Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo
Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo went to be with the Creator on March 23, 2021.
Joseph Mastropaolo is a good friend, brother in Christ, and a
great creationist. He has impeccable integrity, a spine of steel
and humongous humility (pun intended). In another age, Dr. Mastropaolo
would have truly been “Sir Joseph” Knight of the Order
of Truth and Honor.
He coined a motto which every creationist should take to heart:
"Apply every pressure, take every measure, challenge every
equivocation, set up every confrontation, shout it from the housetops,
hammer while the iron is hot."
Dr. Mastropaolo has a B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in kinesiology and a Post-Doctoral
Research Fellowship in human physiology. As Aerospace Physiologist
for Douglas Space Systems, he published two monographs on life
in space, one for humans and one for experimental animals. He
taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University,
Long Beach for 26 years and was the physiologist for the Gossamer
Condor* and Albatross human powered flight projects
which earned a medal in physiology from the Royal Aeronautical
Society for the Kremer cross channel challenge. He taught
comparative physiology for the Institute for Creation Research.
One of his publications which I highly recommend is Biology
for the 21st Century and the Life Science Prize Tested Devolution,
Evolution, and Genesis, 2005, 28 pp.
for the 21st Century
His book, Biology for the 21st Century, is based
on objective, valid, reliable, and calibrated observational and
experimental evidence that any researcher may confirm. The U.S.
Census Bureau historical estimates indicated an original human
couple several thousand years ago.
Observational and DNA evidence indicated that
they were fully human whereas the ape-man and chemical-to-human
alternatives were based on frauds and forgeries. Furthermore,
medically verified, ever increasing human mutations confirmed
universal devolution, eliminated ape-men and evolution, and inferred
a worldwide flood.
The age of the Earth by direct, historical records
was found reliable at 6,800 ± 850 years old whereas confidence
limits found the 19th century indirect methods unreliable. The
20th century radioisotope indirect methods were found significantly
biased, invalid, unreliable, uncalibrated, and if calibrated still
entirely unreliable, invalid, and useless for any estimate for
the age of the Earth. The only scientifically responsible conclusion
was that the Earth is 6,800 = ± 850 years old.
The laws of engineering confirmed the design
of each life form and the entire biosphere for interdependence
and survival endurance as confirmed by Biology for the 21st Century.
Each life form exhibits genetic reserves for dynamic survival
in fixed, manifested, and latent overlapping niches in a biosphere
of vast variation. The vast variation and the latent unmanifested
individual and population dynamic genetic reserves are proof positive
of mega-engineering that evolution could never provide.
Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo continued his original work with the publication of Originality throughout the Universe—Classical Science Laws for Life on Earth. Mastropaolo, ignored and sometimes maligned by leading creationists/Intelligent Design proponents is feared far and wide by evolutionists including some of the top names of that group of (as Mastropaolo calls them) anti-scientists.
Love him or loathe him, everyone can agree that Dr, Mastropaolo is an original thinker. From his Life Science Challenge to his rejection of evolutionism’s only hope, natural selection, Mastropaolo has used biology versus evolution to force an honest thinker to conclude that there is a “mega-engineer” behind all of creation. In doing this he has generated some of the greatest phrases ever written by a creation scientist. Now, Mastropaolo has done it again with his latest book.
Originality uses the mathematics of probability (explained in a way that the non-mathematician can easily understand) to demonstrate why everything in the universe, from stars to sand—EVERYTHING—is unique. All planets and all protozoa are originals. You name it—it is an ORIGINAL.
The Life Science Prize
The Life Science Prize is proof that evolution is an inverted-fantasy religion based
on vitalism superstitions 2,500 years old completely outside the
realm of science, the exact opposite of reality, and taught exclusively
by frauds, forgeries, brass and bluff in the public schools in
violation of the state Education Codes and the First Amendment
of the Constitution of the United States of America. Whereas,
Genesis read literally is scientifically tenable and devolution
(the exact opposite and excluder of evolution) is a universal
The Life Science Prize has created panic among the
extremist evolutionists.
At least three major atheist/evolutionist websites have attempted to rebut the Life Science Prize challenge.
like the world renowned aggressive, anti-Christian, atheist Dr.
Richard Dawkins, are stymied by the Life Science Prize.
When Dr. Dawkins was challenged he exchanged
some arrogant emails with Dr. Mastropaolo and me. Then he
published a piece about the Life Science Prize in an
atheist magazine to alibi why he dodged the challenge and was
placed on the DEBATE DODGER list. The supposedly open-minded publication
refused to publish our response.
A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (life) threatened to file a lawsuit against Dr. Mastropaolo. Dr. Mastropaolo advised this “brass and bluff” evolutionists to save his legal fees and use them to accept the Life Science Prize challenge. We heard nothing more from this true believer and he remains on the DEBATE DODGER list.
prominent evolutionist, a full-time scientific researcher
at the University of Kentucky, was so upset at being exposed
that he filed a complaint with the State Attorney General which
wasted the time of a State Trooper coming to my house. That evolutionist
is still on the DEBATE DODGER list.
Dr. Mastropaolo and I only challenge those who are Propaganda Essayists. We expose, via the DEBATE DODGER list, evolutionists who feel comfortable proclaiming the validly of evolutionism when they can hide behind a newspaper, magazine, or journal article.
The Life Science Prize challenge has proven that evolutionists are bluffing when they say their beliefs are scientific. Be sure to look at the amazing list of individual evolutionists and evolutionist organizations that refuse the Life Science Prize challenge. The list is located at Life Science Challenge.
Literal Genesis Trial
In response to professing Christians who compromise by embracing Old Earth Theology or advocating Theistic Evolutionism, Dr. Mastropaolo developed the Literal Genesis Trial just before Easter 2013. It created a stir worldwide with articles in the Guardian, USAToday, Huffington Post, World Net Daily, Yahoo News, Business Insider, Forbes, Christian Post, Washington Times, MSN, The Blaze, and many other media outlets as well as several atheist blogs. This contest was similar to the Life Science Prize with the following key differences:
>If the non-literal Genesis advocate proves that science contradicts the literal reading of Genesis, then the non-literal Genesis advocate is awarded the $20,000.
>If the literal Genesis advocate proves that science indicates the literal reading of Genesis, then the literal Genesis advocate is awarded the $20,000.
Dr. Mastropaolo was inundated by bluffers as was expected, but the publicity brought forth some possible prospects. As events unfold they will be reported.
See below for links to news reports of this challenge to evolutionism.
Is Creation Science?
While creationists, their good intentions notwithstanding, continue to engage in the endless discussions with evolutionists (even claiming evolutionist concepts such as micro-evolution and even natural selection are valid, Dr. Mastropaolo continues to blaze the trai for exposing evolutionism as antiscience. Dr. Mastropaolo has a description of a model that creationists should utilize to squelch any claims that creation is not science. He calls the concept “The Verifiable Omnipresent Omnisciently Original Creation Model.”
“Evolution Is Religion--Not Science.”
*Dr. Mastropaolo and the Gossamer Manpowered Aircraft
"If it had been high tide, I think he wouldn't
have made it, because he would have had to go an extra hundred
meters to reach the shore. It was
that close.
He had worked for the last several months before the flight with
a full-time exercise physiologist -- Professor Joe Mastropaolo,
who helped him
train to
build up his stamina. He was a good bicyclist, but he hadn't
been doing Olympic training. He worked at it very hard, and Mastropaolo,
I think, gave him
real spirit, the attitude that you just don't quit. It doesn't
how impossible, how painful. If you are conscious, you are still pedaling.
Somehow this sunk
into Brian. What he did is beyond reasonable human stamina. I've
never seen anything like it. So, another day of great relief.
This pressure was over.
We were pretty sure we would succeed some time, but to have it
work the first
time was remarkable."
(Paul MacCready)
One of his scientific papers is An objective ancestry test for fossil bones.
For video of some of the battles Dr. Mastropaolo helped me fight, including one video of him speaking to the Board of Education, “See for Yourself”.
For some wonderful examples of the statements made by Dr. Mastropaolo see “Joe’s Gems.”
See Dr. Mastropaolo defeat a True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE) professor in a classic (2001) debate.
News reports of the Literal Genesis Trial challenge to evolutionism:
https://www.datalounge.com/thread/12616541--creationist-stakes-10-000-on-contest-between-bible-and-evolution -
See the correspondence between Dr. Mastropaolo and a leading True Believer in Evolutionism (TBE) at the beginning of the evolutionism battles in Kanawha County, WV. For more details from the first website, see “Background Information for the Debate in Charleston, WV” .
Tribute to Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo
By Karl C. Priest 3-27-21
Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo passed peacefully to the Creator’s presence on Tuesday (3-23-2021) at age 94.
I am not objective, but I can comfortably say that he is among the top ten young earth creationists to have ever lived.
Dr. Mastropaolo, at his own expense, came to Charleston, WV to help us with the Evolution Resolution battle in 1999. I was wary at first, but was soon won over to the brilliance of Dr. Mastropaolo. He faced down local fanatical True Believers in Evolutionism and concluded his visit with a brief speech to the Kanawha County Board of Education.
The next year, Dr. Mastropaolo, after an all-night drive from Atlanta due to a missed flight, supported me at an all-day hearing for my grievance.
The next years had Dr. Mastropaolo challenging multiple True Believers in Evolutionism to a debate he called the Life Science Prize (also known as the Life Science Trial). It caused quite a stir across the nation with the embarrassment of many leading True Believers in Evolutionism including Dr. Richard Dawkins.
During the exchanges with the True Believers in Evolutionism I accumulated several quotes by Dr. Mastropaolo and called them “Joe’s Gems”.
Dr. Mastropaolo was a true scientist. He had a Ph.D. in kinesiology and did Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in human physiology. As Aerospace Physiologist for Douglas Space Systems, he published two monographs on life in space, one for humans and one for experimental animals. He taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University, Long Beach for 26 years and was the physiologist for the Gossamer Condor and Albatross human powered flight projects which earned a medal in physiology from the Royal Aeronautical Society for the Kremer cross channel challenge. He taught comparative physiology for the Institute for Creation Research.
The designer of the Gossamer Albatross, the first human-powered aircraft to fly across the English Channel said this about Dr. Mastropaolo’s training of the pilot: “Professor Joe Mastropaolo, who helped him train to build up his stamina. He was a good bicyclist, but he hadn't been doing Olympic training. He worked at it very hard, and Mastropaolo, I think, gave him the real spirit, the attitude that you just don't quit.”
That attitude, “don’t quit” exemplifies Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo.
The image below is perfect, especially the motto.
Dr. Mastropaolo never quit commending the Creator.