By Karl C. Priest October 21, 2008 (revised 12-21-21)
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Psalms 2:4
[Debugging Evolutionist Imaginations is the title of an article to write about helping heal the hallucinations of True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs). It would be a good partner to this piece.]
Here is a typical mocking challenge made by a true believer in evolutionism (TBE):.
Do not tell your fundamentalist/creationist friends this news unless you want to watch their heads explode from all the cognitive dissonance. It seems that crickets, the noisy little buggers you hear at night throughout this great land of ours, have either been blessed with a genuine act of GOD, or once again have provided more evidence that Darwin's "theory" of evolution (as amended over time by biologists) just might accurately describe how species change over time. Specifically, crickets in two separate places have either been told to "shut it" by God (hey miracles could happen I suppose, but crickets?), or they evolved to no longer make a joyful noise unto the Lord to protect themselves from predators…Can't wait to hear what explanation the Creationists have for God deciding to cause separate mutations to these Hawaiian crickets to achieve the same result: keeping them quiet. I suspect in this case, we won't even hear the crickets in their response.
OK, God-hater, hear this chirp: They were, are, and always will be crickets! They were designed to be able to adjust (within limits) to environmental changes. If anything, your rant is devolution.]
St. Darwin gave us a laugh line when he failed to recognize the purposes of some features in animals or examples of real science—devolution. Darwin wrote in Origin of Species, “On the view of each organic being and each separate organ having been specially created, how utterly inexplicable it is that parts, like the teeth in the embryonic calf or like the shrivelled wings under the soldered wing-covers of some beetles, should thus so frequently bear the plain stamp of inutility! Nature may be said to have taken pains to reveal, by rudimentary organs and by homologous structures, her scheme of modification, which it seems that we wilfully will not understand.” ( The bold font was added to point out the dilemma of Darwinian Disciples to this day. They are forced to personify “Nature.”
ABSURIDY (some may be more moved to cry than laugh) “Humans and honeybees aren't close relatives; their common ancestor was probably some kind of marine flatworm.” Gene Robinson, an entomologist and geneticist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Science Now, 8 March 2012. (
There is an abundance of material to show the absurdity of evolutionism. With a mixture of amazement
(actually it is concisely clear*)
that scientists could be so dumb (The ones who bled George Washington to death don’t compare to evolutionists who are willingly DUMB.) and a feeling that the point has been solidly made, I stopped adding to this article regularly on February 5, 2010. However, if something came to my attention (like the cartoon
at the bottom) that is too good to resist, it was added (up to June 2, 2022).
Any new entries were added to IEQs (Idiotic Evolutionist Quotes), just above the cartoon, sometimes with key parts in bold font, and my commentary
(if any)
in [ ]. Think about what you would say once you stop laughing.
The title of this article is based upon a literary attempt to show side-splitting laughter. Although he may not have originated the concept, my friend David Bump, often used BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! and BLEEAAAARGHGHGH! in his commentaries on evolutionist foolishness.
There are other (in my opinion less emphatic) ways to express rip roaring laughter. "LOL is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms such as ROTFL [ "roll(ing) on the floor laughing"], a more emphatic expressions of laughter, and BWL ("bursting with laughter")”. (
I cannot help cracking up at the stupidity of highly educated true believers in evolutionism
(TBE). Nearly all articles reporting really neat scientific research are degraded by an obsession with paying homage to Darwin. Of course, some of the reasons for inserting nonsense into the reports is merely to keep the money flowing into the research programs or to save face with deluded colleagues. Even if the former reason is the motivation—it shows the sad state of science, or maybe I should say scientism.
Besides uproarious laughter, evolutionism causes other emotions.
I get angry when I think of innocent children being blatantly lied to about evolution being true. The best way to handle my anger is with humor. Fortunately, evolutionists make it easy to laugh at them.
Thinking of the Darwinian Devotees also, generates concern. See the examples of EVOLUTIONISTS’ RELIGIOUS FANATICISM below. Just consider this 2006 example form the pen of renowned "evolutionary" entomologist Dr. George Poinar. “The humble beginnings and evolution of insects are wrapped in a shroud of mystery and controversy, owing in part to their great diversity. Because many of the crucial fossils that could answer significant questions are fragmentary or are of doubtful age, some people might claim that their designation is more a philosophical exercise than a scientific study. Indeed, one paleoentomologist—Robin John Tillyard (1881-1937)—is reported to have taken his specimens to a clairvoyant in hopes of receiving some message about their true nature.” ( ) How dare true believers in evolution even think about mocking creationists!
Creation Safaris website used to (and may still) have
a “Stupid Evolution Quote of the Week”. Here is an example (bold font is in the original):
According to Live Science a beetle preserved in amber, dated at 100 million years old, was caught in the act of using chemical warfare. ‘Soldier beetles’ capable of this kind of advanced defense system were not thought to have evolved till 60 million years later.
This article contains several statements worthy of the Stupid Evolution Quote of the Week prize:
The discovery of a bug that roamed with the dinosaurs has shown that insects were equipped with chemical weapons much earlier than thought....
....the beetle fired an acidic repellent at the attacker—providing researchers with a frozen glimpse of a 100 million-year-old battle for survival.
What’s even more remarkable, he says, is that this finding pushes back the known existence of this type of beetle by about 60 million years, making it the earliest fossil record of chemical weaponry in animals....
....the researchers concluded that the insect was most likely a member of an extinct soldier beetle species which was an ancestor to modern soldier beetles that pack similar kinds of ammunition....
“That this type of defense has been preserved through 100 million years of evolution is evidence that it works pretty well.”
These quotes satisfy the prize criteria by: (1) attributing complex structures to evolution without explaining how they evolved (i.e., telling a just-so story), and (2) holding to evolutionary dating schemes even though the claim pushes the origin of the complex structure further back in time. (
The Creation Safari site format changed after this article was posted, but there are still (as of 12-2-2014) lots of laughs at the expense of deluded Darwinists there.
Before I get into my examples of evolutionism guffaws, I will share an example of one that brings more of a “we (creationists) told you so” semi-sad snicker. In a paper revealing research that scientists have now realized that most forest problems are man made I found this comment:
“It now appears that insects, which are the most abundant and diverse animals on Earth, are anything but destructive pests. Rather, they are major architects of the plant world in both structure and function, and in natural balance help to maintain healthy and productive forest ecosystems.” Speaking of architects, see the top cartoon at the ants view skyscrapers cartoon.
That was just a brief warm-up for the real side-splitters to follow.
See this AMAZING video: Egg to moth. I’d love to see a True Believer in Evolutionism’s explanation for this and I won’t require it for the cells, DNA and atoms involved. Just thinking about it makes me go BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!
The following excerpts, about bee research, are from an article that is much ado about nothing, but the casual reader will “see” proof of evolution based upon the opening line: “A group of bees may have evolved into a new species because the guys couldn’t pick the right aftershave.” That really bugs me! Evolutionists have to be intelligent enough to comprehend the simple truth that no observable and repeatable scientific experiments have ever supported “evolution”. The bees remained bees despite the differences that gave the scientists a reason to classify (there is a lot of debate about defining a species within the evolutionist community) the bees as a different species of—bees!
One trick evolutionists use to fool gullible (and government school “educated”) individuals (especially those who are part of the mainstream media) is to toss in the word “evolution” here and there in an article about real science. Another trick (as revealed in this article and “Helping Evolutionists Get It Right” is to define “evolution” as any animal change that is actually a clear display of God’s design for animals to be able to vary (a darker coloration for example) to enhance survivability yet always (as observed billions of times for thousands of years) remaining whatever they are (such as moths). (See Moth Marathon.)
In the next paragraphs I have bolded the laughter triggers.
“If female bees care about the perfumes at the mating sites, a changed odor might not interest females who have traditional tastes, Eltz says. Also, a mutation that changed male sensitivity to an odor might affect some of the females too.” Eltz isn’t ready to say whether the HNDB-rich scent is the original or the new version. But either way, a new perfume might have led to a new species.
What ever they might find, bees will ALWAYS be bees. This is a real BEEBRRHAHA!
Foraging honey bees on cocaine are more likely to dance, regardless of the quality of the food they've found or the status of the hive, the authors of the study report.
"The honey bee dance is this incredibly complex set of activities," Robinson said. "It's a very integrated communication system, very elaborate and very elegant…
Long story-short: Believing that selfish behavior (wanting to eat) was co-opted by bee “evolution” of social behavior (altruism) the scientist gave cocaine to bees and studied the change in their dance. The doped-up non-foragers did not dance (which is normal) and the foragers did not dance more or at inappropriate times or places. All that happened was that the bees were confused about the quality of the food. That cocaine would affect bees is an acceptable hypothesis and the plans to use bees to study human addiction is commendable, but the evolution of allusion qualifies this article is a great one for a gigantic guffaw.
Continuing the theme, I have bolded laughter triggers in the next articles. If the bolded words need explanations you are probably a brainwashed believer in evolutionism. Keep reading and maybe you will have that “Aha!” moment of realization that, in reality, evolutionism is silly.
To their surprise, ("evolutionary" biologists at McGill University) Khila and Abouheif discovered that "evolution has tinkered with the molecular signals that are used by the egg to determine what's going to be the head and what's going to be the tail, to stop the worker ants from producing viable offspring," Abouheif explained.
(In an article about a species of beetle) Over the past 400 million or so years, the immune system of animals, and notably the relatively simpler system in insects, appears to have succeeded in preventing the evolution of microbial resistance.
Weevils evolved nut-and-screw joint. The weevil joint “is remarkable from a mechanical and anatomical standpoint,” says Roy Ritzmann, who studies insect locomotion at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “It does confirm my notion that just about anything that is possible, insects will have evolved.”
(L)eaf-cutter ants have developed a system to try and keep their gardens pest-free; an impressive feat which has evaded even human agriculturalists.
"We've discovered a really elegant developmental mechanism, which we call 'reproductive constraint,' that challenges the classic paradigm that behaviour, such as policing, is the only way to enforce harmony and squash selfish behaviour in ant societies," said Abouheif, McGill's Canada Research Chair in Evolutionary Developmental Biology.
Butterfly wings - and lotus leaves - are able to repel water with ease because of the microstructures on their surface. The densely packed microscopic bumps of the lotus leaf and the waffle-like structures found on butterfly wings both make it difficult for water droplets to spread out. As a result, the drops roll off, and they take dirt with them. This makes the surfaces ideal as the basis for self-cleaning windows and windshields.
However, creating such surfaces is tough because it means creating a template using lithographic techniques usually reserved for chip making.
Now that you have the idea I will no longer bold all of the laughter triggers and you should enjoy the rest of the article and feel free to laugh out loud as I did and have indicated throughout the remainder of this article.
Following are excerpts of actual evolutionist quotes that will prove my point of the idiocy of evolutionism. My comments are in [ ].
A lot of the malarkey mused by monkey-men fits well into my article “Helping Evolutionists get it Right”. Originally that is what I did. In September 2009 I arbitrarily started placing the snips into one article or the other. If you like this article, you also should read the other one.
[I do not use the term "Oh, my God" or even "OMG", but I had to really restrain myself as I read this report.]
Jeweled beetles’ resplendent shells have physicists green with envy. Intricate arrangements of cells on the beetles’ outer layers manipulate light in a special way, a study published online July 23 in Science reveals. Understanding the shell’s structure might prove useful for designing new optical devices.
Stealing the beetles’ tricks may also help researchers design materials with desirable optical properties, comments Michael Barnes of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Although it’s too early to say what specific devices might be created with inspiration from the beetle shell, “the scientific goal is to understand the 'what' and the 'how' of micro- and nanoscale structures in natural systems,” he says, “so that we can design our own systems for specific purposes.”
What’s more, people may be able to take a lesson from the beetle in manufacturing such materials using microstructures. “The beetle doesn’t use any harmful chemicals,” Srinivasarao says. “Here is a creature that’s figured out how to do this very easily.”
[Did you notice the following guffaw getters? >“physicists green with envy” “Stealing the beetles’ tricks” “might be created with inspiration from the beetle shell” “take a lesson from the beetle” “Here is a creature that’s figured out how to do this very easily”< If I have to explain the nonsensical non-science that is rampant in evolutionist rhetoric, then you are still suffering from your public school brain-washing. Just keep reading this website and praying. You can be rescued!]
Some of the beetle's design protocols could be utilised already with tailor-made mineral designs such as Imerys' CarboFlexTM range. The company is now planning to assess the feasibility of taking these design protocols to the next level in order to produce beetle-inspired ultra-white coatings on a large scale. [Oh my, I can hardly contain the urge to call this man a fool. Even a middle school student would notice the contradiction in tht statement!]
Professor Pete Vukusic of the University of Exeter said: "Natural systems are packed with inspirational designs that have evolved [Oh my, I can hardly contain the urge to call this man a fool. Even a middle school student would notice the contradiction in that statement! But, I repeat myself.] to serve key biological functions. Developing scientific knowledge about where to look and then how to take technological or industrial insight from them is an increasingly important practise, especially in this current financial climate. On this occasion, the Cyphochilus beetle has bridged the distance between university research and industrial application. There are a great many other natural systems awaiting discovery or detailed study that will certainly do the same."[Evolutionists don’t come close to comprehending what they do not know.]
Migrating insects fly in the fast lane
[Deluded Darwinists think in the slow lane]
[To tack on a TOTALLY USELESS reference to "evolution" while admitting (although unintentionally) the “SOPHISTICATED” and “AMAZING” attributes of creation is profoundly proclaimed as foolish.* Also, see "Why I 'Barney Fife' Evolutionists" and "Evolution is a Lie".]
The reported study was funded by BBSRC and used two sets of specially-designed radar equipment to observe migrating butterflies and moths flying several hundreds of metres above the ground, and to describe the sophisticated flight behaviours that they have evolved. These insect migrants have a compass sense that enables them to select winds which will take them in their chosen direction, and to travel at speeds of up to 100 km per hour. The fast speeds of winds aloft mean that insects travel more-or-less downwind, but they make subtle adjustments to their headings so that they partially correct for wind-induced drift away from their preferred direction of travel.
Dr. (X) said "Migratory butterflies and moths have evolved an amazing capacity to use favourable tailwinds.
“It is difficult - and sometimes impossible - to determine the workings of evolution, but it is likely that amygdalin is produced in the almond nectar so as to give the almond tree an advantage in reproduction. Based on our observations, we can make a guess at which mechanisms come into play for amygdalin to provide this advantage,” Prof. Izhaki explains. For example, even though amygdalin is poisonous for mammals, it is not poisonous for insects, such as the honey bee, and it even produces a stimulant that attracts such insects. Therefore, it is possible that the plant produces it so as to attract potential pollinators. Another possibility is that the almond tree has developed this substance in its nectar as a form of filter: it repulses “non-expert” pollinators, but gives access to the “experts” that have built up resistance to the toxin while providing efficient pollination services for the plant.
[The above is beyond laughable and well into lubricious and definitely deserves derision, but the next one is (let me consult a thesaurus) bizarre, comical, crazy, farcical, foolish, laughable, nonsensical, outlandish, preposterous, silly, and/or zany. I could go on. Just do the simple probability calculations and you will understand why those adjectives apply.]
Figs and fig wasps have evolved to help each other out: Fig wasps lay their eggs inside the fruit where the wasp larvae can safely develop, and in return, the wasps pollinate the figs.
More than 700 species each of fig trees and wasps have co-evolved in the tropics worldwide, with each fig tree species having its own species of pollinating wasp. Jandér worked on six fig tree-fig wasp pairs for the study. Some wasp species passively carry pollen that sticks to their bodies, while others actively collect pollen in special pouches.
( --------------------
The surfaces of many insect wings have evolved properties materials scientists only dream of for their creations… With that data in hand, they then used wing membrane as a "natural template" to cast a polymer surface and so duplicate the surface structure of the wing in PDMS, polydimethylsiloxane, the same type of silicone gel used in breast implants. One of the advantages of this approach is that no prior "design" of the surface of the material is needed and so the team can exploit the enormous diversity of surface types from different insects and so produce materials with specific characteristics. [Man oh man! Evos just kep steppin’ in their own piles of you-know-what! Oh, BTW, I added the bold font.]
Miesenböck adds that the simple brain of a fly likely can tell us much about how more complex brains work. "As a general rule, biology tends to be conservative," he said. "It's rare that evolution 'invents' the same process several times."
[Brainless evolution does not invent anything! See "Evolution is Lethal Antiscience" and other links at that website.]
"'How the scout bees select candidate sites, deliberate among choices and reach a verdict is a process complicated enough to rival the dealings of any corporate committee,’" Seeley wrote in a recent article in American Scientist [Should be “American Secularist”] magazine…[After elaborating on the astounding abilities of bees the article states “Honeybees have evolved to rely on this quorum or majority method…”
[That is HILARIOUS!]
(C)ertain kinds of bees have in turn adapted their bodies especially to suit such flower shapes.
[If humans could do that the dieting, body building, and nip-and-tuck surgery industries would be out of business.]
Even more [imaginary] primitive termites may have [more imagination] fed on a range of things they could digest themselves, Poinar said, but eventually [by “hocus pocus”] they acquired protozoa that dramatically increased their ability to digest cellulose, and through [imaginary] evolutionary processes they came to depend on it.
As the researchers suggested, perhaps evolution has optimized ant traffic flow, since ants are known to have highly developed social behaviors… Therefore it is not surprising that evolution has optimized the behavior of the ants (or all social insects).
[“Optimize” means “to make as perfect or effective as possible.” Demented Darwinist actually personify (no, deify) evolution.]
Drosophila harbor substantial genetic variation for antibacterial defense, and investment in immunity is thought to involve a costly trade-off with life history traits, including development, life span, and reproduction. To understand the way in which insects invest [Sure! They also invest on Wall Street.] in fighting bacterial infection…
The mocker swallowtail butterfly, Papilio dardanus, is unusual because it emerges from its chrysalis with one of a large number of different possible wing patterns and colours. This is different from most butterfly species which are identified by a common wing pattern and colour. Furthermore, some of the different patterns that the mocker swallowtail exhibits mimic those of poisonous species, which affords this harmless insect a valuable disguise which scares off predators.
Biologists are interested in finding out exactly how wing pattern is determined in the mocker swallowtail, because they believe that understanding how these different mimic patterns evolved may shed new light on whether such evolutionary changes occur in small gradual steps, or sudden leaps.
[Yeah, they “believe” all right. LOL. But are there other possibilities? Could the first mocker have had this ability already?]
In the 1950s scientists realised there must be a genetic 'switch' controlling which of the numerous possible wing patterns is expressed in each individual mocker swallowtail, but until now the location and identity of the genes involved have remained a mystery.
[I have never seen a switch that wasn’t designed, but this organism is viable and the switch is incomprehensibly more complicated than any switch designed by a human engineer evolved. It took scientists 50 years locate the gene. LOL!]
[He goes on to emphasise the significance of studying the mocker swallowtail, saying:] "You could argue that there would be little point in a species which slowly evolved to mimic a poisonous butterfly over the course of generations - the disguise is only useful if full and complete. This could suggest the possibility of sudden leaps in evolution occurring in this species, which would be an incredibly exciting discovery - by studying the changes in gene sequences we will find out if this happened or not."
[Sounds like he read some Duane Gish material. “Sudden leaps” is just a way of dodging the reality that there is no evidence of gradual evolution. LOL!!]
Only females of the species exhibit the wing patterns that mimic other butterflies. All the males are yellow, with black markings and have the typical tails of most swallowtail butterflies.
[Sooo, let me get this right. The mocker females evolved this ability, but the males did not. Hmmm, seems to me like there should not be any mockers around. ROTFL]
According to Amdam, the developmental program of diapause, that also typifies solitary insects without castes, was "adopted by evolution to produce Polistes females that look the same but differ in their potential to attain two distinct social roles."
"The fact that workers and queens can emerge from ancestral pathways in both complex and more primitive social insects helps us understand what evolution builds from when it produces seemingly radical new phenotypes," Amdam says.
[Evolution adopts and builds? Get real! Evolution, according to them, is blind. Evolutionists must be blind not to see the contradictions of there rhetoric. LOL]
She and her colleagues believe that the unique way in which the Australian cycad uses smells to repel and attract pollinators may represent the evolutionary transition between plants using smells to repel pests and others using smells to attract pollinators.
[They “believe”. Can I get an “amen” brother? BWL HA]
The researchers selected this species because it appears to represent an evolutionary transition.
“It’s been 100 to 150 million years since there was a common ancestor for paper wasps and honey bees, and during that time the DNA has changed a lot.”
[Hocus, pocus and “it appears!” LOL!]
Male water striders have evolved grasping hooks that grip the female in place as he tries to mate with her. To foil the males, females have evolved spines to dislodge unwelcome lovers.
Males want to spread their genes far and wide and mate with as many females as possible. Females would rather keep mating to the minimum.
So the females evolved a defense: structures called paragenitals that guide a male's needle-like member into a spongy reservoir of immune cells.
The bugs exhibit a fantastic example of evolution at work, Reinhardt said.
Promiscuous females were more fecund and laid more viable eggs than monogamous ones. Amongst promiscuous females, those mated with multiple males (freedom for mate choice) had significantly higher reproductive output than those mated daily with a new unmated male.
Thus, promiscuity has both short- and long-term benefits and is advantageous to ladybirds. The presence of long-term benefits in terms of fitter offspring probably indicates the evolutionary rationale behind the prevalence of promiscuity in ladybirds.
[“Evolutionary rationale” for ladybird (ladybug) promiscuity? BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!]
In the jungles of Central and South America, a group of birds has evolved a unique way of finding food -- by following hordes of army ants and letting them do all the work.
[How many birds starved while the species figured out this trick? BWL!]
In evolutionary terms, worker ants are the supreme altruists because they dedicate their lives to bringing up the offspring of another individual – their queen – while remaining sterile themselves. This is also true of many other social insects, which perplexed Charles Darwin and generations of biologists who came after him because it appeared to contradict the central idea of evolution – leaving behind as many of your own offspring as possible.
Human altruism may be far more complex, but the humble ant has at least given us a hint of how our own unselfish behaviour first evolved.
[Of course, God said it first and said it correctly: “Consider the ant.” WINK]
To protect themselves from this so-called traumatic insemination, lady bat bugs have evolved extra genitalia.
In the bat bugs, the female develops a specialized abdominal organ with covered cavities to receive the male's sperm and minimize damage to the rest of her body. But it gets more bizarre. Because the sexes look alike--and homosexual mating attempts are common--the males develop an organ similar to the defensive female genitalia. But, unlike the females, they leave the organ's cavities open, apparently to maintain some distinction. Scientists have suggested that such sexual conflict and the evolution it forces can ultimately lead to speciation, but others disagree.
That suggests that females mimic males that already look like females to avoid sexual harassment. But not all females chose this protection.
But speciation would require that some male bat bugs evolve to prefer reproducing with one female form while other males evolve to prefer reproducing with the other female form, he adds; whether that happens "remains to be seen."
[The author tries to promote homosexuality in her attempt to describe some of the supposed sexual activities of the bug. Of course the overall theme is imaginary evolution. It looks like devolution and a lot of things scientists do not understand. BIG GRIN]
The cocoon and nest silks we looked at consist of coiled coils - a protein structural arrangement where multiple helices wind around each other. This structure produces a light weight, very tough silk,” she says.
Honeybee larvae produce silk to reinforce the wax cells in which they pupate, bulldog ant larvae spin solitary cocoons for protection during pupation, bumblebee larvae spin cocoons within wax hives (the cocoons are reused to store pollen and honey), and weaver ants use their larvae as ‘tools’ to fasten fresh plant leaves together to form large communal nests..
These groups of insects have evolved silks that are very tough and stable in comparison to the classical sheet silks and it is probable that the evolution of this remarkable material has underpinned the success of the social Hymenoptera.
Coiled coil silks are common in aculeate social insects i.e. those that have stings but not in aculeate parasitic wasps. These social insects are higher up the evolutionary tree and the coiled coil silks appear to have evolved about 155 million years ago.
[She credits evolution without having any proof. LOL!]
The wasp, being much smaller than the cockroach, has evolved a fine sting that can deliver a venom cocktail directly into the cockroach’s brain. The poisons effectively turn the cockroach into a zombie.
[Medical doctors go to med school in order to learn how to provide precise anesthesia. BWL!!]
This finding pushes back the known existence of this type of beetle by about 60 million years.
"That this type of defense has been preserved through 100 million years of evolution is evidence that it works pretty well."
[Or, it is evidence that they were designed very well and have not changed since. BWL!!]
”In most species, there are reasons why a mother does not reproduce at the optimum age, whether that is because she has not yet met a suitable mate or food resources are scarce,” said Professor Allen Moore of the University of Exeter. “To cope with this fact, it seems that species have evolved to adapt their parenting to their age.”
“It makes evolutionary sense for the window for motherhood to be as wide as possible, giving the best chance for reproduction.”
[Nothing is sensible in the non-sensical world of evolutionism. OK, maybe in the context of a Kipling “Just So” story. BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! ]
The new species has unique characteristics. They are the only ants that have a rear third of the body, called the gaster, connected directly to the middle section, called the thorax. That connection is almost identical to the bodies of wasps, from whom these ants are believed to have descended some 70 to 80 million years ago.
The new Madagascar species, with far fewer natural predators, may never have needed to evolve a more flexible body.
"The big question is, what has led to this amazingly successful development in evolution? It's so important because it will help us reconstruct the ancestral character of all the ants, and it will require us to rethink the entire process of ant evolution." (Brian Fisher, the assistant curator of entomology at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco)
[Here is some advice to you true believers: Rethink that ants have not evolved. They have always been ants and always will be ants! BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! ]
( bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/01/15/MN138629.DTL)
A type of beetle that lives its entire life burrowing through stored grain has been found to lack full colour vision, and what’s more the vision it does have breaks the rules. Most other insects have trichromatic vision – they are sensitive to ultraviolet, blue and long wavelength light. In a report published in the online open access journal Frontiers in Zoology, scientists reveal that this beetle has lost photoreceptors that are sensitive to blue wavelengths.
The red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) is a common pest that attacks milled grain products such as flour and cereals. It is a cryptozoic insect, meaning that it lives in the dark. Markus Friedrich from Wayne State University in Detroit, along with colleagues from St Louis and Cincinnati, performed genetic analyses to probe the evolution of the species’ vision.
The research suggests that the beetle may have gained an evolutionary advantage through this adaptation. Dr Friedrich states that the work “raises the possibility that opsin co-expression is of advantage under conditions where brightness sensitivity is critical.”
[Hey fool, it is just plain old “devolution” which is real observable science. ROTFL!!]
Most modern-day groups of beetles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs and have been diversifying ever since, says new research out in Science today (Friday 21 December 2007).
[In other words, they have not changed. They have always been beetles and always will be beetles! LOL!]
There are approximately 350,000 species of beetles on Earth, and probably millions more yet to be discovered, accounting for about 25% of all known life forms on the planet. The reason for this large number of beetle species has been debated by scientists for many years, but never resolved.
Lead scientist on the study, Professor Alfried Vogler from Imperial College London’s Department of Life Sciences and the Natural History Museum’s Department of Entomology, explains: “The large number of beetle species existing today could very well be a direct result of this early evolution and the fact that there has been a very high rate of survival and continuous diversification of many lineages since then.”
[He provides no proof of early evolution and states the obvious—there are lots of beetles. Hey, maybe the late evolutionist was correct when he said, God (if He exists) has “a n inordinate fondness for beetles”. LOL LOUDER ]
Prior to this study the survival success of beetles had been attributed to herbivory - feeding on plants - and the rise of flowering plants in the Cretaceous era, which started some 140 million years ago. However, mapping species numbers onto the evolutionary tree shows that many modern beetle lineages significantly pre-date the appearance of the first flowering plants.
[Just another change in the fairy tale. BWL!]
The scientific team says that understanding the evolution of beetles is an important part of understanding the natural world: “With beetles forming such a large proportion of all known species, learning about their relationships and evolution gives us important new insights into the origin of biodiversity and how beetles have triumphed over the course of nearly 300 million years,” said Professor Vogler.
[What malarkey! Just more pandering and setting up for more $$$. BWL!!!]
Now an international team has published the most comprehensive look yet at the amazing diversity of the beetle family tree--a view that may overturn a popular theory about how the insects evolved.
[In other words, evolutionists will concoct another story to futilely attempt to prop up their beliefs. ROTFL!!!]
It is commonly accepted that phytophagous beetles and their host plants (mainly the likewise speciose angiosperms or flowering plants) have radiated in concert since the origin of both groups in the early Cretaceous. Indeed, this is a text-book example of coevolution and a straightforward interpretation of the forces driving evolution and the rise of new species.
However, a new molecular study by Dr. Jesús Gómez-Zurita and collaborators in the Natural History Museum in London challenges this view. This study shows that at least in the leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae; 40,000 species) this association is apparently out of sync.
[Evolution is out of sync with reality. BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! ]
Call it the cuckoo of butterflies. Like the well-known birds, the Alcon blue butterfly has found a way to get others to raise its offspring. Researchers in Denmark report that the large blue butterfly has managed to produce larvae with a chemical coating similar to that of the local Myrmica rubra ants.
[No way! It was designed! LOL! LOL!]
According to Dr. (Jeremy) Thomas of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, "About 10% of myrmecophiles have evolved a much more one-sided relationship, in which they infiltrate ant societies and exploit the resources of the colony. They have turned into insect versions of the cuckoo. It is an extraordinary and extreme adaptation to get access to a plentiful supply of food and protection."
[Pure crock! BWL! BWL!!]
M. rebeli, and probably M. arion, (Maculinea arion) fool the ants into believing they are one of their own by mimicking the complex cocktail of 30-40 chemicals that ants use to communicate with one another.
[Complex communication is a delightful design. ROTFL! ROTFWL!!]
Ulrike Heberlein, who studies the genetics of alcohol-induced behaviour at the University of California, San Francisco…says dopamine is central to the neural reward circuits that evolved to motivate animals to seek food and sex.
[Scientists use intoxicated genetically modified fruit flies to get a model for exploring human sexual behavior. Lots of good science is done with the tiny fruit fly. Nothing supporting evolution has ever been achieved though. What were the flies eating, and how were they reproducing while the “millions of years of “evolution” occurred? BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! ]
This is a very interesting realignment of how one thinks about how insect clocks work. There was no reason to suspect that the butterfly clock would be different from that of Drosophila. That it is different has already told us something about how circadian clocks have evolved,” explained Reppert. “What we have in the butterfly is an astounding clock mechanism, one that is more similar to our own circadian clock and less similar to the clock of the fly! The presence and function of two distinct CRYs suggest that the monarch’s is an ancestral clock; a clock that, over the course of evolution, has changed differently in other insects and mammals.
[William Paley ( Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity) got it right. PTL!]
Contrary to other termites, the species of this subfamily-cannot digest either cellulose or lignin, basic constituents of their food plants, and therefore call on the services of a symbiotic relationship with a higher fungus. Using roughly chewed and only slightly digested plant material, they make a small ventilated structure, the fungus comb or garden, on which the mycelium of a Termitomyces, a Basidiomycete fungus of the same family as the Lepiota, will grow.
This fungus will gradually break down the ligneous and cellulose-bearing material amassed on the comb into substances that are easier for the termites to assimilate. The entomologists focusing on these fascinating social insects have long considered the symbiotic relationship between the Macrotermitinae and the fungus Termitomyces was one of interaction specificity, in that one species of termite associated with a single species of fungus, following a system elaborated by co-evolution that began several tens of millions of years ago.
A study recently published by an international research team, jointly involving IRD scientists, brought proof that this symbiotic relationship is much more complex and diversified than was suspected.
[Scientist continually find out that the insect world (and all of life) is imensly more complex than they suspected. If they were honest they would admit that life is too complicated to have evolved. LOLBWLROTFL!!!]
A pest insect known as bollworm is the first to evolve resistance in the field to plants modified to produce an insecticide called Bt, according to a new research report. Bt-resistant populations of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea, were found in more than a dozen crop fields in Mississippi and Arkansas between 2003 and 2006.
"What we're seeing is evolution in action," said lead researcher Bruce Tabashnik.
[Calm down you zealot! All this means is that the bolls that were not resistant died off. BIG, BIG GRIN]
Ants took up farming some 50 million years ago, according to researchers who traced the ancestry of farmer ants. An analysis of the DNA of farmer ants traced them back to an original ancestor — a sort of adam ant, at least for the types that raise their own food, according to a paper in the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In the last 25 million years ants have developed different types of farming including the well-known leaf-cutter ants, according to entomologists Ted Schultz and Sean Brady at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.
[Fertilizer supplied by evolutionists. BIG OH WEST VIRGINIA CHUCKLE]
Darwin 's tree of life represents the path and estimates the time evolution took to get to the current diversity of life. Now, new findings suggest that this tree, an icon of evolution, may need to be redrawn. In research to be published in the April 13 advance onlin issue of Nature, researchers at Rockefeller University and the University of Tokyo have joined forces to reveal that insects have adopted a strategy to detect odors that is radically different from those of other organisms -- an unexpected and controversial finding that may dissolve a dominant ideology in the field.
[I’d like to have a dime for every time I have read something about “redrawing” some sacred aspect of evolutionism. BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA! ]
The contentious debate about why insects evolved to put the interests of the colony over the individual has been reignited by new research from the University of Leeds, showing that they do so to increase the chances that their genes will be passed on.
[Evolutionists always say that. All it means is that God designed insects (and all life forms) to reproduce. Read it in Genesis. BIG WINK!]
The concept of 'kin selection' was developed in 1964 by the evolutionary biologist Bill Hamilton, first proposed by Charles Darwin to explain, for example, why sterile workers evolved in social insect groups and why a honeybee would sacrifice its life to defend the colony. Charles Darwin recognized that such altruistic behaviour in highly social insect groups was at odds with his theory of natural selection, and Bill Hamilton's theory of kin selection showed that this behaviour can evolve because it still fulfills the drive to pass on genes - but through relatives instead.
[“Why” is answered by true believers’ (in evolution) imagination. “How”, which evolutionism cannot grasp, is answered with science. BIG WIDE GRIN]
But this paradigm was challenged in 2005 by the eminent academic E.O. Wilson, the founder of sociobiology, who pointed out that relatedness is rather low in some of today's social insects. He suggested that highly social behaviour evolves solely because individuals do better when they cooperate than when they live a solitary.
[Wilson, who abandoned his professed faith in Jesus Christ upon learning about evolution, is
Dr Hughes and colleagues at the Universities of Sydney and Sussex tested the two alternative theories by examining the level of relatedness between females in colonies of bees, wasps and ants, determined by DNA fingerprinting techniques, and using statistical methods to look at levels of monogamy in the ancestral social insects when they evolved up to 100 million years ago.
Dr. (X) said: "We have produced the first conclusive evidence that kin selection explains the evolution of social insects and that Wilson's hypothesis is most probably wrong.
[Is he afraid to say Wilson is wrong? I am not afraid to say they both are wrong. BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!!!]
In a bizarre war of the sexes, little fire ants have evolved a novel way to fight for their gender's genes, according to new research.
"It's a selfish strategy, initiated by females," explains Fournier. "Under this strategy, queens transmit 100% of their genome to future queens. Males must adapt or disappear, so they choose to thwart queens by eliminating the female genome in fertilized eggs."
"This illustrates the extraordinary imagination of nature - or of males - to counteract the female strategy," he adds. (Denis Fournier of the Université Libre in Brussels, Belgium)
[”Ants have evolved a novel way” using a “strategy” and “choose” and this “illustrates the extraordinary imagination of nature… BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!! That cannot be done without intelligent decsisions! BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!! ]
[REGAINING MY COMPOSURE. Every time I thought I have heard the ultimate ridiculous evolutionist statement I find that they can get even more ridiculous. The following clips (I had to put some bold font here) demonstrate why evolutionism is dangerous to science and should be mocked to extinction.]
A newly discovered parasite so dramatically transforms its host, an ant, that the ant comes to resemble a juicy red berry, ripe for picking…
"It's just crazy that something as dumb as a nematode can manipulate its host's exterior morphology and behavior in ways sufficient to convince a clever bird to facilitate transmission of the nematode," Dudley said.
Because the red abdomen clearly mimicked in both size and color the many red berries that attract birds, the biologists quickly suspected that the nematode had found a unique way to guarantee its transmission from ant host to bird host. The researchers spent the next couple of years trying to prove their hypothesis.
Yanoviak and Poinar reconstructed the life cycle of the nematode, though Yanoviak admits that they never saw a bird eat an ant's red gaster.
"This is a really great example of the kinds of complex host-parasite interactions that can co-evolve, and also of the role of serendipity in tropical biology," Dudley said.
[Evolutionists are so blinded that when
the evidence plainly shows
there is no evolution they still try "see" it:]
The world's oldest known example of a fig wasp has been found on the Isle of Wight. The fossil wasp is almost identical to the modern species, proving that this tiny but specialized insect has remained virtually unchanged for over 34 million years. (
Now that you’ve had a good laugh (to say the least) you will enjoy the article “Evolutionists Tacitly Admit Creation”.
(I)nsects have a lot to teach us…there’s their tremendous variety: it’s given evolution an enormous scope upon which to act. Why did evolution take different paths to get to similar places (parental care, for example)? What maintains diversity, if natural selection rewards only the most successful strategies and behavior?
These butterflies have evolved to use biological and physical mechanisms that anticipate contemporary approaches to the engineering and manufacture of photonic materials.
(Referring to the scales on a diamond weevil’s wings.) “We’ve got some catching up to do,” Wilts said. “The nature-produced tiny structures are far beyond any human designs.”
Mimicry in the animal kingdom is a useful tool that many insects employ to make themselves appear more fierce in order to escape from becoming a meal. In Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection, one would surmise that it would be better for all copy-cats to closely resemble the species they are trying to impersonate.
Amber from Cretaceous deposits (110-105 my) in Northern Spain has revealed the first ever record of insect pollination... These insects exhibit highly specialized hairs with a ringed structure to increase their ability to collect pollen grains... For which evolutionary reason did these tiny insects, 100 million years ago, collect and transport Gingko pollen? Their ringed hairs cannot have grown due to an evolutionary selection benefitting the trees... The co-evolution of flowering plants and insects, thanks to pollination, is a great evolutionary success story. It began about 100 million years ago, when this piece of amber fossil was produced by resin dropping from a tree, which today is the oldest fossil record of pollinating insects. Thrips might indeed turn out to be one of the first pollinator groups in geological history, long before evolution turned some of them into flower pollinators"...
[A scientist describing the newly noticed color patterns on the wings of small wasps said the coloring is “beautiful and perfect, like an art painting." A colleague was “flabbergasted” and "It was like the world I knew suddenly was turned upside down” when he saw the colors. Yet the article foolishly suggests “that evolution may play a role in the artistry.”] “We find it hard to believe that insects walk and fly around with wings that can be turned on to large (to them) flashing billboards without evolution picking up on it."
A raindrop hitting a mosquito in flight is like a midair collision between a human and a bus. Except that the mosquito survives...Such studies help reveal how animals evolved to take advantage of flight, says biologist Tyson Hedrick of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mosquito tricks may also inspire engineers designing swarms of tiny flying robots, or interest physicists and mathematicians studying complex fluid dynamics at this scale.
"Ants have discovered an algorithm that we know well, and they've been doing it for millions of years," Prabhakar said.
Butterflies have evolved a unique mechanism to create a dazzling display of colour which puts physicists in the
shade. Modern light emitting devices have traditionally been inefficient because most of the light created can't escape, but now in a paper published in Science, University of Exeter scientists have discovered the butterfly has been doing what physics couldn't, for more than 30 million years.
I have grouped a bunch of EVOLUTIONISTS’ RELIGIOUS FANATICISM in this section, but there are plenty
of other examples all through this article. “Nature” is the word they use instead of “God.” I would say that “Nature” is their god, but the fact is that “they” are gods unto themselves. That is more sad than funny.
To their surprise, Khila and Abouheif discovered that "evolution has tinkered with the molecular signals that are used by the egg to determine what's going to be the head and what's going to be the tail, to stop the worker ants from producing viable offspring.”
But until recently, inventors lacked the aerodynamics expertise to turn diagrams into mechanical versions of something as quotidian as a fly or a bee. As technology has advanced, scientists have decoded many of nature’s secrets. And engineers have developed the first flying, insect-inspired vehicles, opening the door to an entirely new class of machine: the microdrone. “Nature has a several-hundred-million-year lead time on us when it comes to great design,” says Peter Singer, a fellow at the Washington, D.C.–based Brookings Institution.
Insects’ agility in flight is unmatched. It’s been an inspiration to many inventors as in inventing helicopters or other flying machines. Instead creating robots which resemble insects, a few groups of engineers decided to develop technology which controls insects. An unquestioned fact is that nature
[read “God” if you are in touch with reality] developed the insects far better than humans are trying to mimic while building robots which resemble animals (if nothing else it had far more time).
Walking on water may not require a divine miracle if Mother Nature has already done most of the engineering work. A new aquatic microrobot has done just that in a new video by imitating the long-legged water striders that scoot across the surface of ponds and lakes.
“Nature has solved the problem of how to design miniature flying machines”, said lead researcher Dr Richard Bomphrey, from the University of Oxford Department of Zoology. “By learning those lessons, our findings will make it possible to aerodynamically engineer a new breed of surveillance vehicles that, because they’re as small as insects and also fly like them, completely blend into their surroundings.”... “Evolution hasn’t settled on a single type of insect wing design”, said Bomphrey. If not “Nature,” then “evolution” is their god.)
Long before engineers sought to create microscopic devices that manipulate light for electronics, known as photonics, Nature had developed animals that reflect light with smaller and more complex structures than any manufactured by man... Butterflies are not the only species to use light reflection in their survival and evolutionary plan. There are beetles, dragonflies, and moths that may have developed even more intricate ways to manipulate light that scientists are just starting to investigate. "Nature always seems to have an extra level of complexity, certainly in optical terms, somewhere up her sleeve," Vukusic said.
Traditional robots are slow, heavy, fragile. What nature builds is light, fast, robust. Inspired by the elegant aerodynamics of flying insects, UC Berkeley engineers, working with the Center for Information Technology
Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), have created a tiny wing that flaps and generates lift.
Fearing and his pals cleared their first big hurdle in April when Dickinson figured out how flies fly. It was a question that had perplexed researchers for decades..."Flies have 100 million years of evolution to tell them how to fly," Fearing said...The robomenagerie is the vanguard of biomimetics, a strange field where scientists reverse-engineer nature's greatest tricks. "There are all kinds of things nature can do that we don't know how to do yet," Fearing said. The idea is to copy Mother Nature's nifty tricks...
"Just by arrangement and morphology, nature teaches us that good design means we can combine the properties of hard and soft materials, making elemental forces like friction go a very long way with just a small amount of pressure… Stick insects have developed an ingenious way of overcoming the conflict between attachment and locomotion, with a dual pad system that alternates between stick and grip depending on the situation." [Stick insects stick it to evolutionism!]
(I)t is amazing that nature has given the UAE fruit fly the ability to create this wing art. This type of defense mechanism is not unknown but, so far, it is the one of the most artistic and convincing displays of evolutionary art seen in an insect.
A group of researchers from the University of Oxford is developing small aerial vehicles with flapping wings inspired by those found on insects... “Nature [AGAIN--read “God” if you are in touch with reality] has solved the problem of how to design miniature flying machines.” (
(Ant) queens and their offspring have been living in large, highly organized, cooperative societies—practicing
activities from strategic army warfare to agriculture and livestock herding—for at least 50 million years... (We) can look almost anywhere and see an ant crawling around and be reminded that nature has invented many ways for animals to be powerful and multitudes of ways for them to be smart. NATURE IS NOT ALIVE! A NON-LIVING ENTITY CANNOT INVENT!! Be sure to see the ant section in “Thank God for Insects”.
There are many instances where evolutionists substitute “evolution” where “God” would be accurate. Here is an example: “In numerous species of insects, they (scientists) document the DNA errors that led to changes that are not only beneficial but also brilliant. Various species of beetles, aphids, butterflies, and moths have independently acquired genetic errors that allow them to eat highly toxic plants and then use the toxins…M)any of the insects developed resistance in a tricky way - by creating a duplicate copy of this gene…Then the insects pulled off another evolutionary trick, he said. They underwent changes in nearby parts of the DNA that tweaked the way the two different copies of the gene were activated in various parts of the body…Evolution…combined three different approaches to solving one problem. And these changes happened on a parallel track in completely different species.” ( This is an excellent example of personifying evolution into a god that can do brilliant things given enough time!
The religion of evolutionism needs many miracles and an abundance of belief such as you see in this quote: “ This miniature marvel is an adolescent issus , a kind of planthopper insect and one of the fastest accelerators in the animal kingdom … The researchers believe that the issus—which lives chiefly on European climbing ivy—evolved its acrobatic prowess because it needs to flee dangerous situations .” ( ) [Can I get an “amen” from this true believer in evolutionism?! If the itty-bitty issus did not originally have that amazing ability there would not be any of those “ miniature marvel ” to mystify easily duped Darwinists.]
This miniature marvel is an adolescent issus, a kind of planthopper insect and one of the fastest accelerators in the animal kingdom …The researchers believe that the issus—which lives chiefly on European climbing ivy—evolved its acrobatic prowess because it needs to flee dangerous situations . [Can I get an “amen” from this true believer in evolutionism?! If the itty-bitty issus did not originally have that amazing ability there would not be any of those “ miniature marvel ” to mystify easily duped Darwinists.]
It is believed that by the Tertiary, there existed many of what are still modern genera; hence, most insects in amber are, indeed, members of extant genera. Notably, insects diversified in only about 100 million years into forms that are in many cases almost identical to those that exist today. ( Karl’s comments: Without tremendous belief (and faith in each other) there would not be such a thing as evolution except in science fiction (fantasy). Also, unless they went extinct, ALL fossils are the same as existing insects. Any differences are simply within a range of variation designed into insect DNA. Beetles WILL ALWAYS be beetles and the ALWAYS were!
"Over millions of years, butterflies have evolved sophisticated cellular mechanisms to grow brightly colored structures, normally for the purpose of camouflage as well as mating...Defects may have a negative connotation, but they are actually very useful in improving materials. For example, blacksmiths have learned over centuries how to purposefully induce defects into metals to make them stronger. 'Defect engineering' is also a focus for many research teams and companies working in the semiconductor field. In the evolution of butterfly wings it appears nature learned how to engineer these defects on purpose."
( Karl’s comment: Only devout True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) would call these statements "secular science".
Items too good to resist were added after February 5, 2010 in this section. Sometimes key parts are in bold font, and my commentary (if any) in [ ]. For the ones without comments, think about what you would say once you stop laughing. The newest entries are just above the cartoon.
Engineers at Harvard University...” suspect that similar passive mechanisms exist in nature, in actual insects...We take our inspiration from biology, and from the elegant simplicity that has evolved in so many natural systems.” ( [That is a plain and pure RELIGIOUS statement. I have grouped a bunch of evolutionists’ religious fanaticism in a section below. ]
The role of insects in fertilising plants was one of the great steps in the evolution of life on Earth. Today, most flowering plants, including many food crops, could not reproduce without the insect
transport of pollen... The thrips, like their modern counterparts, would almost certainly have fed on pollen...( ). [My sides ache as I laugh at this malarkey! Only in the fantasy brain of an evolutionist could such a farce be dreamed up. I wonder if “Evolution” said “Hocus, pocus, dominocus” when it/he/she turned the thrip into a pollinator.]
[On a serious note, John MacKay, of Creation Research, says in response to the question Why would insects evolve specialised pollen transporting hair when it is the trees that benefit?" MacKay: “(T)he suggestion about feeding their larvae does not answer it. That could only benefit the thrips, once they had hairs and knew where to find pollen, and figured out their offspring would benefit from it. None of which explains where the genetic information for the hairs came from in the first place.” (Evidence News 5/23/12)]
[In trying to design robots based upon insects a sincere scientist referred to insects’ “design principles” then makes this mind-blowing statement:] “I am fascinated by the creative process and how it is possible to use the sophistication found in nature to create something completely new.” [There is no dsign or “creative process” without a Designer or Creator!]
The question is, 'how do they (cicadas) manage to outperform us?' Can we somehow and someday engineer these features into 'designer muscles' that work faster and stronger and last longer?”
One of the most common house ant species might have been built for living in some of the smallest spaces in a forest, but the ants have found ways to take advantage of the comforts of city living.
( [Nothing is “built” without a Builder and ants cannot “find ways to take advantage” of anything except by using the design features that the Builder gave them.]
"Ants are one of evolution's great success stories." Ward, Phillip S. "Ants." Current Biology Volume 16, Issue 5, 7 March 2006, Page R152 (
"If anyone can find any value whatsoever in Ward's evolutionary speculations, please write in and explain. If you subtract the assumption that evolution is a fact, and remove the fictional diagram of millions of years, and erase the supposition that everything evolved from something else by common ancestry, the actual empirical facts speak loud and clear: ants are complex and amazing animals that appeared suddenly on earth and fulfill a variety of important roles in the ecology. Why does anyone need to be told that they evolved from stinging wasps, evolved their distinctive features several times and figured out their complex foraging and navigating skills (the envy of robotics experts) on their own? How is this speculation helping science? It serves nothing but to prop up the dead corpse of Charlie at the head of a traditional evolutionary parade. Worse, it distracts attention from the wonders of nature that should inspire us to observe, study, and think. Send your local Darwinist a gift and support an industrious entrepreneur: send Uncle Milton's Ant Farm with a sticky-note saying, "Prov. 6:6-8."
(T)he insects we study have complex brains that we are only beginning to understand. [DUH!!!]
Insects' tiny brains can control complex aerobatics such as catching another bug while flying, proof that they are "an excellent bundle of software" finely honed by hundreds of millions of years of evolution, he said.
"Resilin has evolved over hundreds of millions of years in insects into the most efficient elastic protein known.” [What nonsense! Take a look at “Thank God for Insects” and search for “resilin”.]
However, the material composition of the ladybird's adhesive hair is so complex that there is currently no material available, which would make such a reproduction possible. "Nature is a ladybird's step ahead of us," jokes Jan Michels. He sets his hopes on materials scientists: "It's their turn now." ( [Complexity and the personification of “nature” are ROFL worthy!]
The work demonstrates that even though it has been millions of years since there was a common ancestor that links fruit flies to mice -- and, more generally, insects to mammals -- these similar genes are still in charge of at least some of the same functions.
( [Similar is the same as “same as for all practical purposes”, but the BWAH HA HA is the admission that humans are descended from an insect.]
Thus, the insects took the disturbance in stride, quickly paddling their wings so that they could recover their original posture with pinpoint accuracy… Once insects figured out how to maneuver through the air, these pollinators enabled the Earth to blossom with life."
( [The implications of the of the sheer idiocy of this statement is a disgrace to REAL science!!!]
How Insects 'Remodel' Their Bodies Between Life Stages
These transformations are so startling that a child's awe seems a more appropriate response than an adult's calm acceptance. How is it, after all, that an insect can remake itself so completely that it appears to be a different creature altogether, not just once, but several times in its lifetime? ( [The researchers found a gene that regulates hundreds of target genes during the larva, prepupa, and pupa stages of an insect’s life cycle. Discovering this VERY COMPLICATED design feature IN NO WAY means that insects (or the “entity” of evolution) set up and control this process!! This is a program more complicated than a computer program. Scientists cannot even come close to making a gene! See Addendum 1.]
Most insects simply cannot function at temperatures below 40 degrees F. Because they rely entirely on the world around them for the warmth they need to function, they've developed this wide range of techniques for surviving cold weather and assuring the survival of their species.
( [Try to picture a group of shivering insects sitting at a table scribbling chemical formulas to develop antifreeze and arguing over other strategies for making it through the winter!]
Termites are vulnerable to just a few types of microbes, and evolution has armed the insects with a specific weapon against disease: a protein in their bodies that acts like an antimicrobial agent.
[See below for more amazing termite feats due to Super Evolution!]
Fortunately for science, the insects, still in the grip of what passes for passion among froghoppers, sank to the bottom of a lake where they were preserved for the ages under layers of ash and sediment. …As to why the froghoppers’ behavior has remained essentially the same for 165 million years, the authors did not comment in the paper. But Dr. Shih said he thought the explanation was probably simple. “This works,” he said. “They don’t need to change.”
Insects are incredible nanotechnologists. The surfaces of many insect wings have evolved properties materials scientists only dream of for their creations.
Due to evolution, termites began to produce a bodily fluid containing the microorganisms known as protozoa millions of years ago. Termites excrete this liquid when they defecate. After being born, the termite larvae consume the adult termites’ feces and they, in turn, ingest the protozoa which then live inside their digestive systems. When termites molt, shedding their exoskeleton in order to grow, they lose the protozoa within their digestive system. To get more protozoa, which they need to survive, the termites ingest the feces of another termite, thereby reintroducing protozoa to their bodies to aid in digestion. [Super Evolution strikes again!]
Beetles beat us to the screw and nut--The weevils are another example of evolution coming up with the same solutions to problems as human engineers.
"Insects have developed ingenious ways of cleaning very small, sensitive structures, so finding out exactly how they work could have fascinating applications for nanotechnology…”
“Anyone who has watched dragonflies mating in the bright air has seen a wonder of evolution… and there's much speculation about how it evolved… Over the ages they evolved ways of keeping their sperm packages safely tucked under their abdomens and, eventually, a complex genital "sperm bank" for storing it there. So, too, they evolved strategies for effectively guarding their mates and fending off rivals… Males want their sperm alone to prevail, so they have evolved strategies for purging other sperm and for discouraging mates from copulating with rivals.” [What a stupidity, just to avoid the need for salvation!]
A new study identifies a Jurassic age insect whose behavior and appearance closely mimic a butterfly -- but whose emergence on Earth predates the butterfly by about 40 million years (and) survived in a similar manner as their modern sister insects by visiting plants with "flower-like" reproductive organs producing nectar and pollen…The butterfly-like insects, which went on to evolve into a different form of insect from the modern butterfly, is an extinct "lacewing."…"Upon examining these new fossils, however, we've unraveled a surprisingly wide array of physical and ecological similarities between the fossil species and modern butterflies, which shared a common ancestor 320 million years ago.” The species are an example of convergent evolution, Dilcher explains, where two distantly related animals develop similar characteristics independently… (An) evolutionary innovation found in the ancient lacewing fossils' wings remained remarkably unchanged over the course of millennia: so-called "eye spots." This unique pattern on the wings, arising over 200 million years ago, is nearly identical to markings on the modern owl butterfly.
[This article is a prime example of nonsense non-science evolutionism. It was a lacewing and there is no proof lacewings and butterflies have a common ancestor. The True Believer in Evolutionism scientist also said, “ Evolution is a great innovator. But at the same time: if it worked once, why not try it again." Even if the eyespot functions as believed, it is only evidence of a common designer. Brainless evolution cannot innovate. A non-living imaginary phantom cannot innovate.]
IEQs (Idiotic Evolutionist Quotes)
"We think that light production initially evolved in the beetle's soft and vulnerable larvae as a defensive mechanism to ward off predators. The fossil shows that by the Cretaceous, light production was taken up by the adults as well. It could have than been co-opted to serve other functions such as locating mates"…Light producing beetles often have unusual adaptations. [“Adaptations” is what True Believers in Evolutionism use instead of “design features”.]
In the human brain, hundreds of billions of nerve cells are interconnected in the most complicated way, and only when these interconnections are correctly made, can the brain function properly. This is no different for insects, even though their brains consist of 'only' one hundred thousand to one million nerve cells. Nevertheless, fascinating and unexpectedly complicated behaviour can be observed in insects…Now, biologists from the University of Göttingen have found out that beetle larvae start using their brains, although still 'under construction’…"The development of insect brains is probably much more variable than we could have imagined. This could explain how they were able to adapt their brains in so many different ways to the demands of the environment."
Horns have evolved independently multiple times in scarab beetles, but distantly related species have made use of the same genetic toolkit to grow these prominent structures.
We must appreciate, though, the staggering diversity of the assassin bugs, which millions of years ago took a basic body plan and evolved it into a wide array of specialized physiologies.
What is an example insect reproductive strategy that you would describe as especially ‘creative’? I use the word “creative” because that’s precisely what some of the strategies evoke to me. However, I must stress that it is evolution being “creative” here...I think one embodiment of evolutionary creativity in the arms race over mating would be a recently discovered behaviour of unwanted suitors in water striders.
After studying how insects (bees) navigate through dense vegetation, researchers have come up with a system that can be applied to flying robots. “Really, the coolest thing is the fact that insects have developed simple strategies to cope with difficult problems for which engineers have still to come up with a solution.”
Butterflies and moths are masters of disguise, able to copy animal faces, rolled-up leaves and even snakes…Each species has developed a strategy to make the most of their biggest asset and defining feature: their scaly wings… They can see more of the visible light spectrum than humans can - a little further into the red end of the scale. Like many insects, Lepidoptera are also able to see ultraviolet light…The colours that we see on most butterflies have usually taken millions of years of evolution. But some species are able to change colour within a generation or two, as the environment around them changes.
(His) work, published online Sept. 29 by American Naturalist, has led to the development of a simple algorithm that explains how ants create, repair and prune a network within a complex maze of vegetation…As often happens in science, algorithms can offer nature-inspired solutions to engineered problems, leading to robust and elegant fixes. The algorithms that produce and repair natural networks, like the network of neurons and their synapses in the brain, help us to design and navigate many kinds of engineered networks, such as Facebook or subway systems. This algorithm, created by turtle ants in the tropical canopy, is another example of an excellent evolved [should say “designed”] solution...
(This research) is a wonderful example of an evolutionary invention whereby common plant chemicals have been recruited to be crucial elements of gene regulation … By using environmental ingredients honey bees found a clever solution to a challenging problem: How to generate two contrasting organisms, long-lived reproductive queens and short-lived functionally sterile workers, using the same genetic hardware.
(T)he researchers also envision the possibility of mimicking the mosquito's two-pump system in a microfluidic device that could be used to deliver targeted drug therapy within the human body. "For these types of tiny devices, you might never have stumbled upon that functional design unless it's something you can see in nature," said Socha. " Evolution is the ultimate tinkerer." [BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!]
Have a roll on the floor laughing as you read some items from a 2014 Popular Science article "Rise of the Insect Drones" (
"Nature spent millions of years perfecting flapping-wing flight."
“Scientists have decoded many of nature’s secrets. And engineers have developed the first flying, insect-inspired vehicles." “Nature has a several-hundred-million-year lead time on us when it comes to great design."
Ozaena ground beetles likely have anatomical adaptations … Flanged Bombardier Beetles in the genus Ozaena have adopted a new, obligate nest parasite strategy for living with and exploiting ants as their sole source of food. Unique morphological modifications of the head and abdomen indicate that Ozaena larvae do not live in burrows … We hypothesize that the main motivation to leave the burrow is the opportunity that affords the larva to feed on non-mobile food, specifically ant brood, the most treasured, soft, protein rich, and fat rich resource in the nests.
(Bold font added.)
The term “adaptions” (adapt, adapted) are True Believer in Evolutionism (TBEs) ways to say “design features” without admitting the obvious. In this case, TBEs are dunked by the dictionary.
Google Dictionary:
adapt: make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
adopt: choose to take up, follow, or use.
strategy: a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
modification: the action of modifying something.
modify: make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme.
Science Magazine took a case of coat color in mice and made a mountain out of a molehill. Harvard University, on, trumpeted this as “Evolution, Illustrated,” calling it “one of the clearest pictures yet of evolution in vertebrates.” What evolved, actually? Very little. Under controlled conditions, some fur in one species of mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) changed shade from light to dark or vice versa, to fit in with the background:
What do you get when you put together several tons of steel plates, hundreds of mice, a few evolutionary and molecular biologists and a tiny Nebraska town near the South Dakota border?
Would you believe one of the most complete pictures ever of vertebrate evolution?
This demonstration of evolution took years in the field, we are told, which is to say years of intelligent design. All kinds of things went wrong during the experiment. As Ed Yong at The Atlantic remarked, “Nature itself seemed eager to select against the team.” But in the end, they got the results they wanted: the mice that fit their background survived better against predators, and showed a change to one gene, named Agouti. Yong turns this episode into a colorful story of success against great odds: determined evolutionists brave the cold and wind to (at long last) vindicate Darwin.
That’s another reason evolutionary explanations work: Darwinians are great storytellers.
“I can imagine (female dragonfly) death feigning evolving to escape mating because males can be very aggressive," says Shannon McCauley , a freshwater ecologist.
"Fossilised flies that lived 54 million years ago have revealed a surprising twist to the tale of how insects' eyes evolved. These craneflies, unveiled in Nature today, show that insect eyes trap light the same way as human eyes, using the pigment melanin—yet another example of evolution finding similar solutions to similar problems. "
Below is the photo of the "55 million year-old" cranefly above one like is seen today obtained from the NET.

Insect evolution during the Eocene epoch 10-25-19
The results confirmed that these gnats went through four larval stages, just like the present-day representatives of the same group. In addition, their overall morphology is very similar to that of extant window gnats… [BWAHAHA! A gnat then and a gnat now. No evolution!]
"Within the scientific community, a new interpretation of Europe's amber forests is currently emerging… [BWAHAHA! They look at the evidence through True Believers in Evolutionism lenses and see what they want to see.]
While this larva belongs among the march flies (Diptera, Bibionidae), it exhibits a very unusual combination of morphological characters which finds no parallel among modern representatives of this group." In Baranov's opinion, the specimen may document an experimental phase of their evolution, during which different lineages independently "discovered" similar sets of morphological traits . [BWAHAHA! and BWAHAHA! Those gnats had to experiment and discover things so they could evolve into a modified gnat!]
Also see “Evolution Is a Magic Word” at
Nicholas Strausfeld, Regents Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Arizona and a co-author on the study said: 'The jigsaw puzzle of how the brain evolved still lacks an image on the box, but the pieces currently being added suggest a very early origin of essential circuits that, over an immense span of time have been maintained, albeit with modification, across the great diversity of brains we see today.' The study focussed on those areas of the brain known as the deutocerebral-tritocerebral boundary (DTB) in flies and the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) in vertebrates including humans.
I struckthrough the True Believer in Evolutionism’s choice of words and put in italics what they should have used to fit their religious view.--Karl
"'We have created evolved a low-power, low-weight, wireless camera system that can capture a first-person view of what's happening from an actual live insect or create evolve vision for small robots'…The researchers also used their camera system to design evolve the world's smallest terrestrial, power-autonomous robot with wireless vision."
For more laughter read “If it wasn’t so Funny I’d Cry” and Evolution for Intellectuals.
While insects have repeatedly modified or reduced one pair of wings, or mechanically coupled their fore and hind wings, dragonflies and damselflies have maintained their distinctive, independently controllable, four-winged form for over 300 Myr.
[WOW! Those insects are sure ingenuous modifiers and maintainers!]
New research tells the evolutionary tale [How true!] of how these butterflies gained their toxin-laced defenses as well as the bold colors…Because they are filled with poison, Eumaeus are big, gaudily iridescent and flap about like they have no place to go. Even their caterpillars are conspicuous, congregating in groups to munch cycad plants all while sporting flashy red and gold coloration…Theorema also had some regions of fast evolving DNA that coded the construction of various proteins… Robbins said these proteins <are exactly what an organism would need> [That is because a brilliant designer did it. DNA does not write code.] if it had to find a way to safely ingest cycasin-type toxin. "If the cycad toxins were killing cells at high rates, the organism would need to break those cells down, clean them out and then very rapidly make new ones to avoid any ill effects”…Numerous butterfly species < have evolved to make themselves less attractive> [That is a “Just So” story. Those butterflies did not make themselves into anything. Their DESIGNED code gave them the ability to change within strict boundaries!] to predators by eating toxic substances…
Referring to tasted receptors in fruit flies, a True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE) wrote:
“Evolution is not an inventor or an engineer; it's a tinkerer, working with the pieces it has on hand.”
[A friend commented: “Yeah, right! So, how did it get started? (Where did the pieces come from?)”]
An evolutionist trying to kill the fly of science truth.
(Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour. Ecclesiastes 10:1 )
The more evolutionists try the worse the “ointment” of evolutionism smells.
*A clearly concise explanation for the comical convictions conveyed above:
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. (Psalms 14:1a and 53:1a)
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. (Romans 1:22-23 )
The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. Psalms 37:13
1. Read and LOL some snips from the BEST explanation true believers in evolutionism (at “Scientific” America) have for insect metamorphosis. This makes Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories for Little Children stories look amateurish!
(The) evolution of insect metamorphosis remains a genuine biological mystery even today.
Complete metamorphosis likely evolved out of incomplete metamorphosis. Emphasis added and where the Kipling-Just-So-Story writer made unfounded statements as fact “BS” (for bunk sspeculation) is inserted..
Perhaps 280 million years ago, through a chance mutation, some pro-nymphs failed to absorb all the yolk in their eggs, leaving a precious resource unused. In response to this unfavorable situation, some pro-nymphs gained a new talent (BS): the ability to actively feed, to slurp up the extra yolk, while still inside the egg. If such pro-nymphs emerged from their eggs before they reached the nymphal stage, they would have been able to continue feeding themselves in the outside world. Over the generations, these infant insects may have remained in a protracted pro-nymphal stage for longer and longer periods of time, growing wormier all the while and specializing in diets that differed from those of their adult selves—consuming fruits and leaves, rather than nectar or other smaller insects. Eventually these prepubescent pro-nymphs became (BS): full-fledged larvae that resembled modern caterpillars. In this way, the larval stage of complete metamorphosis corresponds to the pro-nymphal stage of incomplete metamorphosis. The pupal stage arose later (BS): as a kind of condensed nymphal phase that catapulted the wriggly larvae into their sexually active winged adult forms.
In insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis, levels of juvenile hormone dip before the pro-nymph molts into the nymph; in complete metamorphosis, however, juvenile hormone continues to flood the larva's body until just before it pupates. The evolution of incomplete metamorphosis into complete metamorphosis likely involved a genetic tweak that bathed the embryo in juvenile hormone sooner than usual and kept levels of the hormone high for an unusually long time.
2. Hear Dr. Duane Gish discuss Monarch metamorphosis during his debate with a devotee of Darwinism: See 42:00 to 47:00.
3. It’s sad, but so stupid, how true believers in evolutionism personify and
nature or evolution.
Some of the most efficient ARCs are made by [the god of] mother nature and are found in the eyes of insects
Planthopper gears certainly are tiny. Each tooth is only about 20 micrometers wide — a fraction of the width of a hair. And the teeth of the insect gears are more curved and hooked than typical man-made gears. "What we have is a prototype for incredibly small, high-speed, high-precision gears," Sutton says. "And that prototype is given to us by nature."
A musculoskeletal system so far unknown in the animal world was recently discovered in weevils. The hip of Trigonopterus oblongus does not consist of the usual hinges, but of joints based on a screw-and-nut system… Screws and nuts are known from engineering and used for the fixed connection of components. "Now, we found that nature was first in inventing screws and nuts, because weevils have been using this construction for about 100 million years already."
Previously believed to be only human-made, a natural example of a functioning gear mechanism has been discovered in a common insect -- showing that evolution developed interlocking cogs long before we did. The juvenile Issus - a plant-hopping insect found in gardens across Europe -- has hind-leg joints with curved cog-like strips of opposing 'teeth' that intermesh, rotating like mechanical gears to synchronise the animal's legs when it launches into a jump. The finding demonstrates that gear mechanisms previously thought to be solely human-made have an evolutionary precedent…"These gears are not designed; they are evolved [BWAH HA HAHA]-- representing high speed and precision machinery evolved for synchronisation in the animal world." ( Gears are not the only mechanical solutions that were long thought to be unique to human engineering and then found to have been mastered by evolution: The screw-and-nut system is another example. In 2011, Alexander Riedel of the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe, Germany, and his colleagues reported a screw-thread joint in the legs of a weevil beetle.
"Nature has found a mechanically 'optimal' solution for the locust wings, with a high toughness and a low weight."
Therefore it is no big surprise that [brainless] evolution has driven natural navigation systems to a degree of perfection that human engineers can only dream of. I think that every animal we look at is a more competent, more robust, more flexible, more miniaturized and a more energy-, material-, sensor- and computation-efficient agent than anything we have ever built, concludes Zeil. So would anyone need more justification for how fundamentally important, intellectually challenging and promising it is to conduct research into the navigational abilities of insects?
[Regarding the above quote: It qualified as a “Stupid Evolution Quote of the Week” award. “In short, he says, if you want to find perfection, look to unguided, mindless, purposeless processes of Darwinism.”]
In arthropods, evolution has created a remarkably sophisticated class of imaging systems, with a wide-angle field of view, low aberrations, high acuity to motion and an infinite depth of field. A challenge in building digital cameras with the hemispherical, compound apposition layouts of arthropod eyes is that essential design requirements cannot be met with existing planar sensor technologies or conventional optics… Their surfaces are densely populated by imaging elements (artificial ommatidia), which are comparable in number (180) to those of the eyes of fire ants (Solenopsis fugax) and bark beetles… These general strategies seem to be applicable to other compound eye devices, such as those inspired by moths and lacewings.
"It was very exciting to see how nature can create a nanostructure that's not easy to replicate by humans," says Kok Wai Cheah, a physicist at Hong Kong Baptist University. He and his colleagues are the first to investigate the color-creating mechanisms in multiple butterfly species within a single genus.
This discovery is the first example of a change in the body plan of insects by the addition of an evolutionary innovation.
"It's interesting because it tells us how flexible evolution is.”
4. Stuck without the ability to credit intelligence higher than human, evolutionists have to anthropomorphize insects.
There’s a lower limit to how tiny neurons can be, and many of them have to be clustered in a chunky brain. This is one of the main things that prevent insects from becoming even smaller. Many insects have solved this problem by partitioning the brain into chest or abdomen, but wasps can’t do that. They only have a very thin connection between their heads and the rest of their bodies. No brain-shifting for them; they have to rely on more extreme adaptations, like paring down their number of neurons, and getting rid of their nuclei.
"Animals have evolved to solve unique problems in many different ways, and I'm interested in how they do that," he says. "Fireflies have these tiny heads and these tiny brains, but they can do some complex and amazing things."
… the findings are yet another example of the beauty and complexity of nature. "These little fruit flies, the same that hover around the brown bananas in your fruit bowl, are making complex decisions about how much alcohol to consume based on whether or not they have internal parasites."
A team of U.S. Naval researchers have been working on that very problem for several years now, because it turns out that the humble cicada has naturally solved a compelling unmet challenge in underwater communication: how to make an extremely loud noise with a very small body using very little power.
Once insects figured out how to maneuver through the air, these pollinators enabled the Earth to blossom with life."
"The butterflies have performed a beautiful natural experiment for us that lets us address important questions about evolution.”… Comparison of those closely related, interbreeding species to a slightly more distant third species showed that hundreds of genomic changes had arisen rather quickly in evolutionary time… ( (Karl’s comment: Even if they had knowingly done an actual experiment, after the changes they are STILL butterflies!)
5. Insecticide resistance typically takes many generations to evolve, usually because tweaks to the insects’ own genomes. But the bean bug’s strategy allows it to acquire such resistance with unprecedented speed by exploiting the genes of bacterial partners. “It makes perfect sense,” said Nancy Moran, an evolutionary biologist… Pesticide resistance from bacterial symbionts may also occur with other insects and other insecticides. ( Karl’s comment: Of course this makes “perfect sense” to a True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE). Drop the “evolutionary” from her title and she (if she would stick to science) would be accurately described. Tacking “evolutionary” to her title is silly and only serves to try to dignify the anti-science of evolution. Insecticide resistance has never been a threat to creationists and this example simply strengthens our hold on real science.
6. The “1KITE - 1K Insect Transcriptome Evolution” is The Biggest BWAH HAH HAH HAAAA!
7. “The second annual BAHFest (Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses) was held recently on the MIT campus, parodying absurd evolutionary explanations of any number of natural phenomena. A thousand attendees gathered in Kresge Auditorium, and you can get a sense of the atmosphere from the live stream archive video above. The Wall Street Journal was there:”
At a recent scientific conference here, Justin Werfel, a Harvard University researcher who has studied termites in Africa, described to the crowd his theory on why bugs are so disgusting.
It is all about evolution, Dr. Werfel said. Increased competition among humans for food drove bugs to become ever more disgusting to keep people from eating them, he said.
Of Werfel's hypothesis, a judge had this comment:
Hopi Hoekstra, an evolutionary geneticist at Harvard and one of the BAHFest judges, was impressed by Dr. Werfel's theory about why insects look the way they do. "If you had heard an idea like this at an evolution meeting, it could have passed as something that was a bit kooky, but maybe not wrong," Dr. Hoekstra said.
Insects featured in another mock-theory, this one on the origins of yawning:
The question of why we yawn is one of "the enduring mysteries of human physiology," says Emma Kowal of Harvard University. Her bogus theory attempted to provide the answer.
Flying insects are high in protein. They gather in dense swarms most frequently at dawn and dusk, not-so-coincidentally the times of day when we are most likely to yawn.
Therefore, she says, "these insects served as an alternative protein source for our hunter-gatherer ancestors, with yawning as the primary gathering mechanism." In other words: We evolved to yawn to catch bugs to eat.
Pity the poor science nerds, laboriously straining to amuse! Darwinism is hard to parody because the real thing so often seems intelligently designed to invite mockery.
8. Notice how oblivious True Believers in Evolutionism (TBEs) are to obvious DESIGN. Leave out their homage to the God of Evolution and the FACTS of the research remain the same. (Emphasis has been added.) Researchers have discovered two strategies that enable Saharan silver ants to stay cool in one of the world's hottest environments…"This is a telling example of how evolution has triggered the adaptation of physical attributes to accomplish a physiological task and ensure survival…Their discovery that that there is a biological solution to a thermoregulatory problem could lead to the development of novel flat optical components that exhibit optimal cooling properties. "Such biologically inspired cooling surfaces will have high reflectivity in the solar spectrum and high radiative efficiency in the thermal radiation spectrum…"Animals have evolved diverse strategies to perceive and utilize electromagnetic waves… Understanding and harnessing natural design concepts deepens our knowledge of complex biological systems and inspires ideas for creating novel technologies."
Read the bold red parts and you will understand why I think True Believers in Evolutionism are a breed of demons and dummies.
Materials scientists study biology at nanoscale in order to incorporate mechanical solutions to problems that have already been resolved by evolution… In a technological society that evolved on a very wet planet, repelling water from sensitive surfaces is a constant engineering challenge. Recently, a group of Chinese researchers explored a natural, nanoscale solution to the problem of water condensation, discovering the source of the superhydrophobicity of the legs of water striders…Water striders are bugs with the ability to run on water, bioengineered by nature to distribute their weight to long outer legs so that they are supported by water surface tension. They thrive in climates of high humidity, thus confronting an environment of both liquid water and vapor, and evolved superhydrophobic legs in order to remove the risk of saturation affecting their weight dynamics… The authors conclude, "We anticipate that the self-removal behavior of droplets on Gerris legs will inspire the design of novel robust superhydrophobic materials for many practical applications, such as self-cleaning surfaces, antidew materials, dropwise condensers, and microfluidic devices."
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Berra's Blunder
There is a COMMON THREAD connecting evolutionism and the One World Religion.
Using the term (but containing nothing about insects) true believers in evolutionism get buggier and even buggier as they attempt to deny the Creator.
Also see:
“Evolution is a Lie”
"Bugging TBEs (Evolutionism is Full of Bugs)"