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc. Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right – conservatives, too, believe they are right – but they also believe they are morally superior to all others.”
Truth means nothing to leftists. The ends justify the means and leftists will literally say or do anything to achieve their aims. They'll use violence – Antifa, BLM, rioting, and attacking Trump supporters – and intimidation (doxxing public officials and confronting them in various public places) while calling conservatives fascists and blaming them for the unrest. They'll rail against "racism" one moment and then excoriate a race (whites) the next. They'll preach equality while practicing inequality and discrimination, as with quotas and affirmative action. They'll claim to care about women victims (Kavanaugh/Ford affair) and then smear women victims (Rep. Keith Ellison case ). They'll say ‘Do it for the children,’ using kids as human props, while abetting the brutal killing of children in the womb. They'll preach tolerance but then insist this means "safe spaces" excluding conservatives and whites and that opposing views must be squelched…In fact, leftists will swear that Truth (properly understood as objective) itself doesn't even exist, that everything is shades of gray – but then turn about and sing blatant black-white tunes portraying their political opponents as evil. This is similar to Satan, who knows that God's rules exist but doesn't believe they should be considered ‘Truth.’…Leftists hate everything great and good: God, family, country, and even the idea of countries (attacks on sovereignty). They hate religion, especially Christianity; the Church; marriage; sexual propriety; and anything else reflecting God's plan…Leftists hate the Constitution, though they'll use and misuse (twist) it to serve their ends.”
The essence of being a liberal: ‘The absolute conviction that there is one set of rules for you, and another, completely different set of rules for everyone else… Teddy Kennedy crawls out of Boston Harbor with a quart of Scotch in one pocket and a pair of pantyhose in the other, and Democrats hail him as their party’s spiritual leader.’”
"If a martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation's official state religion, he would have to conclude it is liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law…And it is now entrenched as the state religion of this county. Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion…its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ ("Roe v. Wade"), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident). Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.”
“In the almost 70 years since 1950, normals haven't changed much. We still believe in God, pay taxes, get up and go to work, and keep to ourselves. We're raising families, after all, and that matters more than anything else. Unlike the prog caricature of us, we're responsible people. When we gather in large numbers, you almost can't tell we were ever there because we clean up behind ourselves. We speak quietly and respectfully, treat our women like ladies, and control our kids. Nobody fears normals because nobody has any reason to. This contrasts starkly with progs (progressives), who gather in large numbers to riot, scream obscenities, carry signs, and trash the place. They get up in others' faces and scream and rage as if out of control, sometimes putting a normal person in fear for his life. All this is intended to communicate public unhappiness over this issue or that, but all it really puts across is that a bunch of wilding lunatics are loose again.”
“When liberals start talking about ‘values,’ watch out! They’ve been doing it a lot lately, probably because they want you to think they’re ‘good people.’ It’s as if their entire sense of self worth is built around virtue-signalling, or unashamedly proclaiming their ‘virtues’ to the rest of us unredeemable deplorables, all while unashamedly working to implement policies that would literally destroy everything good about Western civilization. Except, liberals really only have one virtue, one value, one “moral” belief upon which they can hang their hat and check off that coveted ‘good person’ box, at least in their own minds.  That’s it - one. It’s called ‘social justice.’ Wikipedia defines ‘social justice’ as the ‘concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society ... measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges.’ So in other words, liberals have communism down pat.”
“There are two senses to the word “liberty.”  The sense given in our nation’s founding was a good thing.  Back then liberty meant freedom of choice of belief and practice in an environment of respect, safety and self-control.  More recently that definition has morphed into a radical extreme.  The sense of liberty today is ‘do whatever you damn well please’; ‘who are you to tell me what to do’; ‘judge nothing – tolerate everything’; a pervasive belief that “the moral rules of the past were based on ancient myths – they don’t really apply to anyone today.”   Thus we have the negative definition of liberty – an out of control liberty that has transformed our culture into an immoral chaos of rebellion against morality, disrespect toward our nation, increasing lawlessness in our schools and cities, and acceptable perversions that were unthinkable a few years ago.  This has become a form of moral and political anarchy. To counter a portion of this new corrupted version of liberty/anarchy, the left (progressives) shut off any kind of dissent as being ‘politically incorrect.’  That means that if we say, write or do anything that the anarchists find disagreeable, we will be called bigots, haters, various ‘-phobes’, and generally marginalized.  Think of any topic:  Sexual morality, affirmative action as government-endorsed discrimination, pro-national borders, gun rights, abortion counseling, smaller government, lower taxes, promoting drug abstinence, nationalism/patriotism.  Any and all of these things will bring on a torrent of hate down from the progressive left.”

“(T)he most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world. Leftism – in its incarnations, such as Marxism, communism and socialism; expressed through egalitarianism, environmentalism and feminism; in its denigration of capitalism and Western civilization, especially America and Israel; in its supplanting of Christianity and Judaism; through its influence on Christianity and Judaism; in its celebration of race; and in its replacing of reason with romanticism – has almost completely taken over the news and entertainment media and institutions of education… (L)iberals are either too afraid to confront the left or they don’t understand that the American left, not the American right, is the mortal enemy of liberalism.”

The left controls the narrative about many key issues, and the narrative that they have woven—a mix of multiculturalism, relativism, and identity politics—creates an ideal environment for stealth jihadists to ply their trade. In their response to events—particularly those that involve race, religion, ethnicity, or gender—many are no longer guided by facts, or by experience, or even by the evidence of their own eyes, but by 'official' narratives. Even if the narrative is the inverse of reality, it takes precedence over reality. If the narrative says the Emperor is clothed, that’s the end of the discussion. If the narrative says the wolf-at-the-door-is actually a sheep, you must agree. Moreover, if you’ve been well-conditioned you’ll agree with enthusiasm."

“There are countries in which it is legal for men to kill their wives and daughters, but the same people who defend a woman's right to kill her unwanted child because abortion is "the law of the land" would never defend a man's right to kill his wife or daughter pursuant to the same standard. And these are the same folks who demand strict adherence to Roe v. Wade, which is a Supreme Court decision, not a law, but violate immigration laws enacted by Congress because they disagree with them. The left, as with most other issues, is very selective about the ‘law of the land’ standard it uses to defend laws it agrees with, but otherwise ignores.” Comment on an article.

“Every time conservatives complain about the popular culture's assaults on Christians and Christianity, the left mocks in unison, as if anyone making the charge is delusional. When the national Democratic Party is criticized for booing God, Democrats gaslight their accusers as all being deceived by their lying eyes. Why can't they just own up to their contempt for Christians -- at least Christians who actually believe what Christians claim to believe?”

“Most everyone on the left is atheistic, depressed, dark and miserable, and they want us all to be miserable. Winston Churchill said, “Socialism results in the equal sharing of misery.” They detest happiness. Nothing makes them more miserable than another’s happiness.”

"'Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth …(T)he Left has been tremendously successful in making the statement of simple facts seem rude and evil and unkind…Simply stating that men and women are different or the majority of terrorists active now are radical Muslims can trigger the Left…Suddenly they rear back and start to call you a bigot…They start to say you are a racist, or sexist, or Islamophobic, or whatever, until the statement of simple data, things that are just factually true, become unexpressable. You’re not allowed to say them…It's a form of bullying,' he emphasized when describing the mainstream media’s attempt to shame conservatives into silence.”

The Left generally wants to tax everything so they can create dependencies and engineer society into their image.”

“There is a reason that the founders of America singled out individual liberty as a crucial element in the inception of the new constitution. Individual liberty is the primary element of success in a free society and cannot be substituted for perceived security. Liberalism is in opposition to individual liberty because the individual is to be subjugated to the collective will under the modern liberal ideal. With Liberal collective management of society, the individual is to surrender to the will of the mob. The group is supreme and the individual is subordinate.”

Liberalism….tends to release energy rather than accumulate it, to relax, rather than to fortify. It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards, something definite. Our point of departure is more real to us than our destination; and the destination is likely to present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer image formed in imagination. By destroying traditional social habits of the people, by dissolving their natural collective consciousness into individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart rather than the qualified, by fostering a notion of getting on to which the alternative is a hopeless apathy, Liberalism can prepare the way for that which is its own negative: the artificial, mechanized or brutalised control which is a desperate remedy for its chaos.”

“The following is an excerpt from James Kalb’s The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom… ’The tyranny of liberalism’ seems a paradox. Liberals say that they favor freedom, reason, and the well-being of ordinary people… Even the word ‘liberal’ suggests ‘liberty.’ How can such an outlook and the social order it promotes be tyrannical?...The incremental style of liberalism obscures the radicalism of what it eventually demands and enables it always to present itself as moderate.… Many people find something deeply oppressive about the resulting situation, but no one really knows what to say about it. Some complain about those general restrictions, like political correctness, which make honest and productive discussion of public affairs impossible. Others have more concrete and personal objections. Parents are alarmed by the indoctrination of their children… Still others have the uneasy sense that the world to which they are attached and which defines who they are is being taken from them. Nonetheless, these victims and their complaints get no respect and little media coverage… At bottom, the problem with the standards that now govern public life is that they deny natural human tendencies and so require constant nagging interference in all aspects of life. They lead to a denatured society that does not work and does not feel like home. A standard liberal response to such objections is that our reactions are wrong: we should accept what we are told by those who know better…In fact, advanced liberal society is reproducing the error of socialism.”

“The true agenda of the left is statism or control of the society by a small elite group. They are a patient lot and willing to achieve their goals over a long period of time through seemingly minor and incremental changes in the laws and attitudes of the nation. Through the constant hammering of emotion driven issues — education, the environment, child safety, gun control, nuclear war, etc. — they gradually affect the laws and policies that govern our society. All the while moving us closer to their goal of a nation of serfs working for the benefit of the powerful few that will control every aspect of a citizen's life.”
“The Left always accuses the Right of what they themselves are doing. Even a cursory review of history would reveal that it is the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Socialists (including Communists)/Next Name to Protect the Guilty (DLPSN) that use the tactics of the worst Communist regimes and the Nazis. Heard of the "Brown Shirts?" How are the DLPSN mobs any different? Considering how far the DLPSN has gone already it is scary to contemplate if they will follow their mentors into even worse behavior.” Comment under an article about “The Big Lie” by Dinesh D’Souza.  

Gone are the days of intellectual liberalism, replaced, sadly, with social justice warrior illiberalism that traffics exclusively in immutable characteristics and perceived sociological privileges and disadvantages…Because progressives can’t win in the marketplace of ideas, they resort to shutting down debate and shaming via shrieking pejoratives. They employ the same strategy over and over again: declare conservative beliefs outside the realm of acceptable political discourse, then identify them personally as people of bad character.  Rather than refute conservative arguments or acknowledge that a diverse American people can often have a diverse set of ideas, the Left uses dehumanizing rhetoric to shame and bully in an effort to force everyday people to disassociate from those the Left wants to destroy. This strategy is anti-free speech and, frankly, anti-American.”
Liberals are like a Jerry Springer audience and Antifa are like Springer guests.  Karl Priest
(P)rogressives claim to be obsessed with scientific data, but promptly abandon it when it no longer suits their agenda. Academics who point out that there is no scientific basis for the current transgender craze are thus shunned as hateful transphobes. Climate change models are thus impeccable evidence that we must restructure the global economy, but the ironclad scientific consensus indicating when life begins in the womb must be ignored. Even ultrasounds, embryoscopy footage, and medical textbooks are not enough to make progressives consider the ethics of abortion…”  
(A liberal says) “The real solution to all of the violence in the world, she insists, is “no barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist.”… But obviously it’s the rank hypocrisy of the coexist brigade that jumps out at you most of all. And I’m not even talking about the hypocrisy of hearing a sermon about “unity” and “love” from a (a liberal) who couldn’t manage to stay married for longer than 14 months. If you’re going to unite with the whole world, whatever that means, it seems logical to begin by uniting with your own family. If you haven’t yet mastered that process, it’s probably best to leave the problem of worldwide unity to someone else…Of course, the most egregious hypocrisy is in the bit about “borders and barriers,” which are the two things left wing celebrities always point to as the cause of all misery and strife on the planet. Yet (the liberal) scolds us for our “borders and barriers” from the security of her private estate, protected around the clock by walls and gates and a security detail.
“There is no form of legal authority that the left accepts as a permanent institution. It only utilizes forms of authority selectively when it controls them. But when government officials refuse the orders of the duly elected government because their allegiance is to an ideology whose agenda is in conflict with the President and Congress, that’s not activism, protest, politics or civil disobedience; it’s treason…The left is an authoritarian movement that wants total compliance with its dictates with severe punishments for those who disobey…The left is a treasonous movement.”
(L)iberals, on some level of consciousness, feel guilty about not being voluntarily charitable. Therefore, to write off their guilt, they outsource their “generosity” to the government by voting for wealth re-distributive policies.
The left and their backers often argue their case by resurrecting parts of their closetful of smear paint, including the vilification of anyone who disagrees with them…The Ku Klux Klan was created by Democrats to protect Democrats in the Old South, where for more than 100 years the KKK way of settling an argument was often by imposing fear and death…Maybe we need a weeping wall for the overly self-righteous.
Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead…They   hate  you, because by defying them you have prevented them from living up to the dictates of their false religion…Their sick faith gives meaning to these secular weirdos, giving them something that fills their empty lives with a messianic fervor to go out and conquer and convert the heathens…Oh, there are different leftist sects. There are the social justice warriors who have manufactured a bizarre mythology and scripture of oppression, privilege, and intersectionality…Then there are the pagan weather religion oddballs convinced that the end is near…Then there are the ones who simply worship themselves, the elitists who believe that all wisdom and morality has been invested in them…But all the leftist sects agree – they have found the revealed truth…They are fanatics, and by not surrendering, by not kneeling, and by not obeying, you have committed an unpardonable sin…They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you – whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example.   
The enemies of civilization in America figured out long ago that they could control debates by controlling language. In order to avoid the smear of “extremism” and to get along, most people reflexively adopt the new terms. You know, turning homosexuality into “gay,” abortion into “choice,” gambling into “gaming,” smut into “erotica” and government spending into “investments.”… Now onto moral anarchy. It’s the logical destination for a culture where words no longer mean what people know they mean and truth itself is abandoned.
“Liberals Claim that anyone who disagrees with them is some combination of Racist, Sexist, Bigoted, Homophobic. (Liberals are) f ixated on fantasies (and) unwilling or unable to accept reality, despite irrefutable evidence.” (source unknown) To which I add: Liberals are condescending, hateful, pompous and arrogant hypocrites. (Karl)
“The greatest moral claim of the political left is that they are for the masses in general and the poor in particular. That is also their greatest fraud. It even fools many leftists themselves.”
(Joseph) “Sobran saw the culture war as a full-throated liberal assault on God, reason and American liberty, dressed in the language of “equality,” “fairness” and “tolerance.” He often lamented the church’s unilateral disarmament in many important areas. I can only imagine how he would now describe the cave-in by prominent politicians and the military brass to the “draft women and Klinger for combat” lunacy…When Franklin Roosevelt’s adviser Alger Hiss was caught working for Joseph Stalin, Sobran observed, “nobody asked, ‘How on earth can you be a liberal and a Communist at the same time?’ Why? Because liberalism was the most hospitable camouflage for Communists….At bottom is a fundamental disagreement over human nature…Romans 3:10 declares, “there is not one righteous, no, not one,” and Romans 3:23 says, “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”.. Nonsense, say the liberals. Man is essentially good and just needs the right system to evolve toward perfection.”
60 Hard Truths about "Liberals"

The book The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech explains that for every day Americans “only offense, it seems, is caring enough about their country to get involved. But because they don't tow the politically correct line on issues like taxes, healthcare, climate change, and federal spending, they find their activities have been virtually criminalized by limousine liberals trying to weaponize government bureaucracies to use them to silence dissent…(T)he shotgun efforts to silence conservative organizations (is) evidence of a larger push to control the social agenda.
The word "Liberal" was forcibly stolen and corrupted by evil men who intentionally perverted the use and meaning of the word. In the long forgotten past, the word "Liberal" described honorable and principled men who held to a philosophy of government that advocated Constitutional Republicanism. Constitutional Republicanism is a type of government almost unknown to most of the world. America was originally a Constitutional Republic. A Constitutional Republic defined is characterized by a very small government with limits on its powers of taxation and whose other powers are strictly limited by rigorously enforced Constitutional edicts. But modern Liberals are nothing more and nothing less than Communists, Socialists and Dictators. Modern Liberals promote, advocate and enforce the centralization of all political power into an all powerful central government. The honorable old Liberals of the 19th century must be spinning in their graves over the outrageous corruption and modern use of the word "Liberal." BE SURE TO SEE 60 Hard Truths about Liberals!
What Liberals Say

“Every cradle to the grave program they’ve concocted was created to take otherwise independent and free human beings, and turn them into slaves dependent on the state…Ultimately, the left doesn’t like to see government forced to compete with anyone or anything else.” 

"Among progressives there is no room for dissent. There is no tolerance for ideas that aren’t pre-approved by leftist elites. Critical thinking need not be engaged as thought itself is processed by rote social formulas. Clownish caricatures define those identified as victim and villain. Victim, villain, and “the expert”, are the categories applied to everyone. Hypersensitivity is a lifestyle…Today’s left instead employs the expert to provide marching orders. The expert is never impartial; always a well credentialed progressive. Expertise isn’t dependent upon accomplishment. The expert’s dexterity when it comes to manipulating rhetoric and emotion is key. “Expert” is synonymous with “community organizer” or “activist”. In this person the confluence of progressive agenda, rhetoric, and emotion produces results that are increasingly familiar…When demands aren’t met, a cesspool of politically charged rage is allowed to percolate and occasionally erupt in violent outbursts. When demands are met they only serve as precedents with which to pursue ever more radical objectives."  
“Liberals/Socialists/ Progressives/ Communists lie to get their way. They believe in ends justifying the means so they lie, and lie and lie.”
) "want to believe what they believe, and they are infuriated when others express different views in their presence. They buy into a narrative, expertly presented by most of the nation’s leading media organizations, and they can’t bear any deconstruction of that narrative. Their opponents are not wrong; they are misogynistic, anti-whatever, knuckle-dragging, hate-filled racists. They cling to words such as compromise and understanding, but they search for neither. What they call compromise actually amounts to capitulation. What they call understanding amounts to the same thing."
“The author of The KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks was inspired to write his book because he “had been presenting my understanding of how the Modern Liberal thinks – and why that thinking leads him to side invariably and, in fact, inevitably with all that is evil, failed and wrong.” His book states that the modern liberal is “both morally and intellectually retarded at the level of the five-year old child.” He says, “Not only is the Modern Liberal bigoted, but his mindless prejudices are invariably against all that is good, right and successful. Hear the author poke fun at liberalism.”
With great humor Dennis Prager lists the Top 10 Ways Liberalism Makes America Worse .
The progressive left has been in a death struggle
with religion, the family, capitalism and morality itself since becoming a political and philosophical force during the French Revolution…Revolutionaries such as John Dewey, Margaret Mead, Margaret Sanger, Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich, all of whom waxed poetically about the Soviet Union, inspired progressive educational and social policies that weakened support for organized religion, marital fidelity and the family while empowering the state.
(L)iberalism is becoming downright pathological. The disease is progressive (in more ways than one). Precursors were visible as far back as 1964, and again in the 1980s…The chief symptom of liberal distress is an intense form of denial. Liberals now actually deny that conservatives exist. There are, of course, strange, cartoon-like images that liberals call conservative, yet these bear little resemblance to complex conservative human beings with thoughts capable of posing a reasoned challenge to liberal convictions. In psychiatric terms, liberals have split off an all-bad version of conservatism in an effort to defend against the intolerable reality of actual threats to the liberal point of view. I don’t think this denial has quite reached the level of psychosis. Perhaps we could call it high-functioning borderline instead. At any rate, we are now clearly in the realm of pathology.”

QUESTIONS: That You Should Ask Every Single Hypocritical Liberal (out of 20): “If there is a 'separation between the church and state', why has the government spent so much money on a religious leader’s (Pope’s) visit? If the U.S. Supreme Court were to rule that it is 'legal' for men to have sex with young boys, would it be legal? If homosexuals are 'born that way', how about pedophiles, bi-sexuals, and bigots?"

“Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet, when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates . Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, Who Really Cares, cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: Average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.”
People in Blue States seek psychiatric help 50% more often than in Red States… People who live in liberal states search for psychologists on Google 50% more , per capita, than people from conservative states… Liberals suffer from: 1) Phobias, such as fears that they are destroying the Earth (when in reality, they are only destroying America) 2) Guilt, for being white or male or having a job or earning money 3) Unhappiness with their bodies or sexuality, due to schizophrenia or gender identity disorder 4) Greed and envy, towards other people's property 5) Anger towards people of different genders or races and so on.”
The Progressive believes in precisely two things:  his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force.  In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator…(T)he Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings….  What specifically the Progressive attempts to control depends on his personal inclinations and just how far he senses he can push the general public.  Any weakness or lack of determination by the average citizen in resisting the nascent tyrant encourages him to push even further, whereas a determined resistance will often convince him to micro-manage some other aspect of our lives until a more propitious moment arrives to advance his original plan.  But in no case is the Progressive held back by any trace of self-restraint.”
See this site: Liberal Logic 101
Liberals make rules that they don’t follow. Those are for the masses. But when they want something that the majority of voters don’t want, they’ll break every rule in the book to get ‘er done .”
“While I do not want to apply a general stereotype on everyone who identifies as a liberal , since everyone has varying opinions, it is hard to not notice that many vocal critics of religion and patriotism need to pressure others to support their opinions. This need to force others to change their beliefs is rooted in low self-esteem, as well as doubts that the instigator has about his or her opinions and choices. Therefore, there is a need to see external reinforcement of their opinions, even if that support is involuntary; the most prevalent example is forcing Christian bakers to decorate cakes with homosexual overtones.

A Guide to the Political Left
(lots of resources)
“If there is a part of America that’s important or works, liberals are systematically trying to destroy it… As a rule, liberals support stupid, counter-productive policies that do more harm than good to the country. This is what I mean by saying that they’re “mainstreaming dumb.” However, we’ve now gotten to the point where liberals are “mainstreaming crazy.”…(L) iberals are now demanding that all of society cater to other people’s mental illnesses.”

(T)he left didn’t always mean some of the ideals it used to pronounce for itself, or at least it didn’t mean them in the high-minded, principled way they sounded. The left had the reputation of being defenders of free speech, for example, but it was always something of a case of “free speech for me but not for thee.” They were all in favor of “questioning authority”—until they became the authorities. Here is a small list I’ve been keeping of the liberal pieties that now only seem to be believed by people on the right.

To study the differences of liberalism and progressivism start at:

Progressivism 101: The differences between progressivism and liberalism

What are ‘Liberals,’ What are ‘Progressives,’ and Why the Difference Matters

Progressivism and Liberalism

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change

The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion

Godless: The Church of Liberalism

The Most Dangerous Cult

Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism

Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage  

Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild (Hear her speech. This is WORTH THE WATCH!
Substitute “liberals” for “leftists” and the article "BACKWARDS: Violent Leftists Increase Demonization of Right" does not change.

“The term “ultra-leftist” simply describes a liberal who understands liberalism and is unashamedly and actively devoted to forcing that worldview.
Professor Walter E. Williams points out that leftists, progressives, socialists, communists and fascists can be compared to “mass murderers such as Hitler, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung” because when Hitler, Stalin and Mao were campaigning for political power, you can bet they didn't campaign on the promise to murder millions of their own people.”
Liberalism is not limited to pale skin pigmentation. Black conservative Jason L. Riley is an editorial board member and a senior editorial page writer at the Wall Street Journal. He says, “High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact, not bigoted imagination.”… The Left wants to blame these outcomes on racial animus and poverty, but back in the 1940s and ’50s, when racial discrimination was legal and black poverty was much higher than today, the black crime rate was lower. The Left wants to blame these outcomes on “the system,” but blacks have long been part of running that system… Liberal elites would have us deny what black ghetto residents know to be the truth. These communities aren’t dangerous because of racist cops or judges or sentencing guidelines. They’re dangerous mainly due to black criminals preying on black victims… If liberals want to help reverse these crime trends, they would do better to focus less on supposed racial animus and more on ghetto attitudes towards school, work, marriage, and child-rearing… White liberals think they are helping blacks by romanticizing bad behavior. And black liberals are all too happy to hustle guilty whites.” Black folks have more to fear from hook-winking liberals than from hood-wearing Klansmen. Liberal blacks need to face “Racial Reality”.
A term I coined to accurately describe liberals is “levobortomite”: (lev oh bor' tow mite) noun. Anyone who believes and/or promotes left wing extremism, evolutionism, abortion, and/or anti-family activities such as sodomite marriage.  These people are not limited to any particular political party. 

Some descriptions I partially pulled from others of whom I do not recall names:
Democrats (i.e. “liberals”) depend on division, destruction, and demonization.
Learjet, limousine liberals are loony.
Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease infecting the mindless and spread by spineless spiritual leaders.

Libertarians are either lost liberals or confused conservatives. See “A Wolf By Any Name Is Still a Wolf ”.


See Liberals Lambasted.

Democrats are insane. We know this, they can’t hide it. They’re also evil. They used to hide this, but can’t or won’t anymore. Whatever the case, the curtain has been pulled back. But unlike the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, Democrats aren’t even bothering to try to close the curtain, they’re quite proud of it… The fact is liberals in power believe themselves to be special, to be exceptional.
The cultural degradation wrought by the left includes rampant abortion, gun violence, mass shootings, human trafficking, child abuse, mob violence, pornography, censorship, drug and alcohol abuse, corruption, road rage, gutter politics, teen suicide, sideline rage, demise of the traditional family, and the list goes on.”
“(A)ny dissension from the leftist progressive ideological agenda is deemed extreme. And therefore, they are setting up the usual Marxist, socialist, playbook of demonizing their opposition. This is supposedly the tolerant left… The left has shown that they will not tolerate anything that does not conform to their ideology…Leftists don’t just hate religious liberty; they hate freedom of speech and freedom of expression…The progressive socialist left in America has proven that the Constitution, our history, our institutions mean little to nothing to them. They will not tolerate anything that does not align with their ideological agenda, which for them is their religion -- murdering unborn babies, indoctrinating school children in gender dysphoria and inappropriate sexual grooming, and climate change.”
“(W)e know that the iconoclastic left is committed to tearing down foundations from the family and the church, to monuments and our history, to the very meaning of ‘sex.’…we also know the history of the left on abortion itself: They will do absolutely anything just so they can kill babies. During the Obama administration, the left used the Internal Revenue Service and its chief of tax exemptions, Lois Lerner, to persecute conservative nonprofits. This included harassing pro-life groups.”
“Americans know from tragic experiences that even minor challenges to the liberal censorship regime trigger ghastly reactions. Still, we must make the attempt. If we don’t, America will DIE.”
“This is the essence of the progressive philosophy – you are your skin color, sexual orientation, gender, or whatever else the left cooks up to divide people, and nothing more. Stray from what a progressive Democrat thinks you should believe based on any of those irrelevant characteristics, and you are their enemy, and no holds are barred when it comes to destroying anyone the left deems an enemy.
“I used to be one of those “Democrats are my opponents, not my enemies” type of people. Not anymore. Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world… Whether Democratic Party leadership is reflecting their party members or their party members are a reflection of its leadership, the end result is the same – a gang of people boiling over with hate… There is nothing beneath these people, every time you think they’ve gone as low as anyone possibly can, they break out a shovel…(T)hese people are so fanatical. They’re willing to destroy themselves to get their way. Democrats have become the suicide bomber party, willing to destroy anything, including large swaths of themselves, to win.”
“Once upon a time, we agreed to disagree about things. Those were the good days. The liberalism of, ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’, has long since been replaced by, ‘You're spreading misinformation and I'm going to tell on you…’”
“From the lunacy of Marxist indoctrination overtaking government schools, to the riots in the streets, to the official edicts that totally defile individual rights and legal protections, leftists have wormed their way into every influential position in our society , promoting their sickness when venom and brutality, demanding compliance and blind allegiance from any under their watch. Even the US Armed Forces have not escaped this insidious onslaught, more pernicious and of greater consequence than any foreign military attack on our Nation in all of its history.”
“According to these various studies, overall, being left-wing is associated with being antisocial and mentally unstable… (B)eing on the “Extreme Left” is predicted by pronounced mental instability, Machiavellianism (a strong desire for power and control), and Narcissism (a desire to be loved and adored).”
“To gain dictatorial powers, liberal-leftist officials are creating the illusion that tens of millions of Americans are political lepers when they say exactly what common sense – and their own eyes – tell them is true. Gargantuan lies and fear have become too useful for truth to matter...(T)he defamatory labels they create for dissenters are not just sticks and stones stuff; the insults come with real fangs for those who refuse to be complicit: loss of livelihood, ostracism, suffering, jail, and death.
Evil is a very strong word, when used properly. Merriam-Webster defines it many ways, the most relevant to what I’m talking about being “morally reprehensible” and “arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct.” That is the modern left, the “progressive movement,” the “Democratic” Party. And to fight evil, to stop it, is the most important thing anyone can do… Nothing is off-limits, and no lie for the cause is too big. Race, gender, sexuality, and every other made up form of victimhood is currency with the new left… The United States of America could never be overtaken by a foreign enemy, no matter how much they saber-rattle about it. But our enemies don’t have to work to destroy the United States, they simply have to wait. The left in this country will do it for them from within.”
Today’s Democratic Party completely rejects Biblical teaching on morality and human nature – that man’s fallen nature cannot handle great power. Rather, it embraces pagan ideas, including the state being supreme. “
“Leftists don’t view people as individuals, they view them as opportunities. If they’ll advance their agenda, they’ll use them and throw them away the moment the outlive their usefulness…Democrats are frauds; leftists will lose anything and anyone to get their way, nothing is sacred or out of bounds.”
“The left is the source of 99 percent of the hate in this country. And they foment hate. They foment interracial hate, intergenerational hate, inter-economic class hate. But it doesn't even occur to me to ban them. In fact, I invite them on my radio show, but they never show up. They never debate it. People never — don't notice that. Leftists don't debate. They can't debate."
“The left's war against American energy defies all imagination, until you realize that it is part of their hatred of America as they embrace the false god of green energy. The left hates the foundational documents of America--the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution…The left hates the Constitution because it is a restraining document on the powers of the federal government…(T)he left has no respect for our governing institutions. For them, our unalienable rights do not emanate from a Creator God nor are they enshrined in the Bill of Rights. No, the left believes in ideological rights rooted in their agenda -- murdering unborn babies, same-sex marriage… The left hates America so much that they release violent criminals back onto the streets. Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring into our country, bused and flown all over, because the left hates American sovereignty and has no concern for our safety.”
"Modern liberals hate Christianity – not because it's repressive, but because they are… "Any religion that puts God before government is by definition a threat to their power…Undermining Christianity is the central project of the Left because it stands in their way."
“(L)linguistic violations of common sense and historical fact create monstrous hypocrisy and blatant double-standards, even as they perpetuate the big lies upon which Left “woke” culture rests. But this dynamic is not new. Take, for example, the long politicized and ideological deformation of words like “imperialism” and “colonialism.” In all the “woke” Left’s identity politics and “inclusion” chatter, in almost every vandalized monuments or discarded name of of a school or a football team, lurk these debased concepts…The Left’s abuse of these terms, moreover, bespeaks an insufferable hypocrisy…All this hypocrisy of the “woke” Democrats, all the lunatic policies, all the encroachment on our Constitutional rights, all the politically driven destructive covid protocols, all the economic damage caused by the insane war on cheap energy and the drunken-sailor spending, all the smug and arrogant virtue-signaling and moral preening have produced nothing but failure at the cost of our freedom and the integrity of our language and history.”
“(T)he people who are the most deeply enmeshed in narcissism, talk about themselves the most, are also capable of the greatest cruelty have you noticed that trend…is a little bit of a trend on the left.
“When liberals accuse someone of doing something, it’s exactly what they themselves are doing.”
“(L)eftists rationalize that they care more, have more empathy and sympathy, etc. Don’t be fooled. They suffer from an untreated mental condition that no amount of windmills, high taxes, open borders, third-term abortions, and street anarchy will ever cure!”
Leftists hide their own extremism by accusing their opponents of being extremists. They are never questioned by the media about being “far-left” or communists because journalism has lost all objectivity in its devotion to the Democratic Party and its far-left ideology.”
“All the totalitarian movements of modernity have been inspired by the same fantasy of a world made right and finally brought into harmony with itself. This utopian delusion is not restricted to aspiring commissars or religious fanatics. In one form or another, it is the ideal of every believer in a universal progress, including those who would be dismayed to think of themselves in such destructive company. The desire to make things better is an impulse essential to our humanity. But taken beyond the limits of what is humanly possible, the same hope is transformed into a destructive passion, until it becomes a desire to annihilate whatever stands in the way of the beautiful idea. Nihilism is thus the practical extreme of the radical project. Consequently, the fantasy of a redeemed future has repeatedly led to catastrophic results as progressive radicals pursue their impossible schemes…Radicals have often been described as ‘liberals in a hurry’ —sharing similar goals but with expectations that were high and timetables that were short….(Re:) a famous Cold War novel by Lionel Trilling…Sixty years later, Trilling’s observations apply to the fellow travelers of radicalism, who are generally referred to as liberals, and who make up the expansive ranks of the progressive cause.”
“(W)hen an entity falls under the control of liberalism, it eventually loses all sense of what its purpose was to begin with. The entity can be as small as a schoolroom or as vast as a great city or even a nation. Hand over a schoolroom or a vast city to the leadership of a cabal of liberals , and you will eventually see the schoolroom devoted to teaching such balderdash as gender studies or critical race theory, and the great cities will be devoted to feeding large numbers of people nuts and disgusting vegetables and to defunding the police.”
“Over the past several decades, things have changed, and not for the better. In contemporary America -- a nation whose culture is increasingly controlled by the left -- rugged individualism and personal responsibility are being purposefully and systematically supplanted by a victimhood mentality. Leftist ideologues, whose ultimate goal is complete control over the lives of all Americans , now encourage people to deny responsibility for their circumstances and view life as something over which they have no control. In other words, leftists encourage Americans to view themselves as victims.
(T)he left's overriding goal (is) to control every aspect of our lives. The constitutional freedoms guaranteed all Americans are anathema to leftists. They want to control the government and use the government to control us. Their favorite tactic is fearmongering, creating panic and using it to convince Americans to give up their freedoms for the sake of security.”
“Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the ‘problem’ and therefore defined as the enemy. I will argue that contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism…It is the Left, not the Right, that informs America’s 21st-century version of fascism.”
“Progress is a good thing, but many of the policies of the so-called “progressives” are anti-progress. ‘Progressive’ is a misnomer…Using the fraudulent manipulation of language, Leftist progressives aim to advance their political, environmental, quasi-scientific, and socialistic agenda.”
“There was once a time, in the good old days, when conservatives in America could rely upon liberals to maintain classical liberal principles that would shield conservatives from suppression…Liberals dominated the university in 1962, for instance, but they wouldn’t think of shunning a conservative colleague just for being a conservative…Conservatives might feel ignored, dismissed, or disputed, but not persecuted…To be a liberal was, precisely, to uphold the First Amendment, to respect respectful dissent, to welcome pluralism, and observe rights of privacy—no compromise, no waffling.”
“You can always count on a Democrat to take something on which everyone agrees and twist it, lie about it, bastardize it to the point that any chance of common ground is destroyed.”
“While American radicals may have failed in their efforts to expropriate the means of material production, they have succeeded in appropriating enough of the means of cultural production to proclaim themselves “liberals” and to make the label stick. So ingrained have the premises of the Left become in the new liberal template, that conservatives now may be said to constitute a “counter-culture” in the American framework. And that is another reason why conservatives must not think only in “conservative” terms in confronting the challenges before them. They must think of themselves as heirs to Locke and Burke and Madison, who faced a similar challenge from the Left of their time. Conservatives are the reformers demanding a universalist standard of one right, one law, one nation for all; they are the champions of tolerance , the opponents of group privilege, and of communal division; they are the proponents of a common ground that is color-blind, gender-equitable and ethnically inclusive—a government of laws that is neutral between its citizens, and limited in scope; they are the defenders of the free market against the destructive claims of the socialist agenda; and they are the conservers of the constitutional covenant against the forces of modern tyranny and the guardian state.”
Why Are Liberals So Miserable…First, liberals are much less religious, patriotic and interested in getting married and having children than conservatives…Liberals are less likely to be working and more likely to be on government assistance…Liberals also live their lives in fear.”
“One of the peculiar features of American liberalism is the selectiveness of its paternalism. Liberals are happy to embrace coercive policies that affect the average citizen —vaccine mandates, say, or soda taxes. But when it comes to the least of us—the drug addicted, the mentally ill, the chronically homeless, the repeated victims of crime—it adopts an inexplicably laissez faire stance.”
“(If) you listen to the woke left, they think it’s not merely fine for banks to cancel customers over political beliefs, but even morally obligatory. So if a customer of the First National Bank gets his account closed for wrongthink, then the left’s view is, it’s immoral for the Second National Bank, and so on down the line, to take him as a customer. Ditto for credit cards…today’s left is like the Nazis in some respects. Today’s woke left seeks power above anything else and uses hatred as a means of advancing its interests. Like the Nazi street gangs that kept German “Aryans” from buying from Jewish shopkeepers, it is easy to imagine that their current counterparts will soon be interfering with who buys or sells what to whom. What makes our left particularly weird is its autoimmune aspect. Like a host that makes war on itself, Western governments and institutions of learning have worked to eradicate their own cultural and religious heritage and seek to punish those who won’t go along…Like Nazism, this left is utterly impervious to rational arguments and revels in intimidating its victims.”
“(A) women’s publication called Evie reported Tuesday, citing a Pew Research Center study, that more than 50 percent of young, liberal, white women have been diagnosed with some form of ‘mental health’ problem. The report, titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, ‘examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, [and] found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even ‘very liberal .’…(W)hile bona fide ‘mental illness’ does exist, much of what’s labeled such actually results from moral deficits…’(L)eftism’—which is properly understood as movement toward moral disorder — represents the antithesis of the virtues. Consider:…” (Be sure to see the list.)
“(S)o-called “leftism” is not an ideology (how could it be? — its “principles” change continually). Rather, it currently represents movement toward moral disorder. And leftists are morally disordered people, the worst of them being vice-ridden, amoral and driven by base appetites such as power lust. As I wrote in “The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past,” perhaps the best way to prepare yourself for contending with them is to ‘pretend you’re dealing with Satan.’ Vanguard leftists are above nothing and beneath contempt. If you read the worst possible intentions into whatever they do, you won’t too often go wrong.”
“As you can see, the woke left fundamentally exhibits the same behavioral traits as the other totalitarians. They all ruthlessly suppress, censor, intimidate, and cancel those who oppose or disagree with them. The only difference lies in the degree of severity seen in the implementation of some of these measures. For example, the tyrants in Russia, China, or Cuba would cancel their opponents by jail or bullet, whereas the American left cancels by blocking social media accounts, refusal to allow opposing views, and getting dissenters fired from their jobs. This, however, is not due to the fact that the American left is more merciful or compassionate than their totalitarian counterparts in more tyrannical systems, but because in the West they still lack the power to freely implement the base urges of their nature. But as they are gaining more and more power, they are becoming increasingly brazen and ruthless in the pursuit of their totalitarian objectives….The obvious falsity of wokeism should not come as a surprise, since totalitarians always adopt worldviews based on lies. This is the case with the misguided ideology of today’s progressives.”

 "(L)iberalism is simply communism or hard-line socialism on an installment plan…In capitulating to every policy proposal or demand liberals have made over the last 50 years (either due to intimidation, our overly developed sense of fair play or subverted notions of the scope of the First Amendment), we have in essence given an inch so many times over that we have surrendered many miles in piecemeal form, and now find ourselves at a distinct tactical disadvantage.”

“If you are a liberal…you have done everything in your power to destroy our country, from tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders. You are systematically destroying our schools, and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to anything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere), while demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying abortion, violence, and the thug culture. From calling us racists every time we expect everyone of any skin color to follow our laws equally, to telling us that our “tolerance” of lifestyles we don’t agree with isn’t nearly, we must “celebrate” any lifestyle choice or gender option (forget science) you throw our direction, or you think it’s fine to calls us homophobic or some other degrading slur — and ironically, all while lecturing us on hate speech. While you gaslight us about 52 genders, polyamory, grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalize the sexualization of young children, you simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror or horrors) don a MAGA hat in public. So much for your “tolerance.” Do you see why we think you are hypocrites?... You think free-speech should be tossed out the window, history erased, and those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing.”

After the left has pocketed the concept of liberalism and turned the word into the opposite of its original meaning, the Antifa-movement uses a false terminology to hide its true agenda. While calling themselves ‘antifascist’ and declaring fascism as the enemy, the Antifa itself is a foremost fascist movement.”
“The political left spends a lot of time tossing around the word “community,” but they don’t mean it the way you likely understand it. It, like so many other words bastardized by leftists, has been redefined to be more useful to those who seek to use it to empower themselves. The new progressive definition of community kills actual communities; it was designed to do so…We hear all the time about the white community, the black community, the Hispanic community, the gay community, the trans community, the whatever way you can think of to divide people community; they even subdivide people further – the black trans community, for example. Anything you can imagine, any difference that can be thought of and used, is.”

“(L)iberalism, left-wingism, socialism, communism, whatever? Folks, it destroys. It is not compassion. It is not love. It is not wanting the best for everybody. It is not equality. It’s not sameness. It’s not fairness. It is the epitome of mean-spiritedness! Liberalism looks at people and sees failure, inability. Liberals look at people, average people in their eyes with contempt.

“The left destroys things! They ruin everything they touch, including people! They destroy ambition; they destroy dreams; they destroy anything to do with positive outlooks. They’re incapable of not doing that because of the nature of socialism, communism, liberalism, whatever you want to call it.”

“Progressives…treat their politics as their religion, and ‘their holy mission’ is ‘to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection… by any means necessary.’ They’re always trying to drag us kicking and screaming into their hellish fake utopia—with never much to show for it but piles of dead bodies and barbed wire strewn all over the landscape.”

“Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world…There is nothing beneath these people, every time you think they’ve gone as low as anyone possibly can, they break out a shovel …They hate you, with everything they have. They don’t seek victory, they seek to dominate.

“White, liberal Democrats are the most jaundiced, sociopathic, transcendentally dishonest life forms on earth. They are an infectious variola that has metamorphosed into bipedal sapiens comprising the Democratic Party to its very core. And let there be no doubt; the behavior they exhibit today is the legacy of their party platform since 1840. We understand them today by viewing their sordid subversive anti-freedom and anti-Constitution record of subjugative demagoguery and segregation. Their Erebusic history is one of human slavery, bigotry, pernicious lies and government dependence….Today the Democrats use George Soros-funded groups like antifa to bully people into submission and obedience to their agenda.

“(M)ocking the hair-brained schemes of the secularist, statists, and social-justice loonies is truly the most effective way to crack the veneer of this current establishment. They are a post-modern nobility who have created their own fiefdom, based on mythical merit, fantastical egalitarianism, perpetual victimhood, and punishment of the producers and dissenters. They’re a violent and coercive bunch, yet claim the banner of civil rights and love. They’re thin-skinned bullies who hide behind their privileged status in both the public square and private sphere. They lob literal and figurative excrement at those they deem the enemy, all while hiding behind the average American’s skirt of civility and altruism…mocking the hair-brained schemes of the secularist, statists, and social-justice loonies is truly the most effective way to crack the veneer of this current establishment. They are a post-modern nobility who have created their own fiefdom, based on mythical merit, fantastical egalitarianism, perpetual victimhood, and punishment of the producers and dissenters. They’re a violent and coercive bunch, yet claim the banner of civil rights and love. They’re thin-skinned bullies who hide behind their privileged status in both the public square and private sphere. They lob literal and figurative excrement at those they deem the enemy, all while hiding behind the average American’s skirt of civility and altruism…We must laugh at their illogical arguments, godlessness, and totalitarianism,” 

“Even liberals who've accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common sense and instinctually suicidal that America can only survive over the long haul by thwarting the liberal agenda. In fact, liberalism has become such a toxic and poisonous philosophy that most liberals wouldn't behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy the country.”

Leftists are life-despisers and totalitarians. They want to drastically reduce human presence on this planet. Abortion is just one facet of their misanthropic mindset; eugenics is another. They also want to force everyone to think like they do, and they will scream hate speech at anyone who disagrees. They are masters of euphemism and misdirection. Lovers of Darwin, they are the intellectual and societal heirs of Karl Marx. The solution? Keep leftists out of office, don’t ever trust them with power, and do the right thing even when they scream.”

“The left violates the Ninth Commandment as easily as breathing. In fact, leftists’ No. 1 battlefield tactic for pushing us back and occupying new ground is their nonstop defaming, demonizing, lying about, intimidating, threatening, suing and prosecuting conservatives and Christians… The great Winston Churchill described socialism as “the gospel of envy.” He’s saying socialism is a religion to its followers, but one that appeals to and institutionalizes envy, covetousness – one of the darkest parts of human nature. There’s a great nugget of truth buried in this, which explains why the left is so destructive to human society – but also why it has such powerful appeal despite its abominable track record. The left appeals to the lowest regions of human nature: Envy is a bad thing, but the left ennobles it and makes it seem virtuous. Sexual immorality is a big problem, yet the left glorifies it... Remember, at its core, the left is essentially godless…The left, which poses as protectors of women, blacks, gays, immigrants, students, the poor and other supposed “victims” – in reality is the primary cause of most of the misery and suffering and injustice it claims to oppose.”

“Maybe you once thought that the left wanted tolerance and diversity, but in reality, tolerance and diversity have never been the goals of the left, especially the radical left.” Instead, it wants to suppress and silence opposing views, and the further left you go, the more extreme the intolerance.
r the left touches, it ruins. The universities, the news media, the entertainment media, the fine arts, the courts, the high schools and the elementary schools (and soon, the preschools -- once they're government-funded and universal) -- all ruined wherever leftism has achieved dominance.”

“The record of mass murder associated with the atheistic political cults of the twentieth century attests to the fact that the God-haters will not long content themselves with inflicting civic death . Already they move to deprive faithful witnesses to God's authority of their livelihoods and imprison them for using words that reject the rejection of God, or refusing to use terms that submit to it. Already they offer human sacrifice on the altars of abortion and make a hecatomb of natural family life. They make mock of humanity's self-perpetuation with rituals of self-obsessed self-negation, wherein individuals deny and disparage God-endowed natural right.”
“As George Orwell said, ‘some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.’ Many stupid ideas originate with academics on college campuses. If they remained there and didn't infect the rest of society, they might be a source of entertainment, much in the way a circus is. Let's look at a few stupid ideas peddled by intellectuals…More recent nonsense taught on college campuses, under the name of multiculturalism, is that one culture is as good as another. Identity worship, diversity, and multiculturalism are currency and cause for celebration at just about any college. If one is black, brown, yellow or white, the prevailing thought is that he should take pride and celebrate that fact even though he had nothing to do with it. The multiculturalist and diversity crowd seems to suggest that race or sex is an achievement. That's just plain nonsense.”
(Europe and Britain/England changed to “Westerners” and “West”) Most likely, however, the transformation will be effected without major battles. It won’t be a matter of numbers or of military strength, but of strength of belief. Those with the strongest beliefs will prevail. Those who are not sure what to believe will submit without a fight…Many (Westerners) see no sense in resisting Islamizationbecause they have nothing worth defending. To be sure, (Western) leaders still talk about “our values,” but they can’t seem to specify what those values are, beyond appeals to ‘diversity’ and ‘pluralism.’…In an earlier era, (Westerners) would have connected their values to God, country, family, and honor. In other words, things worth fighting for. But ‘liberal, pluralistic values’? That’s not very solid ground on which to take your stand. Who wants to die for diversity? Indeed, it can be argued that the worship of diversity for its own sake is what allowed terrorists to get a foothold in (the West) in the first place…Freedom is a fundamental right, but what you do with your freedom is also important. There has to be some higher objective value that directs our choices to good ends rather than bad ones. Otherwise, freedom becomes a license to do anything one pleases.

Unfortunately, such moral confusion leaves people vulnerable to those who are absolutely certain about their beliefs. The moral relativism of the West is one of the chief reasons why the Islamic cultural jihad has been so successful. People who can’t see that the soft-porn style of Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and Ariana Grande is not good for children will have difficulty seeing the problem with polygamy, child marriage, and other aspects of sharia law. In a relativistic society, the safest default position is ‘who’s to judge?’…

(The West) is being transformed from a Christian culture to an Islamic culture, but that’s not quite accurate because it’s actually a three-stage transformation. Much of (the West) has already transitioned out of its Christian stage and into a post-Christian or secular stage. There are still many Christians in (the West), but (the West’s) Christian consciousness has been largely lost. The next stage is the transition from secularism to Islam…It’s hard to beat transcendent values with transient values. That’s especially the case when the transcendent crowd are willing to die (and kill you in the process) for their values.

As twisted as these values may be, it’s beginning to look as though secular values aren’t up to the job of opposing them. The trouble with secular values when they are cut off from their Judeo-Christian roots is that they are arbitrary. Autonomy? Dignity? Equality? Says who?...Unless, that is, there is a recovery of the Judeo-Christian belief that God is a God of love, justice, reason, and goodness—and that we are made in his image (a concept which does not exist in Islam). In the context of that vision, belief in human dignity and the rights of man is thoroughly justified. People who believe that they and their neighbor are made in the image of God will generally have a strong sense of their responsibility to act accordingly. Such people will be far from perfect, but they will at least realize that it is wrong to submit both to Islam’s warped image of God and to secularism’s degraded image of man.  
When the Leftists and those who finance them can’t get their way in some big city they stage a “peaceful protest” (read that riot) and they destroy property and sometimes lives. This is what the Left always does. They are unable to create anything except mayhem and destruction–but that’s really what they are there for–as a tool of destruction to pave the way so that those who pay them for the destruction will then have a clear path to construct the “New World Order.”
“(A)s a wise neighbor told me years ago about an exceptionally vile person we both knew: "She's more to be pitied than scorned." At the time, this seemed overly charitable to me. But as the decades have elapsed and I've watched progressives consistently acting so infantile, it is clear that their limited repertoire – hurling of insults and obscenities, public temper tantrums, wanton destruction of property, idle threats to leave the country, physical assaults on people who disagree with them, engaging in serial lies of increasing magnitude…”
"The left has become everything it claims to hate and the alt-left has become increasingly obvious about it…They blame conservatives for the very things they do themselves. Liberals are violent, hateful and intolerant. Naturally, they claim conservatives fit those descriptions…They support violence, vandalism and more…The key to the liberal mindset is to remember they hate everything that is normal and want to overturn every single convention -- patriotism, free speech (see above), heterosexuality and more. And they try to push that agenda into every single facet of life -- TV, movies and now, musicals."
Michael Walsh, in The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, “said the left has erected ‘a modern Devil’s Pleasure Palace, a Potemkin village built on the promises of ‘social justice’ and equality for all … a world without want or cold or fear or racism or sexism … a world that sounds very much like heaven,” but, instead, “this world has become hell.’’ Which is “evidenced by, ‘The corpses of the untold millions who have died in the attempts of the literally Unholy Left to found the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, divorced from God,’ which, he notes, is also the same ambition as Satan’s: to reclaim heaven, but without God.”…He says the “the left and the devil have same aims: destroy the traditional and established order.”…The first target of the left was to “left relentlessly assaulted the traditional family, while insisting other types of family were just as good, the nuclear family was finally jettisoned as the ideal.”
"Most people are either thinkers or feelers. Thinkers tend to be conservatives. Feelers tend to be Democrats. I became a conservative because the Liberal positions I believed in for a long time turned out not to be factually supportable. When I turned to business, I also discovered that liberal positions hurt the people they claim to help. Because most of the far-left liberals approach most things from an emotional standpoint, nothing they say, do, or believe makes sense. They literally do not live in reality, because if they engaged reason and logic, their worldview would collapse. Who likes to be wrong?...In order to maintain their fantasy world, liberals engage in projection as a defense mechanism. All the darkness that is within them gets projected onto conservatives – the proverbial ‘Other’."
“The political Left increasingly uses criminal prosecutions -- or the threat thereof -- as a political cudgel with which to crush differing views.”
In the dedication of his book Rules for Radicals liberal leader Saul Alinsky wrote, “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”(emphasis in original)
A liberal Yale Ph.D. realized liberalism was wrong. “After changing intellectual directions his colleagues did not respond with tolerance. They did not give him his intellectual freedom. They did not allow him to hold his own convictions. On the contrary, he was vilified, marginalized, and viewed as an intellectual pariah.”  
Evan Sayet
said he “ was your typical New York City-born, Liberal Jew.  My Liberalism wasn’t a thoughtful embrace of Left-wing ideology – in fact, very, very few people thoughtfully embrace this ideology.”  Mr. Sayet is a stupendous stand-up comedian.
“Former liberal Dennis Prager says, “Though there are many sincere liberals, it is likely that this ability to provide moral cover for a less than moral life is one source of liberalism’s appeal. I first thought about this when I saw how the left-wing students at my graduate school, Columbia University, behaved. Aside from their closing down classes, taking over office buildings, and ransacking professors’ offices, I saw the way in which many of them conducted themselves in their personal lives. Most of them had little sense of personal decency, and lived lives of narcissistic hedonism. Women who were involved with leftist groups have told of how poorly they were treated. And one suspects that they would have been treated far better by conservative, let alone religious, men on campus.”
List of former liberals

“The Plague Of Liberalism is a book that spells out the history and   reasons   for the moral, ethical and mental/emotional health declines in the U.S. in the last 40 years… The author is an ex liberal himself, having been a hippie in San Francisco during the ‘60s and ‘70s…”

"The Left has broken the human will to the point of dependency and, as a result, our lower natures can now be appealed to. Think about that a moment. The Left, in the Darwinist worldview, has attempted to teach us that we are not capable, and that we need someone "enlightened" to govern our daily affairs. As a result, the goals of ideological subversion have been realized; we as a society have lost the will to stand in the face of adversity.  Everything that we are experiencing in America is an all-out assault on the free will of mankind. Our free will is a gift given to us by God."
Noreen O’Brien said (in comments to an article), “I think that when the left says anything we should give them a cold icy look and simply turn away as if they were crazy. I think the right spends way too much time explaining themselves and that makes them look weak. Plus it wastes time and libs know this.”

I responded:

Yes! That is a form of mocking.

Having spent some time over the years mocking evolutionism, I have found that there are a lot of True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) that are obsessed with making comments on the Internet. This goes for any subject (political or social) dear to the heart of a liberal. In the case of evolutionism, it is easy to cut to the chase and demand their best proof.

With other subjects, a "cut to the chase" strategy should be developed (for example, abortion could be a sonogram or asking "What is a baby one second before birth?).

The object is to reach the comment readers or, conversation listeners, who have an open and inquiring mind. Sadly, hardcore liberals are willingly ignorant and have hardened hearts. Long debates with them is a waste of precious time.

To which I add: I can publically post this strategy because liberals cannot resist declaring their dogma. Even if they did resist responding it would not matter because they are not the target audience.
There are steps of coming to the rejection of a belief that is wrong. See “Traveling to Truth Transformation.

“The power of Demagoguery and misleading Media have shaped my views by turning them around 180 degrees. I used to be a LIBERAL. Demonizing your opponent is a demagoguery that is used by people who otherwise have no legitimate argument. Regrettably, it is a tactic that is far too often successful. By making an opponent look like a clown, an extremist, obstructionist and worse of all – A RACIST, one hopes that the legitimate argument is swept away.” -- Howard Galganov

“There is an old adage that goes something like: ‘If you're not a liberal when you're in your 20s you haven't got a heart; if you're not a conservative by the time you're 40 you haven't got a brain.’ It's a reasonable summation of youth's innocence and its desire to save the undertrodden from the seeming unfairness of the world, and of adults' experience and its learned realization that utopia on earth is not an option. I fit that old adage rather nicely, as do millions of others of my generation who were formerly young 1960s liberals bent on saving the world, but who are now middle-aged conservatives and libertarians bent on saving American institutions from the reckless attacks of today's new generation of liberal youth.” -- Dave Duffy

David Horowitz is the icon of liberals who have seen the light. He said, "That is why not only radicals, but even those who call themselves liberals, are instinctively intolerant towards the conservative opposition. For [leftists], the future is not a maze of human uncertainties and unintended consequences. It is a moral choice. To achieve the socially just future requires only that enough people decide to will it. Consequently, it is perfectly consistent for [leftists] to consider themselves morally and intellectually enlightened, while dismissing their opponents as immoral, ignorant, or (not infrequently) insane."

Hear him explain the differences between liberals and conservatives. This is a MUST listen to 4 ½ minutes. Read his articles at Front Page Magazine.

A great confession comes from someone not so well known. “I’m a recovered Leftist.  I drank the voodoo juice in college. For a time I joined the “ranks of deranged control freaks.  Our professors drilled Marx, Freud and Darwin into our skulls for four year… Leftists assume they are morally and intellectually superior, without a shred of evidence (and frequently contradicting the best evidence).  It is delusional, but necessary.  After all, one must assume supremacy to justify tyranny… Leftists are convinced they possess special knowledge. Leftists simply “know” things... Leftists are prone to misdiagnose problems, given their arrogant presumption…  You will notice as well that Leftists tend to stifle debate by insisting issues are settled... Always angry, irritable and demanding, like menopausal women trying to stop smoking, Leftists never sleep.  They never miss an opportunity to attack, slander, and engage character assassination.  There is no satisfying these people… Leftists tend to be very self-absorbed, and paranoid, immune to all factual information contradicting the narrative… In short, hell hath no fury like a Leftist scorned.  Go ahead.  Scorn one.  See what happens.  Or you can tune in MSNBC and watch them go berserk.  Great fun, until you realize the psycho’s really are in control, and thus, the world has become one enormous asylum.”


See If it wasn’t so Funny I’d Cry.

“Do you remember the days when our liberal friends were forever claiming the moral high ground on almost any issue no matter how devoid of moral content the issue might be? They claimed it, of course, on issues of war and peace. "All we are saying is give peace a chance," the chorus would sing out.”
“Rush Limbaugh used to say he wanted to convince everyone over to conservatism, but he wanted a few liberals around still just to show people what they were like, otherwise no one would believe there were people that crazy…Sorry to say it, but Rush was wrong about this. We don’t need to keep a few around as cautionary tales, we can read about them in books or watch old TV shows or movies.”
Practically everywhere you turn there is a fatuous, enlightened, white, liberal, elitist bigot telling other people they should be ashamed for being white. This evolving pandemic of stupidity may be in the neoteric stages of social-behavioral demagoguery, but that's not to say it hasn't been spectacularly well received by those who use the space between their ears as repositories for that which falls from chickens to the floor. Hence the prefix for the single syllable descriptive of their brains.”
“Liberals have the emotional make-up of 8-year-old children. Almost to a person -- whether they’re elected politicians, pundits, journalists, or simply rabidly partisan voters -- liberals are absolutely incapable of rationally accepting an undesired outcome and dealing with its consequences in a mature and measured manner…Liberals are not emotional adults. That is established fact and obvious to any objective observer.”
It’s almost impossible to be as wrong as a liberal is on everything. Some people do manage to do it, on occasion, but by and large it’s not an easy task…(I)f you’re one of those leftists who live to be offended on behalf of other people, people who usually aren’t really offended themselves, there is no help for you. You’re the problem in society, not the people with the real problems. They can get help, you are beyond it. You live to be offended by proxy. You cheered when the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins changed their names at the demand of your Oprah Book Club group. You’re pressuring your school board to hire a “Diversity Officer” while the kids in the schools can’t read or do basic math.”
“Some people are unbelievably stupid, while the stupidity of others is completely believable. Democrats fall firmly into the latter category …And each week, sometimes each day, medial liberals cook up more crazy ideas and thoughts to infect the vacuous areas in heads of Democrats normally occupied by brains. To call that area “fertile ground” is to imply there is ground in there, when their heads are really filled with nothing but the purest form of natural fertilizer.”
The Alphabet of Liberalism

Anarchists Belligerent Contemptible Demonic Evil Foolish Godforsaken Hateful Insidious Jerks Knaves Liars Malicious Nonsensical Oppressive Pathetic Quarrelsome Rude Sinister Terrible Unhappy Violent Wretched Xenophobic Yucky Zealots
By Karl C. Priest
“The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.” Ronald Reagan

“One thing you notice when having a conversation with a committed liberal is you’d have a more productive and honest discussion with a shoe. An old, worn-out shoe. Normally, this phenomenon could be chalked up to ignorance – stupid people are, well, stupid. But many of these people are not stupid, at least not in the traditional sense. It’s arrogance, a kind of arrogance that can only come from indifference to anything contrary to what they want…Of course, using fascistic tactics to combat perceived fascism is the basis of ANTIFA, the enforcement wing of the Democratic Party. The concept behind those tactics are now the norm for the party as a whole… There is no wrong that can be done in pursuit of what they view as right. That’s what allows them to ignore their truly awful history, and it’s what emboldens them now. You’d have a more honest conversation with an old shoe than a liberal; at least an old shoe doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. And in all cases, it smells a lot better than what liberals are shoveling.
“Every single day, as if trying to out-stupid each other, some left-winger says or does something so ridiculous it sets a new standard for crazy. Whether elected or under the banner of “journalism,” these people seem incapable of wishing their fellow Americans or the country anything good. They are actively, either consciously or not, working against the United States…”
Mark Dice
: “On my channel we will enjoy mocking the mainstream media and exposing the liberal agenda while we defend the Constitution and Make America Great Again!
“I don’t know who said it, but whoever came up with the idea that “whatever liberals don’t want to ban, they want to make mandatory,” is absolutely accurate. You name it, they’ve got a plan to force everyone to do it or to rid the world of it. Nothing is too small to escape their crosshairs, not even straws.”
“(C)onservative political commentator, comedian and author of “KinderGarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks”… Evan Sayet explained that…’One reason conservatives are so happy and [l]efists are so miserable is that capitalists need friends…They need business partners and investors, trading partners and customers so satisfied they come back again and again. The socialist needs enemies…There must be people who hate him and oppress him. If he’s not hated and oppressed then socialism doesn’t exist.”

20 reasons why people hate liberalism

“1) …a dork calling you a fascist right before he gets together with a large group of his mask-wearing friends to smash windows and violently attack random strangers 30-to-1 in an effort to silence and intimidate everyone he disagrees with.

5) …screaming at people for wearing a MAGA hat or trying to run them out of restaurants while you criticize OTHER PEOPLE for their intolerance.

19) …leaving your mansion in an SUV to get on a private plane to fly to a global warming conference where you explain that no one should have mansions, SUVs, or private planes.

20) …someone telling you that “diversity is a strength” while they systematically persecute everyone who doesn’t agree with their radical, politically correct worldview and encourage every different race, religion and gender to hate each other.”
If liberals are serious about racism, they will remove all things named after Robert Byrd who was a KKK leader and said he would “would never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side” and that he would rather “die a thousand times…than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.” (Karl Priest)
Educating Liberals

Book review for Snowflake Buddies ABC Leftism for Kids! : “ On the first page is an “endorsement,” complete with a seal, of “Lewis Liberman, in his hilarious “children’s book,” Snowflake Buddies, succeeds through an “ABC” exercise for “kids,” cartoons, word games, and other clever illustrations to make contemporary Leftism look as silly as it is…The Society of the Golden Pacifier: A Leftist Fraternity of Intolerant Crybabies,” complete with a cartoon of a pacifier in the center. Anyone who has dealt with the current crop of radical Leftists recognizes both the humor–and accuracy–in this image. This is followed by an “ABC” exercise in which each letter of the alphabet stands for a certain kind of Leftist. Although the quality and flow of the rhymes varies, the result is hilarious, especially with the accompanying cartoons. ”
“When one tries to ‘reason’ with a Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted. Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation and more needless government control. Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality. President Trump should make a declaration that he now identifies as a woman. The left will either have to admit the disgusting absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate ‘Donna Trump’ as the first woman President. Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania, he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate."
(Source: Personal email to me)
Liberal Fantasies vs. Reality, Can you Spot the Difference?

If you like to lay out liberals, look at this: Liberals are lowdown, lawless, licentious, loony, lying, lame brained, laughable, lippy, lurid, lustful, lewd, lippy, loud, lapsed, larcenous, lamentable, lunkheaded, ludicrous, laggards, losers, lambasters, locksteps, and laughingstocks.

Let me know if I left out any.
“Instead of ‘counterrevolutionaries,’ liberals’ opponents are called ‘haters,’ ‘those who seek to divide us,’ ‘tea baggers,’ and ‘right-wing hate groups.’ Meanwhile, conservatives call liberals ‘liberals’—and that makes them testy.
A Progressive's Guide to Political Correctness BWAHAHA!
“People can claim virtually any identity they want nowadays and the presently-dominant liberal culture protects them. Traditionalists are labeled as bigots and misogynists for merely suggesting there’s such a thing as gender roles and acceptable behavior. Meanwhile ‘Ja Du’ attracts national attention because he/she claims he’s really a Filipino. His name was all over the news this week -- what’s next, is someone going to claim they identify with animals or extraterrestrials? Or even inanimate objects? ‘I’m really a tree. I see them and they’re beautiful and peaceful. I’m one of them.’”
Today’s Toons-The Right Reasons
Liberalism has no limits on lunacy. Liberal lunacy is unlimited. 
A ROTFL cartoon of talking to a liberal
If it was not so funny (as in ROTFL) I would cry. “You may be ‘nocturnalgender’ – a gender that feels more intense during the night, but weak or nonexistent when the light is out. To be ‘orbgender’ is to have a gender which feels round, without any edges. Some are ‘felisgender’ – a small, catlike gender…Then there are those to whom you are attracted – your ‘sexual orientation,’ to use the politically correct term. Of course, those attracted to the opposite sex are heterosexual. But there are those who claim to be ‘ficto’ – individuals who only have feelings towards fictional characters; or ‘objectumsexual’ – someone who is attracted to inanimate objects. If you identify as a clock, you may want someone to address you as tick, ticks, or tickself. Or you might want to go out and find someone who prefers tock, tocks, and tockself.”
A friend emailed me some LOL great points.

It made me think about higher car insurance for high risk individuals (teens).  How about higher health insurance for high risk individuals (homosexuals)?

He wrote, “...just had a funny thought. I'm sure this has occurred to others, but we know that insurance companies have traditionally charged more for teenage boys within a certain age range because of their known statistical likelihood of being more dangerous drivers. They typically get more speeding tickets and other factors that have made this a necessary adjustment for them to base and predict rates.

“It is coming to the point where no one is allowed to disagree that everyone can choose the 'gender' they identify as, and that this can also be fluid. It's essentially a hate crime or sexist to insist on a binary man/woman gender. So, when are they going to come down on insurance companies making such distinctions?

“Should a cat-gender person be allowed to drive since you can't get a license for a cat to drive?

“What about health care- if I identify as an elderly woman can I get certain tax exemptions? If I identify as a 70 yr. old retired oil company CEO can I get my S.S. benefits now?

“If these all sound absurd to law makers or health insurance companies, then why is it allowed that they can pass judgment on the supposed false paradigm of binary gender when we're all required to believe in this growing assortment of identities and associations?

“Seems like we go to the doctor and they are allowed to base the medical truth on the physical truth- they only run tests that are specific to 2 genders and they make you check one box or the other. When are they gonna change?”
Here is a description of young liberals.


> Badly educated. Progressive education...
>Lack of tolerance for views other than their own often misguided doctrine. They are easily brainwashed, so they usually are. Then they seek to censor those who are not likewise brainwashed.
> Taking offence at all ideas, attitudes and thoughts other than their own misguided narrow world view.
>Never having to do what they are told. Bad parenting and bad education mean the first time they have to be obedient is when they get a job.
>Amazing ignorant hypocrisy. They expect to bask in the fruits of capitalism whilst denouncing it continuously.

LOTS more and LOTS of cartoons
“Another reality issue that's extremely annoying to liberals and progressives is chromosomal sex determination. The XX/XY sex determination system is found in humans. Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), whereas males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY). This chromosomal reality is seen as limiting, annoying and an artifact of a patriarchal, chauvinistic society. So liberals and progressives want to change… Somehow liberals and progressives manage to cope with some realities but go ballistic with others. They cope well with black domination of basketball, football and track and with the near absence of black performers in classical concerts. They also accept the complete absence of women in the NFL and NBA.”
Libs Exposed for what they are

I did not coin the quip, but it is true that liberals are a “special kind of stupid.”
If it wasn’t for double standards, some liberals would have none at all… Big Money and Big Business in Politics Are Bad, Unless They Support the Left...Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams Get to Follow Their Consciences, but the Baker and Florist Don’t...North Carolina and Mississippi Are Human Rights Violators, but Singapore and Cuba Are Great.”
Self Identity- Coming out as my TRUE self (Be sure to watch this brief video.)
Let’s have a fun farce.

I am coming out. Will you join me?

Like BObama, my thinking has evolved.  Therefore, even though evolution has never been observed, it must be true.

I am ready to proclaim that I am a black-Korean-gay-moderate-Muslim.

Do not let your eyes and reasoning tell you that I am not black!  I think I have some soul deep in my soul.  Besides feeling that My Life Matters, I must have been meant to be born black because I have always felt like I was discriminated against and sneered at.  I should get the benefits of Affirmative Action as a result.  I want a spot on an NBA team. 

I am Korean because I want to eat dog burgers.  That is not as bad as butchering pre-born babies so liberals should honor my diet preference.  However, not all dogs will be on my plate.  There is a cute female collie I have a crush on.  Since the SCOTUS made "the law of the land" that we can marry who we love, I plan to officially (in Kentucky) marry that little lassie.   I will keep my current wife--surely you would have no problem with that.

I now declare that I am gay--just not homosexual.  I will retro the word "gay" to what it meant for hundreds of years :  "Merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome. It denotes more life and animation than cheerful."  Being "gay" should avail me of a lot of praise from liberals.  Maybe, I'll get a trophy.

Finally, I will be a good moderate Muslim and enjoy my brethren blowing up people and mutilating female genitalia.  Hey, no one is perfect--OK.  Respect my religion!

Will you then join my crusade to mandate that Navy SEAL teams be required to have a number of females equivalent to the male-female national ratio.  Next, we can work on getting a quota for transgenders on the Teams.

Let’s open Planned Puppyhood clinics by the thousands and abort preborn puppies.

A reasonable person sees the idiocy of the farce, but if liberalism is taken seriously, the farce should be accepted and honored.
The American Journal of Political Science  published a correction this year saying that the 2012 paper has “an error” — and that liberal political beliefs, not conservative ones, are actually linked to psychoticism. “The interpretation of the coding of the political attitude items in the descriptive and preliminary analyses portion of the manuscript was exactly reversed,” the journal said in the startling correction.
To be on the cutting edge of the liberal left, you:

>Do not know what is growing inside a woman's tummy until it comes out

>Do not know that a male genitalia on any animal, mammal, human, signifies a male gender and vice versa

>Do not understand that a creation is typically "created' by a creator

>Do not understand that "free" education and healthcare actually cost somebody something

>Tell everyone that it is rich, fat, old, white Christian men that are stealing all the money from you, but resolve every issue by printing hundreds of billions of dollars and using it on programs that only benefit "their" people

>See nothing wrong with a 50 year old man deciding to be a 6 year old girl and being adopted as such, to play with the 8 year old daughter. See nothing hypocritical about that same man going to his job every day as a 50 year old man

>See Islam as a religion of peace while they blow people up daily, but see Christians as top of the terrorist list for wanting to protect babies and calling men and women what they actually are

>Want to legalize every harmful drug every known to cause permanent damage, pretending that medical evidence backs their beliefs, but believe they are experiencing actual harm for having to listen to opposing views on college campuses

>Insist that you are born that way... but you are free to change your mind based on how you feel...

>Global cooling is going to kill ever... Global warming is going to ki... Climate change is going to kill everyone, and it is only the fault of rich white Americans

We know the list goes on, but I wouldn't get anything else done today!
Questions for loony homosexual liberals : “Will government strong arm the Muslim into catering a hog roast? Will the Jewish web designer have to get on board with Will the black seamstress have to hem up robes for short Klansmen? Where does it end? Exposing both the hypocrisy of the left and the looming litigious leviathan that our present madness threatens to unleash, these amount to great questions.”  
For ROTFL videos see Louder with Crowder.
Progressive Disorder
is a term used in United States politics as a pejorative political epithet referring to progressives or leftists."

Liberals are literally idiots.
Jeff Foxworthy:

“If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

“If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

“If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

"Being able to control yourself is less common among Left-wingers than conservatives, scientists have found. They say the reason for the difference is that those on the right are more likely to believe that they have free will and that individuals have the power to change things."
There is a Laughing at Liberals YouTube channel.

So God Made a Liberal is a ROTFL video.

Laugh @ Liberals has lots of resources. So does Making Fun of Liberals.
Burt Prelutsky is a powerful poker-of-fun at liberals. “Speaking of those who should be neutered, if not wiped out entirely, liberals have made careers out of mocking conservatives, insisting we’re a bunch of pious busybodies who like nothing better than to condemn other people’s morals.

“But it is those on the Left who consistently show Salem witch hunter Cotton Mather to be something of an underachiever. It’s Democrats who have decided that they and they alone should determine how everybody else should behave.

“So by their lights, it’s okay to be a religious zealot, but only so long as your religion is Islam or Liberalism, but strictly taboo if it happens to be Christianity or Judaism.

“It is also perfectly fine if you’re homosexual or engage in any other sexual activity formerly deemed perverse, unnatural or disgusting. Instead, those are the words liberals reserve for those who smoke tobacco – but not marijuana – and who believe in an omnipotent God other than one named Barack Obama.

“But if you really want to enrage a true leftist believer, let him see you imbibing one of those satanic beverages containing – horror of horrors – sugar! Like Linda Blair in “The Exorcist,” his head will start twirling, his eyes will roll up into his skull and green bile will come spewing from his mouth.

“I assume we are all familiar with Michelangelo’s masterful work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, showing God, the bearer of life, reaching out to touch his finger to that of Adam. Someone sent me a cartoon recently that showed God holding out, not a finger, but a human brain to his creation, and Adam replying: ‘No thanks…I’m a liberal.’”

See more of Burt’s blasts below.
I have obtained a secret Ovaltine decoder ring that allows me to decipher what progressives really mean when they don’t really mean what they say.

“Progressivism: ‘The courts have spoken.’ Translation: We’ve been stacking the legal system’s deck with our progressive ideas/proxies for over a century now. That way our plans would be exempt from voter scrutiny at the ballot box. On the other hand, should your people get elected and try to undo any of the damage we’ve caused, rest assured there’s an oligarch in a black robe waiting in the wings to strike you down with one bang of his gavel. True, these same judges have almost no constitutional means of enforcing their unlawful edicts, but your side’s leaders are too gutless to call our bluff. They actually repeat our pernicious lie as an excuse for why they can’t do the jobs you elected them to do.

“Progressivism:  ‘The science is settled.’ Translation:   Most of the scientists are progressives, and those that aren’t couldn’t get tenured at band camp. Therefore, there’s really no need continuing to argue when all contrary data is just going to be ignored – or gets the person attempting to introduce it fired from their job”

“Progressivism:  ‘Tolerance.’ Translation:   Tolerance for me, but not for thee. We will clamor for tolerance while our wacky ideas aren’t being tolerated by a society still awash in common sense. However, once we’re allowed to gain a foothold in the culture, “tolerance” will then transition into “dominance” and you will no longer be tolerated. But you will be made to care.  

“Progressivism:  ‘The courts have spoken.’ Translation:   We’ve been stacking the legal system’s deck with our progressive ideas/proxies for over a century now. That way our plans would be exempt from voter scrutiny at the ballot box. On the other hand, should your people get elected and try to undo any of the damage we’ve caused, rest assured there’s an oligarch in a black robe waiting in the wings to strike you down with one bang of his gavel. True, these same judges have almost no constitutional means of enforcing their unlawful edicts, but your side’s leaders are too gutless to call our bluff. They actually repeat our pernicious lie as an excuse for why they can’t do the jobs you elected them to do.”

“Progressivism:  ‘I don’t believe Jesus would (fill in the blank).’ Translation:   The only Jesus we know is the one we use for a swear word. We have no idea what the Bible really says or means, for if we did we probably wouldn’t be progressives in the first place. In our depraved minds, we have erected many shibboleths of the damned. Like preferring to believe Jesus is nothing more than a first century soothsayer. A dispenser of Galilean flower power, if you will… We know not the real Jesus. Reject his Gospel as truth. And believe him to be a liar for claiming to be God, when we know there is no god but ourselves…”
(T)he Fraternal Order of the Perpetually Offended…(are)  people who do not want to be told what to do in their bedrooms, celebrate their self-recognized intellectual superiority by telling the rest of us how we should live, both inside our own bedrooms… These people need to see their opinions validated by seeing others acknowledge and participate in their type of behavior and philosophies, even if those other people are forced into that behavior… Those within the pseudo-intellectual, politically-correct leftist brain trust indulge in using big words and long, rambling sentences to not say much. And one of the best opportunities to allow a lot of words to stroke an unearned ego is to take it upon one’s self to decide who should feel offended and when.


See A Common Thread.

“The big bane of the greenies, their bête noire (excuse my French), is fossil fuels. The greenies are especially vexed by ICE, the internal combustion engine. That’s because ICE vehicles run on fossil fuels, the petroleum products petrol (gasoline) and diesel. That such engines have been used in virtually all vehicles for a century is of no concern to the greenies; ICE vehicles have gotta go, lest the world end in twelve years. Greenies disapprove of carbon and fret about carbon footprints, even though they themselves are carbon-based lifeforms, one assumes”
The apocalyptic talk about climate change is nothing more than a diversion tactic by the government, the radical Left, and their mainstream press. The many laws, the trillions in federal appropriations and tax credits, and the unworkable proposals to address climate change will not slow the rise of the oceans or heal the planet. Lobbying for more climate regulation is to enhance the power of the authoritarian state, not protect the environment”

“(W)ind turbines currently chop-up 500,000 birds annually. If we double, triple and quadruple wind turbines, they will kill millions of birds annually…(E)electric cars cost a fortune and they must always be charged by fossil fuel burning or nuclear power…Batteries do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an electric vehicle (EV) is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.
The native population consists of stone, iron, and bronze age colonists who wiped out whatever indigenous peoples there were and then got down to the business of killing each other until the Europeans showed up. Your average American and Canadian tree hugger has as much of a mystical relationship with the great outdoors as a California casino owner…”
“For more than 40 years, the environmentalist movement has been warning that global warming is the result of mankind's burning of fossil fuels and poses an "existential threat" to human and other biological life…It should now be obvious that the "Greens," the environmentalist movement -- not global warming -- poses an existential threat to humanity.
“The price of energy from all sources conventional is exploding globally. Far from accidental, it is a well-orchestrated plan to collapse the industrial world economy that has already been weakened dramatically by almost two years of ridiculous covid quarantine and related measures.”
“The most fervent topic of (liberal journalism) arrogance is global warming, and the so-called “true” side never has to be held accountable for their dire predictions, ever…The liberal media always cooperate in this propaganda…From October 7 to 11 in 1990, PBS aired a ten-hour documentary series called Race to Save the Planet. It was such an urgent “race” that it required ten hours of radical leftists without any rebuttal…The ‘Green New Deal’ is more of the same radical agenda to lock down (if not abolish) capitalism, like a never-ending COVID scare. The Left never really relies on the scientific method on this subject. They only intimidate their opponents into silence…”

“The fundamental divide in life is quite simple: God loves people, environmental activists don't. In God's worldview, man is created in his image for the purpose of procreation and to exercise dominion over all the earth and over every living thing that lives on it…(Genesis 1:26). In the view of eco-fascists, on the other hand, man is a noxious weed who is nothing more than a parasite, whose presence and imprint must be removed as far as possible from every place on earth. The fewer the human beings, the better”

Environmentalism, never forget, is a totalitarian ideology inimical to the freedoms and prosperity of Western Civilisation. Our media, our elites, our politicians are betraying us hideously on this most important of issues. They are allowing a small but shrill minority of green activists and bent scientists to get away with murder by permitting their lies to go unchallenged.”

Environmentalism is the new communism, a system of elite command-and-control that kills prosperity and should similarly be condemned to the ash heap of history…today’s global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trample on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good.”
Environmentalism is growing increasingly anti-capitalist and anti-human. Once the aim was directed primarily at preventing and cleaning up pollution, preserving ecosystems and protecting wild places. These days, the louder voices within the movement seem more intent on invoking global warming hysteria as the pretext to throttle economic liberty and the prosperity it enables.”
“Global warming (aka ‘climate change’) has become a religious mantra, a call for action in a crusade against larger evils we have perpetrated against nature… Its temple is built on grounds of faith rather than scientific foundations…Endless “authorities’ will back up these images with scary prophesies regarding just how bad things are likely to get based upon speculative theories and unproven computer models offered as articles of faith. Knee-jerk responses to alarmist forecasts make for great media, but do so at the expense of good science…Global warming zealots have launched an aggressive jihad against those they brand as ‘deniers’…In the church of climate change, most or all unfortunate events that occur are attributable to human causation. Eco-elitists seize upon this dogma to argue that economic growth, promulgated by spurious corporate interests, is the enemy of the environment.”
“(P)rogressives spend a good deal of their time berating those who do not share their opinion on the apocalyptic nature of climate change for being ‘science deniers,’ a phrase obviously modeled on the label “Holocaust deniers” and calculated for the same effect. But the problem is that progressives have absolutely no credibility on this file, and it rather looks like they only cling to science when they find it convenient. As Sean Davis put it on Twitter as the caterwauling over the Paris pullout began: ‘If you can’t tell me how many genders there are or when human life begins, I’ll kindly pass on your theories about the weather next century.’… There is also the fact that our enlightened leaders do not treat climate change with the same solemnity when it comes to their own lifestyle choices.”
“Climate change, as an issue, contains pretty much everything leftists salivate over, in terms of controlling people, making people responsible for disasters and calamities, offering them chance to repent, offering them salvation, and then exempting them from the blame that you have foisted on them, and then guaranteeing them clean water and clean air… Climate change contains so much of liberalism, so much of the socialist dream, it’s got everything. It’s got human behavior. It’s got blame. It’s got salvation. It’s got people whose lives don’t mean anything. You can tell ’em they’re saving the planet. It’s got tax increases, it grows government, people willingly support growing government in order to make sure everybody gets to go to the hospital and the doctor and that the climate’s not destroying the planet! And they’ll sign up for that as fast as you can give ’em the forms.”
“Faith in an ideology based on a desire for power over others and the need to feel personally superior without any legitimate accomplishment is perhaps the most dangerous state of being an individual or society can adopt. I would refer to such a mindset as “zealotry,” an integral element of cultism and an extreme result of the elitist side of faith. Zealotry and cultism are not limited to the realm of the religious. Zealotry is a clever devil hiding in the woodwork of any political or academic construct, and this includes the scientific community when it strays away from empirical logic and honest data into a world of pseudoscience and social engineering. I cannot think of a better example of zealotry feeding scientific cultism than the highly propagandized climate change/global warming movement. Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is quickly becoming the overarching rationale for almost every policy toward global centralization… Those who deny the existence of global warming or who question the legitimacy of its high priests (climate scientists) are not exercising their right to skepticism; they are contributing to inevitable genocide. Therefore, climate denial would have to be punished by government…Under ecological panic, human beings must apply social Darwinism in order to survive. Amoral rationalizations must prevail. Pseudoscientists and the establishment become the purveyors of life and death, prosperity and poverty.” (See “The Common Thread”.
Climate change hysteria has failed to persuade the public because its predictions lack credibility. They’re so incredible, in fact, that even the people making them show little faith in their eventual vindication.”

“All Americans should be alarmed by this because the U.N., in order to combat “Climate Change,” has called for a massive reduction in the world’s population. In fact, U.N. Climate Secretary Christine Figueres has stated for the record that global communism would be the best way to combat climate change.”  
“I don't know of any Christian group that actively calls for environmental destruction. We all have to live on the same planet and breathe the same air. It is in our common interest to have a world free of deadly contaminants. God gave man dominion over the earth, and we are to be good stewards of what has been entrusted into our hands… Starting in the 1960s, activists added a neo-Marxist theology to various ecological concerns, creating the modern environmentalist movement. This utopian visions that environmentalists try to convey today have little do with saving the earth. Their views on environmental issues are heavily tied to political agendas and are often counterproductive to the causes they claim to represent. ‘ For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26)."
Todd Strandberg, “Bible Prophecy and Environmentalism
See “Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore.”
Bible verses about the creation: John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17; Genesis 1:26; Nehemiah 9:6
Environmental Science from a biblical worldview
Liberal environmentalism is akin to evolutionism which is a lie.
Glenn Beck is deluded about Mormonism, but he understands progressives and Mother Earth worship.

“Both intellectually and financially, the harm that the ideology of sustainability has visited upon academia can’t be overestimated. Intellectually, students have been deprived of the freedom to genuinely think through a topic that, contrary to what “sustainability” zealots would have them believe, deserves to be debated: whole curricula have been restructured to immunize “sustainability” against criticism. Hence, “sustainability” ideologues have insured that education will give way to indoctrination…(I) deologues preempt debate by way of “blatant appeals to authority,” i.e. bogus claims that there is a “consensus” among scientists that favors the position of the true believers.”
“Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural match. After all, who can tell you better to cut back on your wasteful ways better than a high-flying multi-millionaire movie star?… It's never mattered that the stars have all the scientific expertise of Pee Wee Herman. They're just so good-looking and famous, who cares?... It's bad enough that they don't know what they're talking about. It's worse that they're sheer hypocrites while preaching their nonsense. A private jet burns as much fuel in an hour as a car does in a year.” See specific examples.


See Why I Use the KJB.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44

You can find the Bible verse references to those terms at Bible: King James Version -- Simple Searches.

“(W)e're not just animals, ordained to live in an eco-system, locate food, procreate and try to steer clear of predators. For co-existing with this natural world is a mysterious moral dimension in which we humans are also immersed. Animals don't share this moral realm, nor do plants, rocks, mountains or oceans, nor for that matter do atoms, molecules, planets, stars or black holes, all of which ‘act’ in accord with their given nature, all without honor or dishonor, reward or punishment. Kittens aren’t good, and man-eating sharks aren't bad. Only man dwells in this peculiar moral realm wherein good and evil not only manifest, but seem to be focused directly on recruiting us!... Clearly there is something in our makeup , some mysterious inheritance from ancient times, that beckons us to so easily cross the line of conscience, morality and reason – to violate God's laws, to become spiritual outlaws. In Christian shorthand, we're all ‘born in sin.’… Unfortunately, because repentance and facing our own dark, angry, sinful nature can be painful and requires humility, many people are more inclined to skip the introspection and just appoint an earthly savior to rescue them from their misery.”


(7) CHRISTIANITY/PASTORS & LEADERS (See #20 Conservative Compromise also.)
See Panty Waist Pastors.

When religious leaders moved the red line of sexual degeneracy to accommodate homosexuality (under withering pressure from the Kirk and Madsen crowd), I’m sure they hoped the degeneracy would go no further than, say, legal recognition of homosexual behavior… Some conservatives and some Christians boxed themselves in with the “adult human beings doing their own thing” argument. Consequently, they ignored the biblical statement that God abhors disordered sexual behaviors. He makes no exception for where the disordered behavior occurs (in a bedroom or not) or who is acting it out…A lukewarm position on the sinful and destructive nature of the homosexual agenda is one of the reasons, in my view, mainline Christianity in America (and throughout the world) is so ineffective.
When religious leaders moved the red line of sexual degeneracy to accommodate homosexuality (under withering pressure from the Kirk and Madsen crowd), I’m sure they hoped the degeneracy would go no further than, say, legal recognition of homosexual behavior. I’m sure all of America hoped that would be the case. Solid Christians, however, were very much aware that you cannot compromise with sexual sin, and we could see where it would lead.

“Make no mistake. Do not be theologically naïve! America’s bankrupting entitlement policies stem from previous, pervasive bad theology: the bad theology of Theological Liberalism. Few people today, it seems, tend to make the connection between political thought and its underlying historical, theological influence! How one views God tends to determine one’s worldview. Accordingly, the ideological war within American culture today cannot be completely understood without first comprehending the theology underlying it. As it pertains to the entitlement mindset today of many liberal political leaders, the foundational theological influence is that of the Social Gospel…Human reason, rather than Scripture, was becoming the authority for all of faith and practice, including political thought …(T)he religion of the Social Gospel proffers itself as being “Christian” when it isn’t even close to being biblical.
“You mean to say that those who are called “salt and light” have the God-ordained command to bring attention to the deeds of darkness by shining on those deeds and exposing them? I don’t think that we’re being told here to go around as busybodies trying to make public all the dirty laundry of every individual sinner. But when you learn anything about the wholesale evil that has been going on behind the public scenes of society today, you can’t miss the application of God’s call for His people in this evil time…It’s now becoming clear for many people that America’s Democratic party, and many compromisers with iniquity in the Republican party, have declared war on the American people. But they’ve also exposed a much greater evil. They’ve revealed that the war is much bigger – globally bigger – than most Americans would have ever imagined. They are demanding unconditional surrender, not only from the church, but from innocent citizens. This war we’re in compels believers to look closer at what the Bible says about powerful demonic forces influencing our country’s laws and leaders…But somebody will ask you, “Doesn’t the Bible tell us to obey governing authorities, no matter what?” Absolutely not. And it’s shocking how many believers do not know their Bible or have been given false teaching about it. There is no verse in the Bible that tells you to obey evil government or lawless laws that are in opposition to God’s laws regarding right and wrong…There is a pathetic heresy that has crept into the thinking of many believers in the modern, watered-down, milquetoast church that is all too commonly accepted as a pattern of acceptable behavior.” Psalm 94:16, Isaiah 5:20, Ephesians 5:13

“Christian, you are God’s voice in this sea of diversity and your duty to speak is more critical now than at any time in American History… Silence isn’t golden, it is yellow. If silence was such a noble characteristic why do our friends on the Left not employ the same practices when they try to jam their opinions down our throats? Who said that Christians are the ones who always need to turn the other cheek? Do you know anyone who ever won a debate via silence? Why are we so afraid to speak our mind?... Where were you taught that only those on the Left were able to freely speak their minds? When was the last time you heard someone on the Left referred to as a “Christiphobe, bigot, racist, or sexist?” Why have we permitted the arguments to become so one-sided? Why is it that Christians are forced to play by a different set of rules? Why do we agree to it? Why do we let the bullies bully us?... Well, I am sick of the double standard. I think homosexuals are heterophobic, humanists are Godophobic, Democrats are Trumpophobic, feministst are masculiphobic, and blacks are caucasphobic… In fact, some of the harshest judgments I ever hear uttered are criticisms of those who claim to be Christians. Non-Christians are perfectly free to “judge” Christians but Christians are never free to “judge” non-Christians. Calling a Christian “deplorable” is perfectly acceptable but calling a homosexual a sodomite is bigoted… Folks, America is the “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave.” When we stop being brave we will no longer be free. Don’t let the Left put words in your mouth. If your words are not free then your thoughts are not free. It is time to stop letting the Left set all the ground rules for how we will live together. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Fight fire with fire.”

“Fearful people are leading the American church. They preach a Gospel of victory, but they live a life of defeat and surrender…Abortion is legal in America because our leadership is afraid to fight it…The American pulpits are filled with the most cowardly leadership in the history of Christianity…Today’s “men of God” won’t even speak about abortion from the safety of their church. Evil is running unopposed in this nation and the pulpits are silent out of fear of their government masters…Most Christian ministries put on band aids. They wipe noses, clean up after disasters, and help the wounded. But do we ever CAUSE any wounds? Do we ever go on the offensive? Do we ever put the FEAR OF GOD into the enemy?”

“It appears that many of our Christian Right and pro-family leaders have been naïve and vulnerable to the con-artistry of the political establishment in Washington, and especially of the Republican Party, which now has a virtual lock on the Christian and pro-family voter, while doing little to further their agenda except dropping rhetorical crumbs from the table time to time. The GOP is the master at fooling Christian leaders into thinking they make a difference and are important players in Washington politics. In turn, our so-called leaders have tried to con the average evangelical Christian voter and contributor with reports of energetic political and lobbying activities, even though these efforts do nothing to arrest the moral, cultural, and political rot.

“When you vote for any politician, be it senator, governor, mayor, congressman or representative who is a baby killer, a God hater, an enemy of Israel and pervert-promoter—among many other evils, you are one giant-sized hypocrite. You are serving the devil and not the living God.

“I understand why those who openly proclaim ‘There is no God’ are eager to abandon the premises of liberty that sustain our nation's constitutional self-government. I understand why would-be tyrants, seeking to return humanity to the habits of oligarchic despotism, cultivate and exploit their foolishness. But now leaders in Christian denominations, Protestant and Catholic alike, are moving to join them – even though this means abandoning, with the faith they profess, the premises of right, including liberty that cannot be maintained without that faith…The primary objective of their strategy to destroy our self-government is to co-opt, subvert, neutralize, and dissolve the gathering of faithful people in Christ , through which God's power flows like nourishing blood, informing, sustaining, and encouraging the commitment to God's justice that is the true and only hope for preserving our Union.”

One thing I have learned over the years is that one of the greatest threats to America comes from so-called evangelicals. Whether they are neo-evangelicals, neo-Calvinists, or well-known Bible teachers who have been compromised, the fact is that one of the greatest threats facing America is useful idiots and dupes within the evangelical church in America…(I)f evangelicals are lost, the country is lost because it is the Judeo-Christian worldview that is the underpinnings of our Constitutional Republic. One of the ways the Red-Green axis has penetrated evangelicalism and America is through Interfaith Dialogue…For numerous years I have warned that many within evangelicalism have not only become a spiritual threat to America, but they are, in many regards, promoting, defending, and giving credibility to that which is a national security threat to America…Marxism will be repackaged by change agents as social justice, Christian charity, the Great Commission, evangelism, generosity, human flourishing, building the kingdom of God on earth, and any other religious phrase that can be hijacked to conceal Marxianity…Sadly, many of America’s pastors and Christian leaders are apparently more interested in group consensus and the good ol’ boy club than they are in standing alone….Sadly, many pastors and Christian leaders seem to be more driven by pragmatism than truth.”

"How is it not sin for a professing Christian to vote for a Democrat?… In their efforts to expand and prove that they are compassionate, open-minded and accommodating, mainline denominations have embraced nearly every destructive liberal ideal that exists in American culture. Socialism is embraced and promoted in many churches under the thinly-veiled moniker of ‘social-justice.’ Thus, churches are unwittingly being used as petri dishes in which to nurture anti-American ideologies. Whole denominations of churches have entered into partnerships with secular political partners that undermine or prohibit the first mission of the Church, to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ Instead, they are making disciples of Satan while advancing the agenda and expanding the power and control of the Democrat party over individuals. Feeding programs are the most common ways that people are being put into bondage.

“(T)he most effective and destructive leaders of the way down this dark path to child- and culture-sacrifice have not been the more overtly Pagan leaders of Corporate or State interests. The most insidious and productive instigators of this long, steady march to anti-Christian Statism have actually been the professing Christian leaders, pastors and priests who have encouraged their flocks to keep right on feeding its next generation into the culture- and worldview-shredding slaughterhouse that is State-run children’s education’”

What has happened to Christians in America? Decades after the contrived, fabricated, and phony Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the SCOTUS, that many falsely believe is the law of land, after over 60 million unborn children have been murdered in the womb, and partially out of the womb in a “procedure” known as partial birth abortion. 44 Demoncrat Senators who have obeyed the political spirit of antichrist in Washington D.C., have chosen to give a thumbs down to life for those children who miraculously survive the heinous attempt to murder them before and during birth… Infanticide  is now gleefully codified into State law in many places. Some Christians are horrified at this turn of events. My question to them is this: why are you shocked? Many Christians sang louder as arguments for murdering unborn children gained an intellectual foothold in American minds. Euphemisms such as 'choice,' 'a decision between a woman and her doctor,' and 'my body, my choice,' became commonplace and accepted as reasonable. Nothing justifies the murdering of unborn children. America now condones the murdering of BORN children!” 

“There are two groups of professing Christians. Those who are concerned and those that are compromised--most of the latter are covetous. The concerned Christians are those who know something is morally wrong. A sub-group of them are passionate enough to mildly speak out and a smaller group is fervently passionate and have worked in some capacity to make changes. We need to get the concerned Christians passionate enough to actually take action… Society is where it is because the Church has too many compromisers.

We are sheep without shepherds, led by cowardly hirelings.  I’m sorry to be so blunt.  I do not wish to impugne ALL pastors.  Certainly there ARE some bold, courageous ones out there, and I know some personally.   But the VAST majority in America today are hirelings.   Jesus was even more emphatic than what I have said here, using words like ‘Snakes,’ “Brood of Vipers,’ ‘Whitewashed tombs.’  And He told those religious leaders they were ‘of their father, the devil.’
“Christianity is more than a belief system or a theological creed. Christianity is faith in a living Lord and in His indwelling Holy Spirit. Christianity involves the entire life: every day, every action, every decision, every thought, and every emotion… Christianity is not a part-time activity. It must be fulltime—when life is easy and when it gets hard.”
Here's the danger. To the untrained ear, the progressive Christian message can sound a lot like biblical Christianity. There's talk of God, Jesus, the Bible, love, and compassion. If a child has never learned to think more deeply about theology and what the Bible actually teaches, they can easily mistake progressive Christianity for biblical Christianity. And progressive Christianity often teaches an incomplete or false gospel .
“Once the liberals established their errant ideas about the Scriptures, they naturally then observed that the followers they were creating needed activities to occupy themselves with. Since being "born again" equated to the dreaded notions of "fundamentalism," good works to advance humanitarian causes became the replacement. If a person was carrying out social welfare, then it was accepted as a sign that they were all right with God. As the so-called "German Enlightenment" swept the seminaries, pulpits, and congregations two centuries ago, salvation for the sinner was supplanted with justice for the poor. This movement, and every movement of its kind since Adam and Eve were in the Garden, was made possible by first doubting and then boldly denying particular truths from God's Word.”
“Ah, State-controlled children’s ‘education’. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished idol dominating the land. So who is responsible for this? Is it the Liberals? The Commies? The Democrats? Sauron? The Sith? Nope. I know…I know…it’s Common Core! Nuh-uh. It’s not the Democrats, the Liberals, or even Common Core… It’s the Christians. We are, as always, the greatest enablers of the enemy. We are the most compliant tools in Satan’s quest to mold the minds and worldviews of our own children.”
“Sadly, because so many Christians have not been prepared to stand boldly for the authority of the Word of God and have allowed all sorts of compromises, we are losing the once great Christian influence in the US and many other western countries . If Christians aren’t more active in proclaiming biblical authority, we will continue to lose influence (and our freedoms). Think of all the Christian symbols that have been removed from public places in the US and elsewhere. And consider the way Christianity has been largely edited out of the government school system. Look at how secularized our western cultures have become, where an increasing number of people are calling good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20).”
“It’s much like the old “frog in the pot” parable, in which a frog was placed in a pot of tepid water, with the water temperature being very gently increased. The frog adapted to the warmer water until it eventually cooked to death. Now it appears that Christendom is being cooked at a fast-food rate. False teachers have abandoned trying to ease in “new teachings” and are now racing headlong into heresy after heresy.”
We are, as always, the greatest enablers of the enemy. We are the most compliant tools in Satan’s quest to mold the minds and worldviews of our own children. America seems to be happily plunging itself and its children into the tyranny of Statism primarily because professing Christians have proudly led the way. Rather than lead the culture in repentance and tearing down the enemy stronghold that is the satanic, State-controlled children’s “education” system, it is professing Christians who are among the most vocal and ardent defenders of this child-eating, culture-corrupting abomination. While there’s little left to wonder as to why unbelievers would buy into and strive to prop up the satanic lies at the foundation of the system feeding on the minds and souls of our young, what of the professing church? What of professing Christians? Why are we so into the satanic spin on the pursuit of knowledge?"
“Please understand this: America’s malaise is directly due to the deliberate disobedience of America’s pastors —and the willingness of the Christians in the pews to tolerate the disobedience of their pastor. Nothing more! Nothing less! When Paul wrote his own epitaph, it read, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7) He didn’t say, “I had a large congregation, we had big offerings, we had a lot of programs, I had a large staff, and we had large facilities.”
“America will not be restored? Because we don't deserve to be restored! That's why! There is little to no repentance for our national sins and abominations against the God of our fathers. As clearly demonstrated from the election results, nearly half of the citizens of this country have been infected with Marxist/Communist ideology from our schools and universities over the last 50 years. The rest still cling to the Constitution, and at least have some respect for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even if they don't consider Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.

“Then, there are the Christians-in-name-only, who warm the cushy pews of the mega-churches and cathedrals, listening to a different gospel every week consisting of prosperity doctrine, or "loving" acceptance of all sorts of sinful lifestyles. You really believe God will hear to their prayers, when even THEY don't see their need to repent and return to the basic tenets of the Bible?!”
“The fact of the matter is that Judeo-Christian ethics have been driven from our culture and declared a dinosaur from an ancient past. Right and wrong, virtue, morality, goodness—these have been rejected in pop culture, our education system, the media, and politics. We have been told repeatedly that character doesn't matter because everyone's values are different. All that matters is an ideological agenda and the power that goes with it.”

Liberals have a methodical plan to devour America through the government school system...Christians continue to have this 'dear-in-the-headlights' reaction to something that they have seen happen again and again and again.  State-by-state, the liberals come in and take over the school boards.  State-by-state, the liberals seek to remove any reference to Jesus.  And state-by-state, Christians act like this is their first time at the rodeo… The key to liberal success is the predictable reaction by Christians…The liberals can be certain of one thing.  They are certain that Christians will give speeches citing their outrage. These speeches will be recited at school board hearings, on TV, on talk-radio, in beauty parlors, and over kitchen tables, and on YouTube videos....  but what will NOT happen, is that Christians will not abandon the government schools.    

Think about this little lesson on compromise that I learned as a liberal.  Imagine there are 2 groups who disagree on a subject.  One group (Christians/conservatives) wants A, the other group (God Haters/liberals) wants Z.    They are at an impasse, so they decide to compromise.  They meet in the middle.  They meet at M.  On the surface, it looks like no one has won, but when you scratch the surface, the Z group has really won.  The Z group has the momentum.   All Z group has to do is wait a little while and then make the argument for Z again.  Z knows that his opponent will not agree, but his opponent might be willing to compromise again…The groups are now M vs Z.  So if we agree to meet in the middle again, we will be at T…M is under the illusion that both sides gave up something.   So again, the Z group will simply wait a while and reach out to the T group regarding their old disagreement, and again the Z group will suggest a compromise, and the T group…will agree to the compromise.  So now they will meet at W.  The Z group has victory at hand.  They only have to wait one more generation before there will be no significant difference between the W group and the Z group.  

Today's kindergarteners will grow up in a school district where Jesus is mocked,  sex is encouraged, homosexuality is celebrated, America is denigrated, conservatives are racists, masculinity is marginalized, big government is celebrated and illiteracy is accepted.  

(The above is from ACLU liberal and atheist, Lisa Watson, in a forwarded email from Ray Moore (Exodus Mandate ) dated 12 August 2016.)
For at least 55 years in America, Christians have opted for “nice” instead of boldly speaking the truth in real love , as exemplified by all the heroes of the Scripture. And what have we to show for it? Practicing homosexuals in the pulpit. Churches condemning Israel. Churches funding abortion. Churches accommodating Sharia, even promoting it. Satanists conducting ‘invocations’ at government meetings. Christian leaders endorsing the ungodly. Churches denying Christ. Pastors recommending “nice”.
(T)he American Christian Church has an identity crisis . Not only do they have difficulty providing an accurate description of the King they claim to serve, but they have an even greater inability to articulate to others the job description of their congregation…(When asked to take a stand against evil a pastor replied), “I would love to be part of it …But unfortunately that is the weekend of our annual Ice Cream Social. Perhaps you can make some calls and see if you could find Someone Else to go in my place.”
(S)o-called leaders among Christian ministries and congregations should get off their collective religious duffs , and start supporting the idea of Christian schooling.  We often hear men say, “God called me to preach the Gospel.”  Did you ever hear one say he was called to encourage his congregation to home school?  Where is the discernment? The discipleship?  And, the dedication to train the next generation 30 hours a week rather than giving them a lick and a promise with only two or three hours per week in God’s house, as they say?... Preaching is much easier and brings in more money than the study of God’s Word, praying for discernment, or spending the effort to train a bunch of kids who don’t carry wallets with lots of cash in them… oh, the LOVE OF MONEY.
(B)y and large the men who currently occupy the pulpit are okay with our children being educated by liars; that is relevant because the pulpit has been complicit in facilitating the humanist's long-term view on society, which goes back to the reason civil government schools were initially created: to displace Christ-centeredness. It has worked; the church has been complicit…(U)nderstand that even though the church consists of a body of believers, only a handful of men go before those believers and preach. Even less preach on "controversial" issues. And so if that handful of men do not address what must be addressed, the body of believers will follow suit. They themselves will become complacent. To the men who occupy America’s pulpits, I say this: if you want God to bless Americans, do something different; say something different. One thing different you can do is instead of ignoring how we as Christians send our children to be educated by liars, in front of your congregation question whether there should be a mechanism (civil government schools) that facilitates such.  (4-8-16 email from Kevin R. Novak, Deconstructing the Coliseum.)
(A pastor said about the situation in America,) “I just preach the Gospel... We just need to pray more. The Lord is in control.”

"Really? Do you earn money or do you just pray for money? Do you pray you will stay in shape or do you work out to stay in shape? Do you simply pray God will feed the starving or do you and your church work to feed them? The Devil’s kids work like everything depends on them. God’s kids act like NOTHING depends on them? Would you act the same way if you really believed you could make a difference? Look in the mirror, Pastor. What if your children’s future depended on you?"
"When the world is at peace and all is well, maybe we can afford a cupcake Christianity that is built on sweet sentimentalism with “Jesus words” sprinkled on top.  Maybe then we can suffer a theology that refuses to see and think and would just as soon pretend Jesus never commanded his disciples to be wise as serpents and on guard against evil men (Matt 10:16-17)."

"Christian parents who have been passive on the Marxist in Econ, the secular-humanist in Humanities, the sexual anarchist in Health, the relativist in Literature, the Howard Zinn hate-America-nihilist in Social Studies, the Darwinist in Biology, and the union capo in the principal’s office will not be alarmed by the “tranny” in the girl’s locker room…They’ll simply roll-over and continue to justify their apathy as they confirm their complicity in the non-parenting of their children. And how dare you for pointing it out! After all, “Have you seen our new Field House?” If the depravity of the “Pubic Schools” has not alarmed them yet, nothing will. Not even a pervert in their daughter’s locker room. They will merely instruct their daughters to “hold it” until next period, or to “use another wash room,” or to “go in pairs,” but they will undoubtedly justify their apathy…

I would think after all those millions of missionary children in the public school system we would have turned a few pagans around by now, but every indicator suggests that it’s the children that are turning…

So why do so many good parents settle for state centers of indoctrination? It’s free, it’s convenient…Parents who wouldn’t allow their children to spend a single hour with a baby-sitter or a neighbor who is outright hostile to their worldview will happily drop them off at a school, 5 days a week, for 8 hours a day, for 9 months out of the year, for 12 years. Living out Deuteronomy 6 in the life of your child is too much to ask…"

“(W)hen you read the Scripture , pay close attention when you land on a chunk of text in which Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist, Paul or Jesus is engaged in dialogue with an idiotic idolater, a pompous Pharisee, a pain-in-the-ass politician or a daft disciple. Check it out. You won’t see these searing saints doling out just fluffy stuff. Nope, they would challenge and oft- times ridicule the very ground the impenitent unbeliever or the feigned professor stood on. Not only that. You will rarely see God’s holy ones repenting of the diatribes they aimed at their audiences’ willful blindness.”
The current foundation of Christianity sets itself up for persecution in many cases. The world over, this new foundation of Christianity has traveled a different path away from fundamental Christianity as given in the Scriptures. This new foundation of worship has caused God to turn His face away and now the world lives in a generation of humankind filled with perversions and lack of faith. Instead of trusting in God’s grace and mercy, humankind has turned their faith inward towards self-centeredness
(Perverted sexual) indoctrination has been going on progressively now for generations at the hands of the State with the happy compliance of even most “conservative Christian” parents who now embrace the viability and even necessity of feeding their children to the State for such “unadulterated indoctrination. And  why have said “Christian” parents become such happy supporters of State-run anti-Christian children’s indoctrination? Well, there are many self-serving reasons, but one of the biggest is because their “pastors” and “priests” have overwhelmingly enabled and encouraged them to do so. Possibly the most tragically ironic aspect of this whole mess is that many of the same “Christian leaders” who bemoan the current state of American culture are the very folks   most  responsible for leading it to its presently smoldering, stinking and perpetually sinking condition…With “conservative Christian leaders” like that, who needs “evil Progressives” like Clintons, Obamas and homosexuality advocates?
“Pasturing…hmmm…I think I’m on to something here. That is really what most men in the pulpit really do, isn’t it? They lead the sheep into the pasture and keep them fenced in and at a safe distance from the wolves. Well, it’s time for pastors to stop “pasturing” and start leading!... Tell your “pasture” it’s time for him to man-up and get in the game. Tell him it’s time to lead, not just talk. Tell him that babies are dying (and we know they’re dying) and that God wants His Church to do something about it. Tell him that you will not give one more dollar until he ups his game and starts talking about the issues that truly matter. Tell him it’s time to lead. It’s time to stop asking God to do for us what we refuse to do for ourselves… Is turning a blind eye leading? Is stuffing a sock in your mouth leading? Is refusing to rescue the innocent because of the potential consequences leading? If your “pasture” is hiding in the closet on the most significant issue of our generation, then the answer is painfully clear. He is unqualified and unfit for leadership!”

“We, as Christians, share a large part of the blam e for the heap of putrid caca this country has turned into. The “go along to get along” mentality isn’t just reserved for the spineless a-holes in Congress. We’ve been told to simply pray for our leaders and God will sort everything out eventually. We’ve been told by equally spineless preachers that church is no place for politics."
“If ‘bad Christians’ disqualify faith in Jesus, then what about “bad” Lesbians” and their cause? “Bad” physicians? “Bad” butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers? If men and women’s badness or goodness is the sole, definitive benchmark, nothing associated with people makes the cut.”
"While everyone is running around playing pin the blame-tail on the donkey, trying to super-glue responsibility for our nation’s decades long complicated demise, I’d like to put the church at the top of the culpability flow chart. Yes, I blame the brethren, in particular ministers , for not stemming the tide on our nation’s abysmal slide."

"False doctrine in various forms has plagued the church from the earliest days. False teachers weakened the early church, most notably the legalistic Judaizers in Galatia who distorted the Gospel. During the past 200 years theological liberalism (a fancy way of saying unbelief) and skepticism has undermined the church and caused many people to abandon essential doctrines such as the deity of Christ, the inspiration and authority of the Bible, and salvation by faith alone through grace alone. And today the professing evangelical church is weakened by many influences including subjectivism, pragmatism, psychotherapy, a misplaced sense of tolerance, a sloppy understanding of the Gospel and ecumenism that wants to dilute and de-emphasize doctrine."
(F)ew things scare a liberal more than the sight of a Christian on his knees praying to God. Liberals tend to be secular humanists and moral relativists. Secular humanists believe that man is God, a belief system that is fragile at best and quickly falls apart upon even a cursory examination. For this reason, secular humanists can brook no competition from other religions, particularly the religion of Christianity. Liberals simply cannot tolerate a religion with a commandment that says: “You shall have no other Gods before me.” Hence, they have taken it upon themselves to rid America of what they see as the curse of Christianity, a religion that calls into question their narcissistic, secular-humanist self-worship .
“I truly believe that unless the Body of Christ overcomes its laryngitis , and soon, the cost of free speech will become unaffordable for most. As it stands, everyone is free to say what they think…except for those who speak the things of the Lord. YOU are the one I am speaking to. Not your cowardly pastor; he has already shown his stripes…but YOU! When you stand before God you won’t be able to blame your pastor for your lack of backbone. You’ll stand before him naked and alone. YOU are responsible for your apathy. Abortion is murder. Homosexuality is sin. Allah is a false God. Politically correct speech is lying. Bruce Jenner is a deviant. Men who have sex with other men aren’t gay, they are perverted. Obama may claim to be a Christian, but he is a liar and he serves the Father of Lies. Parents who put their kids in public schools are in sin because they permit their children to be indoctrinated with lies. Evolution is a false religion. Feminism is rebellion against God. Liberalism is a mental illness. Conservatism is counterfeit salt… Most people that you encounter in your everyday life are spiritually lost—including those in your very own church. Regardless of what the ignorant god-haters spew, judging is a good thing if it is done righteously. In fact, judging is a sign of wisdom… Demons are real, and demons influence the actions of people. Most so-called “mental illness” is spiritual in nature. Here’s revelation for some: God hates. Let me say that again. God is love…but God hates. We would do well to hate the things that God hates.”

Supreme above all philosophies , all isms and ideologies, is the fullness of the Gospel of God; (that God himself stepped down into human history as Jesus Christ, conceived in the womb of a young unmarried woman who did not choose to be with child or plan on being a mother, to live a sinless life before wicked man whom he came to die for, and redeem from the just wrath of God against sinners. It is the will of God that all men might come to know Him, and in the fullness of time, Christ Jesus has made this possible). The Gospel above all else possesses the capacity to mobilize human action, motivate moral behavior, and mandate consistent compassionate social justice. It is the answer to all of societies (sic) ills and injustices. It is the bulwark against an ever increasing inhumanity of man against man.”
“In an ‘election sermon’ given at Charleston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1799, Jedediah Morse stated: ‘To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or the corruption of its doctrines, or the neglect of its institutions; in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom, and approximate the miseries of complete despotism. I hold this to be a truth confirmed by experience…’ Jedediah Morse concluded: ‘If so, it follows, that all efforts to destroy the foundations of our holy religion, ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them.’”
We see “the secular left’s utter disdain for both our Creator Christ and His faithful followers is fast approaching critical mass. Self-styled “progressives” – that is, America’s cultural Marxist agents of ruin – typically disguise their designs on despotism in the flowery and euphemistic language of ‘reproductive health,’ ‘anti-discrimination’ and ‘multiculturalism…Still, while most on the left are careful to mask their totalitarian goals and anti-Christian animus by coating these poison pills in sugar sweet jargon, on occasion one of these God-denying goose-steppers will let down his guard, drop the euphemistic BS, and vomit forth that acidic bile, unfiltered ‘progressivism.’”


See Real Hate Groups.

“Political correctness is a liberal mind control strategy intended to stifle any thoughts or actions inconsistent with radical liberalism. It is the abrogation of free speech and the right to hold an opinion contrary to established liberal-socialist doctrine…Radical liberals long ago realized that their emotion-based dogma could not withstand logical examination. The only solution for protecting radical liberalism until it undergoes its full evolution to totalitarianism was to snuff any contrary thought and speech .” 
If Jesus were in human form on this earth today, He’d be called a “homophobe” and accused of hate speech for using the pronouns of the only two genders God created (you know,  male and female). He’d be blamed for patriarchy for constantly referring to the Father. He’d be called a “misogynist” because He thinks women are stronger than their circumstances and don’t need abortion to achieve great things. His blessed mother, Mary, was a teenage mom who married a man who chose adoption instead of abandonment, so Jesus would naturally be called “anti-choice” for believing that every human life has purpose. He’d be called a “Republican” because he doesn’t believe that government is any kind of substitute for a dad. He’d be condemned for his hetero-normative language by speaking of  marriage  between one man and one woman. He’d be called “intolerant” because He tells us to hate—you know, the s-word—sin.”
“(I)t is not that secular progressives don’t believe in the Devil. It’s just that they believe he happens to be a Christian. It’s not that they don’t believe in saints and sinners, it’s that in their creed, saints and sinners have swapped places: An athlete announcing his homosexuality can get a congratulatory call from the President of the United States, while a pastor renowned for his work combatting human trafficking can be forced to withdraw from offering a prayer at that same president’s inauguration as the result of a smear campaign targeting him for his Christian position on marriage.”
“Dawkins asked, 'What's to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn't right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question.' If this is a tough moral question for Dawkins, he should stop pontificating about how religions are 'the root of all evil,' especially since he doesn't believe that evil actually exists! Most Darwinists, however, including those who believe in the evolution of morality, do not have consciences as dead as Dawkins, so they are genuinely outraged by the historical connections between Darwin and Hitler. They consider Hitler truly evil, and they don't want their positive image of Darwin tarnished by any association with this evil man. However, why do they care about this at all? If they believe, as many do, that morality is simply 'an illusion fobbed off on us by our genes,' as evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson and philosopher Michael Ruse famously put it, then what makes the illusions of some people superior to Hitler's illusions? Why do everything possible -- even denying obvious historical facts -- to obscure the historical linkages between Darwin and Hitler?”
“Tolerance means something different to the ‘progressive’ crowd than it does to the rest of us. Tolerance, as a word, means to accept something or someone that you do not agree with. That’s the definition we USED to know it by in plain English. But, just like Orwell showed us in ‘1984’ Language is something Leftists manipulate to force their will on others. Tolerance NOW means conforming to the socially-acceptable belief that the Left has told us is Valid . These beliefs are adjusted and revised periodically, so what was correct last year might be hopelessly intolerant next…This is the world we find ourselves in. And to belong to any group that does not bow the knee to this tolerance is to invite a level of personal and professional sabotage that, is generally reserved for the purging of a toppled regime, a religious (or anti-religious) inquisition, or other such ‘purges’ of socially undesirable citizens.”
“And then there was the rapid rise of rainbow fascism. Christian bakers are under attack. Christian photographers. Christian pastors. Real people  are losing real businesses  that they had labored for years  to build. Their way of life is being   destroyed. In some cases, Christian business owners saw the wages they needed to feed their families dry up because they were targeted by gay activists and labeled hateful, homophobic bigots simply for declining to assist in celebrating a gay union. That’s all. They just wanted to live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, and because of that, activists came gunning for them. It wasn’t good enough to go down the street to any number of photographers or bakers who would be more than happy to help celebrate a gay wedding. They needed to see those little family businesses destroyed, even if it meant that the baker and his family ended up on the street. Dissenters must be crushed.”
“In ‘A Confession of Liberal Intolerance’ a New York Times liberal admits, “We progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table, so long as they aren’t conservatives.” (Or, one might reasonably add, evangelical Christians). (L)iberals profess a love for tolerance and diversity. But when it comes to the most important kind—diversity of thought—he admits that the gatekeepers in academia and the media actively stigmatize those who hold views different from their own.””
“Religious rights granted to every American in the Constitution are anathema to the ACLU. When you hear about Scripture readings, devotions, and prayers being banned from classrooms, graduation ceremonies, sporting events, and the public square, the culprit is typically the ACLU . When you read about so-called “free-speech” zones being established at colleges and universities as a way to muzzle free speech—particularly Christian speech—the culprit, once again, is typically the ACLU… The ACLU is well-staffed, well-equipped, and well-financed. Further, the organization is dedicated to carrying out its nefarious agenda. It has the principle shapers of public opinion and social mores—the public schools, higher education, and the mainstream media—on its side.”  
Lying liberals accuse conservatives of engaging in a “War on Women”. As a conservative male I hereby call upon everyone to stop telling blonde jokes. Blondes are really intelligent fun-loving wonderful women. So, it would be more accurate to insert “liberal” for each “blonde” and “the liberal” for each “her” or “she” in blonde jokes like these and these cool ones.
An atheist author asks, “Why is the Angry Left so Angry?” His answer is, “When I write pieces that upset liberals, I get angry, personal hate mail. When I write pieces that upset social conservatives, I most often get this: ‘I appreciate your well written article and I will pray for you, sir, that you will find the God who loves you.'”

“Indeed, if we want to hate minorities, we should take our direction not from the right, but from the left. They have mastered the art not only of hating minorities, but of creating minorities to hate. They have created a masterful narrative by which the entire female gender, which makes up about half of the population and cannot be counted as a minority at all, is being discriminated against. Then they gave us the additional narrative that blacks, gays, transgendered people, and all sorts of other groups are being persecuted in the exact same narrative. The most fantastic part of this strategy is that they’ve done so without any meaningful evidence whatsoever…”
“Any time you hear a liberal use the term “tolerance” be assured that what is really meant is “conformity.” Liberals will tolerate anyone and anything as long as it conforms to their way of thinking or somehow promotes their nefarious agenda. Consequently, liberal elites just cannot abide the beliefs of old-fashioned, Bible-believing Christians… (N)othing gets the goat of liberal elites faster than someone who openly espouses Christian doctrine rather than meekly accepting leftwing dogma… In fact,   tolerance   is just liberal code for conformity and, the beliefs that   tolerant liberals   insist everyone else conform to are theirs…

“Here are just a few examples of how tolerant liberals really are: 1) If you are opposed to same-sex marriage, liberals don’t even want to hear why—they simply label you a hate-filled homophobe; 2) If you are opposed to abortion, liberals are not interested in your rationale— you are simply labeled a latter-day Nazi making war on women; 3) If you are opposed to Affirmative Action liberals won’t even listen to your rationale—they just label you a racist; and 4) If you hold to traditional Biblical doctrine, liberals treat you like a slow-witted oaf and categorize you as a narrow-minded bigot. The list of examples could go on, but you get the picture.

“Tolerant   liberals are, in fact, the least tolerant people on the planet. They will tolerate no one whose views are at odds with liberal orthodoxy. To liberals, views that do not comport with theirs are by definition wrong and those who hold the offending views are bad… “(I) f liberal elites are offended by an individual’s beliefs, that individual must be attacked, his character assassinated, and his well-being threatened. One point of view that does not pass the smell test of liberal elites is the traditional Christian worldview. In fact, nothing in American society flunks the test faster or more decidedly than Christianity. This, of course, is why   tolerant   liberals are so   intolerant   of Christians. ”

Lady Bree commented on the article: “It is even more than that since the "new" tolerance is really expected to be a tolerance for evil. No one knows that more than Christians. We are expected to be approving and "tolerant" of everything from baby killing to deviant behavior of every stripe and color known to man. If we are the lepers then the liberals are the lunatics of the day hands down.  At the risk of bringing on the Liberal rants the true American culture has been hijacked by this continued tolerated insanity of the Left.   As to debating them, I tried that and came to two conclusions - (1) debate is a Liberal code word for coerce (tactic to subdue) and (2) there is no standard of reasoning with Liberal rants. Therefore I deduce that there is little difference between them and a Fool. Better said this way; - "A fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth calls for strokes. A fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul." (Proverbs 18) "The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools. The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness and the end of his talk is mischievous madness." (Ecc.10:12-13)  


(9) GUNS
See Conscientious Objection.

Liberals love their histrionics and won’t stop any time soon. Their plan is to take our guns. Useful idiots will use tragic school shootings to push their gun confiscation nonsense. As horrific as school shootings are, there is nothing more frightening than an unarmed American population. Taking guns away from law-abiding Americans will not stop the carnage. Evil will always find a way. As terrifying as that is, a lack of guns would only make a bad situation worse.”
The solipsist left believes they are on the side of all that is good, just, and reasonable and if Americans must die for them to be in control, it is a small price to pay to attain the country they believe America should be. In their minds, they have no choice. It is only with solemnity and prayerfulness they make this decision. They, along with their partners in the media, have tried convincing; they’ve tried disguising legislation; they’ve tried imprecation of law-abiding gun owners as un-American. But nothing has worked.”
Logic and Guns

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?
Attributed to Ted Nugent.
“If you control the guns then you control the people that you took them away from. When you have all the guns you can pretty much do what you want and who can resist except someone with a death wish?... Gun control/confiscation is one of the main tenets of the socialist agenda.”
Some politicians “realize they can’t accomplish their heart-felt desire to socialize the country until they have successfully neutered the Second Amendment. That is really what all of this stuff in various states is all about–eventually putting to death the Second Amendment under the noble-sounding guise of “states rights.” Those people really hate the rights of the states to be self-governing but they love the “rights” of the states if they can use that argument as a plan to disarm us. If they manage to do that, then the “rights” of the states won’t be worth a flip anyway because, without arms, the states won’t have any “rights” to defend. They will have been removed by our “friends” in our state capitols and in Washington, you know, those people that are so very concerned about our welfare (as well as our ability to defend ourselves from them).

“I have heard, recently, about some in Washington who have been telling us that the Second Amendment is really outdated anyway. In most cases these are the same worthies that are telling us that the Electoral College is antiquated and should be done away with. They must really think we are all as stupid as they wish we were. Do away with the Electoral College and about three Democratic controlled states would decide future presidents almost for perpetuity. With out public school “educations” we are not supposed to be able to perceive that little fact.”

“Any mature and reasonable person would argue that it is utter nonsense to deal with drunk driving deaths and knife deaths by having federal background checks and waiting periods to obtain a driver's license or to purchase a car or knife. One would recognize, just as courts and the general public do, that cars and knives are inanimate objects and cannot act on their own. Therefore, if we want to do something about deaths resulting from drunk driving or being stabbed or hacked to death, we must focus on individuals. It would be folly and gross negligence of victims for us to focus on inanimate objects like cars and knives. Guns are also inanimate objects and like cars and knives cannot act on their own. It's also plain folly to focus on guns in the cases of shooting deaths…Problems of murder, mayhem and other forms of anti-social behavior will continue until we regain our moral footing.”

Christians recognize that if one evil man is a danger, then a hundred wicked men are even worse. We recognize that a society without a means to protect itself from a government that is more wicked than this mass murderer, it will lead to only more carnage but on a much more massive scale. We recognize that the words of Madison are still true, that it’s because of the evil of human nature that the Citizenry must always be prepared to curtail the power of a government that is comprised of men, who from time to time are capable of extreme wickedness. We, as Christians, are not blind to world history, in which an unarmed Citizenry has been murdered far more efficiently and methodically than this gunman could ever have imagined. This man’s offense pales in comparison to that of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Pasha, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Yahya Kahn and those mass murders conducted by countless warlords and despots even today, in smaller numbers and more easily overlooked because of their unfortunate impertinence to American life, but far more orderly and successful than any school shooting in the United States. We believe that evil on a small scale should not overshadow the possibility of evil on a large scale, perhaps even conducted by a legally constituted government.

“From a Christian worldview, the ownership of weapons is a necessary protection against evil. While it is true that Jesus told Peter to put away His sword because he must be crucified for the sins of the world ( Matthew 26:52), he told them that very night to buy a sword in advance of their coming persecution ( Luke 22:36). While Jesus’ exhortation that we turn the cheek from insult ( Matthew 5:39) has been taken by pacifists (defined by JD’s dictionary as “those who let others die for their lives and liberties”) to be the locus classicus text for passive non-resistance, a robust theology of persecution reveals that the thrice-holy God has indeed called his people to self-defense, protection of the innocent through violent means, and promotion of the general welfare through war. There is no logical reason to believe that God’s call to arms throughout Scripture has been abrogated in this current dispensation, for God does not change ( Malachi 3:6) and his Word is immutable ( Hebrews 6:17). Furthermore, the call to martyrdom that we see repeated throughout the New Testament does not imply that our death for the sake of the cross be a peaceful surrendering of ourselves over to injustice or voluntary death… So then, it is because of these deep-seeded differences in theological worldviews that we Christians refuse to be disarmed. We recognize that evil people will always do evil things and that they will find ways (guns or not) to accomplish such things. So then, recognizing the reality of evil, we’ve chosen the best course of action to repel that evil in the temporal realm; chiefly, this means having the right to keep and bear arms, a right our Constitution says, ‘Shall not be infringed.’”
“Nowhere is the mushy-headed thinking of liberals more apparent than in the on-going debate over guns. For example, one of the favorite strategies of liberals who get worked up over gun violence is to establish so-called   gun-free zones.   It never seems to occur to anti-gun liberals that gun-free zones are just free-fire zones for criminals who pay no attention to a community’s laws. All a gun-free zone ever turns out to be in practical terms is an area in which criminals have guns and law-abiding citizens don’t. The statistics on gun violence in so-called gun-free zones bear this out… (T)hose who use guns for nefarious purposes who are responsible for gun violence in America—not the guns themselves and not law-abiding citizens who own guns and use them safely… (S)cissors can be used as a deadly weapon, but liberals don’t lobby to out-law scissors. He also points out the obvious about cars and water. Cars can provide convenient transportation for those who obey the rules of the road but a car can be a deadly weapon in the hands of a drunk driver. Water can be used for many positive purposes, but it can also be used to drown people… Liberals tend to be emotionalists anyway, so it should come as no surprise that their responses to guns are emotional rather than logical, factual, or reasonable. It should also come as no surprise that liberals use crass emotional appeals when trying to outlaw guns.  (Quoting Govnor Mike Huckabee: ‘After every horrible mass murder involving a gun, political opportunists race to the microphones to make the strongest possible emotional pitch for watering down the Second Amendment—and weakening the liberty and safety of law-abiding citizens. Even if it is indisputable that their proposals wouldn’t have had the slightest effect on the latest bloodbath, the gun-hating left and a sympathetic media team up.’ He goes on to make the point that all of the various laws proposed to limit gun ownership just punish law-abiding citizens without doing anything to hinder the violent tendencies of those who break the law. Huckabee quotes statistics that show indisputably that the states which adopt the strictest anti-gun laws have the highest rate of gun violence… (Continuing to quote Huckabee): ‘Ironically, many on the left strenuously oppose mental health intervention on the principle that it violates the privacy rights of the patient.’ That’s a liberal for you. Liberals are perfectly content to allow an angry, frustrated, vengeful individual who is also mentally-disturbed to roam free rather than do anything that might be considered an invasion of his privacy. It never seems to occur to hand-wringing liberals that an individual who commits mass murder is going to quickly lose all semblance of privacy anyway… Gun-control laws are not even about guns. They are about government control. Correspondingly, the Second Amendment is not about the right to own guns per se, it is about freedom.”
“Jesus didn’t grow up with guns because guns weren’t around. Neither was text messaging. A lot of things would have been different….Regardless of history or an obvious lack of any Biblical knowledge, leftists continue lecturing us for merely being gun owners. There are a few main culprits, all deriving from a level of understanding of the Bible that can only be described as functionally retarded. So let’s set the record straight on Jesus and self-defense.”

Firearm Facts
: “Fire and water kill more children than guns…(M)ost of our gun injuries are suicide…(T)he criminals who use a gun are almost always part of a drug gang in a failed Democrat city, and that 70 percent of our counties won’t have a single murder this year…(T)he rate of violent crime has fallen while gun ownership has soared…(C)itizens have guns and might resist as the state tells us exactly how to live…Disarmed subjects have no choice but to obey a totalitarian government…Criminals never registered their guns in the first place, so criminals won’t be disarmed.”  
“(T)he actual statistics prove that guns are used for legitimate self defense far more often than murder. These facts however; do little to calm the consistent cry for stricter gun control laws, laws that would do little to prevent   any   tragedy simply because criminals willfully   ignore the law . The very fact that the left so routinely ignores these facts, while displaying such a callous disregard for a person’s inherent right to self defense, while also showing such a high regard for the brutal practices of Planned Parenthood suggests there just might be another agenda at work. Sadly, there is an historical precedent that tells the story, and it is the same every single time. Tyrants rise to power by promising a better world and demonizing those who oppose. Citizens are stripped of their rights and dehumanized for failing to conform to the dictates of an enlightened leader. Strict gun control laws are passed to ensure no man has the means to resist and millions are senselessly slaughtered. In the twentieth century more people were killed by their own governments in a time of peace than were killed by foreign armies in a time of war.
“Define the ‘stronger background check' you want, and tell me just how that check would have stopped any one of the shootings or the urban violence you’re concerned about.’ They can’t. Because no background check, or waiting period, would have stopped any of the things that the gun grabbers say they care about. They want your guns, period.”

"Why are Democrats unable to even ask, if gun control laws are the answer to lowering the nation’s violent death rate, why it is that Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., with the toughest gun laws on the books, remain the murder capitals of America?
“(T)hrough a campaign of shaming, dissembling, and outright slander, liberals are trying to talk Americans into giving up their weapons voluntarily . There’s always another “common sense” restriction to enact, spurred on by a tragedy that the last “common sense” restriction didn’t prevent and that the proposed new “common sense” restriction would not have prevented. They want to do it in baby steps, and with our cooperation, since they cannot do it by force.”
I assume the author is a liberal since it is highly unlikely a conservative gets published by Psychology Today.  He described what conservatives deal with daily.  The hatred and censorship by the left GREATLY exceeds any ting from the right. He writes: “ Not only is no one teaching Freedom of Speech anymore , that precious freedom is being slowly but surely killed. It is being murdered by the growing social movement that has successfully brainwashed virtually everyone into believing that the solution to human emotional misery is to create, by force of law, a society in which no one says anything anyone else finds offensive, in which there is no stigma, and in which there are no imbalances of power… We are in effect teaching: It is very important to be completely tolerant of everyone. And if anyone shows you any kind of intolerance, we will have no tolerance for them! Ironically, some of the most intolerant, offensive people you can find are ones who most forcefully insist that we need to create a society in which no one is intolerant or offensive.” 
"One of these deliberate distortions   of truth is the notion that gun free zones keep us safe, and if everyone would just do the compassionate thing and turn in their guns, there would be no more violence. That in and of itself is such an obvious misrepresentation of what we know about gun violence; however, it’s one of many misperceptions of reality that are all intertwined with one another, further complicating the situation. To get to the real heart of the problem you have to understand the liberal world view. Too often, we as conservatives allow us to get dragged into the gun debate by responding to contemptible accusations. Liberals tend to be very emotional, and as a result they allow the argument to be directed by their  alleged empathy as they do little more than blame the gun, and the conservative supposedly holding it. We respond, (and this humbled author is guilty of it too) by citing factual statistics concerning firearm use in self defense situations. We believe that we can reason with a human being pushing an agenda, while also in a heightened,  fanatical state."
In God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy, Mike Huckabee wrote, “If employers and colleges are forced to accept candidates of certain races over better-qualified candidates, based solely on their race, that’s ‘affirmative action’ against ‘racism.’ So let’s make sure we understand: In order to keep an employer or college admissions office from preferring one person over another because of race, we   order   them to prefer one person over another because of race. Got it?” Affirmative Action is liberal code for legally codified discrimination


See Gay is Sad.

It is a goal of the Left to strip sexuality of its decency, its sanctity, and its beauty. Because they abhor the very idea of a God who holds people responsible for the breaking of His commandments and biblical principles, they do all they can to reduce sexual behavior to an animal act, a bodily function.”

Remember when homosexuals told us all they wanted was to be free to do what they wanted in the privacy of their bedrooms? Or perhaps you remember the later incarnation of that whopper, when they said they sought only tolerance. Or perhaps you remember their faux-indignant claims that their sexual peccadilloes affect no one, no way, no how. Or perhaps you remember when they scoffed at the idea that they were “coming for children.” All were a pack of lies from those practiced at the art of deception.”
“There is no difference between men and women, we’re told by leftist activists, none whatsoever. We’re also told by these same people that there’s nothing a man can do better than a woman, aside from writing their name in the snow …What we aren’t told is just how much better at being women men actually can be, at sports anyway. That last sentence is, of course, absurd. It’s also, if what the left is desperately trying to convince the world of were accurate, is undeniably true.”
“Other times jargon is a tool of social manipulation to shape and steer public perceptions and opinion, such as the invention of the anti-Christian slur "homophobia" and the lexicon (vocabulary list) of "sexual orientation theory," designed to frame disapproval of sexual perversion as mental illness… Dr. Malone uses "mass formation psychosis" to explain the behavior of the left in their intellectual surrender to the official COVID-19 narrative. I would argue that their surrender to the LGBT agenda, especially the truly insane aspects of transgenderism, is a better example.”
“Other times jargon is a tool of social manipulation to shape and steer public perceptions and opinion, such as the invention of the anti-Christian slur "homophobia" and the lexicon (vocabulary list) of "sexual orientation theory," designed to frame disapproval of sexual perversion as mental illness… Dr. Malone uses "mass formation psychosis" to explain the behavior of the left in their intellectual surrender to the official COVID-19 narrative. I would argue that their surrender to the LGBT agenda, especially the truly insane aspects of transgenderism, is a better example.”
“(S)ecularists and/or the LGBT movement does not just want freedom for their worldview—they want total acceptance by all, including (maybe even especially) Christians. If Christians refuse to bow at the altar of sexual perversion, persecution and elimination will result. And they will harass and intimidate until, sadly, many will give in instead of standing up for what is right.”

“If one is going to hold to a gender-construction theory of gender difference, or that male and female are only different in the bedroom or bathroom, it must be done either in ignorance or denial of a mountain of impressive anthropological, psychological, and neurological scientific research that reveals the opposite…(T)hese inherent differences between male and female are why every society must intentionally invest in the effort of building boys into good men, encouraging them to become good, faithful husbands and fathers. Doing so makes for better men, and it provides for the better provisioning and protection of women and children. To deny there are significant and consequential differences in male and female is to deny the basic nature of humanity and how we fashion our common life together. This is true in both the family and the larger community. To pretend otherwise is to live in a make-believe world. To demand others live in it as well is deluded tyranny.”
Here are several questions for biologists and medical professionals: If a person is found to have XY chromosomes (heterogametic sex), does a designation as female on his birth certificate, driver's license or Social Security card override the chromosomal evidence? Similarly, if a person is found to have XX chromosomes (homogametic) does a designation as male on her birth certificate, driver's license or Social Security card override the chromosomal evidence? If you were a medical professional, would you consider it malpractice for an obstetrics/gynecology medical specialist, not to order routine Pap smears to screen for cervical cancer for a patient who identifies as a female but has XY chromosomes?”
“We certainly are seeing the aggressive LGBT lobby infringing on the First Amendment freedoms of Americans (really, we’re seeing this all around the world). Those freedoms will continue to erode in the name of “tolerance” and “acceptance” if we don’t stand up and fight for them. In fact we see increasing intolerance from those who claim tolerance! LGBT activists are selling the lie to hundreds of thousands of individuals, that if they embrace their “true” identity as a homosexual or transgender person (or whatever their feelings tell them), they will find true freedom… Living the LGBT lifestyle leads to slavery to sin—it doesn’t give the freedom that it promises!  Freedom (for any person) is only found in repentance and putting your faith and trust in Christ alone for salvation. Then the Son, Jesus Christ, will set you free from the yoke of slavery and give you new and eternal life. That’s the message this culture desperately needs to hear!”

“Real scientific research ignores LGBT. Scientists, like everyone else, deal with reality, not with politically-correct trends driven by advocacy groups. One exception is psychology, which never finds a PC trend it doesn’t embrace and reward with the crown of science. There’s a long train of mental illnesses that dropped from that category once they became PC: homosexuality, sexual addiction, and now gender dysphoria.”
“One of the most obvious things about people is that they come in two forms: male and female. Because of successful propaganda from the LGBT movement, though, leftist politicians dare not say that. They want to be known as tolerant and inclusive of so-called protected classes. LGBT activists are making great strides in shoving their way into recognized class identities worthy of ‘civil rights.’…That law, first enacted to prevent discrimination against blacks, has become a highly-desirable big tent under which additional groups want cover. Anyone successfully gaining recognition under that law can sue persons or groups who “discriminate” against them. The effect is that people with sincere religious or scientific beliefs that will not kowtow to the protected class can be severely punished financially or even imprisoned.”
“Under pressure from transgender activists, progressive politicians, teacher unions, and the education establishment, and despite parents’ opposition, America’s public schools are capitulating to ideologues and implementing the radical transgender agenda with full force.  Parents were put on notice by “bathroom policies” that opened private spaces to anyone who asserts that ‘gender identity,’ regardless of biological sex, but the policies are only the tip of the iceberg.  New transgender policies or “gender identity” protections are fast redefining what it means to be a person, male or female. Activists want every child, from kindergarten on, to learn that ‘sex’ is something ‘assigned at birth’ rather than a biological reality. They want children to think that individuals get to choose their own ‘gender identity’ (not limited to male or female), and that everyone else must affirm that “gender identity” as true.  Even worse, if a child claims a transgender identity, the school will keep that identity hidden from parents unless that child allows the parents to know. There are no “safe spaces” in public schools now for children (or teachers) who reject the gender revolution.”

“The Bible's view of human sexuality is quite direct: God created them "male and female" (Genesis 1:27). There are two sexes, or genders, and only two. Period. People may be confused about their sexual identity, but the solution in such cases is to help them reconcile their mental view of themselves with biological reality. It is not to mutilate the human body in a vain attempt to work things the other way round. Jesus was quite clear that abiding in his word is the key to knowing the truth, and it is the "truth (that) shall set you free" (John 8:32), not hormones or the surgeon's scalpel.
Modern science has identified plain and unmistakable markers for sexual identity in our DNA.”
The pro-abortion and LGBT movements are linked spiritually, ideologically and politically… the LGBT and abortion movements have the common elements of rejecting God’s plan for humanity and targeting children… Children are the targeted of sexualization via comprehensive sex education in schools, and through dangerous and unproven medical treatments for gender, often accomplished by circumventing parents’ authority…The intersection of the homosexuality and pro-abortion movements lies beneath the sexual transformation of our culture…The person who chooses abortion rejects the role of a Divine Creator along with the worth of this unborn person. Likewise the homosexual rejects the beauty and treasure that the male-female union brings through the potential of new life and through the simple complementarity of the sexes.” 
“It is a beautiful thing to discover why manly shoulders and their muscle mass are made to be strong, and how a woman’s body and wide hips are naturally geared for childbearing …Our creation is revolting against such realities and precious moments of discovery . We’re told to play down the distinctiveness of manhood and womanhood. We are encouraged today to dress the same, fill all the same roles in life, and blur the uniqueness of our God-given gender . But God does not want us to sanctify androgyny (gender ambiguity) . The Lord wants us to revel in our manliness or womanliness (see 1 Corinthians 11:11–16) . He himself has made us a man or a woman . Christians have the delightful duty of celebrating God’s design by embracing their biological sex…Transgender rules work only in a make-believe world . We should no more support their passage than we should encourage people to identify as “felisgender.” This term refers—I am not making this up—to a person who feels they are inherently a cat …People who suffer from gender dysphoria (a physical disorder where people feel their gender is different from their anatomical sex) have a real challenge, and this physical disorder necessitates deep spiritual care … Embracing transgenderism, whether individually or societally, is first and foremost an offense to our Creator, God . Men and women of any age who flirt with such temptations, who listen to the serpent’s whisper, are in mortal danger . They face hell for their sin .”
“Why should feeling like a man—whatever that means—make someone a man? Why do our feelings determine reality on the question of sex, but on little else? Our feelings don’t determine our age or our height… If those who identify as transgender are the sex with which they identify, why doesn’t that apply to other attributes or categories of being? What about people who identify as animals, or able-bodied people who identify as disabled? Do all of these self-professed identities determine reality? If not, why not? And should these people receive medical treatment to transform their bodies to accord with their minds? Why accept transgender “reality,” but not trans-racial, trans-species, and trans-abled reality?...At the core of the ideology is the radical claim that feelings determine reality. From this idea come extreme demands for society to play along with subjective reality claims. Trans ideologues ignore contrary evidence and competing interests, they disparage alternative practices, and they aim to muffle skeptical voices and shut down any disagreement.
“Biological sex is not assigned. Sex is determined at conception by our DNA and is stamped into every cell of our bodies. Human sexuality is binary. You either have a normal Y chromosome, and develop into a male, or you don’t, and you will develop into a female. There are at least 6,500 genetic differences between men and women. Hormones and surgery cannot change this. An identity is not biological, it is psychological. It has to do with thinking and feeling. Thoughts and feelings are not biologically hardwired. Our thinking and feeling may be factually right or factually wrong. If I walk into my doctor’s office today and say, ‘Hi, I’m Margaret Thatcher,’ my physician will say I am delusional and give me an anti-psychotic. Yet, if instead, I walked in and said, ‘I’m a man,’ he would say, Congratulations, you’re transgender.’”

“(P) rogressives insist that those who hold the Christian view of sexuality must be hateful—even if everything faithful Christians do contradicts that label, and even if they harbor not a single hateful thought or feeling. ‘Tolerance’ and ‘love’ are not the same thing. Calling Christians ‘homophobic’ who have no fear of or hatred for gay people is also profoundly deceitful and counterproductive.  It is possible to disagree without hatred or bigotry.”  
“The politicians, the academics, and the media have reached the collective conclusion that if gay “marriage” is a civil right, those who oppose it are not simply dissenters holding to a two-thousand-year-old tradition, but ugly bigots who deserve to be marginalized for their discriminatory views. Thus, 'live and let live' turned into 'you will be forced to participate and approve,' with bakers, florists, property owners, and adoption agencies finding themselves to be the targets of gay activists who show a shocking ruthlessness in their enthusiasm for prosecuting supposed thought crimes.”
“Some argue that transgenderism was caused, or at least influenced, by evolution.  Some of them support the notion of transgender transgender by claiming that Transgenderism “Showed Evolutionary Benefits in Ancestral Societies,” namely they helped others with child care and other tasks…It is well documented that every cell in the human body is either male or female except mature red blood cells… Many examples exist about how the left ignores science to support their ideology. Examples include not just the transgender issue but also the abortion and global warming movements. The peer reviewed medical literature with large samples and good research methodology on this issue is very clear.”
“Does upholding biblical marriage and sexuality, and standing opposed to sinful behaviors such as gay “marriage” and transgenderism, automatically make you hateful and intolerant? Can Christians follow Christ’s command to love God and others and still be opposed to these things? Well, the Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and, likewise, tells us that “if a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination” (Leviticus 20:13) and “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:26–27). If God—the very one who defines love because he is love—can be loving yet call homosexual behavior a sin, then so can his followers. There’s nothing hateful about pointing out sin. It’s actually the most loving thing a person can do! Those who continue to live in sin—any sin—refusing to repent and seek the Lord’s mercy, are headed for a Christless eternity in hell.”

"KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has produced a Twitter ad meant to pay tribute to Gay Pride events now taking place in Amsterdam. The only thing is, the tweet serves to do the exact opposite. The ad shows three sets of seat belts. The first consists of two “female” ends. The second pairs two “male” ends. The third depicts a male with a female end and is clearly the only seat belt pairing that actually works.  If KLM equipped its aircraft with set number one or number two, its entire fleet would be grounded for safety reasons… Today’s dominant narrative that gays are weak victims, deprived of marriage by society, is a fabrication. The exact opposite is true: Gays are extremely strong-minded and iron-willed in their rejection of women, resolute in their choice not to grow as human beings in their appreciation for half the human race." 
“A transsexual may dupe everyone else into saying he is a woman, but even he knows he is not and will never be. If you robbed a bank or cheated on your wife and I tell you how disgusted I am with you (and that's what I would do!), and you jump off a bridge, it isn't my fault for making you feel bad about your choices!!!” (From a friend via email.)
Dear Abby told a "saved Christian" teen asking about joining a "Gay-Straight Alliance club" with a “gay” friend: "(S)omewhere you got the impression that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. Your friend's orientation was determined before she was born, just as yours was.”  So Abby should support a Promiscuous-Fidelity Alliance club since the trait of promiscuity is the way most males (and a lot of females) are born with.
“Homosexuality is destructive. Transgenderism is a disorder. It is not a civil right. Kids should not be learning about this stuff. And adults should be learning the truth. There is no reason to be in bondage to a behavior that will cut your lifespan by twenty percent, which will lead to a further spread of disease. It’s hurting our culture. It’s hurting our society… The Left’s distorted psychological state can only stay intact if we are too fearful or intimidated to challenge it openly and break it down. But left alone, their hate and oppression will know no bounds.”
“Transgenderism, for all its promotion as today’s cause célèbre is not real in any world but the political. Science recognizes the disorder of gender dysphoria, but beyond this disorder, there is no scenario where a woman is actually a man, though she posses two X chromosomes, ovaries, and other things specifi
c to female biology. Likewise, a man cannot menstruate or become pregnant, or give birth.”
"Why compete at all? Why have men compete against men and women compete against women? Why have weight classes? Why not just throw everyone into the same competition and have the world's strongest (or fastest) human - of either sex, in any weight class, at any distance, in any event? Why not blur all distinctions, if a man can now compete side by side with women?... But no, the whole world must revolve around the perceptions of those who identify as transgender, regardless of how it hurts others, regardless of how it inconveniences others, regardless of what new inequities it causes.”
Leftists smugly ask what they perceive to be 
THE “gotcha” question about trannies in restrooms: “So, are we going to have genital police?” To those smugsters, I ask, “How will  you  determine whether the burly, bearded, bulging-biceped person in the women’s restroom or locker room is a member of the “trans” cult or a predator  pretending  to be a member of the “trans” cult?
“The Left says that ‘gender identity’ is immutable and, therefore, even young children should be able to access medical help to refashion their bodies in such a way as to make them match the sex that corresponds to the cultural conventions these children prefer. In other words, young boys who “identify” as girls do so based on their desire to wear girls’ clothing, have long hair, and play with girls’ toys. But the Left says these are merely arbitrary, socially constructed norms. So, why change their bodies? Rather than rejecting their bodies, why not reject the norms they believe have no objective reality or meaning? Of the many tragic consequences of this science-denying sexuality dogma is the fact that “transitioning” is harming people. Society is marching blindfolded into a brave new dystopian world whose victims are increasingly children who will one day tell their stories of regret…”
“LGBT groups have been effective in linking their immoral cause to the noble civil rights movement. In reality, gays never wanted equality. They wanted society to accept their sinful lifestyle, or else. LGBT groups – to be blunt – act like fascists. Just like militant Islam demands Shariah law, homosexual pressure groups demand ‘sodomy law.’ So what’s so bad about discrimination anyway? Discrimination has always been a hallmark of freedom. The ability to discriminate is given to us by God so that we can make right choices. People discriminate all the time. We discriminate when we date, marry, pick our friends and in countless other ways, just like homosexuals do. And LGBT groups and liberals discriminate against people of faith all day long!
A friend wrote: “I wonder if at some point there will have to be new legislature to define how many times taxpayers will have to pay for inmates to undergo sex change operations? For those who see it as fluid, who's to say a man, thinking they are a woman, gets approved to change the parts, then prefers the previous parts, and wishes to undergo operation #2, or 3? It doesn't seem fair to only allow a one-time transformation. Perhaps they will stipulate that after one sex change, the person will be required to have both parts?"

A friend says, “My wife and I are still waiting for it to work, that we identify ourselves as transbillionaires, as part of the trans-wealth community.”
If liberals support LGBTQ rights they should support the rights of people who are BPCNS (Bestiality, Coprophilia, Paedophilia, Necrophilia, Sadism all the way through the alphabet).
The “DNA deniers at Planned Parenthood and in the Democratic Party are desperate to ignore the scientific fact that an unborn child has his or her own DNA, separate from the mother…(They also deny) human sexuality and the biological differences between men and women…liberals and their media allies always claim they are in favor of science on matters such as global warming or climate change. But on the matter of human sexuality, science is denied and people are allowed to make up ‘facts’ about themselves…The notion that a girl is a boy is one of the biggest examples of "fake news" we can find. If you can't separate boys from girls, everything else is up in the air and anything goes.
"There are no lab tests or medical findings that can even prove the existence of transgenderism
. The only way to diagnose it is when someone self-identifies as transgender. No amount of hormones or cosmetic surgery can effect a biological change of sex. Feelings, no matter how strong, cannot change sex. To pretend anything else is only a masquerade."
“The same people who plead for ‘tolerance’ have adopted the practice of taking a large minority of the population—biological males who identify as masculine—and describing their sexual preference and gender identity as ‘toxic.’ This brophobia is now so rampant, casual, and unchecked on our college campuses that it is becoming—what’s the word I’m looking for?—oh, yes, it’s becoming ‘systemic.’ The practice of demonizing men for their gender identity is being institutionalized.”
“I have not found one piece of history, or any artifact for that matter, that shows homosexuals and transgenders being locked in the bowels of a slave ship and transported against their will to a foreign land where they were shackled and whipped into servitude. I know of no homosexual who was forced into the separate but equal second class citizenship of Jim Crow and systemically denied access to jobs, education, housing, goods, and services. In fact, unless a homosexual states he is a homosexual, how would one even know he is so? The last time I looked in the mirror, anyone who is able to see can clearly see my ethnicity; my “paint job” is there for the world to see. The black community in America should be marching in the streets not for Black Lives Matter, but in outrage that the legacy of the pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement has been trampled and soiled by the radical factions of the homosexual and transgender community and their agenda toward normalization in society.”

“(T)he homosexual movement gained traction when it was able to get the psychological and academic communities to first reclassify homosexuality from a deviant behavior to merely an orientation. The next push was to get medical data supporting the theory that one is  born homosexual. Once that was accomplished (inconclusively so, not unlike evolution), the goal was to obtain minority status and claims for special status, as in a persecuted class of people deserving of special treatment, or “civil rights.” Couple that with the indoctrination of the populace in public school systems and colleges and universities in hopes of causing a culture shift, and you have the fine mess we are in today.”
"Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I'd find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I'm really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution's Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say."

"Feminism rebelled against reality. Transgenderism seeks to abolish it entirely …An angry woman demanded to know if a man in a dress - or even a man with a sex change - could understand menstrual cramps, pregnancy, or dozens of other things women experience…(I)f xx chromosomes no longer determine who is a woman, and traditionally female experiences no longer matter, than what is a woman, anyways? “Woman” becomes simply a word that anyone can claim, regardless of biological reality or life experience.  .. Facts and reason and common sense no longer have a place in this debate, because those who decide to identify with a gender that conflicts with biological reality have created a racket that is impervious to criticism. After all, reality is irrelevant. They are saying that they   feel  as if they are actually the opposite sex, and who are we to argue with that?... While the feminists claimed that assuming women liked to wear dresses and skirts and other traditionally feminine clothing was insulting, the first thing a transgender dude does when he wants to prove he’s a woman is yank a cocktail dress over his head."  
"It is likewise true that a person born with XX chromosomes is, and shall always be, female, while a person born with distinct X and Y chromosomes is forever male. Again, no amount of self-delusion, gnashing of teeth, cross-dressing, genital mutilation surgery, or utterly bizarre presidential doublethink dictates can alter this unalterable fact…It is likewise true that a person born with XX chromosomes is, and shall always be, female, while a person born with distinct X and Y chromosomes is forever male. Again, no amount of self-delusion, gnashing of teeth, cross-dressing, genital mutilation surgery, or utterly bizarre presidential doublethink dictates can alter this unalterable fact…Cultural Marxism entails, among other things, that secularist aspect of left-wing statist ideology that seeks, within society, to supplant traditional values, norms and mores with postmodern moral relativism. It endeavors to destroy innocence, sexualize children, desensitize them to sexual perversion of every stripe and, quite literally, expose as many young girls as possible to adult male genitalia. Cultural Marxists aim to scrub America of her Judeo-Christian, constitutional-republican founding principles…We Americans who happen to be tethered to scientific and moral reality will never, ever surrender…We Americans who happen to be tethered to scientific and moral reality will never, ever surrender."

“Liberals are quick to criticize Christian businesses such as bakeries who refuse to condone their sexual preferences. Yet, they are too chicken to do the same to Muslims.” See: HIDDEN CAMERA: Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries.
“Some have asked the obvious question “Why would people want to patronize a business that doesn’t want their business when there are many other businesses that would be eager to serve them?” It’s a good question, which would make sense if the answer was that the prospective customer was actually looking for goods or services. That’s not what we are dealing with here. Instead, we have militant activists with chips on their shoulders, seeking a self-righteous sense of victimhood. They are not “proud.” They are so pathetically insecure that they want the boot of government on the neck of people to force them to give approval to behavior that many of us will never approve.”  
A student “attempted to defend the truth about marriage among a group of peers at a secular university. She presented a meaningful argument about families, social stability, and gender complementarity. None of her classmates refuted her arguments. Instead, they accused her of being a bigot and a homophobe, called her intolerant, and changed the topic to something less intellectually taxing. (Her) experience is practically a cliché. Americans who offer traditional viewpoints on moral issues in the public square have become accustomed to calumny. They know that reasoned arguments will rarely receive reasoned refutation.”
“For years, proponents of so-called same-sex marriage  have resorted to a lame demographic argument to “prove” that they are right. Young people support it, so come on, idiot geezers, get with the program! Seriously? That is idiotic on its face. We know  how ignorant  this bunch is, in general. The very fact that people 18-29, who grew up on a steady diet of Will and Grace and making sure that “everybody wins!” so that no one’s feelings are hurt, are susceptible to appeals to “tolerance” without any appreciation for the consequences should surprise no one. The fact that alleged adults consider that fact a game changing argument should alarm all thinking citizens.”
"Maggie Gallagher, a co-founder of National Organization for Marriage, says that homosexual advocates have no interest in a 'live and let live tolerance'. And that after redefining marriage, their agenda will be to redefine Christianity."

LGBT is really not concerned about having same sex couples be legally equal to married couples. This is all a cover for an attack on the legitimacy of God’s Word (The Bible) and Christianity as a whole. One problem is that many Christians have fallen victim to the teaching that if we (Christians) fight back, it doesn’t properly reflect the love of Christ that we are called to display. So as not to offend, we strive to maintain civility and a degree of political correctness in our encounters. The fact that LGBT have chosen to use God’s rainbow as a symbol for a life style that has been condemned by God as an detestable sin, is not a coincidence. This perversion of a religious symbol should be viewed as hate speech, at least theft of intellectual property, an attack on religious freedom, something!... Christians do not hate homosexuals, lesbians, transgender, or bisexuals anymore than God does.

LGBT is really not concerned about having same sex couples be legally equal to married couples. This is all a cover for an attack on the legitimacy of God’s Word (The Bible) and Christianity as a whole. One problem is that many Christians have fallen victim to the teaching that if we (Christians) fight back, it doesn’t properly reflect the love of Christ that we are called to display. So as not to offend, we strive to maintain civility and a degree of political correctness in our encounters. The fact that LGBT have chosen to use God’s rainbow as a symbol for a life style that has been condemned by God as an detestable sin, is not a coincidence. This perversion of a religious symbol should be viewed as hate speech, at least theft of intellectual property, an attack on religious freedom, something!... Christians do not hate homosexuals, lesbians, transgender, or bisexuals anymore than God does.”

(F)rom a biblical standpoint, homosexual behavior, or “the sin of Sodom” as it’s oft referred, is likewise objectively immoral (along with its oxymoronic offshoot: counterfeit “same-sex marriage”). Jesus defined marriage for us. His definition is reflected in the spiritual, biological and in-every-other-way-self-evident order of His divinely defined design. (Matthew 19:4-6) Moreover, the very thing that defines “gay marriage,” the biologically and spiritually disordered act of same-sex sodomy, is, likewise, a counterfeit. It mocks God’s design for natural sexual intercourse. Indeed, the Bible, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, unambiguously condemns as “vile affections,” as sin rising to the level of “an abomination,” all same-sex sexual conduct, be it, “loving, monogamous and committed,” or otherwise.

“This is it. I’m coming out . I want the world to know. I’m a black, lesbian platypus trapped in a white, straight guy’s body. This is my truth. It’s my experience. It’s how I identify. It’s my reality (actual reality notwithstanding). Transracial, transgender and transpecies lives matter (#TransLivesMatter), and I’m declaring myself an out and proud member of the LGBTTT community. Crazy, you say? Don’t judge me, hater. This is my race-species-gender identity and expression, whether real or perceived, and if you refuse to play along, then you’re violating my civil rights… For relativism to work – and that’s what we’re talking about here; relativism – reality must be undone, adherents to objective truth pilloried and all dissent stifled.”
"The cultural battle that is raging in American society is not between those who advocate for gay rights and those who advocate for religious rights. Rather the battle is between Christianity itself and those who oppose Christian values. Ask yourself this question: How many cases have you seen so far in which same-sex marriage (SSM) advocates have targeted Muslim, Hindu, or Jewish businesses?... While making life difficult for those who refuse to endorse SSM is part of the cultural left’s agenda, punishing those who oppose the concept is small potatoes compared to the larger agenda of the cultural left: shutting down Christianity itself. Cultural liberals know what many Christians are only now beginning to acknowledge: The cultural war is on and orthodox Christianity is the enemy that has been targeted by the Left…SSM advocates are now using bullying tactics against Christian businesses that are reminiscent of those used against Jewish businesses in the years leading up to World War II. They are not yet burning and looting Christian businesses, but they are targeting them for bullying tactics designed to put them out of business. Their message is clear: “Endorse our homosexual beliefs or we will destroy you.” Just as the Nazis had the support of the German government in carrying out their anti-Judaism agenda, SSM advocates have the support of the federal government in carrying out a campaign of harassment, threats, and lawsuits against Christian business owners
"A church pastor took a righteous stand against homosexuality. He was sued. When the homosexuals lost the lawsuit the true nature of homosexuals came out. The pastor “ received obscene phone calls, dozens of threatening letters, pornographic materials mailed to us, and death-threats, some of which described the children in detail -- their names, ages, what they looked like, where they attended school, and what sexually deviant acts were going to be performed on them before they killed the children. More than once we had to leave the city for safety… Homosexual protestors attended Sunday morning worship services. Some defaced pew Bibles and psalters. Others would stand up, walk around, slam windows, and verbally protest while Chuck was speaking…(H)undreds of angry homosexuals stormed city hall, set fire to trash cans and parts of the building, set police cars on fire, broke windows, and injured scores of policemen… Rocks, beer bottles, beer cans were thrown through the church windows on many occasions. Swastikas were carved in the church doors and drawn on our house. A window in our car was smashed out. Graffiti was spray-painted all over the church, house, and sidewalk. Anti-Christian, pro-homosexual leaflets were scattered around the neighborhood calling us Nazis, bigots, anti-gay, etc.  Their children were once again threatened. The daily threats and harassment continued for a full three years. (The pastor’s house was firebombed.) The fireman on the scene told the (them), ‘The intent was to kill. It's as if someone pointed a gun in your face and pulled the trigger . . . only, in this case, the gun misfired!’…

“Homosexuals are one of the most mean-spirited and violent groups in America when they do not get their way. Since they no longer fear God, they certainly do not fear man… Homosexuals have jammed their perverted view of justice and morality down our throat. Through fear and intimidation, the homosexual community has beaten back the opposition. They no longer have to riot and bomb since they have friends in high places who have given in to their outrageous demands. But just below the surface of the genteel facade often displayed by homosexuals in movies and comic acts resides a dark and foreboding evil that will surface when the need arises.”

Liberals and LGBT activists are vicious, bullying, lying, hypocritical, angry, and fanatically dedicated. Such a large-scale denial of reality requires it. They have no interest in fairness   –  only force. Yes, one of their favorite tactics is to attack and brutally libel anyone who disagrees with them. Much of this also has to do with their own self-centeredness and need to feel superior.”
“The truth is that the objective of the homosexual campaign is not about American freedom. The objective is the delegitimization and annihilation of Christianity in America.”
(A) difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals seem obsessed with the sin of hypocrisy , a common human frailty that we’re all guilt of, to a greater or lesser extent. On the surface it might seem that they really don’t care what you do—cheat on your wife, use drugs, dodge the draft—just as long as you don’t get preachy about it. From their perspective, only those who espouse standards should be held to them. If, on the other hand, you don’t pretend to be anything other than a dirt ball, welcome to the (Democratic) Party!

That’s why you can’t oppose same-sex marriage if you’ve ever been unfaithful to your spouse, or had a divorce, or simply never been married, because you obviously don’t believe in that “sanctity of marriage” crap. They can do all of those things, of course, and many same-sex marriage supporters have catted around on their wives—Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, and Gavin Newsome to name a few. But   you   can’t, because that would be hypocritical. Philandering is forgivable, opposing their agenda isn’t.

You can almost see the glee in their eyes whenever they find a conservative who has fallen short of his professed values.
This whole hypocrisy shtick is a one way street. Liberals are in fact deeply hypocritical about hypocrisy… (T)hey’re tolerant of pretty much anything as long as you’re on their team.


Political Bugs.

“The dialectical approach to reality was to reject the very concept of absolutes. The whole foundation behind Hegel’s way of thinking is that everything is constantly changing, and must forever adapt to the eternal change (cf. ‘mutability,’ moral relativism). Karl Marx clearly embraced this relativistic view. The concept of change is central to Hegelian dialectical theory and strategy. This helps explain why leftist political strategy centers on the concept of dialectical change …’Here we see the dialectical thought process over the didactic thinking process. In the past America and the West held to the didactic process in which 2 + 2 = 4 and cannot be otherwise. There was right/wrong, light/dark, true/false. This was the way we ran government, education and especially the church. This is God’s way. This is shown by the commands, ‘Thou shall not.’… Hegel’s dialectical process proposes there are only shades of gray–no black or white.”
Underlying the Nazi’s belief in race laws as the expression of the law of nature in man, is Darwin’s idea of man as the product of a natural development which does not necessarily stop with the present species of human beings, just as under the Bolsheviks’ belief in class-struggle as the expression of the law of history lies Marx’s notion of society as the product of a gigantic historical movement which races according to its own law of motion to the end of historical times when it will abolish itself… …the great and positive interest Marx took in Darwin’s theories; Engels could not think of a greater compliment to Marx’s scholarly achievements than to call him the “Darwin of history”… the movement of history and the movement of nature are one and the same.”
The left calls us fascists. I thought it was interesting that the Commie’s excuse for erecting the Berlin Wall was, 'The East German government claimed that the Wall was an ‘anti-fascist protective rampart’"
“You have to understand one thing about socialists. They have an agenda and they fully intend to fulfil that agenda. If 99.9% of the people are opposed to that agenda that makes no difference whatever. They will continue to push that agenda no matter what! This is where people misunderstand socialism . They think socialists can be persuaded just like normal people can. If you can just show up with a big enough crowd to make them think twice about what they want to do, then you can change their minds about doing it. That may work with normal people. It does not work with socialists! Socialists do not get into office to merely govern. They get into office to rule–and rule they will, no matter what or who opposes them. When they get into power they couldn’t care less what the populace wants. They are not in power to do what the people want. They get into power to do what they want–and what they want is unfettered control over the people and they will enact whatever legislation they have to in order to maintain that control.”
“Socialism stifles incentive and makes people dependent on government, not themselves, which appears to be the liberal ideal… Socialism is little more than mutually shared poverty, a version of "spreading the wealth around" with government taking from the productive and giving to the nonproductive. It is an economic philosophy closely associated with communism.”

“Antoni Gramsci was the Founder of the Italian Communist Party…He determined you must first undermine and debauch the morality, the culture, the ethics, the patriotism, and the spiritual life which means Christianity must be destroyed… The leftwing Democrat Party and the Communist Party USA are nearly identical institutions .”
“Here are six conundrums of socialism in the United States of America:
1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized.
2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer.
5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.”

“Government bodies that are supposed to serve the people — like the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Motor Vehicles, to name just a few — far too frequently subjugate, regulate and violate them. The welfare of the collective is replacing the rights of the individual. And propelling this socialist view forward is, sorrowfully, the younger generation, comprised of individuals who know nothing of the true price of freedom — who’ve not been forced to pay with sweat and blood and loss, as the patriots of America’s founding days were or as the brave U.S. military fighters of subsequent decades were. Rather, for them freedom is being free of offensive thoughts. They think freedom means being pain-free, struggle-free, effort-free, offense-free. And they think any kinks that threaten that definition of freedom must be obliterated …— like all those with patriotic, conservative, free-market, good old-fashioned American principles and Judeo-Christian beliefs. But why do they think that way? Because our nation, through the years, has chosen to let government be the guide, not God. We’ve picked a path of moral comfort, not compass, and the price is an anything-goes culture that caters to the lowest denominator of humanity.”
There are two misconceptions held by many Americans.  The first is that communism ceased to be a threat when the Soviet Union imploded.  The second is that the New Left of the Sixties collapsed and disappeared as well… Because the New Left lacked cohesion it fell apart as a political movement.  However, its revolutionaries reorganized themselves into a multitude of single issue groups.  Thus we now have for example, radical feminists, black extremists, anti-war ‘peace' activists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, and ‘gay' rights groups.  All of these groups pursue their piece of the radical agenda through a complex network of organizations such as the Gay Straight Lesbian Educators Network (GSLEN), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), People for the American Way, United for Peace and Justice, Planned Parenthood, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and Code Pink for Peace. Both communism and the New Left are alive and thriving here in America.  They favor code words: tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity.  All together, this is Cultural Marxism disguised as multiculturalism.
“Here in the U.S. the falsely idolized ‘two-party system’ allows the elitist faction forces that created and back Obama (including the quisling GOP leaders who collaborate with him) to offer the American people no alternative to a poisonous snare like that Obama laid unsuccessfully against Netanyahu.

“They promise ‘free’ goods and services; access to jobs and housing, and a world where no licentious conduct will be frowned upon, whatever its implications for the social cohesion and liberty of society. With unity on their lips, they foment deadly racial tensions and enmity. With rights as their mantra, they construct a totalitarian regime
of surveillance, censorship, and retribution calculated to stifle or punish dissent, even if that means contradicting the freedom to question, criticize, and reexamine "official" theories, a freedom which is vital to the scientific method on which they pretend to rely.

“Tragically, unlike the Israelis, it seems we now have a colluding, single faction political system that too often deprives sincerely conscientious voters of any say in our politics. People who seek to serve America's good are told they must settle for whatever choice of evils the one-party faction sham allows. Through a combination of media repression, lies, and fraudulent proceedings, they are robbed of honest representation -- and will continue to be, unless we stay right with God, unite and fight back!”

(Dr. Alan Keyes. Regular mail from the Declaration Alliance. received 4-15-15)

See more of Dr. Alan Keyes's great comments. (His closing comment is outstanding.)
Do not confuse “Capitalism” with “Crony capitalism” which is defined as “A description of capitalist society as being based on the close relationships between businessmen and the state. Instead of success being determined by a free market and the rule of law, the success of a business is dependent on the favoritism that is shown to it by the ruling government in the form of tax breaks, government grants and other incentives.”


See U.S.S. Wright (CC-2).

Hold the Line These are After Action Reports documenting the experiences of a Band of Veterans in West Virginia who were determined that the traitor john kerry (spelling intentional) would not be elected president of the United States. The liberals were loathsome.
The military began to be destroyed when women went on warships.  Next was homosexuals in the ranks, and finally the removal of references to Jesus Christ.

Pregnant Sailors  

Navy  Transfers Expectant Mothers

Baby  on Board

Bootie  Camp

Deployed US Navy Has A Pregnancy Problem, And It’s Getting Worse

More (from the 1990s) reasons why female and male soldiers do not mix

Here it is in 2016 and it is worse!
(D)o you think America’s enemies will volunteer to fight with one hand tied behind their backs to level the battlefield, too? Mentally stable Americans should wonder if liberals dream up such suicidal schemes on their own, or is this some subversive plot concocted by communist moles and Islamic-terrorist spies lurking within our government? A normal person would think that only our enemies would seek to emasculate our military…


See Counting to the Appointment and A Common Thread.

(T)he reference "progressive" was just a slick renaming of European communists who sought to export their export their philosophy of governance, albeit a flawed one, to the United States.
Once a story does not fit a liberal narrative, or can no longer be twisted into one, the media moves on.”
(L)iberals, in their never-ending quest to move goalposts…no longer talk about equality of opportunity, we pretty much have that. They want equality of outcome, which can’t happen.”
“One of my favorite findings about liberals -- now called progressives -- is that they always go too far. Even when they are pursuing a noble goal , they almost always take it to extremes and end up headed toward disaster. Consider the goal of relieving poverty. It attracts not only the virtue flaunters but also the truly virtuous. The plight of the poor is one of the chief subjects of the Bible, and I would suppose that most of the great religions admonish the faithful to care for the poor. In fact, a substantial portion of the federal budget goes to relieving poverty. Yet no sooner did we establish what was optimistically the Welfare State than the liberals were hollering for more services for the poor. Free medicine, free education, free income for life. Is there no limit?”
A common tactic of the left is to highlight the worst extremists and compare them to regular conservatives. Murderers, rapists, violent racists; no one is too heinous to dredge up the comparisons. The left is getting sneakier about it too. The MSM stopped using the word terrorist recently, now referring to them as “extremists,” for two reasons. The first is in order to make terrorists look less evil, since they want to make the right’s opposition to terrorism look like racism, and the second reason is in order to lump the right in more easily with terrorists by also referring to people on the right as extremists…The left’s strategy here is really simple: Label everything horrible as far right, no matter how different or strange the ideology. They haven’t yet started labeling communism far right, but that’s only because it’s too close to their own political views”
“Left-wing assertions that men give birth; that America was founded in 1619 (when the first enslaved black was brought to the American colonies); that people can be lifted from poverty on a mass scale without capitalism; that there are no innate differences between men and women; that America is a racist nation; that women are paid less than men for the same type and amount of work because they are women; and innumerable other leftist assertions are all false.”

“To achieve such global control to save the planet, it is necessary to eliminate national sovereignty and independent nations. Eliminating national borders quickly led to the excuse for openly allowing the ‘natural migration’ of peoples. The UN Commission on Global Governance clearly outlined the goal for global control stating, ‘The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation’.”

“The PC crowd regularly and incessantly levels charges of “phobia” against all those who disagree with them on any number of moral issues. If you believe the Bible teaches that homosexuality is sinful, you are declared “homophobic” or “lesbophobic”; if you believe Islam is a false religion that endangers the American way of life, you are deemed “Islamophobic”; if you are concerned about the moral and spiritual impact on the nation of those who enter America illegally, you are labeled “xenophobic”; if you believe in the God of the Bible and consider atheism to be false, you are “atheophobic”; if you believe transgenderism is a mental illness, you are demeaned as “transphobic”; and the list goes on. These charges are unfounded, inaccurate, and untrue…The same people who fill the airways with their cries of “intolerance!” and “judgmental!” are the very ones who are extremely intolerant, judgmental, and fearful (phobic) of anything or anyone who believes in the Bible and Christianity. Indeed, they are Christophobic—irrationally afraid of and bitterly opposed to the precepts of Christ and the biblical principles on which America was founded.”


Suppose I declare that I am a king. Should you be required to address me as “Your Majesty”? You say, “Williams, that's lunacy! You can't prove such nonsense.” You're wrong. It's proved by my declaration. It's no different from a person born with XY chromosomes declaring that he is a woman…If one can change his sex on his birth certificate according to how he feels, why not his age?... Why should there be men's teams and women's teams? Why aren't feminists protesting against this kind of sports segregation? After all, feminists have ignored the huge strength, aggressiveness and competitiveness differences between men and women in their demands that women be assigned to military combat units.” 

D'Souza absolutely DESTROYS leftist college student

“Members of the Democratic-Media Complex relentlessly malign Republicans and conservatives as haters, bigots, idiots, uneducated dolts, cowboys, Bible-clingers, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, and Nazis. Compared to the enlightened, evolved class of ivory-tower, self-righteous, paternalistic feel-gooders, conservatives must be silenced.”

Books by a lady (Ann Coulter) who can whip any sissy-boy liberal:

Godless: The Church of Liberalism
Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America
Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right
¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
Never Trust a Liberal Over Three --Especially a Republican
Speechless: Silencing the Christians: How Liberals and Homosexual Activists are Outlawing Christianity (and Judaism) to Force Their Sexual Agenda on America
Loathing on the Left: The Liberal Compulsion to Hate Conservatives
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter


Sabotage The Movie
How the Islamists, Marxists & Their Religious "Useful Idiots" are Destroying America From Within

“It’s the case in everything. There isn’t a single thing that they have said about global warming that’s happening. Not a single prediction has come true. The media does not say that. The media continues to press the absolute BS. They continue to broadcast the lies. They continue to carry the water of the leftist agenda, because the media isn’t news anymore. The media is not there to tell you what happened so that you can learn what happened at a place you weren’t. It’s not about informing you anymore. It’s about moving you. It’s about advocating. It’s about advancing. And it’s the agenda of the American left, which is the Democrat Party, the bunch of people that run for office, get elected, and implement it there. But that’s all this is. And so anything that works that is not part of their agenda will never be credited. Anything that works that has a demonstrable improvement over the status quo will never, ever be called out as the reason… The media is never going to be what you want them to be. The media is never going to be a fair and impartial referee. The media is never going to be an objective entity that has as one of its objectives to tell you the truth. That’s not who they are. That’s not what they’re trained to be. That’s not how they graduate from journalism school. That is not in the job description. So everything that happens that is for the better, every improvement has to be accomplished over the opposition of the media.”

In the debate about illegal immigration, there are questions that are not explicitly asked but can be answered with a straight “yes” or “no”: Does everyone in the world have a right to live in the U.S.? Do Americans have a right to decide who and under what conditions a person may enter our country? Should we permit foreigners landing at our airports to ignore U.S. border control laws just as some ignore our laws at our southern border?... Very unfortunate for our nation is that we have political groups that seek to use illegal immigration for their own benefit. They've created sanctuary cities and states that openly harbor criminals — people who have broken our laws. The whole concept of sanctuary cities is to give aid, comfort and sympathy to people who have broken our laws. Supporters want to prevent them from having to hide and live in fear of discovery. I'd ask whether, for the sake of equality before the law, we should apply the sanctuary concept to Americans who have broken other laws, such as robbers and tax evaders.”

“Then this: Journalism often ignores the scientific debate about the effects of marijuana that in turn raises ethical issues. There’s solid proof about those impaired drivers. Also, research reported by the National Institutes of Health shows 30 percent of smokers exhibit “some degree of marijuana use disorder,” with those under 18 facing enhanced troubles, and animal studies find “substantial evidence” of adverse brain changes, while “some research” suggests marijuana is, yes, a “gateway drug” that lures users into more dangerous narcotics.”
"Conservative evangelicals are unjustly called bigots and homophobes because they believe the Word of God teaches same-sex marriage is a grievous sin. It's erroneously claimed they hold beliefs abusive to women because they reject much of feminist dogma and abortion. It's been repeatedly stated that politically involved conservative evangelicals are no different than radical Islamists who want to impose Sharia Law. These unjust accusations and the oft ambiguous insinuations leveled alongside them are endless."
“Firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines. Once-forbidden practices such as editorializing within straight news reports, and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated; they’re encouraged.”
When was the last time you saw a mainstream news report refer to, say, a gay-rights organization as a ‘far-left liberal group?’ Not recently? OK, let's ask the question in reverse: When was the last time you saw an organization that stands for traditional religious beliefs characterized — in a mainstream news report — as a ‘far-right conservative group?’"
Liberals are moral relativists.

“So you’ve decided to become a moral relativist. Good for you! What could be better than doing whatever feels right? What could be worse than letting someone tell you what you should and shouldn’t do? Plus, it’s one of the easiest worldviews to adopt: Just leave everyone else alone and demand that they do the same for you, and you’ll never have to worry again about whether your actions are right or wrong. In fact, there are really only seven things that you can’t do as a moral relativist. Simply follow the rules below, and you’ll be free from absolutes forever!

“Rule #1: Relativists Can’t Accuse Others of Wrong-Doing…
Rule #2: Relativists Can’t Complain About the Problem of Evil…
Rule #3: Relativists Can’t Place Blame or Accept Praise…
Rule #4: Relativists Can’t Claim Anything Is Unfair or Unjust…
Rule #5: Relativists Can’t Improve Their Morality…
Rule#6: Relativists Can’t Hold Meaningful Moral Discussions…
Rule #7: Relativists Can’t Promote the Obligation of Tolerance…”
Right Graphics
“Big Science and Big Media continue their cozy relationship with leftist and libertarian groups that advocate free thinking, free loving, and freedom from moral restraint…Sometimes, though, facts don’t care about political correctness.” (Lists several examples)
Socialism has been at war with marriage and the family
since the late-18th century. The most prominent socialist thinkers, including Rousseau, Marx and Engels, promoted the sexual revolution in which marriage and family were devalued in order to eliminate loyalties other than to the state.
Cultural Marxism places great emphasis on analyzing, controlling, and changing the popular culture, the popular discourse, the mass media, and the language itself. Seeing culture as often having more or less subconscious influences on people which create and sustain inequalities, Cultural Marxists themselves often try to remove these inequalities by more or less subtle manipulation and censorship of culture. A term describing such censorship is political correctness where all views on equality that disagree with the Cultural Marxist view are avoided, censored, and punished. Related to Cultural Marxism are various forms of relativism/subjectivism and denial of the existence of objective knowledge.”
Socialism sounds great
. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster… Facts are seldom allowed to contaminate the beautiful vision of the left. What matters to the true believers are the ringing slogans, endlessly repeated.
Both communism and the New Left are alive and thriving here in America.  They favor code words: tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity.  All together, this is Cultural Marxism disguised as multiculturalism.
Dinesh D’Souza
“views the Progressive movement as a criminal enterprise designed to pull off the biggest heist in world history — effective control of the enormous wealth created by America’s entrepreneurs…Cultural indoctrination in the unfair-society pitch of progressive politicians is accomplished by inundating Americans with television programs, news stories, and Hollywood films that feature crooked businessmen, victimized minorities, oppressed workers, heartless millionaires, and hypocritical ministers.  These professional propagandists promulgate their ideas out of envy, seeing themselves as members of the rightful ruling class based on their superior intellects and abilities.”  
"There is no such thing as 'racial profiling' or 'religious profiling' per se. There is only good criminal profiling and bad criminal profiling…I’m a member of one of the most profiled groups in the nation: males. Police view men much more suspiciously than women because men commit an inordinate amount of the crime…If a white man is cruising a bad neighborhood in an expensive car, the police may stop him because they know the probability is relatively high he’s there to buy drugs…Profiling is simply a fancy name for the “application of common sense.”  

“Why is it important for Americans to understand what awaits them at the bottom of the slippery slope liberals are pushing our economy down? It is important because lurking at the bottom of this slippery slope is socialism, and history has shown over and over that socialism does not work . Writing for THE FREEMAN, Mark J. Perry had this to say about the ultimate failure of socialism wherever it has been tried: ‘While it promised prosperity, equality, and security, it delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny. Equality was achieved only in the sense that everyone was equal in his or her misery.’ Socialism is one of those concepts that looks good on paper but breaks down in reality because it eventually succumbs to the tenets of human nature.”

“1. We are advised NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. 

“2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't. 

“3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, limited pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping payments to illegal aliens such as monthly payments for each child, money for housing, Food Stamps, free education including college and also the right to vote?” 

“(P)ortraying various groups as abused victims has been an extremely effective strategy for cramming their socialist/progressive agenda down the throats of the majority… Most Americans drank the left's Kool-Aid of deception, believing them when they said all homosexuals are asking for is tolerance.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, Americans are petrified to disagree with same-sex marriage… Decades of leftist indoctrination have caused a generation of young people to believe that white Americans, particularly heterosexual white males, are the greatest source of evil in the world.”
It’s impossible to placate the Left . These loons want open borders, no rules, total socialism. We can’t hit our kids or hold them responsible. We can’t expect better from them in school or work. We can’t force people to work in any way, whether they be on welfare or in jail. So we can’t demand anything of our citizen and non-citizens, yet they can demand and expect everything from the government via the law-abiding taxpayers.”
"The idea of being hypocrites doesn’t seem to cross the malcontents’ minds. The leftist website Think Progress began its piece about Columbus Day by complaining that, “it glorifies a man who launched a large-scale genocide and European colonization.” One wonders where those Think Progress folks would rather live. If they pine for an undeveloped paradise in Africa, South America or Asia, why don’t they pack up their bicycles and take off for the nearest cruise line or airport?"
“The symptoms of narcissism are vanity; materialism; an inflated sense of one’s own specialness or importance; antisocial behavior; little interest in emotionally close or unselfish relationships, along with a lack of empathy; exaggerated overconfidence; and a strong sense of entitlement. Sound like anyone you know? “Twenge and Campbell (authors of The Narcissism Epidemic ) correctly lay much of the blame for the epidemic at the feet of the self-esteem movement, which has been enormously influential, not only in the spheres of popular psychology and education, but also as a central tenet of the “gospel of success” message heard in many evangelical megachurches… Humility is a distinctively Christian virtue, grounded in the doctrine of Christ’s kenosis. It is not triumphalism, but simply a fact of history: Christianity was the leaven that shaped a more humble and humane culture; gave rise to America’s founding values; and, ultimately, prevented us from worshipping ourselves. The cure? Either we will become the salt and light that purge and dispel the insipid narcissism that surrounds us, or our culture will continue to descend deeper into the loud, crass, and aggressive cult of self-worship.” 
Stanley Kurtz , a scholar, author and social critic from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was an old-fashioned liberal who became more conservative after numerous experiences of wrenching hypocrisy and political correctness in the academy. He got his Ph.D. in social anthropology from Harvard, has won numerous teaching awards and has written several books. He wrote, “ American exceptionalism, to left-wing ideologues, is a quaint and excessively positive notion to be discredited through re-education efforts. Leftists decry patriotism that emanates from history that touts American exceptionalism. The ideologues believe that, without proper training and re-education, Americans would exhibit excessive bias against those who are not Americans.” Asked about the emphasis on creating “global citizens” as opposed to understanding the founding principles of America, the conservative scholar says progressives decry American exceptionalism and belittle self-government. Instead, they value trans-globalism, open borders and the United Nations.”

“With socialism, the state is supreme and all problems have the same solution: government. In a socialist system, responsibility is replaced by an aversion to responsibility, and charity is replaced by government entitlements. A government entitlement is charity by force, which is not charity at all. It is legalized theft. When the state becomes supreme and government becomes the solution, the entrepreneurial spirit, work ethic, freedom, and liberty quickly become casualties.”
“How about amputating perfectly sound arms and legs because some poor deranged wacko wants to be disabled? …They call it “trans-ableism,” and now it’s got perverse philosophers to explain it (lol), defend it, celebrate it, and sell it to the rest of us…In recent years the Left has become increasingly insane and self-destructive; and the court’s “gay marriage” ruling has ignited their triumphalism. Having successfully torpedoed marriage and the family, they are on a roll…. If we are compelled, as we are today, to confess that a surgically mutilated man is now a “woman,” on pain of being ostracized for being “haters,why should we not be forced to confess that other perverted “feelings” are the new reality? If a man and a man now constitute a “marriage,” where, logically, do we stop? Why not force society to pay for unnecessary operations, and cater to, and praise, those who insist on having them? This goes beyond mere craziness. America doesn’t need any more elections. It needs an exorcism.”
“It is not difficult to see how values neutrality and moral relativism would lead to a culture of cheating. In both cases, what makes something right or wrong is the self-interest of the individual involved. In other words, if I subscribe to values neutrality and moral relativism, what is good for me is good period. Rather a convenient view of morality is it not? Beginning in the late 1960s and continuing to the present students have been fed a steady diet of values neutrality and moral relativism by liberal elites who control the nation’s public schools, colleges, and universities and use them as vehicles for the force-feeding of their secular humanistic worldview…Cheating is just another form of stealing and lying, both of which are proscribed in the Ten Commandments. But therein is the rub. The Ten Commandments and all other aspects of Christian teaching have been squashed by liberal elites who worship the false deities of values neutrality and moral relativism.”
“Few things could so starkly reveal the dark side of moral relativism as the atrocities being performed by Planned Parenthood. An organization that heretofore was known for being a nationwide abortion factory revealed itself to be something even worse: a retail outlet for merchandising the body parts of aborted babies. Anti-abortion advocates naively believed that the nefarious activities of Planned Parenthood couldn’t get any worse. After all, what could be worse than ripping innocent, fully-formed babies from the wombs of their mothers? We should have known better. It turned out that Planned Parenthood could, in fact, come up with something worse: selling off the body parts of aborted babies. The atrocities being committed by Planned Parenthood illustrate in the starkest of terms why liberals find it necessary to subscribe to the philosophy of moral relativism. Any person who believes in absolute right and wrong could not justify abortion much less the selling of body parts. Only those who believe that right and wrong are relative terms and that each individual must decide what is right for him or herself could possible justify a practice that is reminiscent of the medical experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele performed at Hitler’s death camps in World War II. Moral relativism is a fundamental tenet of the secular humanist’s worldview. It claims right and wrong are culturally-based and defined by the needs of man; thus they are subject to the determination of the individual. If man is god, as is the case with advocates of moral relativism, then man decides right and wrong. In layman’s terms, moral relativism means that there are no absolutes; individuals can decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong…Moral relativists tend to be secular humanists or atheists who believe in the evolutionary view that life on earth is the result of countless cosmic accidents…The left likes to portray moral relativism as being a neutral concept, but in reality moral relativism is anything but neutral. On the contrary, it is hostile to morality and destructive to society…Secular humanism is the religion of the left. It has its own bible, the Humanist Manifesto, its own ethical construct, moral relativism, and its own god, man.”

“Hey, we all know the only thing liberals love better than killing babies is getting paid to kill babies, but they used to at least try to hide the blood on their hands. Remember when liberals used to say that they believed abortion should be “safe, legal and rare?” Sure, it wasn’t true, but at least they felt obliged to say it to keep from looking bloodthirsty. Then we moved on to, “We support abortion anytime, anywhere for any reason.” Your baby has an issue? Abort her! You got a girl and you wanted a boy? Abort her! Is the pregnancy going to ruin your selfies when you go on a vacation to the beach later this year? Abort her!”
“Whereas the Nazis were responsible for the wholesale murder of more than 6 million Jews, those today who support the practice of abortion homicide are no less complicit in the systematic slaughter of 55-million-and-counting equally precious human beings post   Roe v. Wade. The parallels are undeniable and the science unequivocal. Murder is murder whatever stage of development the human victim.”
"Despite Leftist merchants of evil using big words and arrogant condescension to convince us that morality is relative, we instinctively know some things are good and some things are bad. Equally annoying is Leftists' air of superiority -- claiming to care more than us commoners about equality, saving the planet and all life; their evil intentions hidden beneath a shroud of faux compassion."
Despite what we have been taught, violence does not always imply the use of physical weapons such as guns, knives, bombs, or clubs. It is possible to be violent simply by using words. Our nation, once purposed to be modeled after God’s Kingdom has been stolen from us. We have been violated, not with physical weapons, but by the use of words, laws, ridicule, and indoctrination… The kingdom of darkness does its work in the dark. They have seized every one of our institutions without firing a shot. They have used their weapons of lies and deceit to violate and destroy all that is good. They have invaded every Godly institution, bombarded us with lies, and stolen the future of our children and grandchildren…The haters of God have become emboldened. They have no conscience, no mercy, and no remorse.
"(A)s long as a policy makes you feel good then to heck with the Constitution. Liberal policies are often framed in this emotional manner to skirt what they have portrayed as restrictive constitutional laws. Unfortunately, emotion does not provide an orderly rule of law with established statutes that actually provide equal treatment to everyone. Breaking the law by not enforcing the law does not provide the warm fuzzies in the end."
“Evidence from three studies reveals a critical difference in self-control as a function of political ideology. Specifically, greater endorsement of political conservatism (versus liberalism) was associated with greater attention regulation and task persistence.”

“The left has been feeding us well organized, well branded propaganda for decades – and not just concerning the same-sex marriage issue. Liberals have been working to tear down the traditional Biblical family on all sides. They’ve been successful in doing so through entertainment and education…The public schools in America have spent decades revising our history and changing our origins so they could promote socialism and morally bankrupt ideas…(H)omosexual couples are celebrated and portrayed as more loving and “normal” than the hateful, idiot Christians or heterosexual married couples, daily television has flooded us with liberal thinking. Some of it has been covert and subtle, while more and more of it is belligerently in our faces…The public schools in America have spent decades revising our history and changing our origins so they could promote socialism and morally bankrupt ideas.”
When the Pope preaches Global Warming liberals have no problem with their imagined Constitutional “separation of church and state.” Likewise, preaches compromising with evolutionism are beloved. A major evolutionism propagandist, Eugenie Scott said, “I have found that the most effective allies for evolution are people of the faith community. One clergyman with a backward collar is worth two biologists at a school board meeting any day!”

In the Real World, Not Hollywood, the Left Is Close-Minded, and the Right Allows Dissent
“Political Correctness” was just beginning (2005) to take root, but most of us had no idea how dangerous liberalism really was. In fact, we laughed at the liberals. We chuckled at their crazy assertions knowing full well that their crazy ideas would never gain much traction in the American mind. That was back when common sense was a little more common…At its very root “Political Correctness” is a weapon of destruction . But actually, it destroys by deconstruction. It breaks down a culture by destroying the very pillars upon which a society is built. Since at least the 1960’s we have experienced an aggressive deconstruction of the American society by the cultural Marxists…All of the foundations must be destroyed. No matter where you live, the public school district in your community is responsible for the condition of this country. The public schools teach the positions of the cultural Marxists.
Social justice” has become as much a part of the liberal narrative in America as “choice.” Not surprisingly, neither concept actually means what the dictionary says it means. Both are just examples of the left’s nefarious habit of co-opting positive labels for their negative beliefs. Liberals know that if they call their foundational beliefs what they really are, the general public will be so offended by them that opposition will mount. Call abortion “murder” or “infanticide” or homosexuality “sodomy” and the practices sound much less attractive than what liberals call them: “choice” and “gay.”… Socialism is the preferred governance structure of social-justice advocates.
20 Questions You’re Not Supposed To Ask In America Today

"Isn't a looter a poor man's progressive, doing in a rough and small-scale way what progressives like Obama do smoothly and systematically?" (Dinesh D'Souza)
Sent from a friend who found it on Facebook:

“The USA is a sick and diseased place. If you think politics can turn things around, then you have no clue. This is not a political problem; it is a cultural and spiritual problem. Want to find the root cause (other than original sin)? Look in the pulpits of those things we still call "churches." Look on the lists of church elders and deacons. And finally, look in the pews themselves... and perhaps in the mirror.

“As a Protestant, I dare not speak for the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. But I can speak with some knowledge about the evangelical church in America. And to keep it simple, the world is leading the church around by the nose and the church has no answer for the world.

“God has promised to keep a faithful remnant through bad times, and these appear to be bad times (though perhaps not as bad as some other points in history). If you are indeed part of that remnant, be ready to stand your ground and be very unpopular. Be ready for persecution as well.

“Prepare yourself in all ways. As part of that preparation, I would suggest dispensing with the false hope that the old America you remember can be restored. It is gone. In fact, even back in the mid-20th century, a time most of us old folks remember fondly, the seeds of destruction were already beginning to sprout. Now, they have become noxious weeds that have overtaken the garden and choked out the good plants.

“You cannot elect enough ‘conservative Republicans,’ Mr. and Mrs. America, to overcome a culture in which the question of whether murder, theft, deceit, and perversion are evil is a matter of personal opinion rather than moral objectivity. Once the consensus of what is evil and what is good is lost, then there is nothing to hold society together. And America has reached that point in 2015; it is truly an open-air insane asylum masquerading as a country.


See Racial Reality.

“Now, racist means you are white. It's really not any more complex than that. If you're white, you're a racist; a racist who benefits wildly from your skin color. No matter your life circumstances – parents, upbringing, schools, family, whatever – you had your life laid out for you because you're white…The progressive left has turned the country, especially academia, into a pit of racial obsession. It's like a Coachella for the Klan, with people segregated in every way we can be differentiated and told to stay away from others, your skin color is your wristband. It's evil. Feel bad because of what your skin looks like, feel like a victim because of yours. The Democrat Party has turned from Martin Luther King's dream to a racist dystopia.
“Maybe Obama should have suggested that black men stop committing crimes AND stop fighting cops when they get caught. But the left chooses to make heroes of their criminals. Why? Because it will inspire more black men to resist, fight, and die, and that’s all part of the plan… The left has no interest in teaching black men to obey the law and obey cops when they don’t. BLM sees these dead black men as an opportunity to make money AND to push their Marxist agenda. White liberals believe crime is, as Colin Flaherty, the now-deceased author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed a Lot put it, the new black entitlement … Black men are the unwitting cannon fodder for the left, who pretend to defend them.”

White supremacy attacks are so hard to come by that people are faking them. Hundreds of them. Imagine there being so few hate crimes committed by white people that leftists have to manufacture them.”
“So few hate crimes exist that not only do Leftists have to make them up, they have to redefine what racism is (see critical race theory for an example of how they do this). All of a sudden racial profiling is back! But this time it’s “good.” Black Lives Matter said so. And if you don’t agree, they and their Antifa fellow travelers will burn your house down.”
“FACT-O-RAMA! White people outnumber black folks by 5-to-1, but black people kill more than twice as many white people every year as whites kill black people. White supremacy is a myth the leftist commies propagate. It’s a smokescreen to cover the out-of-proportion black crime rate. It’s also fuel for black rage, which the Democrats need to keep their brownshirts, BLM and Antifa, on the streets and causing violent chaos. What’s the bottom line here? Communism, pure and simple.”
“It’s always the white liberals. They’re the most ideologically rigid of the bunch on the Left—and they dominate the party base. They’re the ones who throw tantrums about racism while nonwhites just shrug watching their theatrics. As if they don’t already know about America’s history on this subject, the only difference is that they know things have changed. They see progress whereas white liberals see apartheid South Africa everywhere, even in math books.”

“Democrats have redefined racism to mean NOT treating someone differently because of their skin color…(T)he left manipulates, how the media lies, and how they all ignore stories inconvenient to a liberal narrative…(The Left believes) that black people can’t function without help from liberals…This is what the left has become – a bunch of people insisting people who look different need saving, that they’re victims, and that white people are the perpetrators. No evidence is needed, if you’re white, you’re guilty.”
“So, yes blacks are owed reparations. But who's to blame? There's only one common denominator: DEMOCRATS. The Democratic Party and Democratic politicians are to blame. It's the Democratic Party and Democratic politicians who should pay the trillions of dollars. It's the policies of the Democratic Party that have led to poverty; misery; violent crime through the roof; retail theft on a level never imagined; homelessness; hopelessness; rampant drug dealing and addiction; no fathers in black homes; burned-out buildings; abandoned stores; lack of supermarkets; and streets filled with poop, pee, garbage, condoms and drug needles.”
“(W)hite supremacists are about as common as straight, happily married women at a NOW convention …This isn’t to say there aren’t liberals delusional enough to believe the threat is real; that they’re detached from reality is partially why leftists are so dangerous.”
Real systemic racism is leftists insisting people can’t take care of themselves, or can’t produce a photo ID, simply because of the color of their skin. It’s trapping kids in schools designed to churn out victims and lifelong Democrat voters rather than educated human beings ready to begin adulthood. That’s where racism lies and the left lies about racism .
Democrats yell at you about how racist you, your history, and your country are, and you must agree with them. If you explain you aren't racist, you are told that this merely proves how racist you are. If you point out that there is nothing you have ever done or said in your entire life that is in any way racist, you are told that you haven't actively been "anti-racist," so, therefore, you are racist.”

“The message is clear. Democratic politicians imply that blacks are incapable of securing their own future. They can't get into college on their own; they need affirmative action quotas. Black farmers can't manage on their own; they need government interventions and funds. Democratic politicians seem to think blacks are incapable of finding a DMV to get an ID card; that is insulting. Thankfully, some blacks are refusing to accept such "race-based" benefits and the dependency hooks and resentment such programs are sure to create.”
Liberals have no clear definition of the phrase "white supremacy." It's just something they use to convey a deep-seated hatred for anyone who doesn't vote Democrat. But sometimes, they use it in ways that reveal just how meaningless the phrase for them really is…For liberals, reverence for the flag and saying things such as "Make America great again" is all indicative of white supremacy.”
Should we install ‘affirmative action white quotas’ in the NFL and NBA to give lesser White athletes equal numbers on the field? Let’s face it, the NBA is virtually 98 percent Black and a smidgen of White boys who cannot jump. Blacks dominate the NFL by 9 to 1 over lowly unathletic White players.”
“One important step is for black Americans to stop being "useful tools" for the leftist, hate-America agenda. Many black problems are exacerbated by guilt-ridden white people. Often, they accept behavior and standards from black people that they would not begin to accept from white people. In that sense, white liberal guilt is a form of disrespect in their relationships with black Americans .”
Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide with Leftism, Not Racism…The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.”

“They (the media) are ready at all times to do an effective smear job. Among these red (communist) tools may be found editorial writers, columnists, news commentators and analysts, in the press, radio and television. They go overboard in giving top news coverage to racial incidents, fomented by the leftists, and also those incidents that are interpreted so as to show “biased” attitudes of whites against Negroes. This is a propaganda hoax aimed, not at helping the Negro, but at casting America in a bad light in order to destroy its prestige and influence abroad…In the meantime the Negro is the sacrificial lamb—the innocent victim of the widespread racial hate which the leftists are creating.”

Blacks kill twice as many whites (500 in 2015) as whites kill blacks (229 in 2015). Blacks, at 13% of the population, commit 50% of murders, and 90% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks.”

“Liberal officials and civil rights leaders seldom are honest but constantly look for an opportunity to blame Whitey. They do their best to place blame rather than encourage minority communities to make tough decisions to rectify their problems. It is easier to blame others than begin the difficult journey back to strong families and communities. Leftist politicians don’t want the minorities to solve their problems since they want to keep them dependent upon the government. It keeps generations voting for the obnoxious, the opportunists, and the oppressors.”

“We black people are so convenient and useful to America's leftists. Whenever there's a bit of silencing to be done, just accuse a detractor or critic of racism.”

(T)ruth is a mortal threat to the left’s plan to demonize America as a “white supremacist” nation and generate enough hate to destroy its democracy… Thanks to the corruption of America’s schools and media by the anti-American left, this attempt to erase America’s reality in order to destroy America’s democracy has succeeded to an alarming extent inside the minds of its citizens.”
“Study after study shows that, in the case of college admissions, affirmative action hurts more blacks than it helps. By lowering admissions standards for blacks (and some other minority students), colleges set many of these students up for failure. They get placed in schools for which they are not prepared. And high black dropout rates confirm this view. How could it be otherwise? If academically unprepared white students were admitted to Ivy League schools, they, too, would be set up to fail. Conservatives believe blacks and other minorities are every bit as capable as whites of succeeding as engineers, surgeons, policemen, businessmen, lawyers, and college students. And therefore, lowering standards for blacks is unnecessary as well as insulting. Yet for this belief, conservatives are called racist.”

“Conservative's policies, values, and principles have demonstrated over the decades our deep concern and compassion for black lives, black futures, black upward mobility, and black educational progress . Meanwhile, progressive policies put in practice in Democratic-controlled cities across America and the national education system from K through graduate school have created, nurtured, and empowered the most devastatingly racist outcomes in the past century for black Americans.”
“Malcolm X said: ‘The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have . If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems.’” 

“You see, the root cause of racism really isn’t misunderstandings, prejudice, or pride (though those are all contributing factors). The root cause of racism is sin! Our rebellion against God manifests itself in many ways, including hurting and degrading those made in his image ( Genesis 1:27 ) and failing to love others as we love ourselves ( Mark 12:31 ). God’s Word provides the answer for racism . It clearly teaches that all humans are made in God’s image ( Genesis 1:27 ), that we’re all descended from Adam and Eve ( Genesis 3:20 ; 1 Corinthians 15:45 ), and that we’re all one race ( Acts 17:26 ) . And because we’re all descended from Adam, we all sin and will face death because of our sin ( Romans 5:12 ) . This means all people—no matter who they are, what they look like, or where they live—have the same problem: they are sinners, separated from God and headed for an eternity in hell.”

“Previous generations of blacks faced far more significant racial barriers yet managed to narrow racial gaps in everything from income to homeownership to education. Racism didn’t stop them. Black youth today hear plenty about what they can’t accomplish due to racial prejudice and not enough about what blacks did in fact accomplish in an earlier era when brutal and sometimes lethal bigotry was commonplace. It’s easy to see how this victim narrative serves the interests of (liberal-Karl)) politicians and activists in search of votes and influence. It’s much harder to see how it helps the people they claim to represent.”

“And why is abortion more necessary to Black women? Can we honestly believe that when our children are dying in the streets because of the proliferation of drugs in our communities, when education for Black boys and girls is constantly and categorically inferior, when housing and employment opportunities for women of color still scrape the bottom of the barrel- can we be so naive to believe that the same "they" who hold us down with one foot will stand up for us with the other? What if the monies spent to kill babies by abortion, were instead, targeted to keep the kids on our streets alive?... If Black life is so valuable, why are we killing our babies?”

“No one can solve this problem but black America.  No one can throw enough money at it.  We’ve tried that.  Black America needs to look in the mirror and stop blaming others, especially white people…Blacks are around 15 percent of the population. Depending on what study you look at, they commit around 40 percent to 50 percent of violent crime in America. Of course, there is going to be a problem with police.  And, of course, there are some bad policemen. However, those bad apples do not kill black people statistically anymore than they kill white people… Blacks have nothing but opportunity in America.   Try finding the same opportunity anywhere else in the world…The problem is this generation has been taught an agenda of cultural Marxism by our education system.  They’ve been taught to be a victim, and it’s still going on.” 
“(S)lavery is by no means peculiar, odd or unusual. It was common among ancient peoples such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Armenians and many others. Large numbers of Christians were enslaved during the Ottoman wars in Europe. White slaves were common in Europe from the Dark Ages to the Middle Ages. It was only after A.D. 1600 that Europeans joined with Arabs and Africans and started the Atlantic slave trade…While slavery constitutes one of the grossest encroachments on human liberty, it is by no means unique or restricted to the Western world or United States, as many liberal academics would have us believe. Much of their indoctrination of our young people, at all levels of education, paints our nation's founders as racist adherents to slavery, but the story is not so simple.”
“It's not at all uncommon to watch a college basketball game and see that 90 to 100 percent of the starting five players are black. Most of a team's white players are sidelined and warming the bench…One can understand the lack of concern for diversity in professional sports, where it's just about money. But one is left flummoxed by the lack of diversity in college sports. After all, you can't listen to any college president or provost speak for more than a few minutes without hearing the word "diversity" or "inclusiveness" drop from his lips. Colleges spend hundreds of millions of dollars on diversity…But in what appears to be the height of deviousness and deceit, these administrators allow sports, the most visible part of most colleges, to be the least diverse and least inclusive. One has to wonder just how serious academicians are about diversity and inclusion.”
“By and large, police are having lethal interactions not with the nation’s total population but with its criminal population. The elephant in the room, the fundamental to which we must never refer, is propensity toward criminality. It is simply a fact that blacks, and particularly young black men, engage in lawless conduct, very much including violent conduct, at rates (by percentage of population) significantly higher than do other racial or ethnic groups. This is not a matter of conjecture. Crime gets reported by victims; the police don’t invent it, they investigate it.”  
“White Republicans in Congress championed civil rights legislation in the 1960s. Still, blacks flock to the Democrats… Democrats have been hiding the truth for years. "They don't want us to know and to learn [for example] that the Ku Klux Klan was really the military enforcement arm of the Democratic Party," he explains, "who sought not simply to kill black people but to eliminate any threat that would allow political equality – which is why there were more white people lynched by the KKK than black people.”
“For blacks, out-of-wedlock births have gone from 25 percent in 1965 to 73 percent in 2015. For whites, from less than 5 percent to over 25 percent. And for Hispanics, out-of-wedlock births have risen to 53 percent. What happened to fathers? The answer is found in a basic law of economics: If you subsidize undesirable behavior you will get more undesirable behavior. In 1949, the nation’s poverty rate was 34 percent. By 1965, it was cut in half, to 17 percent -- all before President Lyndon Johnson’s so-called War on Poverty. But after that war began in 1965, poverty began to flat line. From 1965 until now, the government has spent over $20 trillion to fight poverty.”
“Why are liberals so quick to drop the “R” (racism) bomb on people who disagree with them?... Liberals understand that nobody wants to be called a racist. Consequently, they use the term like a club to suppress opposing points of view. When liberals cannot debate a point of contention on the basis of facts, logic, or reason, they simply opt for the nuclear option and drop the ‘R’ bomb on opponents.”
“Whites have been on the left's hit list for decades.  Disguising their assault on whites, the left portray themselves as champions of black empowerment.  They claim that blacks are victims of racist America, despite elephant-in-the-living-room evidence proving otherwise.  Meanwhile, the left is engaged in a shock-and-awe attack on whites, with public schools teaching kids to feel guilty for being white (white privilege).  “
RACE BAITERS: Don’t Want You To Know This About Black History

1. America’s first black military officers served the Confederacy.
2. The first legally recognized slave owner in American history was black
3. Free blacks commonly owned black slaves in the antebellum South.
4. In 1860 the largest slave owner in South Carolina was William Ellison, a black plantation owner.
5. Without black African slave owners there would have been no slavery in America.
6. Blacks, including slaves, were allowed to own property in the antebellum South.”
(7 more)
“Black privilege manifests itself in numerous forms:
>Blacks have the right to take pride in their race. Whites don't.
>Blacks can never be racist. Whites are always racist, even if they don't try to be.
>Blacks get to play the race card. Whites don't.

There are many more.
(Jesse Lee) “ Peterson, the author of the new book “The Antidote,” suggests himself that blacks turn away from anger and toward self-reliance and stronger moral values. However, he warns the media is deliberately steering blacks away from such actions and is instead providing the motivation for violent attacks on whites. He also alleges there is a double standard in how the media report racial violence and in how it ascribes political significance to certain crimes.”
“The left has consistently proven that they have little regard for the sanctity of human life. This is most evident not only in their incessant support for abortion, but in the way they have allowed black Americans to adopt the victim mentality that has destroyed so many of their lives. Through the constant race baiting and deliberate, but subtle attempts to whip up anger among the black communities, the left has done little but alienate these people, push back racial relations and turn many young men into hate filled, cold blooded murderers. The inner city ghettos, governed mostly by Democrats who make promises they have no intentions, or means of keeping, bear witness to an unprecedented rate of senseless murder in the black community, and the left does next to nothing to stop it. ”
“Like formerly fat people who continue to see an obese person in the mirror, Democrats have ingrained in blacks that they are victims of an “eternally” racist America; despite glaring evidence proving otherwise…Sadly, there are a large number of black Americans whose brains are entombed in a victim mindset; impenetrable by the truth. ”
"For those who refuse to be bullied by Leftist media types and activists who foment violence, read  White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It , by Colin Flaherty, an author who knows about backlash, censorship and false accusations of racism.  He also knows a lot about the war on whites, and reports on it…And what explains this epidemic of black-on-white violence?  It is simple really: social order breaks down when families fail, when children are born out of wedlock, when children are fatherless, raised on the street, taught to hate, and when adults encourage bigotry, racism, hate crimes and violence, especially when presidents and attorneys general and so-called pastors and  educators   teach the same. The pervasive and forever attack on the family and traditional morality has practically destroyed common courtesy.  Unchecked, the sin nature, what the founders call “the passions”, eventually create mob rule, the law of the jungle, mayhem…The real tragedy in all this: the vast majority of blacks, whites and Hispanics want nothing to do with the race war now sponsored by the Democrats and their Leftist accomplices."
"Ever notice how the secular left conveniently omits the fact that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a devout Christian minister? While, historically, there have certainly been apostate “Christians” who, in the name of Christ, have abused and taken out of context certain biblical passages to support slavery, segregation, racism and other evils – it has been, without fail, true Christians, that is, Bible-believing Christians of every race, color and creed, who have led the charge in defense of all legitimate human (and civil) rights."
“The Democrats love to blame America for being a racist nation and seize any opportunity they can to exploit the impoverished conditions many blacks find themselves living in. In fact, we have seen that the left will go to any lengths necessary to give the impression that they are seeking to correct a societal wrong. The problem is the left is primarily responsible for these impoverished conditions. This was the point of Critical Projection theory . The left, in an effort to hide all of their failures, project their own racist attitudes onto Republicans and Conservatives so that they may be able to retain the illusion that they are the savior of poor inner city (mostly black) communities. All throughout history it was in fact, the Democrat party that was responsible for most of America’s racist history. The Democrats were the primary slave owners, the Democrats formed the Klu Klux Klan, and the Democrats were responsible for Jim Crow segregation laws.”  
(Inner city race riots are) “not about an American failure, it is about a Democrat failure. And ask yourself, who were the ones who developed the concept of urban economic empowerment zones — as opposed to the ones who have produced urban depraved enslavement zones?”
That vision (us against them) is nowhere more clearly expressed than in attempts to automatically depict whatever social problems exist in ghetto communities as being caused by the sins or negligence of whites, whether racism in general or a "legacy of slavery" in particular. Like most emotionally powerful visions, it is seldom, if ever, subjected to the test of evidence. The "legacy of slavery" argument is not just an excuse for inexcusable behavior in the ghettos. In a larger sense, it is an evasion of responsibility for the disastrous consequences of the prevailing social vision of our times, and the political policies based on that vision, over the past half century.”


See Exodus Mandate.

“Once children are born, the Left sees them as sources of grief and pain for their parents – and as they grow, as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics… As children grow, the Left sees them as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics. Children should be indoctrinated in the ideas of racial essentialism and historic guilt, so as to turn them into political widgets on behalf of utopian social change.”
The left monopolizes all avenues of getting to your kids , which is kind of creepy. If it’s entertainment for kids, it’s likely done by someone whose parents either didn’t love them enough or loved them too much. Same goes for education. They’re all usually childless themselves, because who would sleep with these weirdos?
“When you begin to realize that the current public school system is a fabricated system, based on very little science or educational philosphy other than spending billions of tax dollars and filling up the day with busy work, you’ll realize what so many homeschooling parents have already learned: it does not take twelve years to educate a child.”
“If we accept the notion that rotten education is not preordained, then I wonder when the black community will demand an end to an educational environment that condemns so many youngsters to mediocrity . You can bet the rent money that white liberals and high-income blacks would not begin to accept the kind of education for their children that most blacks receive.”
“One of their (Democrat Party) greatest and subtlest schemes has been to corrupt the public education system over time. Their goal has been to capture the teachers’ unions (accomplished long ago!) and to insert increasingly socialist and leftist curricula into schools across the country, including cultural Marxist claptrap like intersectionalism, social justice, radical environmentalism, and identity politics (especially feminism and LGBTQ nonsense). The long-term goal has been to churn out generation after generation of liberals who are inclined to vote Democrat and thereby perpetuate the political domination of the Democrat Party in Washington, DC forever. And the plan has worked beyond their wildest dreams (and beyond the nightmares of the rest of us)."
“Many of America’s public school systems have become morally toxic, especially for the hearts and minds of children from religious families. So say authors Mary Hasson and Theresa Farnan in their bracing and deeply researched new book, “Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late.” The threat does not come from the dedicated teachers who are just trying to do their jobs but from progressive ideologues who have become our nation’s education elites…Even while schools are becoming successful instruments for leftist social reform, they are failing at their core mission to educate children in basic academic subjects.
“Government-run schools and compulsory attendance to any school are the antitheses of freedom, liberty, and learning. Forced to attend a school, most will go to government schools. Students are treated as prisoners sentenced to serve 12 years (or less in some states). Years of children’s precious lives and vulnerable minds are spent in forced confinement, often subjected to aimless busywork to meet the demands of teachers. The individual is not valued in many government schools, as all focus is on becoming an upstanding member of the collective. Leftist indoctrination has become ubiquitous. Independent thinking is discouraged while group-think pervades nearly every aspect of the politicized curriculum. All of this in the name of bettering children’s lives…Free speech, a fundamental of our nation, is not only not valued, but it is also suppressed. Subtle and patent discrimination of those not conforming to the frequently liberal agenda pervades government education. After years of this beginning when very young, the mental and emotional development is stunted, and the socialist mindset is placed — exactly what an all-powerful government wants — an easily controlled and manipulated unquestioning populous.”

“It’s no longer possible to deflect by denial, insisting that radical, left-wing education reform won’t happen in your schools or to your secure suburbs. It’s not enough anymore to rationalize that you know a few teachers, and they would never do that to your school children. It’s no longer sufficient for Republican-controlled legislatures and red-state governors to lob vague commitments to “school choice” at the problem. It’s no longer acceptable for timid and 501(c)(3)-cowed pastors and priests to ban the issue from pulpits because the handful of parishioners who teach in public schools might get offended…And in the minds of the progressive ideologues, the woke educrats, and the venal politicians and union bosses who control American public-school education, revolution is at the very heart of the new education paradigm.”

“There is no tool in the progressive toolbox more critical to transforming our onetime constitutional republic into a utopian socialist enclave as complete control of the public schools…Since the mid-1990s, and especially since the turn of the century, the Left has successfully doubled down on that longstanding dream, which harkens all the way back to public-school trailblazers Horace Mann and John Dewey, of coopting and politicizing the classrooms of our youngest and most credulous pupils in the public e-lementary schools. By applying to primar-y schools the same type of propaganda and indoctrination that turned the universities into their minions, the progressives guaranteed that future generations of students coming to college would already be pre-baked in pro-socialist and anti-American worldviews. All the professors would have to do was ice the cake… American public schools have simply appropriated to themselves the God-given right of parents to shape and guide the social, emotional, sexual, political, and spiritual development of their kids, regardless of what parents think or believe. The objective is to create generations of progressive social-justice warriors…”

“In context, a left-favoring protest policy is but a crumb of the poisonous leftist cake that has been baking for decades in American schools. Liberal politicians and teachers have completely mobilized our schools as leftist training grounds. American children have been placed on the frontlines of leftist political battles; our children have been brainwashed into liberal fighting machines. Leftists are successfully manipulating our children, one mind at a time.”
“Suppose the government decided you had to buy a new car every year, whether you want to or not. If you already have a car, you can keep it. You don’t have to take possession of the government car, but you’ll still have to pay for it. They suck the money out of your taxes, so you’re stuck. What kind of car would you like? The question is irrelevant: Government Motors manufactures the cars and you have to take what they decide to give you. They’ll choose the model, the color, the options, and everything else. You just pay for it. They’ll also decide how often you can use it, how far you can drive, and where you can or can’t go. You have no ownership rights: none at all. You just pay for it. Every year. Out of your taxes. Does that sound like a raw deal to you? But it’s exactly the same kind of deal you get with what they like to call ‘public education’.”

“For years I studied about the source of what was coming into education, and now it is here. This is saying "we don't care about traditional education any longer... abc's, 123's, writing, arithmetic, learning to write, spell, cursive, penmanship, being kind to our neighbor"... Now it is sustainability, social activism, gender identity, gender equality, climate change awareness, anti-white, imperialist, wealth hatred, pinning the banner of Socialist-inspired progressivism on tiny future activists. I think it's disgusting and criminal… The initiative began back in the 40's through initiatives of futurist progressivism labeled then as humanism, but re-labeled as of 2011 forward as neo-humanism, both by UNESCO and SIECUS. The goal is exactly the kind of mindless robotic social engineering and it's the reason largely we see the support for such skewed thinking… Kids are going to, and are coming out of, education with less and less room for learning things like... how to actually read, how to write, how to think independently, learning the classics in literature (often traded for the 30 page comic version of things like Moby Dick), how to actually calculate mathematical formulas, unable to develop penmanship, the list goes on, and the more room there is for understanding how gender is fluid, that no one is allowed to contradict this once the idea is planted, including protection from counselors and teachers, that the single largest force to be reckoned with is climate change, and going beyond being kind to one another, being peaceful and loving, to instead use math models, grammar models, creative writing models all as a means to deeply embed hatred towards those pegged as the enemy of a global village where everyone must think the same. In my opinion it's the ultimate hypocrisy, but it works and it's a done deal for certain…

“Is the education uniting us or dividing us as a country? Is there a stronger consensus on loving one another, peace, true acceptance, or an itinerary for what you are allowed to think, eat breath, in order to avoid being pegged for hate speech, hate thought, and division? Are we united more and more by seeing old white men as the enemy of mankind, and paving the way towards future utopia, or are we using the clean slate minds of children to launch future political activism as the only useful role in society?”
(2019 email from a friend-Michael
While Christians try to “save” their beloved public schools, another generation of young people is seduced by the anti-Christian worldview of public education…In order to justify the continued support of public education, the following reasons are often given…
We can’t afford to send our children to private schools.
If Christians pulled their children out of public schools, voted down every tax increase having anything to do with education, voted to repeal the education portion of the property tax, and voted for candidates who would cut every dollar from education funding, then most families could afford the costs involved. The money spent on trying to save the public schools would go a long way in establishing scholarship funds for children whose parents cannot afford a private-school education. Yes, it may even take some sacrificing on the part of parents. Of course, home-schooling is always an option.
My child is a witness for Christ in public schools.
…While there are few opportunities to witness in the public schools, students are captive to an anti-Christian worldview for at least six hours every day. This says nothing of the worldview promoted by a child’s peers from pagan homes.
Our school is different.
Maybe in degree. My guess is that most parents have no idea what’s going on in their child’s school. If they don’t hear any bad news, they assume that all is well.
I want my child to be exposed to the ‘real’ world.
What is the “real world”? The real world is where Christ dwells and where His Word is taught. Christianity is not unreal. If it is, then why not worship with pagans since their domain is the “real world.”
Universities claim to prize diversity and inclusivity. But this means little more than a fixation with certain skin pigment and private parts. It doesn’t include viewpoint diversity—at least not if it is a conservative Christian perspective…The university is the most influential institution in western civilization. From it come our doctors, lawyers, political leaders, journalists, artists, k-12 educators and even future professors. Stalin once said “ideas are more powerful than weapons. We don’t allow our enemies to have weapons. Why should we let them have ideas?” And Abraham Lincoln said, “the philosophy in the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

"(T)he fact is that there is no difference in principle between religious liberty and educational liberty. Just as people shouldn’t be forced to send their children to church, they shouldn’t be forced to send their children to a state-approved organization for secular education and training. Families have the natural, God-given right to make educational decisions for their children without state interference or meddling, just as they do with respect to religious decisions.”
"Much to liberal dismay “(H)omeschooled children score far better on every academic indicator — usually around 30 percentile points higher than victims of government schools, on the government's own standardized academic tests. They are also better socialized, and far less likely to be abused than government-“educated” children… (and) homeschoolers contribute far more to society than the victims of government schools. That is true in business, politics, law, academia, science, and more.”
There are few methods of literally wiping out a nation more effective, than indoctrinating the people to the point of being useful idiots.  Unfortunately, many idiots grow up and are elected to political office.  Or even worse, dingbat educators and professors con young Americans into undermining their own nation."
“Why would any Christian oppose putting the Bible back in the schools?!?... It is impossible to teach the Bible correctly from within a secular curriculum. We should not attempt to institute state-funded Bible courses in the most Socialistic institution in our society—the public schools. It is frankly hypocritical to cry, “Socialism, unbiblical!” every time a liberal proposes some state-funded program, but then cheer for state-funded education, let alone state-funded Bible education. You would be advancing the very type of tyranny you claim to stand against.”
Education is not mentioned in our constitution because our founders knew that education is a local issue and must be dealt with locally.  The Federal government was never to be involved.  Education is supposed to provide the skills necessary to develop an individual’s intellectual ability while providing a sense of morality.  Today education is used to promote dependence on government by taking from those who have and giving to those who want.”
“Kirsten Olson, who was then a Harvard graduate student, began to conduct research on the ways that highly successful people were inspired by their experiences at school. She hoped to document how passions were kindled by school. But her early findings led her to turn that thesis around by 180 degrees. The book that eventually came out of that work is entitled Wounded by School…‘In her first foray into the field--in-depth interviews with an award-winning architect, a distinguished professor, a gifted writer, a marketing executive--Olson expected to hear stories of joyful and productive learning…. Instead, she discovered the shadows of pain, disappointment, even cynicism in their vivid recollections of schooling. Instead of the light she expected, she found darkness.And their stories did not merely refer to old wounds now healed; they recalled deeply embedded wounds that still bruised and ached, wounds that still compromised and distorted their sense of themselves as persons and professionals.’ Since the time when Olson’s respondents would have been in school, school has become even more oppressive.”
“Nothing short of a great Civil War of world views and values rages today throughout North America.  It’s between Biblical traditions and pagan secularism.  The two sides are as polar opposite as light and darkness.  They are totally incompatible…Children are the prize to the winners of America’s second great Civil War. Those who control what young people are taught and what they experience — what they see, hear, think, and believe – they will determine the future course for this nation…The single greatest threat to Christian civilization has proved to be secular humanist, state-controlled, education…The enemy is using the tactics of: Confuse, Divide and Conquer and Corrupt and Conquer. We are at war!” 

“Think about it. This is what the government educational system controls: the money (up to $1 trillion per year), the education and training of the teachers and administrators, the certification process, the teaching license process, the teachers’ continuing education, the boards of education, the local, state and federal educational departments, the curriculum writing and development. In short, the educational bureaucracy controls every aspect of the worldview (overall theological framework), philosophy (why we do what we do), the curriculum (what we use) and the methodology (how we teach). They control who will teach, what they will teach, and how they will do it. Yet, they pay for it with our tax dollars. They have the authority to control every aspect of the process. They even control much of the reform effort and budgets! What possible influence can the average person have over this?” (Max Lyons, Ph.D.)
America’s pastors have failed us.  Most speak glowingly of their local “public” schools and “wonderful” teachers indoctrinating the children in doctrines of demons.  There is nothing Christian about our educational system. The secularists run the schools.  Christianity is mocked. Real Christian children are ostracized.  All with your tax dollars.  All on your dime.”

There are only two things wrong with our schools: Everything that our children don’t learn there and everything they do. These public schools, with their vast political and bureaucratic machinery, are beyond reform . That does not mean that persons of good will should not offer themselves up as missionaries of truth and goodness and beauty, to teach there… But we would be quite mad to send our children there. We send missionaries to cannibals. We do not serve the cannibals our boys and girls.”

“Everyone has a worldview whether they have thought it through in detail or not, because we are all religious beings, and we each have an interconnected set of beliefs and assumptions through which we look at life. These belief sets, in turn, shape our approach to everything we do, including how we educate. As a consequence there is no such thing as a neutral education. Education will be done in terms of one worldview or another.
“Having personally lived through the frightening Cold War era between the Soviet Union and the West, I probably have a different perspective than many younger people about how we got to the widespread insanity we are now experiencing in society.  Sadly, the youth of the past five decades or so have been deprived of the teaching of real history. They have instead been heavily propagandized in schools and universities with soul and spirit-killing, mind-dumbing, leftist ideological indoctrination. It seems that the indoctrination and education deprivation is worse now than it has been since the 1960s…By the 1980s, an entire new generation was disoriented.  School and media had turned young minds toward an ideology at odds with America's founding principles and values.  Americans progressively lost their moral bearings and their identity as Americans.  Marxist activists and other crusaders for a collectivist nation had by now taken positions of leadership in academia, government, and church.  Public schools were beginning to pit students against their parents and filling their heads with ideas calculated to undermine the core values of their country and heritage. ”
“If the progressive Left can claim one cultural victory that is nearly total, it is their infiltration and conquest of the public education system. Public schools across the Western world—especially Canada, the United States, and Great Britain—now serve as purveyors of post-modern ideology, replete with “social justice” classes and sex education that is designed to mainstream a wide variety of alternative lifestyles.”
“Once children are indoctrinated, “Group Think” takes over and going against the crowd is intolerable.  Actually anyone not a believer is evil and should not be tolerated. If I said NFL, you should understand why continuing this communist education will destroy America. America’s children ARE BEING TAUGHT TO HATE AMERICA. “American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists…..”  Charlotte Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
“God’s word admonishes Christians in 2 Corinthians 6:14 not to be “unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (KJV). That directive is not singularly referencing a marriage relationship. In the same verse is the question: “What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?” God’s word asks: “What concord hath Christ with Be’lial?” (2 Corinthians 6:18 KJV) God’s word directs us to: “Come out from among them, and be ye separate … to touch not the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV). There’s no equivocating; there’s no ambiguity. What part of God’s word do people who claim to be Christians not understand? Christian children do not belong in the sewers of animalistic pagan debauchery and intellectual abuse masquerading as public academic institutions. The church of God has a mission field right in front of it, and the people thereof are wasting money, time and resources trying to conform Satan to Christ likeness. It is time to stop wasting God’s money and talent in an arena that offers no return on investment.”
“There’s nothing in the Bible that says we must dedicate ourselves to maintaining a government-run education system at any cost. My first responsibility is to my family, not to the community or the school system or my kid’s classmates. I will never put the interests of ‘the system’ above that of my own children. Whether ‘the system’ lives or dies is not my concern. My family is my concern. I have an obligation to them, not to the local superintendent… if I did put my kids in ‘the system’ for the sake of ‘the system,’ I’m not the one making the sacrifice. I’m forcing my kids to make it. At least face what you’re doing. When it comes down to it, the burden of public schooling is something your child will have to shoulder, not you…As much as I’d like to keep them shielded from the evils of the world forever, I know that I can do no such thing. The question is not   whether  our kids will be exposed to this or that depravity, but   when and how and  in what context?  Are you prepared to trust the school’s judgment on when Junior is ready to learn about concepts like ‘transgenderism’? Do you trust their judgment on how he learns about it, and what he’s told about it?...when a kid is sent to public school, he’s expected to navigate and survive and thrive in a hostile, confusing, amoral environment, basically untethered from his parents, 6–8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year, for 12 years…They aren’t equipped, they aren’t ready, they aren’t strong enough, and they will get eaten alive.”
You cannot understand K-12 in the USA unless you consider what the educational leaders have been trying to do. They want to create a new socialist child and build a brave new world. If necessary, they'll accomplish this goal one dumbed-down, brainwashed kid at a time.”
“Liberals spend a lot of time bitterly complaining about “big” stuff. They hate “big pharma.” They hate “big business.” Yet they embrace “big education” with wholehearted fervor.”
“When man makes laws that are in direct conflict with God’s LAW, then man will, at some point, reap what he sows , and the crop will not be good.   For example, man has made laws saying parents must send their children to school, and that same government, with taxpayer dollars, provides such a school.  Now, tell me, what can be more ridiculous than sending a young boy to a government school where he learns he can become a girl if he so chooses? The really sad part about this situation is that Christian leaders are supposed to be purveyors of biblical truth, if anyone is, yet in the face of reality, they abandon truth and accept the lie that government run schools are acceptable places for our children to receive discipleship training for about 30 hours each week.”
“To accommodate less college-ready students, colleges must water down their curricula, lower standards and abandon traditional tools and topics.”
“Those who are strong advocates for Christian schooling of our nation’s children have heard different reasons from parents as to why they don’t take their children out of public schools to place them in a Christian environment. One such reason is, “But our children attend a good public school.” My response is this; Occasionally you will find a good biscuit in a garbage can, but that’s not the place to go looking for a good biscuit…Kids who spend 30 hours a week in a public school environment in America today will no doubt absorb much of the stench in that environment in much the same way that a lonely biscuit in a garbage pail will take on the rotting odor found there.”
The world is in a mess, America is in rapid decline, including politics, government, the culture and most certainly the public (government run) school system. Those who are strong advocates for Christian schooling of our nation’s children have heard different reasons from parents as to why they don’t take their children out of public schools to place them in a Christian environment. One such reason is, “But our children attend a good public school.” My response is this; Occasionally you will find a good biscuit in a garbage can, but that’s not the place to go looking for a good biscuit.
(T)they (liberals) want all the rest of us to not only feel frightened from following their example in exercising independent judgment about what constitutes a good education, they want to force all the rest of us to do as they say, not as they do. They have used the police power of government and our own tax dollars to herd our children into separate and unequal system of schooling from the one they have enjoyed.
Conservative commentator, Lee Duigon says it well. “…the same educators who teach your children that there’s no such thing as “right” or “wrong” go into screaming conniptions about 'hate' and 'bigotry' the moment you suggest, for example, that marriage consists of a man and a woman? Their whole 'your truth, my truth' thing goes out the window, and you are an enemy of the people and must be destroyed—or at least 'rehabilitated'… It looks like the idea behind this is to empty the children of all moral beliefs before they enter college. There the educators can fill them up with strong, even vehement, opinions—which, by some academic hocus-pocus, are transformed into the only 'true' or 'right' opinions, the only ones allowed—on social justice, 'gay' rights, the iniquity of White Privilege, Saving the Planet from Income Inequality and Climate Change, or Becoming a Citizen of the World Because Being an American is so Un-cool.

"It’s a really neat trick, as they go from ‘no opinions can be true’ to ‘these are the only right opinions, and woe unto you if we catch you holding any others!’ It’s better than alchemy. The kids come in with 'your truth, my truth, no truth' and come out getting extra credit for spouting stuff like 'There are no illegal immigrants, only illegal borders’… The purpose of public education is, as it has always been, to replace the Christian religion with pagan worship of the state and the anointed experts who operate the state. It is not necessary to initiate students into the full mysteries of secular humanism. What the experts are after is obedience. It’s easy to rule over shallow, ignorant, and self-centered people.”
“(T)the thing that never ceases to amaze me is how morally stunted and ethically underdeveloped our students are, how utterly unable to make even obvious moral distinctions, and how completely uninterested in differentiating between virtue and vice… They are smart enough to realize that legitimizing the bad choices of others means that they are entitled to the same legitimization for their own bad choices as well, a system of mutually beneficial amorality in which the self-interested embrace of tolerance is enough not only to absolve their own sins, but also to confer upon them a kind of active virtue that grants immunity from the moral and spiritual consequences of their choices…  (A)nyone who has spent meaningful time in our institutions of learning knows just how seriously teachers and academics take their liberal worldviews. If the goal is merely to divorce all meaning and belief from the humanities, then doing so across the board would produce a kind of level playing field, however degraded the resulting view of mankind. But the liberal post-modernism and moral relativity that dominate our schools seek to root out traditional values and meanings in order to supplant them with the liberal, materialist creeds of academics — belief-systems every bit as faith-based as those they seek to remove. Despite the obvious contradiction and hypocrisy, liberal academics proceed blithely down this intellectually tortured path… Nevertheless, academics today proceed religiously down this path with all the conviction of Saul before he hit the road to Damascus. As G. K. Chesterton observed trenchantly, ‘When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything’… We have reached the point in Western education where politically leftist approaches to culture have become institutionally sanctioned, unquestioningly normative, and zealously guarded: They alone offer students a legitimate position from which to analyze and critique culture. The dominance of such worldviews — to the detriment of free inquiry and the perversion of the educational mission — accounts for the overwhelming liberal bias in American education, the uniformly leftist sentiments of faculties and administrators, and the impressive success of schools in churning out factually illiterate, technically incompetent, but politically liberal and increasingly activist graduates. As Abraham Lincoln observed with alarming prescience, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation, is the philosophy of government in the next.”
The United States has a rich history of which all Americans can be proud. It’s not perfect, but it is very good. America’s record among the community of nations is a sterling example of what people of good will can do when they enjoy the blessings of liberty, freedom, and self-determination. But liberals don’t see things this way . To them America’s history is a shameful record characterized by military adventurism, imperialism, and exploitation. Most liberals can find little good to say about America—past or present—and they use our nation’s public schools, colleges, and universities to pass their disdain on to successive generations of susceptible young people.
“Our nation’s education system has been literally destroyed in an effort to indoctrinate our children into the tenets of leftist philosophy. We once had the finest education system in the world and now our children can’t think their way out of a paper bag. We are falling   below international averages in math and other academic areas   as educators focus more on teaching “social justice” and rabid anti American values as opposed to real academic endeavors. Our students are being trained to be social advocates for Democrat issues while being told the values their nation stands for are racist, sexist, oppressive and homophobic.”
"The chief culprit in making sure Americans are no longer capable of self-government is the public schools. Monopolies are unhealthy anyway, but educational monopolies run by the government ensure that the only thing taught to pupils is approved by, and supportive of, the government agenda. Schools no longer teach. They indoctrinate, rewrite and lie about history, mock and distort religious beliefs, and promote a single progressive agenda. They discourage self-control and encourage hedonism (since, after all, any “mistakes” can be “fixed” by Planned Parenthood). Their goal is to achieve a massive universal groupthink populace incapable of questioning the government, much less governing themselves."


See 40-40 FACE the FACTS.

To the Left, children in the womb are utterly disposable; at best, women may choose to preserve their lives, but if not, they have no separate interests to be considered.”
“For this test to find out just how important and necessary abortion is, and how crucial it is that taxpayers pick up the tab, I propose choosing a “marginalized,” and Democrats say, group. Perhaps the most marginalized. Make abortion legal and free for trans women only to see how many of these women avail themselves of the service and, if there is a big demand, expand from there accordingly… If, in fact, trans women are women, the need for abortions would be just as real, correct? Make the offer. Democrats can’t really deny “perhaps the most marginalized community in the country” their fundamental rights, can they? Would they? This is an opportunity for conservatives to expose the left as the hypocritical frauds they are. Democrats are running around screaming “Women’s rights” and insisting men should not have a say in anything related to those “rights.” How can anyone say what constitutes a woman?”
“When the left can no longer convince adults that unborn babies are ‘clumps of cells,’ they resort to brainwashing children into thinking abortion is wonderful. They try to force anti-abortion centers to provide pro-abortion information to the hurting expectant mothers who walk through their doors. They’re working to force pro-life nurses to violate their consciences and kill babies anyway, even if it terrorizes their own souls. And this is hardly an exhaustive list…The demonic left will stop at nothing to defend its religious ritual of sacrificing babies to the god of self.
“This concept of freedom of choice eludes most people (all left-liberals) unless we’re talking about abortion — which isn’t a mere right of choice since it kills another living being with intrinsic value (perfect for a materialist-based death culture).”

“We all know that liberals love children…But how much do they bemoan the multimillions of lives lost because of their belief in the extreme importance of routine abortion, mid-term abortion, late-term abortion, and even post-birth abortion, in which the lives of vibrant, living, fully-developed babies are, ahem, terminated?”
“Human life begins at fertilization and ends at natural death. That is science, established in the 19th century (when the biology of fertilization was first understood) and it is as certain as gravity and heliocentrism. There is no scientific debate about when life begins or about the fully human status of a child in the womb. There are merely scientists and doctors who tell the truth, and those who don’t. An embryo is fully human, as is a fetus, a newborn, a toddler, a child, a teen, a mature adult and an elderly adult. Human life is a continuum, from conception to death, without pause. Our size and abilities and characteristics change as we grow, but we are human beings from conception onward. Children don’t magically become human beings just at birth, and their humanity from conception onward doesn’t depend on whether or not their mother wants them…Whether a fetus is a ‘baby’ depends on your definition of ‘baby.’ It’s notable that everyone except abortion-mongers call them babies (‘I felt the baby move today!”, “Ms. Smith, the ultrasound shows that the baby is a boy!’).”
Abortion is a form of murder – plain and simple. More specifically, abortion is first-degree murder. It is not accidental, but typically well-planned. Tragically, there is much deception, misleading, and the lying surrounding abortion. Many who say they are believers are taking the word “murder” and seeking to substitute it with words like “abortion,” “reproductive rights,” and “euthanasia.”  It seems that they want to believe that murder is acceptable if we rename it. Yet whatever name you give the act of taking innocent life, it is still clearly wrong according to the Word of God. Abortion is murder, and it’s clearly against the Word of God and the will of God.”

So, an unborn baby is not a human being? What is it—a dog, a dolphin, a green bean? It has 100% human DNA (with a unique combination of information that came from both father and mother), and humans only produce humans, so the unborn baby can’t be anything other than a human! He or she is an individual. In fact, the woman’s body looks on this individual as foreign and would reject him or her, but God designed a mechanism to overcome this and welcome the individual for development…So, if an unborn baby is just part of the woman’s body, then, when a woman delivers her baby, is she missing part of her body—a part with DNA unique to it? Does that part of her body eventually learn to walk, talk, and play, like a baby does?”
“Child sacrifice was specifically condemned in the Bible. In Leviticus 18:21, 20:3 and Deuteronomy 12:30-31 and 18:10, there are condemnations and laws against child sacrifice, along with human sacrifice in general. Human sacrifices are seen as the barbaric customs of idol worshippers.” And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, [even] the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. (Psalms 106:36-38) “ Modern idols -- personal peace, convenience, pleasure -- are more sophisticated. Our sacrifices today are justified on the basis of who is inconvenient, imperfect or even the wrong sex. Did we think we could get away with this and not suffer national, cultural and spiritual consequences ?”
“There was a time in our nation's history when the rights and bodily autonomy of people of color were aggressively violated. But as vile a sin slavery was, those that committed it did so by choice. Americans who wanted no part of it weren't forced to participate as slave owners. This isn't the case when taxpayer funds are channeled by the federal government to abortion providers…It is inconceivable that an American citizen who believes and understands that abortion is the destruction of human life should be forced to fund, with their tax dollars, those who perform it.”
“In yesteryear, the newsreels displayed in their reports the emaciated dead bodies of Jews piled like cordwood that had been killed by the Nazis. During the Jim Crow era, the media presented pictures of blacks lynched from trees with White Supremacists standing around like it was a community picnic. When the Vietnam War was going on, major news outlets brought the horrific images of that conflict into our living rooms. American troops were bared as they were: bloody, burned, shot and blown to pieces. These days, however, we never see the news showing what happens to an infant during an actual abortion , especially a late-term abortion. We can't hear the silent scream. We don't see the doctor plunge the poisonous needle into the little one's beating heart. We never see the legs, arms, torsos, and other body parts of unborn children oozing from a bloody birth canal or cast into the trash after the abortionist's knife has done its ghastly work. Neither do we witness the infant from a spoiled abortion left underneath a pile of towels, neglected on a cold clinic table, or twisting like a live piece of refuse in a bedpan. All of these grisly things remain hidden and kept in secret.” 
“The scientific questions about the beginning of human life and the experience of pain in fetal life have long been answered. Human life begins at fertilization of the egg by the sperm, and fetuses beyond the first trimester experience pain intensely, probably more intensely than do adults. There is no actual scientific debate about these issues. The debate is whether we, as a nation, should protect human life in the womb. That fetuses are fully human and fully alive, there is no honest public debate.”

“This suggests a profound misery, unhappiness, and self-loathing at the core of abortionism—a failure in having been loved or in returning love that is projecting itself outwards as an insistence that no one should be “forced” to love another person. Deep inside, the pro-abortionist is torn between an idolatrous self-love and a pathetic self-hatred. They exalt the militant “I” which always says “I want,” and so they would deny existence to the vulnerable baby who is all want and cannot say “I” at all. What reasons might they give? They are, so they feel, ‘sparing’ the babies the misfortune of living, ‘sparing’ their parents the misfortune of having to make sacrifices—sacrifices which can be sustained only by a love stronger than self-love. Beneath all of the propaganda is a nihilism that denies to human life inherent meaning, value, dignity, or beauty. And let’s be honest about it: to the extent that modern men and women live without God, without grace, without love, nihilism is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Without God and His gifts, life will not seem worth living; it will be vapid and pointless. The system perpetuates itself, alienation breeding alienation. From lovelessness comes an attitude of contempt for others, and from this contempt comes still greater meaninglessness, until it becomes a ‘self-evident fact’ that human life is, on the whole, a burden, a curse, instead of a blessing and a gift… The Lord who searches hearts can see what is at work behind the scenes: contempt for the Creator, rejection of the Giver of Life. The God who is love yearns to pour out His mercy, His precious Blood, upon all sinners, especially the most desperate and wretched, if only they would turn to Him and acknowledge their guilt.”
“The true characteristic of a Christian is someone who seeks to honor God in everything they say and do, someone who is led by God, and someone who allows Him to live through them. So, for a Christian to be pro-choice, they'd have to say that ‘God is honored by abortion. He has led me to participate in, and/or support the ending of millions of defenseless lives. God has placed a clear conscience in me that is okay with the dismemberment of the very lives that He has intricately created.’ At the end of the day, it requires being able to say that God is pleased with people supporting genocide, and He is glorified by those same people choosing convenience over life. Can someone, being full of the Holy Spirit of God, believe that there is nothing wrong with abortion? Let's truly think about that, let's just say this statement out loud, so that we can truly hear absurdity of it: ‘I love Jesus, the Author of Life, and I have no qualms about ending a human life that He created because it is an inconvenience to me. I have a clear conscience in choosing convenience over life.’ Sounds absolutely ridiculous doesn't it? Well, unfortunately, I believe that is the answer to our question, ‘Can someone be a Christian and pro-choice?’ It's absolutely ridiculous to think that is possible.”

“One lie is that children in the womb are not human beings, at least up to a certain point of gestation. That is not true. It is a matter of fact — a straightforward scientific fact known since the basics of human reproduction were first understood in the early 19th century — that human life begins at fertilization of the egg by the sperm , and that at every stage of life thereafter, from zygote to embryo to fetus to newborn, the individual is a human being. The child in the womb is not a part of the mother (half the time he’s not even the same sex as the mother), nor is a child in the womb mere “tissue” that becomes a human being at some arbitrary point in gestation. Women don’t reproduce by budding.”  

“Yes, we really believe abortion is murder. Yes, the standard consequence for taking a life is at least imprisonment, if not necessarily capital punishment (which many pro-lifers oppose, demonstrating more consistency than our liberal betters). But to conclude we must therefore support throwing women in jail (or worse) demonstrates a glaring ignorance of abortion’s legal history, as well as an unsurprising disregard for how carefully pro-lifers have thought through this dilemma. Limiting prosecution to abortionists isn’t just something modern pro-life activists made up for PR purposes; it’s a settled legal standard that long predates Roe v. Wade…(A)abortion is the ultimate violence against women and their unborn children. We must not, in turn, respond with violence against those who are misled and living in spiritual blindness…Finally, it can’t be stressed enough that these “here’s why pro-lifers don’t really think abortion is murder” arguments are nothing new. They’ve been a staple of pro-abortion apologetics as long as I can remember, for a simple reason: the never-ending quest to dismiss the pro-life argument without refuting it.”
“There is a reason that abortion activists and abortionists almost never use the actual word “abortion,” but instead opt for vaguer, more abstract terms: women’s health, freedom to choose, reproductive rights, or bodily autonomy are all ways of dodging the actual point of contention in the abortion debate. As long as the debate can stay abstract, abortion activists can win by presenting their position not as defending the physical destruction of a human being developing in the womb, but rather as a laundry list of things everyone loves, like choice and freedom and healthcare.

“These quotes by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, reveal the wicked roots of the abortion movement and expose the twisted mindset behind the present-day Culture of Death.  In her own words, Sanger peddles racism, eugenics…”
“Secular humanists have made the word abortion sound like a woman's right, synonymous with health care, female empowerment, standing for women’s issues, a choice, a solution; anything but the truth. The truth is, however, abortion is the termination of life. It is just a euphemis m for murder because the only reason to get an abortion is to avoid the potential of birth – a human birth. We dress it up with “my body, my choice,” but it is still a life inside of a woman’s womb, and that life is still extinguished by the brutal procedure of abortion. In some cases, disturbing the nest of a sea turtle and stealing its eggs is a crime punishable by years in prison and tremendous fines, but we have an entire industry in this nation devoted to the murder of unborn human beings.”
Prior to being fully formed, we have a substance that distinguishes us as image-bearers of God. This substance is not merely a theological precept. It is physically qualifiable, taking the form of the human genetic code. This substance is the only possible foundation for human equality. If the abortion lobby had their way, self-awareness, viability, or another arbitrary trait would define humanity. If that’s the case, then human value exists on a sliding scale, in which the highly aware have more value than the oblivious, those who are self-reliant have more than those who depend on family, friends, or government, and so on. Denying personhood to any organism who is scientifically human shatters the concept of human equality.” (
“Consider the current conversation on abortion, for example. How often are media sources actually willing to discuss what abortion is? Pro-lifers are portrayed as wild-eyed religious fanatics or fundamentalist throwbacks trying to control female sexuality, while abortion supporters are portrayed as liberty-loving reproductive rights warriors. But imagine if a newspaper simply printed photographs of the human being in the womb at each stage of development, from conception until birth, and asked questions about when it was ethical to end that life? Or imagine if journalists confronted politicians with the fact that abortion often involves doctors tearing the limbs from the bodies of pre-born children, and asked if this was a humane response to a crisis pregnancy?... The abortion industry has progressive politicians, the mainstream media, and much of academia running cover for their barbarism.
“Truth is that Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest violators of human rights, especially the right to life. All their talk about fighting for women and women’s rights is just a screen so they can make money doing what they love doing best – killing babies.  Planned Parenthood is simply the most efficient baby-killing machine that has ever been invented. It’s time for everyone, especially women, to realize this. Such an evil machine should never be supported, and it certainly should not be funded by tax dollars. It’s time to abort Planned Parenthood, for good.”
“Planned Parenthood has since 1970 performed 7 million abortions, comfortably surpassing Hitler according to its own annual reports,” he wrote. “Planned Parenthood has amassed a Third Reich-style death count completely legally and while pocketing half a billion dollars a year to do so.”
“Masked by the false narrative that women ought to be able to do what they wish with their own bodies, the pro-aborts are blind to the fact that the body growing within a woman’s womb is a completely different body, given life from God above at the moment of conception. The child has a different circulatory system, different blood, and different DNA, making arguments in favor of 'women’s reproductive rights' anti-science, not to mention profoundly brutal.

“Saline abortions — in which the child can be viewed on an ultrasound thrashing in immense pain as her skin burns — causes no sympathy from the pro-aborts. Nor do suction aspiration abortions induce a heartfelt tear, where the baby can be viewed (again, via ultrasound) trying to move away from the powerful vacuum that rips off her legs and arms before her body and head is crushed.

“A D&E abortion is one in which the doctor uses instruments to break bones and tear off the arms and legs of a baby who no doubt is screaming at the obvious pain that would induce at 20 to 32 weeks of age.

“No problem, say the pro-aborts, there is an uptick in post-conception pill use, which supposedly kills the child at a much more acceptable phase of life, between five and nine weeks. Only, the pill starves the child to death over a long period of time.”
“Forty-two million times a year world-wide, we kill our own sons or daughters while they are still blissfully unaware, developing in what should be the safest place on earth—under their mothers’ hearts. We get so used to hearing about abortion that sometimes we forget just how radical, and how bizarre, and how   unnatural  abortion is. Think about it for a moment—women are hiring strangers to use tools to force their way into their uteruses, and then use what are basically vacuum cleaner hoses and medical pliers to pull, pulverize, and pry their babies from their bodies. This is not healthcare…Let me lay out another scenario. Suppose…(We) were allowing baboons to pry open the cervixes of pregnant lionesses and use curved sticks to hook the unwanted cubs by the eyeholes and drag them out to die in the sun. What would scientists think? An easy question to answer: They would think that something was dreadfully wrong, because something   would  be dreadfully wrong. A species that regularly facilitates the killing of its own offspring—the Darwinian instinct towards reproduction in reverse! They would soon discover that evolution cannot explain such thing. Only Evil can .”  
Do you know why I hate the slogan “my body, my choice”? Because, behind this empowering façade, there is an elitist mentality that says only a few people, only a few members of society, only a few women should truly have a right to choose. And I am not included in those few. And if you are pro-life, neither are you. 

"Planned Parenthood
is more than an abortion provider and dispenser of contraception. Its more potent role is as a vivid cultural symbol -- to both supporters and detractors of the ongoing cultural contest between what is often called traditional morality around sexuality and the sanctity of human life and modern mores that extol abortion as essential to ensuring women's equality…A strong message has been sent that not only is Planned Parenthood potentially above the law, but that concerted efforts to discredit the organization will be met with criminal charges or investigations against those seeking to undermine the organization."
"Leftists are fanatical about protecting the rain forest.
They say it may hold a cure for AIDS. And yet, most Leftists are obsessed with killing babies. Even after a baby survives a failed abortion, Leftists demand that medical staff let the baby die. Amazingly, a law had to be passed to end this barbaric practice. Why haven't Leftists considered the possibility that the doctor or researcher with a cure for cancer, AIDS and other diseases may have been among the 55 million babies aborted in America since 1973?  Leftists are defending PP black marketing baby body parts. And yet, these same Leftists are tearfully outraged over the death of a furry animal and fight to their death to protect trees and imprisoned cop killers. There is something seriously wrong in people who possess such a mindset."
"Unlike the 58 million unborn babies killed by abortions since 1973, death-row inmates deserve to die. Why don’t we just send them to a surgeon right now? Almost everyone who supports Planned Parenthood and abortion will undoubtedly be on board. Granted, there will always be a few hand wringers on the left, but most liberals are truly ruthless.

"When society’s killers literally begin paying for their crimes, even some abortion-supporting hand wringers will have to wise up. Selling the organs of murderers could help pay for the cost of imprisoning the dregs of society — or we could simply ensure that these specific organs are used to provide indigent Americans on the organ waiting list with the part they need. Why in the world haven’t we been harvesting the body parts of death-row criminals before now?

"Isn’t all of this just common sense? If hand-wringing liberals are appalled by my swift idea, couldn’t we just call executions 'abortions'? I mean criminals cannot survive in a jail cell on their own, right? Perhaps the Supreme Court could make the new definition official. That ought to satisfy some of the sanctimonious bleeding hearts on the left."
When iberals set out to prove that conservatives are hypocrites, they will generally point out that many of the same people who are most opposed to abortions turn around and support capital punishment. In doing so, the liberals merely confirm they lack anything even faintly resembling a moral compass. After all, who but a leftist would ever equate the life of an innocent baby with that of a cold-blooded sadist?... suspect, based on the evidence, that a sizable number of those on the Left would favor aborting 17 and 18-year-olds if the mothers sensed conservative tendencies cropping up in their offspring



"(L)iberals have done a great job of garnering influence over the legal system. In the old days, you could appeal a death sentence only if you came up with new evidence showing that the cops had perjured themselves, the prosecutor had withheld evidence beneficial to the defendant or, in those rarest of instances, when someone else confessed to the crime. But these days, the defense lawyers merely have to dig up a liberal judge who’ll grant them one stay of execution after another while he killer lives on and on, outliving his victim by 20 or 30 years, often hanging on until a liberal governor decides to commute his sentence. In the meantime, because of all the stalling tactics, a backlog builds up on Death Row, so that those opposed to capital punishment can argue that it would be barbaric to execute hundreds of individuals. What they invariably neglect to mention is that the backlog of sadists and serial killers only exists because these assorted shysters and sob sisters prevented the executions from taking place in a timely fashion.”


See Evolution is a Lie.

“The oft-cited experiment carried out by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in 1953 to assess the feasibility of producing life in a test tube did not, in the event, discover the complete chemical pathway the experimenters sought to identify (despite early, overoptimistic reports in the media from the early to mid 1950s). In fact, the failure of the experiment to create life gave what can only be described as a resounding victory to the theistic position , in that the “triple lock” imposed by Sir William Harvey, Francesco Redi, and Louis Pasteur (all three scientists had long since proved the impossibility of creating life from non-life) proved itself “unpickable”: life was not to be procured from non-life. In fact, the unsatisfactory result of the experiment delivered nothing less than a presumptive indication of a supra-natural origin of the cellular system.
“I tried to explain why self-replicating machines are so far beyond current human technology, by imagining trying to design something as “simple” as a self-replicating cardboard box. Take an empty cardboard box, I said, and build a completely automated factory inside which can produce empty cardboard boxes. The factory would, I presume, at least need to have some metal parts to cut and fold the cardboard and a motor with a battery to power these parts. But since the box now only builds empty boxes, it is not a self-replicator. So we would need to add another factory that could automatically produce a box with an empty box-building factory inside, and that factory would be enormously more complicated. But this box is still not a self-replicator because the box it builds can only build empty boxes, so now we need to add more technology to build a factory that builds the empty box-building factory, and then…. All of this ignores, of course, the very difficult question of where the box gets the cardboard and metals and other raw materials needed to supply its factories.”
“From its inception, the scientific proofs offered to support human evolution have been riddled with holes. In fact, just like the dubious side-show examples touted by circus shysters, many of the earliest proofs were fraudulent, and modern research shows that many proofs were driven by scientific ignorance and evolutionary interpretations rather than solid evidence. However, the Bible is clear that many people attempt to deny the God of Scripture because of their unrighteousness as a way to avoid personal judgement for their sin (Romans 1:18). In essence, many are willing to believe a lie rather than the truth if it suits their purpose. They become compliant with error and are willing to be deceived.”  
“If you thought the misinformation, indoctrination, and viewpoint suppression perpetrated by Big Tech, schools, and the corporate media were limited to politics, think again. One of the many fronts of the war for the right to dictate what you believe is the scientific, religious, and metaphysical debate over where you came from …science faculty are prohibited from merely mentioning minority scientific viewpoints, it’s no wonder that many students gravitate towards Darwinism. They’ve heard nothing else…the public lacks access to scientific information that challenges evolution — because Darwin-doubting scientists are hounded out of academia, schools refuse to acknowledge peer-reviewed science that contradicts the standard evolutionary paradigm, and Big Tech obscures accurate information about intelligent design…”

“In the absence of any testable (“falsifiable”) evidence of their own to substantiate their speculations, evolutionary psychologists are prone to make up just-so stories which are then (they hope) passed off as being entirely veridical. Hence it can sometimes appear that Darwin’s long shadow has had the effect of furnishing a form of carte blanche licensing all manner of pseudo-scientific credulities. As a life-long rationalist, I find this tendency disturbing.”
“Throughout these articles (about the giraffe genome), one can see the writers inserting the adjective “evolutionary” in front of everything.
>“an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen” — why not just a geneticist?
>“giraffes are a poster child for evolutionary oddities” — why not just oddities?
>“several phenotypic traits that share evolutionary constraints” — why not just constraints, as in engineering specifications?
>“This [reduction in olfactory sensitivity] may be an evolutionary consequence of enhanced vision” — why not just a consequence, as in a designed trade-off for multiple competing specifications?
>“evolutionary adaptations” — why not just adaptations, or unique traits fit for the giraffe’s ecological niche?
>“evolutionary pleiotropy” — why not just pleiotropy?
>“a suite of traits are changed within a short evolutionary time” — why not a suite of traits that work together?
Typists could avoid carpal tunnel syndrome by eliminating this unnecessary word in science papers and news stories. It seems that the “evolutionary” biologists, who should just call themselves biologists, want to push a narrative that everything in the living world must pay tribute to Darwin. The repetition of the word hammers it into people’s heads.
“Intelligent design is the logical, demonstrable, intuitive, rigorous, defensible, quantifiable, undeniable scientific theory that evolutionists hate. Its principles are widely used in archaeology, cryptology, informatics, biomimetics, engineering, forensics, optimization, cosmology and philosophy, so it is not a religious theory. It is a scientific one accessible to anyone regardless of worldview. In fact, most people use it every day: Is that a stone or a bug? Was somebody in this room before I entered? Is that a mud crack or a piece of pottery? Is that an accidental pile of stones or a trail marker? Is there a hidden message in this string of letters? Intelligent design is the most natural response to explaining complex objects, and has been throughout history.

“Those who control the centers of power in secular nations largely see the world through the lens of scientific materialism, which assumes that everything is the product of the blind forces of nature, chance, and time… And, those who wish to advance in most academic settings must think and behave within the confines of scientific materialism lest they face enormous opposition from the enforcers commissioned to destroy their reputations and careers …A primary means of regulating public opinion by any autocratic institution is controlling mass communications (e.g., newspapers and television) and other official sources of information such as educational curricula, religious instruction, and academic journals…(M)ost who reject intelligent design arguments have little or no understanding of the arguments or the underlying science. Instead, they simply parrot the same empty sound bites, almost verbatim, that are constantly repeated in official news outlets…Oppressive institutions fear that those under their sway will hear alternative viewpoints, for their ideas can only be sustained in an echo chamber, constantly reinforcing the party line.”
“(E)volution is supposedly a naturalistic process that works on material such as DNA. How does a completely naturalistic process evolve moral consciousness—something that is completely immaterial!...If humans are just the product of evolution, we are nothing more than highly-evolved animals and our brains are nothing more than chemical reactions . So, how can anyone hold someone accountable for simply behaving according to chemical reactions in their brain?...Some evolutionists will argue that society defines morality. For example, as an American society we’ve decided that murder is wrong so it is wrong. But this can’t be right. Other societies, such as Nazi Germany or radical Islamic groups today, believe that murder is perfectly acceptable if it accomplishes their purpose.”
“The media, education, government, and science establishments support a campaign of disinformation and intimidation to sway the public into dismissing minority views on a vital scientific subject, while threatening basic civil liberties in the process. Fear, distortion, and mockery join together as tools to maintain elite opinion and suppress dissent. And those who complain about it are assailed as dangerously “anti-science,” or worse…critics of Darwinian theory have faced exactly such a campaign.
“The cultural hallmarks of Critical Theory — political correctness, vigilance over microaggressions, Cancel Culture, and the like — are weapons in this war to rearrange the structures of power. Intersectionality is essential to the coordination of struggle because it brings together victim groups to apply maximal pressure at culture’s weakest points. Strange as it may seem, evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin plays a central role in this drama. Karl Marx himself credited Darwin with much of his basic insight into human history. Marx wrote to fellow communist theorist Friedrich Engels that Darwin’s theory provided ‘the basis in natural history for our view’. Marxism is economics red in tooth and claw, so to speak. Cultural Theory is culture red in tooth and claw — Darwinian “natural” selection applied to cultural change. Put another way, Darwinism is the naturalization of Marxism and Cultural Theory. As Social Darwinism is to capitalism, cultural Darwinism is to Critical Theory…Critical Theory provides a jobs program for leftist academics — there are innumerable PhD theses be written on “the hegemony of transphobic intertextuality of microaggressions.”

“Why Do Critics Misrepresent Intelligent Design?...  Is it because when you argue against ID in certain intellectual circles, you’re not held to high academic standards, so the facts stop mattering? Is it because some authors have such an animus against ID that they feel like we ID proponents don’t deserve basic academic courtesies such as having our views represented accurately? Do they just have an agenda to slander intelligent design by dressing up uncivil attacks in scholarly rhetoric? Is it because their cause is so important to them that such  inaccuracies are tolerated ? Or is it because their ultimate goal is to censor ID?"
“(T)here is hypocrisy among individuals and institutions who claim they're against racism and remove statues or rename buildings—and yet exalt Darwin, a man who published in his book The Descent of Man and in various letters some of the most inherently racist material you could read! Of course, most people (including teachers and professors) have never read The Descent of Man or Darwin’s other writings. In his book Ontogeny and Phylogeny, the late evolutionary biologist Stephen J. Gould wrote, “Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory.” Yes, Darwin's ideas fueled racism. Hitler (and his idea of a superior race) used Darwin’s writings to justify what he did to the Jews and others. In the 1900s in America, one of the main biology textbooks used in public schools, A Civic Biology by George Hunter, taught generations of American students, based on Darwin's ideas, that, ‘At the present time there exist upon the earth five races . . . the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.’”

“The scientific profession has been quite vocal about enforcing censorship of criticism of Darwinian ‘science’ and Global Warming ‘science’ in classrooms. Yet the major scientific journals, and leading scientific organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, have failed to affirm elemental realities. It is a rudimentary scientific fact that human sex is binary, that human life begins at conception, and that intelligent design is evident in living things…SIf the scientific elites will not affirm the fact that humans have two sexes or the fact that life begins at conception, why would anyone in their right mind accept their claims about Darwinism?”

Darwinism is a package deal. There’s something about hatred of God that drives people mad. Satan is determined to kill and destroy humans through all means he can, including self-destructive behaviors like drug use, purposelessness and crime. It’s no wonder, then, that his followers also love death. Some of them want to wipe out half of humanity because of climate change or the disaster du jour. Leftists have few qualms about killing the most vulnerable: children in the womb, the mentally ill, and elderly and other vulnerable people who are a drain on society, “useless eaters” as H.G. Wells and other Social Darwinists would call them. Satan got shiploads of skeletons with the tyrannical, Darwin-loving, anti-Christian regimes of Nazism and communism. If Satan can’t kill, he perverts. The sexual revolution has shortened the lives of countless human beings who repudiated God’s instruction manual to fulfill their passions. These were justified in the name of “science” and encouraged by perverts like Kinsey and Sanger. Leftists also work to shut down speech and prevent evidence against Darwinism from being heard.”

“The continual efforts to base a religion or ethical system upon evolution are not an aberration, and practically all the most prominent Darwinist writers have tried their hand at it. Darwinist evolution is an imaginative story about who we are and where we came from, which is to say it is a creation myth. As such it is an obvious starting point for speculation about how we ought to live and what we ought to value’ (Darwin on Trial, p. 163). If that is the philosophical starting point, then the material starting point for all good secular humanists and materialists is the book that first presented this disarmingly slippery argument, Origin of Species. It is not a work of genius that compels belief by the sheer force of its logic; it is a book you have to want — at least at some level — to believe in the first place.”

“Evolutionary humanism promotes the belief that in order for humanity to advance free from encumbrances, the supernatural core of Christian edification needs to be discarded like excess baggage. Humanism and selectionism are rooted in evolutionary theory. These worldviews are at war with biblical Christianity. They poison the church’s function of worship, make its evangelistic work meaningless, and malign the meaning of the church and its work of edification.”

If evolutionary theory is true, there were millions of intermediate hominids between our nearest fully ape-like ancestor and ourselves. That long chain is missing, a fact that has put enormous pressure on proponents of evolutionary theory to replace the missing chain with imaginative drawings, museum recreations, and verbal sleights-of-hand.”
“The relationship between Darwinism and real science is parasitic.   The  theory’s main use is for Darwinists to claim credit for whatever biology discovers. If research shows that humans are selfish, Darwinism can explain that. If science shows we are unselfish, why, it can explain that too. If we are a combination of both — no problem. If cells are simple or complex, if sexual reproduction is common or rare, if embryos are similar or different, Darwinism will explain it all for you.”
There are two kinds of evolutionists: innocently ignorant evolutionists and intimidated intellectual evolutionists. Innocently ignorant evolutionists aren’t dummies—they have just fallen victim to the one-sided propaganda preached in public schools. They aren’t stupid—they just don’t know the truth because it has been censored. They accept, without question, “evolution is a fact,” just because someone told them so. Most of them don’t know anything about evolution. Therefore, most of them will be confused by our video. Hopefully, it will get them to ponder things they have been told, and realize how utterly unscientific the theory of evolution really is. There are only a few intimidated intellectual evolutionists…They are intimidated because they fear that if evolution isn’t true, a mean, vengeful God will torture them eternally for their unbelief and disobedience. Because of their distorted view of religion, they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the truth that is staring them right in the face. They call upon all of their intellectual powers to deny the obvious flaws and inconsistencies in the theory of evolution.” 

Darwin stole a Biblical phrase with his phony “tree of life” that does no life any good. Since 1859, his disciples have been obsessed with trying to piece every organism into an unworkable diagram of universal common ancestry, when God tells us that He made living things to reproduce after their kind. Universal common ancestry doesn’t work. Every week, some evolutionist is finding flaws and has to rearrange the branches.”

“If we take the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ to its logical conclusion, it seems almost absurd for anyone who accepts the story of evolution to think of death as being the enemy. Whether through human actions, animal attacks, or natural disasters, what value can we attach to those lives if they are nothing more than ‘stardust’ after billions of years?”

“Isn’t it interesting how evolutionary philosophy, the “lessons of Darwinism,” evolves, from one malignant absurdity to another malignant absurdity. First, Darwinists defended keeping a man in a zoo. Now they want to free an elephant, from the same zoo. What remains consistent is the corroding of traditional ideas of human exceptionalism, and unique human dignity…The whole drive toward “animal rights” is part of a larger, twisted movement away from understanding human life as possessing a special value, worthy of defense, irrespective of “individual capacities of the moment.” That movement, likewise with its roots in the “lessons of Darwinism,” is not merely “ludicrous.” It’s also an increasingly powerful and respected justification for evil.”

Evolutionists get away with ridiculous stories because Big Science and Big Media are intolerant of opposing views. Healthy science requires open debate. Darwinians have their own blasphemy laws. Try criticizing Darwin, natural selection, universal common ancestry or any of his core precepts and you will feel the heat of wrath and mockery , if not expulsion . Darwin skeptics have been relegated to their own institutions outside of Big Science and Big Media, where many in the public never hear that answers to Darwinian claims even exist. In the vacuum of debate about the origin of life’s amazing diversity and complexity, charlatans have rushed in with no shame or conscience, presenting themselves as reliable spokespersons for ‘science.’”
“The label ‘science-denier’ is like some other insult terms that get bandied around in our charged political environment. Often, those terms are used to silence people whose ideas are out of favor with the most powerful voices in the media and in academia. Whether the subject is evolution or climate change, the purpose of accusing someone of ‘science-denial is to keep that person in line. As a tool of intimidation, it enjoys much success.”

“(E)volution acts as a ‘magic wand,’ wondrously encompassing all evidence however plainly contradictory of its expectation. Under the theory, things evolve when they evolve and do not evolve when they do not evolve. Can you beat that? No, you can’t beat it. An idea like that that can never be falsified.”

Criticisms of design arguments and literature often seem to ignore many of the most persuasive arguments or they distort them almost beyond recognition. They then present counterarguments that seem less designed to honestly engage the evidence and more to mislead and misdirect the public. The appearance is one of propaganda rather than a genuine desire to understand the truth… Most scientists are educated to view science through a materialist framework where no force has ever acted in the universe except for the blind forces of nature. They are also taught to assume that all appearance of design is an illusion. More specifically, they are mandated to believe that every feature of life resulted from natural selection, mutations, and other undirected mechanisms. Further, these processes have unlimited creative power to engineer any innovation of any complexity and ingenuity in any amount of available time. Such training conditions the mind to resist any argument for design before it is even considered. In addition, young scholars are often told something along the lines of ,“If you believe that life looks designed, you will be ridiculed by your colleagues, and you would not want that.” This cognitive reinforcement driven by fear of rejection results, at both the emotional and intellectual levels, in one’s being habituated to resist design arguments… The human mind is engineered to immediately detect the features of design seen throughout life…much of science education inculcates students with the materialist framework which incapacitates the brain’s design-detection machinery in a type of culturally induced psychosis…For instance, biologists have said that they “ must constantly remind themselves that what they see was not designed but evolved.”…If progress starts to be made at the cognitive level, their emotional centers will cause their intellect to shut down, and they will become increasingly agitated. They then begin to recite slogans…any argument against design is uncritically accepted, even if it cannot stand up to serious scrutiny. The materialist framework does not simply block evidence for design. It suppresses critical thinking in relation to evaluating counterarguments.
Obtaining ‘building blocks’ of life through an unguided natural process has been speculated by scientists. Here's the problem, though. It's like making Lego blocks and then expecting them to assemble themselves into a massive structure that is not only complex but also alive. Or no, a better analogy would be it's like finding rocks on the beach that resemble Lego blocks, then expecting the wind and waves to fashion them into a massive structure that is not only full of information but also alive.”

Here is
how to guarantee publication of your scientific research article in a biology journal:

  • Introduction : Start by stating confidently that evolution is true.
  • Methods and Results : If (as often happens) some of your results are inconsistent with evolutionary theory, describe them in the most obscure technical language available.
  • Discussion : Make some clever guesses about why some of your data seem to be inconsistent with evolutionary theory. If that doesn’t work, claim that your data expand and enrich our understanding of evolution. (Optional: Insert a disparaging comment about intelligent design.)
  • Conclusion : Evolution is true.

    Animals cannot:

1. Ask questions to understand the essence of something. They cannot identify abstract concepts beyond a particular. You might inquire, “What is this? Is this a table?” An animal could not.
2. Make judgements . This involves evaluating whether a claim is true or false. Rover has no idea if the table is square or not.
3. Make rational argument. Humans can combine their understanding and ability to make logical statements and find out what is necessary.
“Due to the tradition of professional scientific writing, major developments in scientific literature often arrive muffled in language so bland or technical as to be totally missed by a general reader. This, along with the media’s habit of covering up for evolution, is how large cracks in the foundation of Darwinism spread unnoticed by the public, which goes on assuming that the science is all settled and will ever remain so.”
“Key naturalist doctrines such as the multiverse cannot be established on the basis of evidence. As we have seen, however, naturalists (nature is all there is) are gradually becoming comfortable with setting aside the decision-making tools of science, such as testability, falsifiability, and Occam’s razor, in favor of acceptance of consensus. And they are happy to dismiss reason. In an age when few philosophers would wish to be called non-naturalists, key naturalist doctrines become unquestioned working assumptions. Approved science conveys acceptance of the doctrines. Thus naturalism becomes a state church.
“It’s amazing what you can do with advanced mathematics to explain rabbits coming out of hats without magicians. Make a few assumptions, define some new terms, employ some distribution models, and presto! Adaptive evolution, all done with random processes. You can dazzle the audience with incomprehensible equations, draw stunning graphs, and use them to make outlandish claims… Whether you call it punctuated equilibria or punctuated anagenesis, it’s a snow job. It tries to smother the empirical evidence for abrupt appearance of complex systems by inventing new phrases for unguided processes.”
“Evolutionists know that the spontaneous origin of life is impossible; but since they ‘know’ it did originate spontaneously, they believe there must be some mysterious natural process which violates known laws of chemistry and physics and caused life to originate…Real science doesn’t lead one to believe things that cannot be confirmed scientifically, and actually would have to contradict known scientific laws. The theory of evolution is not real science. Science is against evolution.” Source Unknown
“(T)o say these similarities demonstrate common descent ignores another possibility. While a common feature may be due to common ancestry, it may instead be due to a common design strategy. Think of cars. A Jaguar and a Mustang share many features — four wheels, rubber tires, two axles, windshield wipers, lights, gas engines. That doesn’t mean the Mustang evolved from the Jaguar. No, designers reuse design features proven to work for specific engineering needs… to say these similarities demonstrate common descent ignores another possibility. While a common feature may be due to common ancestry, it may instead be due to a common design strategy… Someone will object that the design hypothesis “isn’t science.” But that just dresses the question-begging up in a lab coat. It’s still question-begging. And it’s no way to advance knowledge. Science should be about truth-seeking and evidence .”
Imagine that an astronaut returns to Earth after a trip to deep space, and reports that he has discovered a planet whose inhabitants are so intelligent that — a long time ago — they succeeded in designing a very primitive car which carried its own completely automated automobile factory around in its trunk. Every once in a while, the trunk opens and out pops a new little automobile, which slowly grows into a full-sized car, complete with its own fully automated auto factory in the trunk. The cars on this planet continue to reproduce, and make nearly perfect copies of themselves, generation after generation.”
“Scott Turner tells the story about the Christmas pony. As a gift for a child who wants a pony, a poor family could afford only a pile of horse manure. Traipsing downstairs on Christmas morning to behold this well-intentioned mess, the child delightedly squealed and clapped. Her parents asked her why. She answered, “Because I know there’s a pony in there somewhere.” In evaluating the coherence of Darwinian theory, Dr. Turner finds many of his fellow biologists in much the same mood. Squealing and clapping, they know there’s a coherent theory in there somewhere.”
“(T)he creation-evolution controversy in a wider context than just how species change over time. Darwinism is a package: it is a repudiation of design, and embracing of selfish pride. Darwin wanted out of Moses, Paley, and Jesus. He wanted to abandon a Creator for a creation that makes its own rules. The people who follow him, except for some dupes who don’t understand the issues and think evolution is ‘scientific,’ tend to have the same mentality. The vision of personal liberation is very attractive to people – at first. But followed to its logical conclusions, it leads to despair…”
“Evolution is a god to the science research and media culture, capable of innovation, progress, and adaptation. Evolutionists think they are pleasing Darwin by being Darwin-like the way Christians try to please God by being Christ-like. The Darwinians imbue all the attributes of God onto natural selection. They fall down and worship its omniscience and omnipotence. They might as well be singing Darwin’s praises in hymns.” (Be sure to see the hymns.)
The Theory of Evolution is not just about biological evolution. It is part of a grand unified theory that seeks to explain everything (except things that it can’t explain, which it ignores). It runs briefly as follows: First came the Big Bang. Subatomic particles flew in all directions, coalesced into atoms and into molecules and stars. Planets formed, then oceans, and then life came about by chemical inadvertence. Evolution produced trilobites, dinosaurs, mammals, and us. In the popular version, though not in the scientific, evolution produces ongoing betterment. It is not particularly plausible. As someone said, evolution writ large is the belief that a large cloud of hydrogen will eventually turn into Manhattan. But, like a religion, it provides an overarching explanation of origins–the Big Bang–and destiny–we are getting better and better–and gives us a sense of understanding the world. In this it serves the purposes of a religion and is treated as such by its adherents. They react to questioning with anger and they see their hated opponents as Creationists–that is, adherents of another religion.”
“Both the Humanist (read “liberal”—Karl) and the Marxist base their attitudes toward history and the future on the belief that evolution is a fact. Accordingly, all of life is on a grand march forward, progressing toward perfection (Marxism makes doubly sure of this progress by postulating a near¬divine, teleological dialectic that moves men through various means of production toward the most desirable society). This belief that evolution virtually guarantees the eventual perfection of life is as old as Darwin, who suggested that since "natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection."

“Clearly, Marxist and Humanist worldviews offer incentives for their faithful. Not only do they promise an "inevitable" ascent into paradise; they also promise a heaven without the uncomfortable concept of a holy, just God. Man does not have to be responsible for his actions; he can still achieve paradise! This belief about history and the future provides the incentive for men and women to cling to worldviews that are otherwise untenable.” (Understanding the Times, 1991, David A. Nobel, pg. 837)

“Evolutionists are organized like Islamic terrorists. There is no central evolutionist in command upon whom the entire movement rests. Instead, there is a unifying ideology to which they all subscribe. There are evolutionist cells on universities, and school boards, and on TV, and in print journalism, which move in unison without discernable lines of communication to advance that ideology. Evolutionists act like fish. One fish turns, and the whole school turns the same way.  There is no single individual leader. It is a group belief by some that the theory of evolution is true. There are prominent individuals in the evolutionary camp, but no official leader. Furthermore, communication exists between individuals in the group, but it is distributed over multiple communication channels (Internet, TV, radio, magazines, etc.) and therefore impossible to disrupt…Belief in evolution is fundamental to a person’s attitude toward the meaning of life. Do we exist because we were created on purpose and given a responsibility to live in a certain way? Or are we here by accident and can choose to do whatever we want to do without answering to a higher authority? That’s why they feel compelled to prove their unscientific evolutionary beliefs are correct.”
“If you took out all instances of assuming evolution through imagination, suggestion and speculation, the evidence for Darwinian evolution would collapse in a heap.”
If only evolutionists would quit spinning their theory for a momen
t, read a serious critic, and answer him. If only! One of the most striking features of the Darwin "debate" is the signal refusal of Darwin's defenders to register scientific critiques and offer a worthy reply…Darwinian explanations are not just unlikely, merely implausible, but "physically impossible."… The design intuition is suppressed by many of us, unnaturally so, and that is the dirty little secret of evolutionary biology. In a nutshell, evolution can "fiddle," but it cannot "invent…Invention, whether of an omelet or an orca, requires knowledge. We recognize that folding paper to devise an origami crane required knowhow, but lightly reject the same requirement in a living crane, because of "natural selection"?

“If all you read are the headlines at major science sites, you are being tricked when it comes to evolution . They regularly announce that some evolutionary mystery has been solved, but then the details down below don’t show that. The headline promises a scientific explanation, in the form, ‘How the [whatever] got its [whatzit],’ but then all you read is a Kipling-like just-so story. Reporters and journals seem preoccupied with making Darwin look good at all costs. Below are some examples of the Darwin media racket at work. … (A) true believer can make a Darwin mountain out of the slightest of molehills.”
“If all we had was the science there would be no basis for believing the species have spontaneously arisen, much less that such an idea is a fact. But evolution is not a typical scientific theory. In spite of the consistent failure of fundamental scientific predictions, there remains no doubt amongst evolutionists that evolution is a fact. Its high standing is underwritten by extremely powerful contrastive proofs which render its scientific puzzles less crucial. Those puzzles are interpreted as research questions, not challenges to the fact of evolution. That fact, for evolutionists, has already been established by the philosophy and theology that support evolution’s contrastive reasoning. From a strictly scientific perspective, evolution is not a good theory.”
One might think scientists are above the moral evil of human sacrifice , particularly of child sacrifice. One would be mistaken to think so. The Big Science journals and their secular reporters are “all in” for sacrificing human embryos (which they call fetuses, instead of babies), to their secular god, science…They support Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill founded by the racist, eugenicist and evolutionist Margaret Sanger, even to the point of justifying the sale of baby body parts as exposed by last year’s undercover videos. While abortion is not linked to Darwinism directly, it becomes easier to justify if man is just an animal. Natural selection and survival of the fittest, furthermore, promote individual selfishness, in this case the selfishness of the mother and the “sperm donor” who put their own needs (or wants) over the life of the child inside her.”
“(T)ranshumanism is a futuristic social movement -- eugenic in nature -- that seeks to use biotech, cyber tech, and every other kind of tech to transform humans into a "post-human" species. The movement's goals are right out of a teenage boy's wish list: to live forever with superhero type powers…Transhumanism is dangerous because it sees humans as unexceptional -- and because it seeks to create a radical new moral order that can only be described as a symbiosis between social anarchy and fascistic statism…”
"Our planet isn't special… C)ountless parallel Earths exist, including exoplanets inhabited by living, even intelligent beings. When it's pointed out that the cosmos offers no evidence of life elsewhere, and that the needed conditions for life are ultra-finely tuned, the Nothing Special crowd posits a multiverse. Our universe, they explain, is nothing special. It's one of countless other universes. Ours is only unusual in having won a jackpot, at random, generating the right physical laws to allow the existence of a habitable planet…'I suck': that is the anthem of the Nothing Special movement that seeks to do away with what Wesley Smith calls human exceptionalism. Science -- junk science -- is a vehicle for the drive to wipe out the idea of mankind's special status in the world, along with the unique responsibilities that brings with it. Politics and history are other vehicles.”
To get a peer-reviewed paper published in a science journal, “(T)he god of Natural Selection must be appeased (if you want your paper published), so it is de rigueur to toss an "evolved" into the discussion to get the paper past the border guards, like a forged passport. Homage must be paid."
Use “the website 'The Monkey Trial' to identify the numerous contradictions between Inherit the Wind and what actually happened in Dayton… Darwinism proceeds by adroit use of propaganda, not by rational debate about the facts of nature.”
The headline of Science Daily’s article is revealing: “Sex difference in sports interest: What does evolution say?” Where does our culture go for answers? They go to their idol,
Darwin-Baal. The Bearded Buddha is their Guiding Guru, their Delphic Oracle. “Please, Mr. Darwin, grant unto us wisdom who seek your favor. Are men and women different?” Their critics on the sidelines wag their heads, replying, “Open your eyes, idiots.”
“The discourse of name-calling is a scourge of public life today, and it's only getting worse, seen across a broad spectrum of political and scientific perspectives, with college students even more severely infected than their elders. I'm referring to the strategy of jeering at your opponents as "racist," "sexist," "denier," "anti-science," "creationist," you name it, as a substitute for addressing them on the substance of what they say.”
"Each culture has its gurus—the people in the know—who explain to the masses why things are the way they are. Darwinians provide the same function that Homer and Hesiod did for the ancient Greeks, only the Darwinians’ mythical gods are really dumb. Their gods of Mutation and Natural Selection only know two words, ' tuff Happens.' Instead of cavorting on Mt. Olympus, the Darwinian gods, and their agent spirits named 'Selection Pressure' and 'Evolutionary Force,' act blindly everywhere, doing whatever stuff the gods of Mutation and Natural Selection want to happen for the moment. When the spirits act fast, the gurus speak of 'rapid diversification.' When they don’t act at all, the gurus speak of 'evolutionary conservation.' The gurus can explain anomalies by adding new sub-plots, like 'kin selection,' without sacrificing the main plot. They hate the broad-spectrum light that exposes the story as a sham."
"Intelligent Design critics often end up playing the role of naïve theologian
: What they "seem to want is a metric with The Human Body as God Would (or Should) Have Made It at one end of the measuring stick. As Dilley and Nelson have pointed out, contemporary Darwinian evolutionary thinking borrows heavily from theology for its justification."
If it was not so funny I would cry! Look at how a highly educated True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE) describes evolution. “I use an analogy in my talks. If I give you a fully formed LEGO train, that's cool. If I give you a box of LEGOs and I shake the box, and out comes a fully formed LEGO train, that's even cooler. That's what the evolutionary argument is: this is a world that can make itself. I think that's unbelievably cool. I can look at that and think, That's amazing.”
"(E)volution is not merely a subject of neutral, disinterested intellectual inquiry.
It's a product that many advocates are out to sell to a public of largely unwilling buyers. Turning evolution into a must-have consumer good is a top priority. In that context, you don't admit up front that your theory, immediately up on hearing it, faces obvious problems of believability."
“(S)o much of the Darwin Lobby's contribution to discussions of evolution and academic freedom consists of misleading the public, that is why…Meanwhile the media, with rare exceptions, fails to take them to task for these untruths. On the contrary, NCSE (National Center for Science Education) is the go-to source for complacent journalists.”


See Women.

From universities to high schools and now including even elementary schools, to late-night TV, to sports, to the arts and, increasingly, science, the Left is a destruction machine . And nowhere is this damage more evident or tragic than with regard to women. In fact, nothing demonstrates the power of left-wing ideology as much as what this ideology has done to women.
“No matter what we observe in people, the Stuff Happens Law will guarantee a storytelling plot. If men sprouted antlers, Darwin did it. If men shrunk to become helpless miniature sperm donors (like some species of fish), Darwin did that, too. If women ate men (like some female spiders do to males), Darwin did it. If women threw better punches, or if men were more nurturing to the young—or anything other gender differences were observed—Darwin would be the default explanation.”
(W)omen are less likely to be able to march 12.4 miles in five hours with an 83-pound assault load. They are also less likely to be able to crawl, sprint, negotiate obstacles and move a wounded comrade weighing 165 pounds while carrying that load. Would anyone argue that a military outfit would benefit from diversity by including soldiers who can and those who cannot march 12 miles in five hours while carrying an 83-pound load?”
“The feminist ideology pushed for a breakdown in social mores. No longer were women—our mothers and grandmothers to be placed on a pedestal. Men would not be allowed, much less expected, to open doors for women, to give women their seats, to show their respect in a myriad of ways. Sexual fidelity was mocked rather than emulated. Men were no longer expected to protect and provide for women. The sexual predators were able to get away with their criminal behavior for years with a wink and a nod. No wonder that the sexual predators, now caught with their pants down, are surprised that public opinion has changed and their behavior is wrong. The sexual predators were able to act as though sex had no consequences—because for fifty years, feminism has preached that for women to be equal with men, sex cannot have any consequences on women. Abortion became a socially accepted procedure and women were taught to ignore any resulting emotional and physical trauma. Feminist ideology does not allow that men and women have differences in the bedroom or anywhere else, even including athletic competition and military combat. Clearly, some men have conveniently used their support of feminism as a shield so that they could engage in bad-boy behavior without repercussions… The feminist movement is not about success for women. It is about treating women as victims and about telling women that you can‘t succeed because society is unfair to you, and I think that’s a very unfortunate idea to put in the minds of young women because I believe women can do whatever they want.’ Feminism does not teach the powerful lessons of self-confidence and of saying No because feminism applauds victims. There is no joy in victimhood. Since feminism denies that there are biological differences between men and women, young women are shocked and surprised when a night of drinking alcohol with the boys yields terrible results that are especially harmful to the women.”
“The feminist movement that started in the early 1960’s has been one of the most successful social revolutions in recorded history. Its success is measured in the transformation of the American family. The constant media psyop (psychological operations) and indoctrination have been tremendously effective in getting Western women to completely reject millenniums of historical traditions of family life replacing it with an entirely alien view of her feminine role in life and society. A young Christian woman must be strong in her faith to be able to resist the attractive lure of the feminist sales pitch which seeks to ensnare these gullible souls with a life of freedom, pleasure, achievement and of course empowerment. The critical decade of her 20’s, when great families are created, is now spent on temporal things that fade like all other vanities…olumes could be written on the tragedy of feminism, the suffering it has caused millions of women, and its massive destructive cultural ramifications. If an evil mind in some dark place could have ever invented a social philosophy that could ruin historic cultures and destroy whole civilizations it would be feminism .”
“They have clever formulas for ensnaring hapless souls into their deceits. One of their slicker moves is to create a vocabulary designed to get around long-held beliefs, mores, taboos or fears. “Pro-choice” is their Newspeak euphemism for the casual murder of an human being; “Dreamers” means illegal immigrants; “Progressives” denotes a group dragging us back to the cave; “Sanctuary City” means a place where no actual US citizen is safe… I was with them at that table as they founded the Women’s Movement and NOW . The entire stated point of their activities was to destroy the American family and with that, Western Civilization. Is this not crazy? They were tooth-grittingly determined. They were driven by destruction and deeply violent impulses toward men and the patriarchy.”
Feminism is America's second-greatest threat
“The National Organization of Women.  It was clear they desired nothing less than the utter deconstruction of Western society. The upshot was that the only way to do this was "to invade every American institution.  Every one must be permeated with ‘The Revolution’": The media, the educational system, universities, high schools, K-12, school boards, etc.; then, the judiciary, the legislatures, the executive branches and even the library system…(The thesis J The family is a den of slavery with the man as the Bourgeoisie and the woman and children as the Proletariat.  The only hope for women's "liberation" (communism’s favorite word for leading minions into inextricable slavery; "liberation," and much like "collective" – please run from it, run for your life) was this new “Women’s Movement.”… The goal of Women's Liberation is to wear each female down to losing all empathy for boys, men or babies. The tenderest aspects of her soul are roughened into a rock pile of cynicism, where she will think nothing of murdering her baby in the warm protective nest of her little-girl womb.”  
Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?
A former feminists saw the light and wrote. “For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration , they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families…I am a witness to the fact that today in the feminist movement women are not of any importance but serve as fuel for the fires of hatred that the feminist sect cannot allow to die.”
“Actually there really is a war on women, it’s just not the kind of war in the minds of silly television journalists and Washington elites….Unfortunately the spoiled, entitled brain washed women in the U.S. fail to see what is really going on, and it’s at their own peril.”
“Liberals originally conceived the war-on-women narrative as a strategy for creating another class of victims that could be turned into a solid and dependable voting bloc for Democrats…Like most rhetoric of the left, the war-on-women narrative is based solely on emotion and bears little or no resemblance to the facts…Democrats do not believe that women are equal in any way to men. This is why they treat them as helpless victims who require special treatment, special handling, and special protections; all of which are to be provided by a benevolent federal government controlled, of course, by the Democratic Party…”


(20) CONSERVATIVE COMPROMISE (See #7 Christianity also)
See Karl Quits Conservatism.

“What got us here, to this sad and sorry state, is that we were polite for too long. In a misguided sense of misplaced kindness we failed to call it as we saw it. Stupid people, deluded people, and/or malicious people all confronted us with their stupid, deluded and/or malicious nonsense, and instead of telling them to cut the Schiff, we smiled and tolerated it. Now we got dudes setting records in women’s sports, roving bands of mouth thong vigilantes pestering those of us who exercise facial freedom, and communists who have decided that racism is cool as long as it’s useful to their agenda. We should have told them “No” the first time they opened their yaps.”

This “conservative” anti-left refuses to see that America is at war with the radical left. It cannot come to terms with a New Left that despises the bourgeois concepts of neutrality and open conversation.”
“Both political correctness and Critical Theory are in essence, psychological bullying. They are the psycho-political battering rams by which Frankfurt School disciples such as the ACLU are forcing Americans to submit to and to obey the will and the way of the Left… Double-thinking ‘fence-sitters', otherwise known as moderates, centrists, and RINOs bear the imprint of these psychological ‘obedience' techniques. These people-in some cases literally afraid of incurring the wrath of name-calling obedience trainers--- have opted to straddle the fence lest they be found guilty of possessing an opinion, one way or another. At the merest hint of displeasure from the obedience-trainers, up goes the yellow flag of surrender…
“The culture war is that thing the “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” smart set of spineless Fredocons (based upon the name of the Corleone brother who dishonored the family in The Godfather), who are all in on the “socially liberal” part but never get around to the “fiscally conservative” part, have told us for decades is a sure loser. Now, normally one should defer to the Fredocons on losing since they are the indisputable experts, but the fact that for decades the GOP establishment refused to fight about things that our base was concerned with led to a society where people tell you their pronouns and insist dudes can get preggers.” (pregnant)
“Leftists don't have principles, but preferences – which is why they're notorious for the political-winds-enabled goalpost shift. Worse still is how leftists (and the conservatives who defend yesterday's liberals' mistakes) destroy children, on the inside, with corruptive miseducation and entertainment, and sexual-devolutionary messages and temptations. From bodies to hearts to minds to souls to statues and traditions and beyond, threatening all that's great and good, destruction is leftists' stock in trade.”
“The truth of the matter is this: as long as America's children continue to be educated (and fed) by government employees, conservatives will make precious little headway in preventing America's steady march towards statism. This holds true no matter how well conservatives organize or electioneer or broadcast their limited-government message. It simply defies logic and historical evidence to believe that a populace raised and educated by government employees will choose to move away from government encroachment.”
“We conservatives are quite the enigma. On the one hand, we shake our fists at the Beelzebubs of Antifa and denounce their lawless barbarism. On the other, we demand that government schools stay open so that we can send our children to the leftist factories that produce the very Marxists we loathe. We make our young people the targets of the Socialists' weapons of mass instruction and then bemoan the loss of patriotism among our youth. Are we self-destructive? Or simply daft?”

“Connedservatives also too often accept elements of leftists' isms (e.g., feminism), use their language – not just politically correct speech but also the vulgarity liberals have normalized – hew to yesterday's leftists' sexual mores, imbibe their entertainment and support their propaganda mills (i.e., universities). But since politics is downstream of culture, we ultimately can't win the government if we embrace the Left's abnormal social norms.
“It has been said that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. How much more does it triumph when people who profess to care about what is right and good stand idly by as outstanding people who share and champion their views are attacked for bearing witness to truth? How much more does it triumph when these proven champions are battered aside by cohorts of wickedness, with strangely enthusiastic cooperation from quarters that are purportedly opposed to their assault on the premises of America's liberty?”
Conservative in Name Only (CINO) Survey
(T)he Republican Party as we’ve known it is hanging by a thread . A house divided against itself cannot stand. Why would any sincere Christian want to be attached to anything whose figureheads use the platform you provide them to insult you with propaganda you’d expect to see from your opposition? What is to be gained by advancing the ambitions and interests of people who have now let it be known they despise you and what you stand for?

Conservatives are always on the retreat.
In fact, our constant giving of ground has created a government that no longer even follows its own laws.

“(E)verything we witness in the political arena these days is nothing but the carefully contrived work of social scientists scheming to push us towards acceptance of a global governing system. Many Americans have painfully opened their eyes to the realization that the new boss is almost always the same as the old boss, and that politicians are little more than skilled orators that know how to play on the emotions of the electorate. By now, most of us are familiar with idea that the two party system is little more than an illusion designed to keep us distracted just enough to believe that we can maybe, just maybe make a difference the next time around. The only problem is, there never is any difference and sadly, the more we allow ourselves to be fooled by this dialectical contrivance, the worse off our nation becomes.”


“Like lemmings stumbling to their political deaths, conservatives who compromise with Democrats and submit to their idiotic demands simply make a deal with the devil, supposedly to create the big tent.  In reality, they fashion their own bonds.”
Actually, “liberals” would be better used than “Democrats”


See Yoga is Religion.

“Liberals look to politics to provide the transcendent goals that compel heroic sacrifice, give their lives meaning, and separate them from the nonbelievers. They are not satisfied with incremental progress, such as operating a soup kitchen, but rather seek to remake society by identifying structural inequalities that require larger systemic interventions. Because they are unable to fight the actual fascists or slaveowners their predecessors did, they transform anyone who disagrees with them into the moral equivalent of those extraordinary historical villains. Their political opponents are not merely mistaken but morally deficient. Liberals approach issues such as global warming, racial and gender grievances, and income inequality with a religious absolutism that does not easily allow for compromise or even recognition of progress…The irony of America’s recent religious revival is liberals have adopted many of religion’s trappings they claim to abhor, but without the grace, charity, or humility of genuine faith.”
“Science proceeds on the basis of the assumption that the universe is, at least to a certain extent, accessible to the human mind. No science can be done without the scientist believing this, so it is important to ask for grounds for this belief. Atheism gives us none, since it posits a mindless, unguided origin of the universe’s life and consciousness.”

The arguments they made in their
(atheists’) books were the stuff of comedy acts — “everything came from nothing for no reason,” “the universe came from quantum mechanics, which is nothing,” “acknowledging an intelligent Creator is an impediment to science, but asserting meaningless existence is a boon to science,” “we are meat machines, and you should pay attention to what we say,” “there is no good or evil, and if you think there is, you’re evil,” “there is no free will and you should change your mind and agree with me,” “there is no guilt because there is no free will, therefore livestock management, rather than justice, is best for mankind,” “things change and survivors survive is a scientific theory,” “survival of the fittest explains why I’m sad your kid has cancer,” “without evolutionary theory, we wouldn’t understand that bacteria aren’t killed by an antibiotic that doesn’t kill them,” “gene duplication adds new genetic information, and plagiarism is not permitted in my class,” “kin selection explains altruism, except that bacteria in a clonal colony, which are identical twins, aren’t altruistic,” “evolutionary biology is indispensable to medicine, so we should start teaching it in medical schools,” “evolution is the cornerstone of physiology and medicine, and maybe someday an evolutionary biologist will win a Nobel Prize,” “information is not detectible in nature, except in my book about it,” “the selective breeding experiments I designed in my lab are excellent examples of mindless evolution,” “the First Amendment prohibits questioning a scientific theory in schools,” “let me show you how undirected natural selection works in a simulation on the computer program I wrote,” “intelligent design isn’t science, and it’s scientifically wrong”…Atheism never reigns openly and explicitly for long; it cannot withstand even cursory scrutiny. Heck, it can’t withstand the scrutiny of schoolchildren — witness the panicked litigation to prevent schoolchildren from asking questions about its creation myth.
“At every turn, we see more and more evidence that it is conservatives, and not progressives, who care about evidence. Conservatives follow the truth. Conservatives don’t deconstruct it. Conservatives adjust their lives to reality. Conservatives don’t ignore it. Time and again, the daily news proves it: Conservatives are much more interested in logical debate and an open exchange of ideas. Conservatives welcome a good argument while progressives want to silence the dissenting voice… It is becoming clearer every day that progressive elites are just as religious as those they criticize for being too religious. In the end, both the left and the right believe in God. The conservative believes in the one he sees in the Bible. The progressive believes in the one he sees in the mirror. One worships the Creator God. The other worships the god he’s created. One is humble and admits he looks through a glass darkly, yet thinks clearly. The other can’t think his way out of a paper bag and is totally blind. One’s mind is redeemed; the other’s is deluded. One follows science because of his reverence for God. The other denies science because he thinks he is god.”

"(L)iberals, socialists, communists, atheists, all worship false gods of their own devising and create religious dogmas of their own devising --and they are bitter at those who refuse to embrace their false gods. These folks claim that Christians are unhappy and so we cling to our Bibles and our guns and we have no other hope. Actually, they are the ones that are unhappy--and are bitter because we refuse to follow their lead in their unbelief of the truth. Anyone that will not follow their lead is automatically narrow-minded and prejudiced. It never occurs to them that it is them that are narrow-minded. They fail to realize that liberalism is just a slower form of socialism and that if they pursue it long enough they will end up in the same place as the socialist--mad at a world that will not buy into their theology because, over the centuries, it has proven to be a total failure, responsible for the deaths of millions. In spite of that, if you listen to the Democrats in Congress, you would think it is the wave of the future. It isn't. All it is is the relic of a stale and dead past that has been embraced and proven an abject failure.”

“Americans who believe that religion should be practiced at home or in private do not lack religion, but rather have ‘donned the religion of social justice. They’ve actually donned the religion of progressivism where intersectionality is one of their key doctrines and identity politics is part of their worship…And what we see throughout history, and what we’re already seeing now is that progressivism is not a tolerant religion.’”
"Secular humanism’ is a euphemism for atheism as practiced in modern Western civilization. All secular humanists are atheists (explicit or functional). 'Secular humanism' adds a particular moral framework to atheist belief, and while there are certainly differences between atheists on some issues, there is an identifiable secular humanist moral code. You’ll find it repeated in faculty lounges and in various victimology departments in universities. It entails maximum freedom from constraint, except for people who disagree with atheism. Indoctrinating children in public schools in Darwinism is just one part of the deal. So, is atheism a religion? Historically, it has been as violent and repressive as any religious community. In fact, considering the record of the 20th century, atheism is the most violent ideology in human experience…Atheist belief is every bit as doctrinaire as the Nicene Creed, albeit less rational." 
“Some would claim that the Bible  calls for religious unity. No, it calls for Christians who are true followers of Jesus Christ to unite themselves in the truth of God’s Word—the faith—once for all delivered to those who have put their trust in Jesus Ephesians 4:1-6; Jude 3). For those who have not received Christ’s offer of  salvation , unity in the doctrine of Christ is impossible…Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism serve as prime examples. Followers of Judaism worship one God, who calls the Jews His “chosen people”; Muslims worship Allah, who hates Jews. Hindus worship 330-million personal gods. The supreme deity of Buddhism is an impersonal Force that is in everything. Most Jews consider the material world as the epitome of life, while Hindus regard the material world as  maya, an illusion. Muslims strive to get to paradise by doing good works in their lifetime—works that are satisfactory to Allah, with the most acceptable “work” being  jihad (killing infidels). Hindus and Buddhists strive to reach  nirvana or  moksha, a state of perfect happiness, through an endless cycle of deaths and rebirths. These are only a few of the dissimilarities in the world’s diverse religious belief systems, yet they clearly reveal that the popular belief that all paths lead to God is delusionary at best .”
Secularists have no theological framework to accommodate for the notion of evil. Postmodern in philosophy, secularists don’t believe in an absolute truth, and without absolute truth, there’s no such thing as immutable morality. With postmodern philosophy, what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ becomes little more than subjective opinion. Likewise, secularists have no theological framework to accommodate for evil because they are evolutionist in their biology. If there is no God, there is no Law Giver, and if there is no Law Giver, there is no law. And if there is no Law, there is no ‘evil,’ in any real or meaningful sense. Therefore, both philosophically and biologically, secularists have to find different reasons for mass murder besides sheer wickedness. Christians, much more easily, call such behavior ‘wickedness, sin, depravity, or evil.’”
“There is considerable difference in the view of human life among religious groups around the world. When we start with God and his Word, we see that man is made in the image of God, is eternal, and has eternal value. The value is extended to people from the moment of fertilization, when a new and unique person is formed. Relying on humanistic views, human life is almost always demoted. Children (born and unborn) suffer as well as women, elderly, or anyone considered “inferior” for arbitrary and incorrect reasons—everyone ultimately suffers. Many don’t realize why suffering exists (which began with sin in Genesis 3). Many don’t realize that God himself provided a means of salvation in Jesus Christ. God is the creator of life, giver of life, the reason life has value, and will be the final judge of your life.”
“Atheists claim that Christians force their religion on others. Yet atheistic secularism has been forcing students, military personnel, ministers and workers to adhere to their lack of belief standards or suffer the consequences. Far from learning to 'coexist,' as many bumper stickers advertise, atheist lobby groups seek nothing less than to persecute and destroy all religions except their own lack of one. Their rejection of religion is their religion and their unrelenting desire to 'convert' the rest of us is unconstitutional, intolerant and wrong."
(A) “study found that while atheists may like to think of themselves as more open-minded, they’re actually less tolerant of dissenting opinions than their religious counterparts.”…(The study) “confirmed that the religious and nonreligious each have their own particular targets of prejudice, but atheists and agnostics were generally less open to differing opinions than Christians.”
“The first thing that strikes me as I board the ‘we’re all God’s children ’ train ride is…so who needs Jesus?  If being alive makes me a child of God then that whole conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus recorded in John 3:1-21 seems kind of superfluous.  I mean, if being born ipso facto makes me a child of God then why would Jesus say ‘unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God’?  If merely being alive and being loved by Jesus punches my ticket to heaven how come ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…’ wasn’t enough?  Why did Jesus continue with the phrase ‘that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life’?  And why did Paul later say in Romans 5:6 that ‘Christ died for the ungodly’?  Who can be ungodly if all are loved by God?  Hmm…If we’re all God’s children then why did Jesus seem to believe that most people are going to hell?  What else could He have meant in the Sermon on the Mount when He said in Matthew 7:13-14…”
(Email from a friend) “ We have to realize that the things we claim to stand for, as Christians, are part of a real, spiritual battle taking place. There is a real heaven, a real earth, and real angels and fallen angels with an allegiance to God and His enemy. The battle is being fought in every classroom in our country and most of the world; the battle over the future of mankind. If there was no certain truth, and there truly was no god, then it is curious why all focus is on attacking the one true God of the Bible? These neo-humanists, who claim not to believe, see the very fabric of the foundation of man to be fought over the concept of the God of the Bible. Why is that? f those who are new age humanists, believe that we are all a part of the initial blast of creation, eternal stardust, all god and a part of god, then mindfulness should be perfectly safe for everyone, right? If Mother Earth, or Gaia is real, deserves personhood, and is the true god to honor, then why not just teach that as the one true religion? Why does any of this require attacking the god of just one religion; ours?”
"Atheists who have commandeered the term Freethought complain that Christians cannot be Freethinkers because they adhere to the Christian worldview. Yet, they commit the same alleged fallacy by adhering to atheism in disguise (or openly)."
"Atheists have caused 110 million deaths in the last hundred years. Stalin, 60 million, he was an atheist. Mao, 40 million, and he was an atheist. Pol Pot, 1.7 million, he was an atheist. Vladimir Lenin, 5 million people slaughtered, he was an atheist… They may be nice people when you meet them in the street, but you give them power to do what they want and carry out their own agendas and you're gonna find that they don't have any moral high ground to stand on 'cause they're not standing on any whatsoever…Atheism is stupidity. It's crazy. It's like being in a building and saying there's no proof there was a builder. It's like looking at a painting and saying there's no proof of a painter."
A people's religion, their faith, creates their culture, and their culture creates their civilization. And when faith dies, the culture dies, the civilization dies, and the people begin to die.”
There are “seven things that you can’t do as a moral relativist”…Follow these rules and “you’ll be free from absolutes forever! Rule #1: Relativists Can’t Accuse Others of Wrong-Doing Rule #2: Relativists Can’t Complain About the Problem of Evil Rule #3: Relativists Can’t Place Blame or Accept Praise Rule #4: Relativists Can’t Claim Anything Is Unfair or Unjust Rule #5: Relativists Can’t Improve Their Morality Rule#6: Relativists Can’t Hold Meaningful Moral Discussions Rule #7: Relativists Can’t Promote the Obligation of Tolerance"
“Instead of worshiping the Creator who made everyone, atheists have essentially chosen to worship the creature . An atheist worships (holds as the most important, respects the most, gives highest priority to, or treats as the highest authority and the source of meaning and morality) himself, or money, or sex, or a movie star, or an athlete, or the government, and so on. An atheist is an idolater just as much as someone who bows before a statue or other man-made object representing his deity… As an atheist you must believe in evolution and so you cling to a view that requires mindless matter to work miracles, such as causing life to arise from non-living materials and intelligence to come from non-intelligence.”
In 2 Peter 3:5, we are told that those who scoff about God as creator, the historical Flood, and coming judgment by fire are “willingly ignorant.” This means it is a deliberate action on their part not to believe, because they don’t want to believe. They close their eyes and cover their ears, refusing to believe the truth and actively suppressing it. So why do these who so aggressively oppose Christianity care? They care because they are desperately trying to justify their rebellion against the truth. They don’t want to admit that they are sinners in need of salvation and thus need to submit to the God who created them and owns them.
Was Jesus a Liberal? The Myth Debunked!

Leftwing ideology is a secular religion, in which men are their own gods, entitled to control, even enslave, their fellow men through the use of naked, brute force. Mao said it best: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Religious faith rejects this revolting idea, and instead considers every human soul precious, and created in the image of Almighty God. That’s a real non-starter for the Left for obvious reasons.”
“Ann Coulter's 2006 book Godless: The Church of Liberalism makes the connection between liberalism and atheism, arguing that to its adherents, liberalism holds every single characteristic of a religion: an atheistic one.”
“(L)iberalism stopped being a mere political perspective and turned into a religion. I mean that literally. Liberalism now functions for substantial numbers of its adherents as a religion: an encompassing worldview that answers the big questions about life, lends significance to our daily exertions, and provides a rationale for meaningful collective action… (C)onservatives nowadays are so often demonized, even by mainstream liberals? No matter how balanced, well-reasoned, or rooted in long-established principle conservative objections to, say, affirmative action or gay marriage may be, conservatives are still likely to find themselves stigmatized as racist homophobes. By the same token, reasonable conservative ideas are regularly deemed unfit for reasoned debate.”
Men who believe themselves gods and capable of redefining reality have installed their self-worship as the official religion of the U.S., and both liberals and conservatives are part of this cult which declares men to be women, animals to be humans, and other such nonsense…(T)hey aren’t merely promoting their self-worshiping religion on all of society; they are demanding that we submit to it. Those of us who refuse are ridiculed and demonized…In short, the autotheists have made their self-worship the official state religion. So while they continue bellowing that Christians are a danger to the nation and always one step removed from establishing an official Christian theocracy, the opposite is true: we live in an autotheist theocracy with liberals and conservatives among those who support it.”


(22) ISLAM
Islam Insanity.

“(M)odern Islamism, a theocratic political ideology aimed at replacing secular law with clerical interpretation of sharia law, has made common cause with progressivists under the guise of "social justice." Deeply illiberal organizations such as the Council of American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society have become the community sources for politicians, academics and left-leaning journalists.”

The term "Islamophobia" has become common parlance despite the fact that Christophobia is rampant in the world and Judeophobia dates back to the ancient world.  But these latter terms are not meant to suppress free speech, whereas that is precisely what Islamophobia is meant to do.  Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world today, and genocide of Christians is on the rise, though one would barely read about this in most of the mainstream media. Christophobia is not used because, as Stephen Crawford explains, "Christians don't riot when someone portrays Jesus on a cross upside-down, or in a glass of piss.  Christians don't kill over a mis-handled Bible.  Christians don't issue death threats at every perceived insult.  Christians don't perceive everything as an insult in the first place."

“Why do most of our fellow citizens not get it?  Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values. That’s wonderful in a Utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization – much less American culture.”
“Islam teaches its devotees that it is the duty of the Prophet's followers to plunder the infidel West, through outright submission or through compelling infidels to pay the jizya, a tax which is more like mob protection money than anything. Islam has always, for all of its 1400 years, nursed the growth of this bitter, hateful seed. For instance, in the 1780s, the Barbary Pirates, Muslims one and all, were attacking American merchant ships in the Mediterranean without any provocation, robbing them blind, and capturing their crews for the slave trade. Over one million Europeans were reduced to slavery by the Muslim hordes between the 16th and 19th centuries.”

“The campaign of death waged by the Islamist-jihadist, be he a puppet or a puppeteer, is energized by the belief of delectable rewards that await the faithful implementer of Allah’s dictates. Through a highly effective indoctrination, the jihadist has come to believe firmly in Islam’s grand hallucination. He believes that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of earth and heavens; that it is his duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all costs. He believes firmly in a magnificently immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest, quickest admission. Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi-spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material. All the things and activities that the jihadist desires and cannot attain or practice, and rejects in his earthly life, will be purified and proffered to him in the paradise of the next life. Thus goes the hallucination…Keep in mind that Islam, not only condones, but encourages, lying and dissimulation — Taqqyeh — in dealing with non-Muslims. No, it is not the Zionists and fundamentalist Christians who are misrepresenting Islam. It is the left and the Islamic institutions who are guilty of dissimulation and fraud.”

“The problem for the West is that Muslims view sharia law as the word of Allah, an absolute and uncompromising truth that can never be modified. What makes the problem intractable is that Muslims accept the superiority of sharia law based on its foundation in faith rather than reason. Not only do Muslims believe that law must come from Allah, but they reject out of hand the possibility that the existing laws of sharia can evolve as societal conditions change or that any new legal principle can be entertained if it relies on mere reason. Compounding the problem for the West is the fact that Muslims believe in the caliphate, an absolutist form of governance in which a single individual exercises authority in the name of Allah – comparable to, but even more absolutist than, the old idea of ‘divine right of kings’."

“For cultural jihad to succeed, however, it’s necessary that there are enough people in the target culture who are willing to ignore it or even to facilitate it. Put more bluntly, there have to be enough people who are either too complacent to notice the threat or so stupid that they mistake the spread of Islam for a positive development. Islamists can’t do the job of subversion all by themselves. They need help. Other people have to prepare the ground for them. Luckily for the Islamists, liberals, leftists, and secularists have been busy preparing the ground for years —in schools, in academia, in the media, in government, in the corporate world, and elsewhere.”

“(W)hy do left-wing liberal apologists prefer their fictional subjective reality to factual objective reality regarding the tyranny of Muslim extremism and oppressive sharia law? Why do they ignore the xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, supremacy, and barbaric honor killings, genital mutilation, rape, wife beatings, and overarching desire to conquer the West and impose sharia law worldwide? Why do they support the internationalized criminalization of criticism of Islam?... The Islamists, the anarchists, the left-wing liberals all have common cause to destabilize America from within – they differ only in their dreams for the final outcome. The Islamists seek world dominion, the re-establishment of the caliphate, and the imposition of sharia law worldwide. The radical Left seeks to destroy American capitalism and impose socialism. The globalist elites support both the chaos provided by the Islamists (jihadi terrorism and Muslim Brotherhood stealth jihad) and the chaos provided by Leftists Obama/Clinton (advancing Alinsky's Rules for Radicals) because a chaotic, destabilized America is vulnerable to an internationalized police force and the ultimate takeover by the globalist elites who dream of one-world government where they are the rulers of the new world order.”
“(T)he Qur’an contradicts common moral standards, and the “prophet” Muhammad is revered by Muslims as the “perfect man” to be imitated and loved. (We are talking here about a warlord with a harem, including a child bride and slave girls, and involved in multiple massacres, deceits, fierce hatreds, and revengeful actions.) A “religion”? Islam would be more accurately classified as a political/religious cult – “political” because there is no distinction between “church and state,” no possibility of voluntary subjection to any non-Islamic political power, and in fact an eschatological goal of extinguishing all other states and religions. Aside from this political emphasis, it is similar to other cults – the Branch Davidians, Peoples’ Temple, Heaven’s Gate, Unification Church, etc. The common characteristics include exclusion of non-believers, dire punishments for weak believers or those who leave…If the government recognizes some “religion” as being a cult, and if some danger to civic order is presented, the cult will not be protected by the First Amendment.”  
“That Islam is ‘peace and tolerance’ is the most popular lie in the world today. Intellectuals in the West who defame Christ parrot the most fatuous praise of Muhammad, in spite of his legacy of murder, pillage, and rape.”
“It is important to understand this core motivation of Islamic terrorists in order to identify and stop them. If we continue to characterize these mass killings as events disassociated from Islamic doctrine and faith, placing the blame totally on personal hateful impulses, we will fail to identify our enemy. If we can’t identify him—if we can’t name him—we won’t know him, which means we can’t defeat him. We will also fail to recognize that this is an act of war by a group of people who have no wall of separation between the religious and the political.”
“Like Islam, communism crushed freedom at home, inspired violence abroad, and brutally repressed opposition. It was a utopian ideology, no less totalitarian than Islam. Its adherents’ efforts to erase the past and replace it with a cultural ‘Year Zero’ was remarkably similar to Muslim attempts to destroy any historic monument that isn’t connected to their religion (in other words, most of them)… Islam, like communism, is an idea. Islam is a viral meme that infects the minds of everyone from lone suicide bombers to Islamic heads of state, inspiring them to murder, repress and control…And the muslims who don’t actively identify with the most poisonous end of their ideology are perfectly happy to turn a blind eye to its horrors, as poll after poll have demonstrated…”
Ann Coulter calls it concisely
: “Even Muslim immigrants were saying, ‘I probably won't commit jihad myself, but I know some of the Muslims coming definitely will.’ It's like importing immigrants with Ebola. We feel bad for them, we know it's not their fault, but we just can't let them in. For every 100,000 Muslims we admit, we know that at least a few hundred either plan to engage in terrorism right away or can be persuaded to engage in terrorism later. Another 10,000 will send them money or help them hide.”

If they are only 0.1% of the Muslim population, how come the brutal Islamic legal system is unable to round the jihadists up and behead them in the infamous public squares of Saudi Arabia? How come moderate Muslims, the 99.9%, are unable to explain away their passivity with jihadists while those jihadists are brutalizing, honor killing and terrorizing apostates? How many jihadists have been declared apostates by Saudi Arabia? How many were beheaded in the Saudi or Iranian public squares? Why has the “moderate” largest Islamic university in the world, Al Azhar, never issued a fatwa of death against ISIS fighters and anyone who joins ISIS? They issue fatwas of death on apostates and women who have sex outside of marriage all the time, so how come none against those jihadists who supposedly ruined Islam’s reputation and caused the world to fear Muslims?... (W)e see no Muslim armies moving to Syria to rid the world of the 0.1% Muslim jihadists in ISIS. In fact, the real reason why Muslim leaders are not waging war on ISIS, even though they are capable of doing so, is because at least half of the Muslim army will defect and join ISIS…How come the 0.1% of radical Muslims is capable of causing millions of Muslim refugees, and how come rich Arab countries are not taking care of them?
“(T)he first amendment to the constitution is under a full blown assault by the radical left. Under the context that some speech may be deemed offensive, liberals have been trying to impose restrictions on our rights to free speech from our college campuses to our political debates. This is particularly true when it comes to Islam …The U.N. and the United States have remained virtually silent as there is an all out genocide being waged against Middle East Christians. Day in and day out we are bombarded with grotesque images of beheadings, and people being burned alive. Radical Islamists routinely murder people for being gay, they stone their women for not wearing burqas and they will slaughter an entire village for not being Muslim. Through these atrocities, our leaders would have us believe that raising our voices in defense of these people is criticism of Islam, and it should not be tolerated. They would have us believe that these animals are committing these horrendous acts in response to a perceived injustice, and that we should be tolerant and understanding of their perspective… Islamists do nothing to pay us the respect they demand, nor do the liberals that support them. In fact, they do nothing but mock our religious beliefs while they seek to destroy our cultural values. Christianity in America is under full assault and no one in government is coming to its defense. While liberals are demanding limits to free speech over the incident in Texas, they remained completely silent as the National Endowment of the Arts displayed a piece known as   “Piss Christ.”   This was considered a piece of art, and the liberals hid behind the first amendment when it was revealed that some found it offensive. In fact, our entire society is inundated with offensive, grotesque art from pornography, to extremely graphic movies and video games that liberals claim to be protected by the first amendment.”
Muslims nations are not like Christian nations: “Christians established America, specifically and purposefully drafting the 1st Amendment in order to prevent theocracy…The Christian West tends to recognize its sins, eventually, and confront them…Christian nations have produced outstanding prosperity, lifting people out of poverty at rates never before seen…Christian nations export food and charity and medical supplies, and they are the first to respond to natural disasters, even helping enemies rebuild after winning wars. More, and the Muslim side is in the article.

"And although it might make us feel better to assume that no culture and no religion carries its own unique flaws and pitfalls, the fact remains that Christians and Jews are not often found brutalizing innocent civilians in the name of their religion. And if such an anomaly were to occur, it would be quite easy to tell that the murderous Christian is not a fair representative of his Creed…And, please, don’t tell me that Muslims tend to be violent because they’re a historically oppressed people. All religions have been oppressed at one time or another, but Muslims have also always controlled wide swaths of the globe. Ever hear of the Ottoman Empire? And don’t try to work the Crusades into this conversation, unless you want to prove my point for me. The Crusades were waged against Muslim aggressors after several hundred years of persecution at the hands of Arabic forces. The Crusades were a war of defense, sparked, as usual, by Muslim conquest."
This Brit blasts bloody Islam.

“According to  The Religion of– there is at least 109 passages in the Koran that demand Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims . Here is but a partial list: Koran 2:244, 2:216, 3:56, 3:151, 4:74, 4:76, 4:89, 4:95, 4:104, 5:33, 8:12, 8:15, 8:39, 8:57, 8:67, 8:65, 9:5, 9:14, 9:20, 9:25, 9:30.”
“‘There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world. It was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and deserts.’ The Facts – The Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), was an Islamic Caliphate…a form of Islamic government led by a Caliph, a person considered a political and religious successor to their prophet Muhammed and a leader of the entire Muslim community ( Ummah ). They, like all Islamic movements since Muhammed, invaded non-Muslim lands and took land, pillaged, raped, tortured and slaughtered…all with the same goal of conquering the entire earth for Islam. They slaughtered their way through Christian Europe for 500 years…hence the reason for the Crusades (see THE CRUSADES: A Direct Response to Islam’s Bloodlust).”


See My Ancestor.

“Without borders there’s no order, no law, no justice. Without borders, God’s promise to bless the nation whose God is the Lord could never occur. God’s plan of redemption revolves around nations. In time, God will judge all nations who reject Him. Is it any wonder that the coming anti-Christ and globalists demand open borders? ...(H) heaven has walls and gates, and Jesus says that whoever circumvents one gate and climbs in another way is a thief and robber.”
Who we have coming across the border illegally are not akin to those who came by ship to the shores of America to whom the statue honors. Legal immigrants are welcome and should be given a place of refuge under the conditions set forth in our laws.
“(N)obody is suggesting that we break up families because that would be cruel! I am merely saying that they all get sent back together to where they came from. Now, if they wanted to come back to the states and enter  legally , then we could welcome you with open arms. In part, the 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” This was originally passed to ensure slaves had the rights of other citizens, not for illegal aliens…(O)ur country can be choosie when it decides who we make legal. Take the best and the brightest who will add significant value to our work force. Taking a civics exam and learning English are non-negotiable.”



(Exploding Evil with Wit and Wisdom)

Burt Prelusky’s columns (via email and on his website) provide the best comedic condemnation of liberalism that exists. Below are some of the best of the best. Burt may be quoted in various categories too.

(L)iberals are quick to pull out their crying towels if they suspect that serial killers experience the slightest bit of discomfort while being executed, but are nonchalant when it comes to the Nazi-like butchery performed during a typical abortion. Liberal lunkheads are always defending Islam by pointing out that no more than 10% of 1.2 billion Muslims are willing to kill in the name of Mohammad. But, one, they never tell you how they arrive at that percentage or, two, why it is they never count the cheerleaders in the mosques and streets of Dearborn and Tehran. Something else they slide by is that even just one-tenth of 1.2 billion is 120 million people, a number larger than that of any nation in Europe, except for Russia, and nearly as many as the combined populations of England and France.

How can anyone successfully diagnose dementia in an aging liberal? I mean, what’s the tipoff? Do they suddenly wake up one day in their seventies or eighties and start making sense?

What I find fascinating is that it’s nearly always liberals who parrot Santayana’s line about those who refuse to learn from history being doomed to repeat it, but it’s always they who ignore the facts regarding the ultimate fate of every socialistic nation ranging from Soviet Russia to Nazi Germany, from Cuba to Greece. These days, whether they’re arguing for the absolute right to abortions on demand or same-sex marriages, liberals insist they’re on the right side of history, and then point to young voters as proof of that silly claim. Among liberals, the only people who have a looser grasp of history than elderly pinheads like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton, are the young pinheads in our college classrooms.

The reason that the problem has only gotten worse in the decades since Reagan got gulled by the Democrats into signing the amnesty in the mid-80s is because the various presidents and Congress had no real stake in the outcome. The Democrats saw illegal aliens as millions of potential votes, while Republicans, representing farm and other business interests, saw a constant flow of cheap labor. It’s only society at large that pays the price of being flooded with low-skilled, basically illiterate, foreigners. The fact that we continue to offer citizenship to babies born on our turf to people who have no business being here merely compounds the problem, and makes a mockery of what citizenship is supposed to mean. It’s worth noting that these babies, innocent though they are, happen to be the only people in America allowed to directly benefit from the commission of a crime.

I’m getting annoyed with all the controversy over the means by which murderers are sent off to meet their Maker. The way the louts have gone from opposing electric chairs and hangings to firing squads and chemical cocktails, you would think they were all residing on Death Row. The truth is that those opposed to executing the vilest members of the human race will never be satisfied.

In the beginning, those who objected to lawful executions based their objection on the misinterpretation of the Commandment against killing, arguing that the State has no more right to kill than the individual. When people started to catch on that the actual translation from the Hebrew prohibits murder, not state-authorized executions, the self-righteous busybodies had to change their tactics. They then made it their mission to make executions such a rarity that they could then trade on the use of the word “unusual,” as it appears in the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishment.”

About 10 years ago, when many of the same people argued that Terri Schiavo should be taken off life support, they insisted, as if they knew, that being deprived of food and water wouldn’t cause the 41 year old woman to experience the least bit of pain. I admit I was skeptical at the time, no matter Mrs. Schiavo’s cognitive state, but if starvation is agreeable to the other side, I am more than willing to deprive the sadists and serial killers on Death Row of food and drink for as long as it takes.

We’ve had race riots on a regular basis for nearly 50 years. I’m not referring to events like Selma, which were peaceful demonstrations that were turned into riots by the racist cops. But even the assassination of Martin Luther King was merely an excuse for black people to run amok, making asses of themselves by burning, breaking and looting. What a great way to pay tribute to the man who preached passive resistance to racial injustice!... We all know that most black people are not thugs, but, more and more often, it seems that most thugs are black people. Another lie we keep hearing from the Democrats running these civic cesspools is that not enough money is being spent on inner city public schools. They are, of course, merely parroting the propaganda of the teachers unions.

Ours is undeniably a trashy society . Our entertainment has grown increasingly obscene and pornographic; our media has become corrupt; education has morphed into state-sponsored propaganda; and our federal institutions, including the Justice Department, the Secret Service, Congress, the EPA and the IRS, have prostituted themselves, so that today Washington, D.C., more closely resembles a brothel than a national capita…(The election of a conservative president) would merely slow our descent, it would not stop it. Too many people get away with not paying income taxes. Swapping their liberty for food stamps, college tuitions and free cell phones, strikes them as a bargain.

For many years, I have resented Hollywood types who pretend, as all liberals do, that they cry themselves to sleep over the travails of the poor . I keep waiting to hear that one of them has decided that he or she doesn’t really need 10 or 15 million dollars for a movie, and has decided to divide one or two million among the supporting cast, the stuntmen, the makeup people, the gaffers and the grips. I’m still waiting.

It seems to me that when crazy white people like Adam Lanza, James Holmes and Dylann Roof, occasionally shoot a bunch of other white people, liberals will inevitably insist that stricter gun laws need to be enacted. But when 10 or 15 black people are shot by other black people on a typical weekend in Chicago , the poster city for gun control laws, liberals are as quiet as very shy mice. It makes me wonder if they really don’t believe that black lives matter all that much.

Even very young children are being urged these days to determine their own gender and their own names, and, with that, decide how they wish to dress and which bathroom to visit. It makes me wonder just how far this new open-minded policy goes. I mean, if there’s a long line at the men’s room and I decide to use the lady’s room, can I be arrested if I explain that I am in fact a 75-year-old black woman named Geraldine with a very small bladder and a great deal of attitude?

(O)n those occasions when liberals aren’t immoral, their tendency is to be amoral , seemingly unaware that there are principles and values without which we are no better than the beasts of the jungle. Instead, what passes for morality on the Left tends to be an eagerness to take up for those they determine to be underdogs. So they side with rampaging black thugs, illegal aliens and even the Palestinians, having decided that their terrorist activities are merely the actions of freedom fighters opposing Israeli oppression. What’s more, because leftists are as merciless as Islamic throat-cutters, they will never hesitate to lie if they feel it serves their purpose.

I gave a talk at a local Rotary Club. During the Q&A session, a member of the audience identified himself as a liberal and took me to task over something I’d said about Muslims. After trying, and no doubt failing, to set him straight, I asked him why he was a liberal . He puffed himself up, as these jerks are prone to do, and said it was mainly because he believed in social justice. I’m not sure if I called him a fool or only thought it, but I did point out to him that justice is justice, and doesn’t require any adjectives. In fact, once you begin to modify it, you’re perverting its meaning. The ideal, I explained, was one set of rules for rich and poor, black and white, men and women, young and old, liberals and conservatives, Muslims and Christians. It was bad enough having to explain all this to a fellow American. What made it worse is that he had identified himself as a lawyer.

According to Democrats running for office, black lives matter a lot. The left-wing media wholeheartedly agrees. So far as conservatives are concerned, all human lives matter, including those on the brink of being born. In fact, it sometimes seems that the only people who don’t give a damn about black lives are other blacks. Otherwise, you would have to wonder why they are always shooting one another…  I suspect that some people might label me a bigot.

I’m not, of course, but, then, that’s what bigots always say. However, in my defense, I would point out that whereas real bigots hate all blacks or all Jews or all Mormons, I can easily differentiate between people like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and Jason Riley and the likes of Al Sharpton, Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder… (T)he confusion comes at election time, when 90-95% of all black Americans, the decent and the indecent, the productive and the parasitical, join forces to vote for all the plantation owners sporting a (D) after their names.

(T)he U.N. is a collection of well-dressed thugs representing the worst despots the world has to offer?

So far as liberals…are concerned, dead people only count if they happen to be black criminals killed by white cops, not if, as in the majority of cases, they’re black people being killed by other black people.

Similarly, so far as liberals are concerned, innocent lives only matter when we’re talking about Muslims, not Jews or Christians…But, how much more evil are those committing these acts than those who merely stand by and watch?...Western leaders show far more remorse over Muslims being insulted than Christians being slaughtered.  

What makes those on the Left so despicable isn’t merely that they happen to be wrong on all the issues, but that they lie. And even when their lies are pointed out, they never apologize; instead, they tell even bigger whoppers, expecting that the opposition will finally throw up its hands in frustration.

(L) iberal drivel … states that the federal government is the fount of all wisdom and that politicians and bureaucrats spend our money more wisely than we do and are in the best position to determine how the rest of us live our lives.”

“White people, politicians in particular, are terrified of being called racists . What makes their concern so peculiar is that no matter what they say or do, blacks and other liberals will always label them as such. As I see it, being someone that Obama, Holder or Sharpton, calls a racist is a commendation. But leave it to craven Republican politicians to worry about people who will never vote for them not voting for them!”

“Generally, when Democrats brag that they’re the ones with a sense of humor, pointing with pride to the likes of David Letterman, Bill Maher, Joy Behar and Jon Stewart, they only sound foolish. Unless you’re a registered Democrat, meaning that you are ready to laugh at any insult, no matter how lame, directed at Republicans, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything they say even slightly amusing,” notes Burt Prelutsky .

In spite   of constantly lying and cheating, liberals always claim to hold title to the moral high ground. Their instinct is always to pretend to care about things they don’t… But, thanks to a corrupt media, the liberals are always able to say or do anything they like without having their motives questioned.

How stupid are liberals? Well, for openers, they wear Che Guevara’s likeness on their shirts, passing him off as a freedom fighter, even though he was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner… The truth is that once you start listing the things that liberals have been wrong about over the decades, there’s no end in sight…

In the 50s, when the liberals weren’t busy spying for the Soviet Union and sending our atomic bomb secrets to their favorite uncle, they were pushing Truman and Eisenhower to end the Cold War. By the 1960s, the liberals were insisting that the U.S. unilaterally disarm, confident that the Soviet Union would then follow suit. But, then, liberals always believe that if we only set what they regard as a good example, even the most brutal dictatorships will be moved to do the same.

Liberals pretend that photo IDs are essential if you wish to buy a beer, board a plane or attend an Obama speech, but evil if they’re required for voting.

Liberals are so stupid, they believe the federal government is a money-making enterprise, pretending that printing and spending money is just the same as earning it.

I suppose each of us must determine for himself if the crime taking place is suicide by means of a slow-acting poison or murder that can be laid at the feet of homicidal liberals, but I don’t think there can be any question that America is not long for this world.

“Unfortunately, the GOP prefers to be the minority party because Republican politicians find it so much more comfortable whining about the Democrats than actually having to do anything themselves. But, then, unlike Democrats, Republicans very rarely agree about what actually needs to be done. As a result, they generally twiddle their thumbs while waiting for the glorious day when the liberals regain power and they can get back to their whining.”

“I might understand it if liberals merely conned themselves into believing they are nicer and more compassionate than conservatives, if only because they’ve claimed it for so long, it would be a miracle if by this time they didn’t accept it on faith. But studies have shown that they contribute less time and money to charity than those they demean as cruel and heartless. What I don’t get is how they’ve managed to convince themselves they’re more intelligent than the rest of us. These people are so dumb they actually fall for every hoax that comes down the pike."

“(E)ven I would like to pass myself off as open-minded by occasionally being able to agree with liberals about something, about anything. But whether the topic is the criminal justice system, affirmative action, gun control, taxes, labor unions, energy, education, the FCC, the EPA, Vladimir Putin, ISIS, Israel or Iran, they (liberals) are simply wrong on every issue. As a result, the only way I could pass myself off as fair-minded would be to prove that I, too, am certifiably insane.”



[If you see any (starting 1-1-15) I missed, please email me with the citation. Thanks.]

A handout called “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” advised teachers to: Step 8: “Be intolerant of openly hostile attitudes or references towards others… on their statements about gender. Being punitive may stop the behavior, at least in your presence. Being instructive may stop it entirely.” Step 10: “Avoid using ‘normal’ to define any behaviors.”

The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true.

Michael Moore calls snipers 'cowards' on Twitter.

The Rev. Al Sharpton announced he was holding an “emergency meeting” to discuss Hollywood’s all-white list of Oscar nominees



“They are not gone and they are not…forgiving.” This describes the Left. They never give up. They never stop. Their totalitarian leanings, described even by Aristotle in his Republic, are never satiated… have you noticed how quickly the Left goes off topic or   ad hominem  when you challenge their falsehoods? Cries of bigotry, racism…” Michael Cummings


Also see:

Things that Bug Me

"Political Bugs"

"If it wasn’t so Funny I’d Cry"

"Exodus Mandate Articles"

"Religion Rules in Kanawha County Schools"


Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
1 Timothy 5:20

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
II Corinthians 10:4-5