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Thanks to a love of baseball, and a Charleston police officer (Emory Griffith Sr.) who coached me (a hot-head from the hood) for four years, I avoided a lot of things that would have ruined my life as a teenager.

My senior year in college I walked on and made the West Virginia State College baseball team eventually winning a starting position.

Later, time spent involved in men's baseball and umpiring was used to fill the void left when I became a compromiser for several years during the middle part of my Christian life.

If you are interested in sand-lot baseball you might enjoy my article "Over the Hill is Out".

The photos are (clockwise from top left): An Independent team made up of college and high-caliber non-college players (Can you spot the "crazy" Christian?); self-explanatory clips; a Marshall University game; a high school tournament game; and a men's baseball league game at age 41.

(Click on each picture below for a larger image.)